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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
4061. Dasgupta P. Fitzpatrick J. M. Kirby R. New Technologies in Urology (1st Edition.)2010
4062. Dash J. G. Hodgkin V. A. Dynamics of Faceted Grain Boundary Grooves1998
4063. Dastani M. Dix J. Programming Multi-Agent Systems: First International Workshop, PROMAS 2003, Melbourne, Australia, July 15, 2003, Selected Revised and Invited Papers2004
4064. Date C.J. An Introduction to Data Base Systems. Volume 1 (4th edition)1985
4065. Datoussaid H. De Coninck J. de Gottal Ph. Critical-Point Limit Law for Temperley's Continuous Model1982
4066. Datta A. M.Gradinariu Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems: 8th International Symposium, SSS 2006, Dallas, TX, USA, November 17-19, 2006, Proceedings2006
4067. Datye V. Mathur R. Langer J. S. Mode Selection in a Caricature of Eutectic Solidification1981
4068. Dauben J. Georg Cantor: His Mathematics and Philosophy of the Infinite1990
4069. Dave Kendall Stephen Alexander Behavioral Neurobiology of the Endocannabinoid System (Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences) (1st Edition.)2009
4070. Dave Milner Pro ASP.NET SharePoint 2010 Solutions: Techniques for Building SharePoint Functionality into ASP.NET Applications (1 edition)2010
4071. Dave Shreiner OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Versions 3.0 and 3.1 (7 edition)2009
4072. Davi Araújo Natureza2011
4073. David A. Bader Manish Parashar V. Sridhar High Performance Computing HiPC 2005: 12th International Conference, Goa, India, December 18-21, 2005, Proceedings (1 edition)2005
4074. David A. Bainbrid Integral Passive Solar Water Heater Book1981
4075. David A. Forsyth Okan Arikan Leslie Ikemoto Computational Studies of Human Motion: Part 1, Tracking and Motion Synthesis (Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision)2006
4076. David A. Mazziotti Advances in Chemical Physics, Reduced-Density-Matrix Mechanics: With Application to Many-Electron Atoms and Molecules (Volume 134 (1 edition)2007
4077. David A. Meyer Heather Blumer Parrondo Games as Lattice Gas Automata2001
4078. David Aldous Persi Diaconis The Asymmetric One-Dimensional Constrained Ising Model: Rigorous Results2001
4079. David Bartram Patricia Lindley Psychological Testing: BPS Occupational Test Administration Open Learning Programme (1 edition)2006
4080. David Brooks A Estrada para o Caráter2019
4081. David Brooks A Estrada Para o Caráter2019
4082. David Brooks A Segunda Montanha2019
4083. David Brown I. The Chemical Bond in Inorganic Chemistry. The Bond Valence Model2006
4084. David Byrnes AutoCAD 2011 For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))2010
4085. David C. Bienert Das Abendmahl im johanneischen Kreis2020
4086. David C. Bienert Das Abendmahl im johanneischen Kreis2019
4087. David C. Brydges Convergence of Mayer Expansions1985
4088. David C. Gutsche Calixarenes: An Introduction (2nd edition)2008
4089. David C. Mitchell The Message of the Psalter: An Eschatological Programme in the Book of Psalms1999
4090. David C. Mowery Nathan Rosenberg Technology and the Pursuit of Economic Growth1991
4091. David Chai Reading Ji Kang’s Essays2022
4092. David Chandler Roles of Classical Dynamics and Quantum Dynamics on Activated Processes Occurring in Liquids1986
4093. David Charlesworth Decision Analysis for Managers: A Guide for Making Better Personal and Business Decisiones2017
4094. David Chinnery Kurt Keutzer Closing the Power Gap between ASIC & Custom: Tools and Techniques for Low Power Design (1 edition)2007
4095. David Cope Virtual Music: Computer Synthesis of Musical Style2001
4096. David E. Goldberg Schaum's Outline of Chemistry Foundations (Schaum's)1991
4097. David E. Nye Technology Matters: Questions to Live With2006
4099. David Epstein Por que os generalistas vencem num mundo de especialistas2019
4100. David F. Anderson David Dobbs Zero-dimensional commutative rings: proceedings of the 1994 John H. Barrett Memorial Lectures and Conference on Commutative Ring Theory (1 edition)1995
4101. David F. Mullins Sacred Marriages2019
4102. David F. Mullins Sacred Marriages A Discourse Analysis2018
4103. David G. Singular sets of minimizers for the Mumford-Shah functional2005
4104. David G. Singular sets of minimizers for the Mumford-Shah functional2005
4105. David G. Wavelets and Singular Integrals on Curves and Surfaces1991
4106. David G. Gilmore Spacecraft Thermal Control Handbook: Fundamental Technologies (2 edition)2002
4107. David G. Kleinbaum Mitchel Klein Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text (3rd ed. edition)2002
4108. David G. Luenberger Introduction to dynamic systems, Theory, Models and Applications1979
4109. David Garlan Daniel Le Metayer Coordination Languages and Models: Second International Conference, COORDINATION'97, Berlin, Germany, September 1-3, 1997, Proceedings (1 edition)1997
4110. David Geary Windows Graphics Programming: Win32 GDI and DirectDraw2000
4111. David George Furth Special Topics in Leaf Beetle Biology: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on the Chrysomelidae, 25-27 August 2000, Iguassu Falls, Brazil, ... of entomol (Pensoft Series Faunistica, 29)2003
4112. David Gilbarg Neil S. Trudinger Elliptic partial differential equations of second order (2 Sub edition)1984
4113. David Gottlieb Steven A. Orszag Numerical analysis of spectral methods (SIAM edition)1987
4114. David Gottlieb Steven A. Orszag Numerical Analysis of Spectral Methods - Theory and Applications1977
4115. David Gries Compiler Construction for Digital Computers1971
4116. David Gries Programming methodology (1 edition)1978
4117. David Gurarie Symmetries and Laplacians - Introduction to Harmonic Analysis, Group Representations and Applications1992
4118. David H. Eberly Game Physics2003
4119. David H. Gustafson Patricia Flatley Brennan Robert P. Hawkins Investing in E-Health: What it Takes to Sustain Consumer Health Informatics (1 edition)2007
4120. David H. Laidlaw Joachim Weickert Visualization and processing of tensor fields: Advances and perspectives (1 edition)2009
4121. David H. Rogstad Alexander Mileant Timothy T. Pham Antenna Arraying Techniques in the Deep Space Network2003
4122. David Hellholm Tor Vegge Christer Hellholm Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism Waschungen, Initiation und Taufe2011
4123. DAVID HILBERT The Elements of the Theory of Algebraic Numbers1910
4124. David Hochberg Carmen Molina-Paras Juan Perez-Mercader Effective Potential for the Reaction-Diffusion-Decay System1999
4125. David Horowitz O filho radical2019
4126. David Howarth The Improbable Rise of the East India Company2023
4127. David Hughes Fundamentals of Computer Science using Java (1 edition)2002
4128. David I. Beaver Presupposition and Assertion in Dynamic Semantics: A Critical Review of Linguistic Theories of Presupposition and a Dynamic Alternative2001
4129. David I. Bower An Introduction To Polymer Physics (1 edition)2002
4130. David J. Cheeke N. Fundamentals and applications of ultrasonic waves (1 edition)2002

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