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1751. Ablowitz M. Segur H. Solitons and Inverse Scattering Transform1981
1752. Ablowitz M. Clarkson P. Solitons, nonlinear evolution equations and inverse scattering1991
1753. Abman S. Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia, Volume 240 (Lung Biology in Health and Disease)2010
1754. Abmann U. Bartho A. Wende C. Reasoning Web. Semantic Technologies for Software Engineering: 6th International Summer School 2010, Dresden, Germany, August 30 - September 3, 2010. ... Applications, incl. Internet Web, and HCI)2010
1755. Abney S. Semisupervised Learning for Computational Linguistics (Chapman & Hall Crc Computer Science & Data Analysis)2008
1756. Abney S. Semisupervised Learning for Computational Linguistics (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer Science & Data Analysis)2008
1757. Aboitiz F. Montiel J. Origin and Evolution of the Vertebrate Telencephalon, with Special Reference to the Mammalian Neocortex (Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology)2007
1758. Abragam A. The principles of nuclear magnetism1961
1759. Abraham R.H. (Ed) Ueda Y. Chaos Avant-Garde: Memoirs of the Early Days of Chaos Theory2001
1760. Abraham W. Chinese Phrases For Dummies2005
1761. Abrahams G. Technique in Chess1973
1762. Abrahams G. Technique in Chess (2nd edition)1973
1763. Abrahamsson P. Oza N. Lean Enterprise Software and Systems: First International Conference, LESS 2010, Helsinki, finland, October 17-20, 2010, Proceedings2010
1764. Abramowicz W. Tolksdorf R. Wecel K. Business Information Systems Workshops: BIS 2010 International Workshop, Berlin, Germany, May 3-5, 2010, Revised Papers2010
1765. Abramowicz W. Fensel D. Business Information Systems: 11th International Conference, BIS 2008, Innsbruck, Austria, May 5-7, 2008, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing)2008
1766. Abramowicz W. Zurada J. Knowledge Discovery for Business Information Systems (The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science Volume 600)2002
1767. Abrams J. Quantitative Business Valuation: A Mathematical Approach for Today's Professionals2001
1768. Abrams J.B. How to Value Your Business and Increase its Potential2005
1769. Abramsky S. Gavoille C. Kirchner C. Automata, Languages and Programming: 37th International Colloquium, ICALP 2010, Bordeaux, France, July 6-10, 2010, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes ... Computer Science and General Issues)2010
1770. Abramsky S. Gabbay D. Maibaum T. Handbook of Logic in Computer Science 52001
1771. Abramsky S. Gabbay D. Maibaum T. Handbook of Logic in Computer Science 52000
1772. Abramson B. Digital Phoenix: Why the Information Economy Collapsed and How It Will Rise Again2005
1773. Abramson J. Abramson Z. Research Methods in Community Medicine: Surveys, Epidemiological Research, Programme Evaluation, Clinical Trials, Sixth Edition2008
1774. Abran A. Braungarten R. Dumke R. Software Process and Product Measurement: International Conferences IWSM 2009 and Mensura 2009 Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 4-6, 2009. ... Programming and Software Engineering)2009
1775. Abrash M. Graphics programming black book1997
1776. Abrial J. Borger E. Langmaack H. Formal Methods for Industrial Applications, Specifying and Programming the Steam Boiler Control 19951996
1777. Abrial J. Glasser U. Rigorous Methods for Software Construction and Analysis: Essays Dedicated to Egon Borger on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)2009
1778. Abrial J. Liu Z. Woodcock J. Theories of Programming and Formal Methods: Essays Dedicated to Jifeng He on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday2013
1779. Abrikosov A. Quantum field theoretical methods in statistical physics (2nd edition)1965
1780. Abrusci J. Professional Homemade Cherry Bombs1979
1782. Abu-Akel A. Review A neurobiological mapping of theory of mind2003
1783. Abu-taieh E. Abu-Tayeh J. El-Sheikh A. Utilizing Information Technology Systems Across Disciplines: Advancements in the Application of Computer Science (Premier Reference Source)2009
1784. Abzug M. Larrabee E. Airplane Stability and Control: A History of the Technologies That Made Aviation Possible - Second edition (2nd edition)2002
1785. Accardi L. Freudenberg W. Ohya M. Quantum Bio-Informatics I2008
1786. Accardi L. Freudenberg W. Ohya M. Quantum Bio-Informatics: From Quantum Information to Bio-informatics: tokyo Univeristy of Science, Japan, 14-17 March 2007 (Quantum Probability and White Noise Analysis)2008
1787. Accardi L. Waldenfels W. Quantum Probability and Applications II1985
1788. Accardi L. Waldenfels W. Quantum Probability and Applications III1988
1789. Accardi L. Frigerio A. Gorini Quantum Probability and Applications to the Quantum Theory of Irreversible Processes1984
1790. ACerS Progress in Thermal Barrier Coatings (Progress in Ceramic Technology)2009
1791. Aceto L. Damgaard I. Goldberg L. Automata, Languages and Programming: 35th International Colloquium, ICALP 2008 Reykjavik, Iceland, July 7-11, 2008 Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)2008
1792. Aceto L. Ingolfsd?ttir A. Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures: 9th International Conference, FOSSACS 2006, Held as Part of the Joint European2006
1793. Acharjya D. Sreekumar Fundamental Approach to Discrete Mathematics2005
1794. Achelis S. Technical Analysis From A To Z2003
1795. Achelis S. Technical Analysis From A To Z2003
1796. Achilli J. Vampire: the requiem for dummies2006
1797. Achten P. Koopman P. The Beauty of Functional Code: Essays Dedicated to Rinus Plasmeijer on the Occasion of His 61st Birthday2013
1798. Acierno D. D’Amore A. Caputo D. Special topics on materials science and technology: an Italian panorama2009
1799. Ackerman M.S. (Ed) Wulf V. Pipek V. Sharing Expertise: Beyond Knowledge Management2002
1800. Ackermann L. Chatani N. Directed Metallation2007
1801. Ackermann R. Environmental Action Programme for Central and Eastern Europe: Setting Priorities : Abridged Version of the Document Endorsed by the Ministerial Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland, 28-30 April, 19931998
1802. Ackermann U. PDQ Physiology2002
1803. Ackermann W. White G. Worthington E. Man-made lakes : their problems and environmental effects1973
1804. Acquisti A. Gritzalis S. Lambrinoudakis C. Digital Privacy: Theory, Technologies, and Practices2008
1805. Acs Z.J. Audretsch D.B. Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research (1 edition)2005
1806. Acton Forman S. Real computing made real: preventing errors in scientific and engineering calculations1996
1807. Acton J. Squire P. Solving Equations With Physical Understanding1985
1808. Acuff J. Wood W. The Relationship Edge: The Key to Strategic Influence and Selling Success (Second edition)2007
1809. Aczel A. Fermat's last theorem: unlocking the secret of an ancient mathematical problem1996
1810. Aczel A.D. Descartes' Secret Notebook: A True Tale of Mathematics, Mysticism, and the Quest to Understand the Universe2005
1811. Aczel J. Lectures on functional equations and their applications1966
1812. Aczel J. Lectures on Functional Equations and Their Applications (Mathematics in Science and Engineering, Volume 19)1966
1813. Aczel J. Daroczy Z. On measures of information and their characterizations1975
1814. Aczel P. Non-Well-Founded Sets1988
1815. Adachi M. Embeddings and Immersions1993
1816. Adachi M. Lockwood D. Self-Organized Nanoscale Materials (Nanostructure Science and Technology)2006
1817. Adachi M. Lockwood D. Self-Organized Nanoscale Materials (Nanostructure Science and Technology)2006
1818. Adachi S. Physical Properties of III-V Semiconductor Compounds: InP, InAs, GaAs, GaP, InGaAs, and InGaAsP1992
1819. Adair G. Thomas Alva Edison: Inventing the Electric Age1996
1820. Adair J. Decision Making and Problem Solving Strategies (3d edition)2007

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