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Abraham W. — Chinese Phrases For Dummies |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Action verbs, aspect markers 28
Active voice 20
Addresses in small talk 73—74
Addressing others 61—62
Adjectives, as predicate, verbs and 26
Adjectives, numeral followed by classifier 26
Adjectives, syllables, number of 26
Adverbs 31
Air travel, boarding 144—145
Air travel, check in 144
Alphabet 6
Animals, Chinese zodiac 48—49
Answering machine, work telephone calls 133—134
Antique shopping 100—101
Articles, definite 24
Articles, indefinite 24—25
Aspect markers 27
aspects 20
ATM access 56
banking 54—56
Basic phrases 17
Boarding airplane 144—145
Body language, bowing, hands clasped 18
Body language, shaking hands 18
Body parts 181
Bowing, body language and 18
Bowing, hands clasped 18
Breakfast 75
Browsing instead of buying while shopping 95
Bus transportation 150—152
Business discussions 139—140
Cab travel 148—150
Calendar, Chinese zodiac 48—49
Calendar, hoilidays 47—50
Calendar, months 46—47
Calendar, seasons 47
Calling for help, basic phrases 179—180
Calling for help, police 189—190
Car travel, taxi cabs 148—150
Cardinal numbers, 1 through 19 38
Cardinal numbers, 20s and higher 39
Cardinal numbers, 99 and higher 39—40
Cardinal numbers, introduction 37
Cardinal points indirections 163—165
Characters 6
Chatting, family 70
Chatting, place of origin 68—69
Chatting, weather 66—67
Check cashing 53—54
Check in at airport 144
Check in at hotel 170—172
Classifiers, clothing 100
Classifiers, natural objects 22—23
Classifiers, numbers 38
Classifiers, numeral followed by, adjectives and 26
Classifiers, pairs 23
Classifiers, pronouns 22
Classifiers, time 41
Clothes shopping, articles of clothing 97—98
Clothes shopping, color 98—99
Clothes shopping, sizes 95—97
Clothing, classifiers 100
COLOR 98—99
Complex ideographs in the written word 6
Compliments on learning language 62
Cost of items, introduction 53—54
Cost of items, negotiation 105—106
Cost of items, shopping and 105
Counting, cardinal numbers 37—40
Counting, ordinal numbers 40—41
Coverbs 29 163—165
Currency 50—51
Customs, introduction 154
Customs, items to have ready 154
Days, calendar 46—50
Days, dates 46—50
Days, time and 42
Days, week 44—45
Definite articles 24
Destination words, directions and 157
Diagnosis, medical 186—187
Dim sum, ordering 82—84
Dining out, bill 90
Dining out, Chinese menu 79—80
Dining out, dim sum 82—84
Dining out, drinks 85
Dining out, favorite dishes 81—82
Dining out, menu 78—85
Dining out, ordering 86—89
Dining out, restrooms 89
Dining out, sauces 82
Dining out, seasonings 82
Dining out, tea 91
Dining out, tipping 90
Dining out, utensils, dishes 77
Dining out, vegetarians 80—81
Dining out, Western food 84—85
Dinner 75
Directions, cardinal points 163—165
Directions, destination words 157
Directions, directional coverbs 163—165
Directions, directional words 158—159
Directions, distance 158 161—163
Directions, giving 160—161
Directions, where 157
Distance, directions and 158 161—163
Doctors, locating 182
Ease of Chinese 19—20
Elders, pronouns for 21—22
Electronics shopping and 101—102
Emergencies, calling for help 179—180
Emergencies, introduction 179
Emergencies, legal help 190
Emergencies, medical care 180—189
Emergencies, police 189—190
Exchanging money 51—52
Family, chatting about 70
Family, introductions 58—59
Favorite expressions 191—194
Finals, sounds 11—13
First time introduction 58
First tone 13
Food, shopping 102—104
Fourth tone 14
friends 58—59
Gender-specific nouns 20
Goodbye 62—63
Grammar, active voice 20
Grammar, aspects 20
Grammar, coverbs 29
Grammar, ease of 19—20
Grammar, particles 20
Grammar, passive voice 20
Grammar, tense 20
Grammar, verbs 27—31
Greetings, addresses 61—62
Greetings, asking names 60—61
Greetings, first meeting 58
Greetings, introductions 57
Greetings, questions 66
Greetings, time-specific 58
Half, numbers 40
Half-third tone 14
Help, calling for 179—180
Hi-tech items, shopping 101—102
holidays 47
Home, describing 73—74
Homophones, tones and 14
Hotels, check in 170—172
Hotels, checkout 176—177
| Hotels, employees 174
Hotels, introduction 167
Hotels, reservations 168—170
Hotels, services 173—176
Hotels, types of rooms 169
Humidity, weather 67
Hunger, expressing 76
Ideographs in written word 6
Idioms, frequently used 15—17
Illnesses, medical care and 185—186
Indefinite articles 24
Industries represented 139—140
Initials, sounds 10—11
Internet 141—142
Interrogative pronouns 35—36
Introductions, asking names 60—61
Introductions, family 58—59
Introductions, friends 58—59
Introductions, people to each other 59
Introductions, pronouns 59
Introductions, questions 66
Introductions, self 57
Legal help 190
Local expressions 195—198
Logographs 7
Lunch 75
Mandarin, introduction 5
Mandarin, tones 13—15
Markets, food 102—104
Markets, night markets, negotiating 105—106
Markets, quality comparison 107—110
Markets, refunds 106—107
Meals See also food; shopping
Meals, dining out 76—78
Meals, hunger, expressing 76
Meals, names for 75
Meals, serving 76
Medical care, body parts 181
Medical care, diagnoses 186—187
Medical care, doctor, locating 182
Medical care, illnesses 1&5—186
Medical care, introduction 180
Medical care, medical history 185—186
Medical care, medications 187—189
Medical care, symptoms 183—185
Meetings at work, conducting 135—136
Meetings at work, ending 139
Meetings at work, planning 136
Meetings at work, scheduling 136
Meetings at work, starting 137—138
Money, ATM access 56
Money, banking 54—56
Money, check cashing 53—54
Money, cost of items 53—54
Money, currency 50—51
Money, exchanging 51—52
Months of year 46—47
Morphemes 9
Names, asking at meeting 60—61
Natural objects, classifers 22—23
Negation 31 32—33
Negotiation at night markets 105—106
Neutral tones 14—15
Night markets 105—106
Nose, pointing to, body language and 18
Nouns, classifiers 22—23
Nouns, gender-specific 20
Nouns, object 20
Nouns, ordinal numbers and 41
Nouns, plural 20 23—24
Nouns, pronouns 21—22
Nouns, singular 20 23—24
Nouns, subject 20
Numbers, cardinal numbers 37—40
Numbers, days of week 44^15
Numbers, half 40
Numbers, money 50—56
numbers, ordinal numbers 40—41
Numbers, time 41—44
Numbers, tone 40
Numerals, followed by classfier, adjective and 26
Object, subject and 20
Occupational phrases 71—73
Occupational titles 61—62
Office items 134—135
Ordering in restaurant 86—89
Ordinal numbers 40—41
Pairs, classifier 23
Particles, de 33—34
Particles, grammar 20
Particles, questions 34
Passive voice 20
Personal information, small talk 74
Phone numbers, small talk 73—74
Phonetic compounds, written word 7
Phrases, basic 17
Pictographs, written word 6
Pinyin radicals 7
Pinyin sounds 8—9
Plural 21
Plural nouns 20 23—24
Plural pronouns 21
Police, calling 189—190
Possessives, particle de 33—34
Predicates, adject as, verbs and 26
Prescriptions for medical issues 187—189
Presentations at work 138
Pronouns, classifiers 22
Pronouns, elders 21—22
Pronouns, interrogative 35—36
Pronouns, introductions 59
Pronunciation, sounds overview 9—15
Pronunciation, tones and 7 13—15
Pronunciation, vowels 11—13
Quality 107—110
Questions, basics 63—66
Questions, particle ma 34
Questions, repeating verb in negative 34—35
Radicals in written word, number of 7
Reading See written word
Refunds while shopping 106—107
Republic of China, years and 49
Reservations, hotels 168—170
Restaurants See dining out
Restrooms, dining out and 89
Room reservations, hotels 168—170
Sauces, dining out and 82
Seasonings, dining out and 82
Seasons 47
Second tone 13
Serving during meals 76
Shaking hands, body language 18
Shi 30
Shopping, antiques 100—101
Shopping, browsing 95
Shopping, clothes 95—100
Shopping, cost 105
Shopping, food markets 102—104
Shopping, hi-tech items 101—102
Shopping, refunds 106—107
Shopping, store hours 94—95
Shopping, store types 93—95
Shopping, weights and measures 104
Singular nouns 20 23—24
Sizes of clothing 95—97
Small talk, addresses 73—74
Small talk, at work 71—73
Small talk, family 70
Small talk, phone numbers 73—74
Small talk, place of origin 68—69
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