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Microsoft Corporation — Microsoft C Compiler for the MS-DOS Operating System. Run-Time Library Reference |
Предметный указатель |
Translation mode see Binary mode Text
Trigonometric functions, acos 96
Trigonometric functions, asin 102
Trigonometric functions, atan 106
Trigonometric functions, atan2 106
Trigonometric functions, Cos 131
Trigonometric functions, cosh 131
Trigonometric functions, hypot 239
Trigonometric functions, Sin 353
Trigonometric functions, sinh 353
Trigonometric functions, Tan 399
Trigonometric functions, tanh 399
Types, predefined see Standard types
types.h See sys\ types.h
TZ environment variable 32
TZ variable 261 407
tzname variable 32 407
tzset 70 407
ultoa 44 409
umask 45 410
umask, XENIX version, differences from 453
UNDC operating system 439
Underflow 274 436
ungetc 49 412
ungetch 57 414
unlink 45 416
unlink, XENIX version, differences from 453
UPDATE 166 188 205
utimbuf type 37 87 417
utime 70 417
utime, XENIX version, differences from 453
utime.h See sys\ utime.h
v2tov3.h, contents 87
varargs.h, contents 87
Variable, global 31
Variable, global, common library, use in 442
Variable, global, daylight 32 407
Variable, global, environ 35 228 317
Variable, global, errno 33 78 303 377 433
Variable, global, sys_errlist 33 78 303 377
Variable, global, sys_nerr 33 303 377
Variable, global, timezone 32 407
Variable, global, tzname 32 407
Variable, global, _amblksiz 31
Variable, global, _doserrno 33
Variable, global, _fmode 34
Variable, global, _osmajor 34
Variable, global, _osminor 34
Variable, global, _psp 35
va_ start 71 419
va_arg 71 419
va_end 71 419
| Version number (MS-DOS) 34
vfprintf 49 424
vprintf 49 424
vsprintf 49 424
Word see Binary int
WORDREGS type 78
WRITE 53 427
Write access see Permission setting
Write access, XENIX version, differences from 454
Write operations, binary int value to stream 319
Write operations, character to console 414
Write operations, character to file 427
Write operations, character to stdout 196 313
Write operations, character to stream 196 313 412
Write operations, console, to 132 134 315
Write operations, data items from stream 219
Write operations, formatted 132 194 306 363 424
Write operations, line to stream 318
Write operations, port, to 302
Write operations, string to stream 198
XENIX operating system 439
XENIX version, differences from 446
y0 see Bessel functions
yl see Bessel functions
yn see Bessel functions
\ (backslash) as escape character 22
\ (backslash) as path-name delimiter 21
_ doserrno variable 33
_ exit 65 155
_ expand 60 158
_ ffree 60 173
_ fpreset 59 192
_ NFILE constant 84
_clear87 58 125
_control87 58 129
_ctype variable 77
_fmalloc 60 185
_fmode variable 23 34
_fmsize 60 187
_freect 60 203
_iob array 84
_memavl 61 276
_msize 61 290
_nfree 61 292
_nmalloc 61 294
_nmsize 61 295
_osmajor variable 25 34
_osminor variable 25 34
_psp variable 35
_status87 59 371
_tolower 42 405 421
_toupper 42 405 421
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