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Microsoft Corporation — Microsoft C Compiler for the MS-DOS Operating System. Run-Time Library Reference |
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locking.h see sys\locking.h
LOG function 59 266
log function, floating-point support 26
Logarithmic functions, log 266
Logarithmic functions, loglO 266
loglO function 59 266
loglO function, floating-point support 26
Long integers, conversion to strings 272
Long pointers 191
longjmp 71 267
lsearch 68 259
lseek 53 270
lseek, XENIX version, differences from 451
ltoa 44 272
Macros, advantages over functions 14
Macros, arguments with side effects 15 43
Macros, notational conventions 8
Macros, restrictions on use 14
malloc 60 273
malloc.h 61
malloc.h, contents 80
Manifest constants, notational conventions 8
Mask see Permission mask
Math errors 436
math.h 44 59
math.h, contents 80
Matherr 19 59 274
max macro 88
memccpy 41 277
memchr 41 278
memcmp 41 279
memcpy 41 280
memicmp 41 281
Memory, allocation 31
Memory, allocation, alloca 60
Memory, allocation, available, determination of 203
Memory, allocation, calloc 60 116
Memory, allocation, free 60 201
Memory, allocation, halloc 60 236
Memory, allocation, hfree 60 237
Memory, allocation, include files 61
Memory, allocation, malloc 61 273
Memory, allocation, realloc 61 326
Memory, allocation, sbrk 61 334
Memory, allocation, stackavail 61 368
Memory, allocation, _expand 60 158
Memory, allocation, _ffree 60 173
Memory, allocation, _fmalloc 60 185
Memory, allocation, _fmsize 60 187
Memory, allocation, _freect 60 203
Memory, allocation, _memavl 61 276
Memory, allocation, _msize 61 290
Memory, allocation, _nfree 61 292
Memory, allocation, _nmalloc 61 294
Memory, allocation, _nmsize 61 295
Memory, models, use of with huge arrays and huge pointers 27
memory.h 42
memory.h, contents 81
memset 41 283
min macro 88
mkdir 44 284
mktemp 45 285
modf 59 287
modf, floating-point support 26
Modification time 417
movedata 41 288
MS-DOS, commands, execution of from within programs 397
MS-DOS, considerations 24
MS-DOS, considerations, error codes 33
MS-DOS, considerations, version number, detection of 34
MS-DOS, interface routines, bdos 63 109
MS-DOS, interface routines, dosexterr 63 144
MS-DOS, interface routines, FP_OFF 63
MS-DOS, interface routines, FP_SEG 63
MS-DOS, interface routines, include files 63
MS-DOS, interface routines, int86 63 241
MS-DOS, interface routines, int86x 63 243
MS-DOS, interface routines, intdos 63 246
MS-DOS, interface routines, intdosx 63 248
MS-DOS, interface routines, segread 63 342
MS-DOS, interrupts, invoking 241 243
MS-DOS, interrupts, SIGINT 350
MS-DOS, system calls, error handling 144
MS-DOS, system calls, invoking 109 246 248
MS-DOS, version number 34
NDEBUG 72 76 104
Nonlocal goto 72 267 344
Notational conventions 8
null pointer 84
NULL, constant 84
NULL, pointer 49
oflag see Open flag
OnExit 65 296
open 53 298 346
open argument-type-checking limitations 18
open default translation mode, changing 23
open default translation mode, overriding 24
Open flag 298 354
open XENIX version, differences from 451
Optional arguments, notational conventions 9
outp 57 302
Output see I/O
Overflow 274 436
Overlapping moves 280
Overlay of parent process 359
O_BINARY 23 34
Parameters, variable number 71
Parameters, variable-length number 419 424
parent process 152 358
Parent process, overlay 359
Parent process, suspension 358
Path names, delimiters 20 21
Path names, notational conventions 8
Path-name conventions 20
Permission mask 410
permission setting 135 298 354
Permission setting, access 94
Permission setting, changing 121
Permission setting, umask 410
perror 19 71 303
PLOSS 274 436
Port I/O see I/O console
Portability 20 see
Positioning file pointer 211 215 270 331 400
pow 59 305
pow, floating-point support 26
Predefined handles 54
Predefined stream pointers 50
printf 48 306
printf family, floating-point support 26
Printing see Write operations
Process control, -exit 155 159
Process control, abort 64 91
Process control, exec family 64
Process control, execl 64 151
Process control, execle 64 151
Process control, execlp 64 151
Process control, execlpe 64 151
Process control, execv 64 151
Process control, execve 64 151
Process control, execvp 64 151
Process control, execvpe 64 151
Process control, exit 64 155 159
Process control, getpid 65 230
Process control, include files 66
Process control, onexit 65 296
Process control, signal 65 350
Process control, spawn family 65
Process control, spawnl 65 358
| Process control, spawnle 65 358
Process control, spawnlp 65 358
Process control, spawnlpe 65 358
Process control, spawnv 65 358
Process control, spawnve 65 358
Process control, spawnvp 65 358
Process control, spawnvpe 65 358
Process control, system 65 397
Process ID 230
Process, defined 65
process.h 66
process.h, contents 81
Program segment prefix 35
Programming examples, notational conventions 9
Pseudorandom integers 323 365
PSP see Program segment prefix
ptrdiff_t 83
putc 48 313
putch 57 315
putchar 48 313
putenv 71 316
puts 48
putw 48 319
qsort 68 321
Quick sort 321
rand 71 323
Random access 211 215 270 331 400
Random-number generator 323 365
READ 53 324
read access See Permission setting
Read operations from port 240
Read operations, binary int value from stream 232
Read operations, character from stdin 175 222
Read operations, character from stream 175 222
Read operations, characters from file 324
Read operations, data items from stream 199
Read operations, formatted 137 209 336 366
Read operations, from console 118 137 224
Read operations, from console, checking for keystroke 256
Read operations, from console, with echo 225
Read operations, line from stdin 231
Read operations, line from stream 177
read, end-of-file condition 20
read, XENIX version, differences from 451
realloc 61 326
Reallocation, realloc 326
Reallocation, _expand 158
Redirection 51 55 205
Register, segment see Segment registers
REGS type 36 78
Remainder function 186
Remove 45 328
rename 45 329
Return value on error see Error returns
reversing strings 386
REWIND 49 331
rmdir 44 332
rmtmp 49 333
Routines by category 41
Routines, argument lists, variable-length, va_arg 71 419
Routines, argument lists, variable-length, va_end 71 419
Routines, argument lists, variable-length, va_start 71 419
Routines, argument lists, variable-length, vfprintf 424
Routines, argument lists, variable-length, vprintf 424
Routines, argument lists, variable-length, vsprintf 424
Routines, math, acos 58 96
Routines, math, asin 58 102
Routines, math, atan 58 106
Routines, math, atan2 58 106
Routines, math, bessel 58 111
Routines, math, cabs 58
Routines, math, ceil 58 117
Routines, math, cos 58 131
Routines, math, cosh 58 131
Routines, math, dieeetomsbin 58
Routines, math, dmsbintoieee 58
Routines, math, errno, use of 19
Routines, math, error handling 5 19 60
Routines, math, exp 58 157
Routines, math, fabs 58 160
Routines, math, fieeetomsbin 59
Routines, math, floor 59 182
Routines, math, fmod 59 186
Routines, math, fmsbintoieee 59
Routines, math, frexp 59 208
Routines, math, hypot 59 239
Routines, math, include files 59
Routines, math, ldexp 59 258
Routines, math, log 59 266
Routines, math, loglO 59 266
Routines, math, matherr 59 274
Routines, math, modf 59 287
Routines, math, pow 59 305
Routines, math, sin 59 353
Routines, math, sinh 59 353
Routines, math, sqrt 59 364
Routines, math, tan 59 399
Routines, math, tanh 59 399
Routines, math, _clear87 58
Routines, math, _control87 58
Routines, math, _fpreset 59
Routines, math, _status87 59
Routines, miscellaneous, abs 71
Routines, miscellaneous, assert 71 104
Routines, miscellaneous, getenv 71 228
Routines, miscellaneous, include files 72
Routines, miscellaneous, labs 71
Routines, miscellaneous, longjmp 71 267
Routines, miscellaneous, perror 71 303
Routines, miscellaneous, putenv 71 316
Routines, miscellaneous, rand 71 323
Routines, miscellaneous, setjmp 71 344
Routines, miscellaneous, srand 71 365
Routines, miscellaneous, strerror 377
Routines, miscellaneous, swab 71 396
sbrk 61 334
scanf 49 336 see
scanf family floating-point support 26
scanf, argument-type-checking limitations 18
Scanning see Read operations
search.h 68
search.h, contents 82
Searching and sorting, bsearch 67 113
Searching and sorting, include files 68
Searching and sorting, lfind 67 259
Searching and sorting, lsearch 68 259
Searching and sorting, qsort 68 321
Seed 365
Segment registers, obtaining values 342
segread 63 342
setbuf 49 51 343
setjmp 71 344
setjmp.h 72 82
setmode 24 45 346
setvbuf 49 51 348
share.h 82
shflag see Flag sharing
Side effects in macro arguments 15 43
SIGFPB 79 350
signal 65 350
signal settings, child process 153 358
signal, XENIX version, differences from 451
signal.h 66 82
sin 59 353
sin, floating-point support 26
Sine 353
Sing 274 436
sinh 59 353
sinh floating-point support 26
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