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Microsoft Corporation — Microsoft C Compiler for the MS-DOS Operating System. Run-Time Library Reference |
Предметный указатель |
/ (forward slash), as path-name delimiter 21
0_TEXT 24
abort 91
abort, XENIX version, differences from 445
abs 71
abs function 93
abs macro 88
Absolute value, abs function 93
Absolute value, cabs function 115
Absolute value, fabs function 160
Absolute value, labs function 257
ACCESS 45 94
Access mode 165 188 205
access, XENIX version, differences from 445
acos 26 58 96
alloca 60 98
allocation see Memory allocation
Allocation, amblksiz variable 31
appending 166 188 205 298 354
Arc cosine function 96
Arc sine function 102
Arc tangent function 106
arg0, MS-DOS considerations 25
Argument lists, variable 419 424
Argument singularity 274
Argument type checking 5 17 18
Argument type lists 17
argument-type-checking limitations 18
Arguments macros, with side effects 15
Arguments notational conventions 8
Arguments variable number 18 71
Arguments variable-length number 419 424
asctime 70 100
ASIN 58 102
asin floating-point support 26
Assert 71 104
assert.h 72
assert.h, contents 76
assertions 104
atan 58 106
atan, floating-point support 26
atan2 58 106
atan2, floating-point support 26
atof 44 107
atof, floating-point support 26
atoi 44 107
atol 44 107
Backslash (\) as escape character 22
Backslash (\) as path-name delimiter 21
bdos 63 109
bessel 58 111
bessel floating-point support 26
Bessel functions 111
Binary format, conversion to IEEE double precision 141
Binary format, conversion to IEEE floating point 179
Binary int reading 232
Binary int writing 319
Binary mode 23 34 166 189 206 299 346 355
Binary search 113 259
Bold capitals, use of 8
Bold font, use of 8
Break value 334
bsearch 67 113
Buffer manipulation include file 42
Buffer manipulation memccpy 41 277
Buffer manipulation memchr 41 278
Buffer manipulation memcmp 41 279
Buffer manipulation memcpy 41 280
Buffer manipulation memicmp 41 281
Buffer manipulation memset 41 283
Buffer manipulation movedata 41 288
Buffering 46 51
Buffering, preopened streams 51
Buffers assigning 343
Buffers comparing 279 281
Buffers copying 277 280 288
Buffers copying, overlapping moves 280
Buffers flushing 52 171 183
Buffers searching 278
Buffers, setting characters in 283
BUFSIZ constant 49 84
Byte order, swapping 396
BYTEREGS type 78
cabs 58 115
cabs, floating-point support 26
calloc 60 116
Carriage-return-line-feed translation see Binary mode Text
Carry flag 109 241 243 246 248
Case sensitivity C language 20
Case sensitivity MS-DOS 20
Case sensitivity XENIX 20
Ceil 117
ceil, floating-point support 26
Ceiling function 117
cgets 56 118
Character conversion see Character classification
Character, classification and conversion, include files 43
Character, classification and conversion, isalnum 42 250
Character, classification and conversion, isalpha 250
Character, classification and conversion, isascii 250
Character, classification and conversion, iscntrl 253
Character, classification and conversion, isdigit 253
Character, classification and conversion, isgraph 42 253
Character, classification and conversion, islower 42 253
Character, classification and conversion, isprint 42 253
Character, classification and conversion, ispunct 42 253
Character, classification and conversion, isspace 42 253
Character, classification and conversion, isupper 42 253
Character, classification and conversion, isxdigit 42 253
Character, classification and conversion, toascii 42 405
Character, classification and conversion, tolower 42 405 421
Character, classification and conversion, toupper 42 405 421
Character, classification and conversion, _tolower 42 405 421
Character, classification and conversion, _toupper 42 405 421
Character, device 252
Characters conversion to ASCII 405
Characters conversion to lowercase 405
Characters conversion to uppercase 405
Characters reading 175 222 324
Characters reading from console 224
Characters reading from console with echo 225
Characters reading from port 240
Characters ungetting 412 414
Characters writing 196 313 427
Characters writing to console 315
Characters writing to port 302
ChDir 44 120
chdir XENIX version, differences from 445
Child process 151 358
Child process, effects on floating-point state of parent 192
Child process, signal settings 153 358
Child process, translation mode 153 358
chmod 45 121
chmod, XENIX version, differences from 445
chsize 45 123
clearerr 20 47 127
Clearing end-of-file, streams 127
Clearing errors 127
CLOSE 53 128
command interpreter see COMMAND.COM
Common library, common routines listed 439 441
Common library, global variables 442
Common library, include files 443
Common library, run-time routine, differences 444
Compatibility, differences listed 444
Compatibility, global variables 442
Compatibility, include files 443
Compatibility, math routines 439
| Compatibility, mode 354
Compatibility, run-time routines 439
Compatibility, UNIX 439
Compatibility, XENIX 439
complex type 36 80
conio.h 57
conio.h, contents 76
Console, ungetting characters from 414
Conventions, notational 8
Conversion characters to ASCII 405
Conversion IEEE floating point to MS binary floating point 179
Conversion integers to strings 255
Conversion long integers to strings 272 409
Conversion strings to lowercase 380
Conversion strings to uppercase 395
Conversion, characters to lowercase 405
Conversion, characters to uppercase 405
Conversion, floating-point numbers to integers and fractions 287
Conversion, floating-point numbers to strings 148 163 221
Conversion, IEEE double to MS binary double 141
Conversion, MS binary double to IEEE double 141
Conversion, MS binary floating point to IEEE floating point 179
Conversion, strings to floating-point values 107
cos 58 131
cos, floating-point support 26
cosh 58 131
cosh, floating-point support 26
Cosine 131
cprintf 56 132 see
cprintf, argument-type-checking limitations 18
cputs 57 134
CR-LF translation see Binary mode Text
creat 53 135
creat, XENIX version, differences from 446
cscanf 57 137 see
cscanf, argument-type-checking limitations 18
ctime 70 139
Ctype routines 250 254
ctype.h 43
ctype.h, contents 76
Data conversion see also Conversion
Data conversion, atof 44 107
Data conversion, atoi 44 107
Data conversion, atol 44 107
Data conversion, ecvt 44 148
Data conversion, fcvt 44 163
Data conversion, gcvt 44 221
Data conversion, include files 44
Data conversion, itoa 44 255
Data conversion, ltoa 44 272
Data conversion, strtod 44 390
Data conversion, strtol 44 390
Data conversion, ultoa 44 409
Data items reading 199
Data items writing 219
Data type limits 80
Date routines see Time routines
daylight variable 32 407
deallocating memory 173 201 237 292
Default translation mode 23 34 299 346 354
Default translation mode, changing 23
Default translation mode, child process, used in 153 358
Default translation mode, overriding 24
Delimiters for path-name components see Path names
dieeetomsbin 141
difftime 70 142
direct.h 45
direct.h, contents 77
Directories, changing 120
directories, creating 284
Directories, current working directory, getting 226
Directories, deleting 332
directories, renaming 329
Directory control, chdir 44 120
Directory control, chmod 121
Directory control, getcwd 44 226
Directory control, include files 45
Directory control, mkdir 44 284
Directory control, remove 328
Directory control, rmdir 44
Directory control, unlink 416
Directory names, notational conventions 8
dmsbintoieee 141
Domain 274 436
dos.h 63
dos.h, contents 77
DOSERROR type 36 78 144
dosexterr 63 144
dosexterr, MS-DOS considerations 24
Double brackets, use of 9
DUP 24 53 146
dup2 53 146
dup2, MS-DOS cosiderations 24
Dynamic allocation see Memory allocation
E2BIG 434
Echoing characters 225
ecvt 44 148
EDOM 434
Ellipsis dots, use of 9
End-of-file condition 20
End-of-file, low-level I/O 150
End-of-file, stream I/O 168
End-of-file, stream I/O, clearing 127 331
environ variable 35 228 317
Environment table 35 72 228 316
Environment variable names, notational conventions 8
Environment variables 228 316
eof 20 53 150
EOF constant 49 84
errno variable 19 20 33 56 72 78 83 303 377 433
errno.h 433
errno.h, contents 78
Error, handling 19
Error, handling, logic errors 104
Error, handling, MS-DOS error codes 33
Error, handling, MS-DOS system calls 144
Error, handling, perror 303
Error, handling, stream operations 20
Error, handling, strerror 377
Error, indicator 20 53 127 169
Error, messages 433
Error, messages, user supplied 303 377
Error, returns 19
Euclidean distance 239
Exception type 36 80 274
exec family 64 151
exec family, exec routines, differences between 66
exec family, MS-DOS considerations 25
exec family, path-name delimiters 22
exec family, XENIX version, differences from 446
Execl 64 151 see
execl, argument-type-checking limitations 19
execl, XENIX version, differences from 446
Execle 64 151 see
execle, argument-type-checking limitations 19
execle, XENIX version, differences from 446
Execlp 64 151 see
execlp, argument-type-checking limitations 19
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