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Microsoft Corporation — Microsoft C Compiler for the MS-DOS Operating System. Run-Time Library Reference |
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size_t 83
Small capitals, use of 10
sopen 53 354
sopen, argument-type-checking limitations 18
sopen, MS-DOS considerations 24
Sorting see Searching and sorting
spawn family 65 358
spawn family, MS-DOS considerations 25
spawn family, path-name delimiters 22
spawn family, spawn routines, differences between 66
spawnl 65 358 see
spawnl, argument-type-checking limitations 19
spawnle 65 358 see
spawnle, argument-type-checking limitations 19
spawnlp 65 358 see
spawnlp, argument-type-checking limitations 19
spawnlpe 65 358 see
spawnlpe, argument-type-checking limitations 19
spawnv 65 358 see
spawnve 65 358 see
spawnvp 65 358 see
spawnvpe 65 358 see
sprintf 47 363 see
sprintf, argument-type-checking limitations 18
sqrt 59 364
sqrt, floating-point support 26
Square-root function 364
srand 71 365
SREGS type 36 78
sscanf 366 see
sscanf, argument-type-checking limitations 18
Stack environment, restoring 267
Stack environment, saving 344
stackavail 61 368
Standard auxiliary see stdaux
Standard error see stderr
Standard input see stdin
Standard output see stdout
Standard print see stdprn
Standard types, complex 36 80
Standard types, DOSERROR 36 78 144
Standard types, exception 36 79 274
Standard types, FILE 36 84
Standard types, jmp_buf 36
Standard types, listed 36
Standard types, REGS 36 78
Standard types, SREGS 36 78
Standard types, stat 37 86 213 369
Standard types, timeb 37 217
Standard types, time_t 142
Standard types, tm 37 87 234
Standard types, utimbuf 37 87 417
STAT 45 369
stat type 37 86 213 369
stat, XENIX version, differences from 452
stat.h see sys\stat.h
stdarg.h, contents 83
stdaux 50
stdaux, buffering 51
stdaux, default translation mode, overriding 24
stdaux, file handle 54
stdaux, translation mode, changing 346
stddef.h, contents 83
stderr, buffering 51
stderr, default translation mode, overriding 24
stderr, file handle 54
stderr, translation mode, changing 346
stdin 50
stdin, buffering 51
stdin, default translation mode, overriding 24
stdin, file handle 54
stdin, translation mode, changing 346
stdio.h 49
stdio.h, contents 83
stdlib.h 43 44 72
stdlib.h, contents 85
stdout 50
stdout, buffering 51
stdout, default translation mode, overriding 24
stdout, file handle 54
stdout, translation mode, changing 346
stdprn 50
stdprn, buffering 51
stdprn, default translation mode, overriding 24
stdprn, file handle 54
stdprn, translation mode, changing 346
strcat 68 373
strchr 68 373
strcmp 68 373
strcmpi 68 373
strcpy 68 373
strcspn 68 373
strdup 68 373
Stream I/O 46 47 see console
Stream I/O, buffering 51
Stream I/O, clearerr 47 127
Stream I/O, error handling 20 53
Stream I/O, fclose 47 161
Stream I/O, fcloseall 47 161
Stream I/O, fdopen 48 165
Stream I/O, feof 48 168
Stream I/O, ferror 48 169
Stream I/O, fflush 48 171
Stream I/O, fgetc 48 175
Stream I/O, fgetchar 48 175
Stream I/O, fgets 48 177
Stream I/O, fileno 48 181
Stream I/O, flushall 48 183
Stream I/O, fopen 48 188
Stream I/O, fprintf 48 194
Stream I/O, fputc 48 196
Stream I/O, fputchar 48 196
Stream I/O, fputs 48 198 318
Stream I/O, fread 48 199
Stream I/O, freopen 48 205
Stream I/O, fscanf 48 209
Stream I/O, fseek 48 211
Stream I/O, ftell 48 215
Stream I/O, fwrite 48 219
Stream I/O, getc 48 222
Stream I/O, getchar 48 222
Stream I/O, gets 48 231
Stream I/O, getw 48 232
Stream I/O, include files 49
Stream I/O, printf 48 306
Stream I/O, putc 48 313
Stream I/O, putchar 48 313
Stream I/O, puts 48
Stream I/O, putw 48 319
Stream I/O, rewind 49 331
Stream I/O, rmtmp 49
Stream I/O, scanf 49 336
Stream I/O, setbuf 49 343
Stream I/O, setvbuf 49
Stream I/O, sprintf 49 363
Stream I/O, sscanf 49 366
Stream I/O, tempnam 49
Stream I/O, tmpfile 49
Stream I/O, tmpnam 49
Stream I/O, ungetc 49 412
Stream I/O, vfprintf 49 424
Stream I/O, vprintf 49 424
Stream I/O, vsprintf 49 424
Stream pointer 46
Streams, appending 166 188 205
Streams, buffering 343
Streams, clearing errors 127
Streams, closing 52 161
Streams, file handles for 181
| Streams, file-pointer positioning 211 215 331
Streams, formatted I/O 194 209 306 336 363 366 424
Streams, opening 49 165 188
Streams, reading, binary int value 232
Streams, reading, characters 175 222
Streams, reading, data items 199
Streams, reading, lines 177 231
Streams, reopening 205
Streams, rewinding 331
Streams, stdaux 50
Streams, stderr 50
Streams, stdin 50
Streams, stdout 50
Streams, stdprn 50
Streams, translation mode 166 189 206
Streams, unletting characters 412
Streams, writing, binary int value 319
Streams, writing, characters 196 313
Streams, writing, data items 219
Streams, writing, lines 318
Streams, writing, strings 198
strerror 19 68 377
stricmp 68 373
String manipulation, include files 69
String manipulation, strcat 68 373
String manipulation, strchr 68 373
String manipulation, strcmp 68 373
String manipulation, strcmpi 68 373
String manipulation, strcpy 68 373
String manipulation, strcspn 68 373
String manipulation, strdup 68 373
String manipulation, strerror 68
String manipulation, stricmp 68 373
String manipulation, strlen 68 379
String manipulation, strlwr 68 380
String manipulation, strncat 68 381
String manipulation, strncmp 68 381
String manipulation, strncpy 68 381
String manipulation, strnicmp 68 381
String manipulation, strnset 69 381
String manipulation, strpbrk 69 384
String manipulation, strrchr 69 385
String manipulation, strrev 69 386
String manipulation, strset 69 387
String manipulation, strspn 69 388
String manipulation, strstr 69 389
String manipulation, strtok 69 393
String manipulation, strupr 69 395
string.h 69
string.h, contents 85
strings 22
Strings, comparing 373
Strings, comparing parts of 381
strings, concatenating 373 381
Strings, conversion to floating-point values 107
Strings, conversion to lowercase 380
Strings, conversion to uppercase 395
strings, copying 373
Strings, copying parts of 381
Strings, initialization 381 387
strings, length of 379
Strings, reading from console 118
strings, reversing 386
strings, searching 373 384 385 388 389
Strings, searching for tokens 393
Strings, writing 198
Strings, writing to console 132 134
strlen 68 379
strlwr 68 380
strncat 68 381
strncmp 68 381
strncpy 68 381
strnicmp 68 381
strnset 69 381
strpbrk 69 384
strrchr 69 385
strrev 69 386
strset 69 387
strspn 69 388
strstr 69 389
strtod 44 390
strtok 69 393
strtol 44 390
strupr 69 395
Subdirectory conventions 20 21
swab 71 396
Syntax conventions see Notational conventions
sys errlist 33
sys subdirectory 21
sysat.h 45
system 65 397
system calls see MS-DOS system calls
System time see Time
system, path-name delimiters 22
system, XENIX version, differences from 453
sys\locking.h, contents 86
sys\stat.h, contents 86
sys\timeb.h 70
sys\timeb.h, contents 86
sys\types.h 70
sys\types.h, contents 86
sys\utime.h 70
sys\utime.h, contents 87
sys_errlist variable 78 303 377
sys_nerr 33
sys_nerr variable 303 377
tan 59 399
Tangent 399
tanh 59 399
tanh, floating-point support 26
tell 53 400
tempnam 49 401
Terminal capabilities 252
text mode 23 34 166 189 206 299 346 355
Time 70 403
Time, computing time differences 142
Time, conversion from long integer to string 139
Time, conversion from long integer to structure 234 261
Time, conversion from structure to string 100
Time, correcting for local time 261
Time, global variables, setting 407
Time, obtaining 217 403
Time, routines, asctime 70 100
Time, routines, ctime 70 139
Time, routines, difftime 70 142
Time, routines, ftime 70 217
Time, routines, gmtime 70 234
Time, routines, include files 70
Time, routines, localtime 70 261
Time, routines, time 70 403
Time, routines, tzset 70 407
Time, routines, utime 70 417
time.h 70
time.h, contents 87
timeb type 37 217
timeb.h see sys\timeb.h
timezone variable 32 407
time_t type 142
TLOSS 274 436
tm type 37 87 234
tmpfile 49 404
tmpnam 49 401
toascii 42 405
Tokens, finding in strings 393
tolower 42 405 421
tolower, function version, use of 43
tolower, side effects 43
toupper 42 405 421
toupper, function version, use of 43
toupper, side effects 43
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