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Microsoft Corporation — Microsoft C Compiler for the MS-DOS Operating System. Run-Time Library Reference |
Предметный указатель |
execlpe 64 151 see
execlpe, argument-type-checking limitations 19
Executing programs from within programs 151 358
Execv 64 151 see
execv, XENIX version, differences from 446
Execve 64 151 see
execve, version, differences from 446
Execvp 64 151 see
execvp, XENIX version, differences from 446
execvpe 64 151 see
exit 64 155
Exiting processes 155
EXP 58 157
exp, floating-point support 26
Exponential functions, exp 157
Exponential functions, frexp 208
Exponential functions, ldexp 258
Exponential functions, log 266
Exponential functions, loglO 266
Exponential functions, pow 305
Exponential functions, sqrt 364
fabs 58 160
fabs, floating-point support 26
Far pointers 191
fclose 47 161
fcloseall 47 161
fcntl.h, contents 79
fcvt 44 163
fdopen 48 165
feof 20 48 168
ferror 20 48 169
fflush 48 171
fgetc 48 175
fgetchar 48 175
fgets 48 177
fieeetomsbin 179
File handles 54
File handles duplication 146
File handles stream, used with 181
File handles, predefined 54
File handling, access 45 94
File handling, chmod 45
File handling, chsize 45 123
File handling, fllelength 45 180
File handling, fstat 45 213
File handling, include files 45
File handling, isatty 45
File handling, locking 45 263
File handling, mktemp 45 285
File handling, remove 45
File handling, rename 45 329
File handling, setmode 45 346
File handling, stat 45 369
File handling, umask 45 410
File handling, unlink 45
File names, notational conventions 8
File permission mask see Permission mask
File pointer 52 55
File pointer, positioning 211 215 270 331 400
File status information 213 369
FILE, pointer 46 49
File, structure 49
File, type 36 84
File-name conventions 20
fileno 48 55 181
Files, changing size of 123
files, closing 56 128
files, creating 135 298 354
files, deleting 328 416
Files, file pointer, positioning 270 400
Files, length, determination of 180
files, locking 263
Files, modification time, setting of 417
files, opening 54 135 298 354
Files, reading characters from 324
files, renaming 329
Files, status information 213 369
files, temporary 285
Files, writing characters to 427
fllelength 45 180
float.h, contents 79
Floating point not loaded 27
floating-point support 26
Floating-point, control word, getting and setting 129
Floating-point, errors, recovery from 192
Floating-point, exceptions 79 350
Floating-point, math package, reinitialization 192
Floating-point, math package, _clear87 125
Floating-point, math package, _control87 129
Floating-point, math package, _fpreset 192
Floating-point, math package, _status87 371
Floating-point, numbers, conversion to strings 148 163 221
Floating-point, ranges 79
Floating-point, status word 125 371
Floating-point, support 26
FLOOR 59 182
floor, floating-point support 26
flushall 48 183
flushing buffers 52 171 183
fmod 59 186
fmod floating-point support 26
fmsbintoieee 179
fopen 48 188
fopen, default translation mode, changing 23
fopen, default translation mode, overriding 24
fopen, XENIX version, differences from 447
formatted I/O 132 137 194 209 306 336 363 366 424
Forward slash (/), as path-name delimiter 21
fprintf 48 194 see
fprintf, argument-type-checking limitations 18
fputc 48 196
fputchar 48 196
fputs 48 198 318
FP_OFF 63 191
FP_SEG 63 191
fread 48 199
fread, XENIX version, differences from 448
free 60 201
Freeing memory blocks 173 201 237 292
freopen 48 205
freopen, XENIX version, differences from 447
frexp 59 208
frexp, floating-point support 26
fscanr 48 209 see
fscanr, argument-type-checking limitations 18
fseek 48 211
fseek, XENIX version, differences from 448
fstat 45 213
fstat, XENIX version, differences from 448
ftell 48 215
ftell, XENIX version, differences from 449
ftime 70 217
ftime, XENIX version, differences from 449
Function declarations 17 75
Functions, advantages over macros 14
fwrite 48 219
fwrite, XENIX version, differences from 450
gcvt 44 221
getc 48 222
getch 57 224
getchar 48 222
getche 57 225
getcwd 44 226
getenv 72 228
getpid 65 230
getpid, XENIX version, differences from 450
gets 48 231
getw 48 232
gmtime 70 234
Goto, nonlocal 72 267 344
| Greenwich Mean Time 70 234
halloc 60 236
Handle see File handle
hfree 60 237
Huge arrays, use in library functions 27
Huge pointers, use in library functions 27
Hyperbolic cosine 131
Hyperbolic sine 353
Hyperbolic tangent 399
hypot 59 239
hypot, floating-point support 26
Hypotenuse 239
I/O, buffered 46
I/O, console and port 47
I/O, console and port, cgets 56 118
I/O, console and port, cprintf 56 132
I/O, console and port, cputs 56 134
I/O, console and port, cscanf 56 137
I/O, console and port, getch 56 224
I/O, console and port, getche 56 225
I/O, console and port, include files 57
I/O, console and port, inp 56 240
I/O, console and port, kbhit 57 256
I/O, console and port, outp 56 302
I/O, console and port, putch 56 315
I/O, console and port, ungetch 56 414
I/O, low level 47
I/O, low level, close 53 128
I/O, low level, creat 53 135
I/O, low level, dup 53 146
I/O, low level, dup2 53 146
I/O, low level, eof 53 150
I/O, low level, error handling 20 56
I/O, low level, include files 54
I/O, low level, lseek 53 270
I/O, low level, open 53 298
I/O, low level, read 53 324
I/O, low level, sopen 53 354
I/O, low level, tell 53 400
I/O, low level, use of errno 20
I/O, low level, write 53 427
I/O, stream 46 47
Identifiers, notational conventions 8
IEEE, converting to Microsoft binary, double precision 141
IEEE, converting to Microsoft binary, floating point 179
Ifind 67 259
Include files, assert.h 76
Include files, buffer manipulation routines, used with 42
Include files, character classification and conversion 43
Include files, common library, use in 443
Include files, conio.h 76
Include files, console and port I/O 57
Include files, ctype.h 76
Include files, data conversion 44
Include files, direct.h 77
Include files, directory control 45
Include files, dos.h 77
Include files, errno.h 78
Include files, fcntl.h 79
Include files, file handling 45
Include files, float.h 79
Include files, function declarations 75
Include files, io.h 79
Include files, limits.h 80
Include files, low-level I/O 54
Include files, malloc.h 80
Include files, math routines 59
Include files, math.h 80
Include files, memory allocation 61
Include files, memory.h 81
Include files, miscellaneous routines 72
Include files, MS-DOS interface routines 63
Include files, naming conventions 6
Include files, notational conventions 8
Include files, process control 66
Include files, process.h 81
Include files, search.h 82
Include files, searching and sorting 67
Include files, setjmp.h 82
Include files, share.h 82
Include files, signal.h 82
Include files, stdarg.h 83
Include files, stddef.h 83
Include files, stdio.h 83
Include files, stdlib.h 85
Include files, stream I/O 49
Include files, string manipulation 69
Include files, string.h 85
Include files, sys\locking.h 86
Include files, sys\stat.h 86
Include files, sys\timeb.h 86
Include files, sys\types.h 86
Include files, sys\utime.h 87
Include files, time routines 70
Include files, time.h 87
Include files, v2tov3.h 87
Include files, varargs.h 87
Initializing buffers see Buffers setting
InP 56 240
input and output see I/O
Input/Output see I/O
int86 63 241
int86x 63 243
intdos 63 246
intdosx 63 248
Integers, conversion to strings 255
Integers, long, conversion to strings 272 409
Interrupt signals 350
Interrupts see MS-DOS interrupts
io.h 45 54
io.h, contents 79
isalnum 42 250
isalpha 250
isascii 250
isatty 45 252
iscntrl 253
isdigit 42 253
isgraph 42 253
islower 42 253
isprint 42 253
ispunct 42 253
isspace 42 253
isupper 42 253
isxdigit 42 253
Italics, use of 8
itoa 44 255 409
JL see Bessel functions
jmp_buf type 36
jn see Bessel functions
jO see Bessel functions
kbhit 56 256
Keys, key sequences, notational conventions 10
Keystroke, testing for 256
Keywords, notational conventions 8
labs 71 257
ldexp 59 258
ldexp, floating-point support 26
Length of files 180
Length of strings 379
limits.h, contents 80
Lines, reading 177 231
Lines, writing 318
LINT.ARGS 5 18 75
Local time corrections 32 261 407
localtime 70 261
Locking 45 263
locking, MS-DOS considerations 24
locking, XENIX version, differences from 450
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