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Franson D. — 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artist |
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-Z option (Align axis drop down list) 143
10-sided cylinder 48
12-segment sphere primitive 38
128-bit processing speed 5
16-bit processing speed 5 216
32-bit processing speed 5
3D Cafe Web site 658
3D Fuel Web site 659
3D games, revolution and progress of 6—9
3D Links Web site 659
3D Map Realm Web site 661
3D modelers 597
3D Studio Max, file format 101
3D Studio Max, File menu, Import command 151
3D Studio Max, slogre character example, updating and viewing results in 180—181
3D Studio Max, Utilities panel 114
64-bit processing speed 5
8-bit processing speed 5 216
Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) 640
Actions palette 255
Acuity 620
Add Curve tool 79
Add Edges tool 57
Add Noise command (Filter menu, Noise) 198 201 209 236 254
Add Vertex tool 86
Adjust commands (Edit menu), Curves 280
Adjust commands (Edit menu), Desaturate 284
Adjust commands (Edit menu), Hue/Saturation 208
Adjust commands (Edit menu), Invert 213 250
Adjust commands (Edit menu), Levels 207 213 232 243 245 251
Adjust commands (Edit menu), Variations 390
Adobe Web site 662
Age of Empires 9
AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) 640
Airbrush tool 347
Aliasing 620—621
Align axis drop-down list 136 140 143
Alignment for seams, suggestions for 168
Alignment, biped objects 558—560
Alpha blend 640
Alpha channel 213 640
Ambience 641
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 641
anchor points 641
Animated textures 191
Animation, compound asset creation 16
Animators 597
ANSI (American National Standards Institute) 641
Anti-aliasing 621
Apogee Web site 6
Arbitrary command (Image menu, Rotate Canvas) 203
Arc Rotate tool 153
arcade games 3
Arcs 45
Arms (slogre character), building 82—88
Arms (slogre character), researching information about 477
Arms (slogre character), texturing 502—503
Arms (slogre character), unwrapping 169—175
Art directors 598
Artifact 641
Artistic commands (Filter menu), Paint Daubs 266 350
Artistic commands (Filter menu), Sponge 220
artists see “Developers”
Asphalt textures 256—264
Assets, compound assets, mesh creation 26—27
Assets, compound assets, overview 15
assets, defined 15
Atari 2
ATI Technologies Web site 664
Audio-Video Interleave (AVI) 641
Automatic Mapping feature 102—103
Automatic section (Command Panel) 138
Automatic U-V mapping 102—103
Automatic: Planar wrapping 128 134
Avalon Web site 658
AVI (Audio-Video Interleave) 641
B-Spline deformations 69
Backpack (slogre character example) 477
Barrel (RF-9 plasma gun), building 44—48
Barrel (RF-9 plasma gun), researching information about 432—433
Barrel (RF-9 plasma gun), texturing 459—468
Barrel (RF-9 plasma gun), unwrapping 133—137
Bevel and Emboss effect 201
Bevel tool 46
Beveling technique 224 455
Binary space partitioning (BSP) 642
Biped objects, adding, adjusting and aligning 558—560
Biped objects, attaching to character model 566—569
Biped objects, matching to character model 561—566
Biped objects, overview 24 556
Black Knight Productions Web site 659
blades 50—51
Blake Stone 7
Blast mark textures 347—349
Blending modes, Color Dodge 302
Blending modes, Hard Light 389
Blending modes, keyboard shortcuts 638
Blending modes, Soft Light 306
Blood splat textures 350—352
Blue’s News Web site 666
Blur commands (Filter menu), Gaussian blur 220 237 246 258 273
Blur commands (Filter menu), Radial Blur 349
BMP file format 629
Body (slogre character model), researching information about 477
Body (slogre character model), texturing 502—503
Body (slogre character model), unwrapping 179
Bone textures 402—406
Border command (Select menu, Modify) 252
Bounding boxes, creating 519—521
Brick textures, cement/stucco appearance to 206—216
Brick textures, cloudy blend 198
Brick textures, color of 197
Brick textures, craquelure 199
Brick textures, cropping 204
Brick textures, flaws in, correcting 205
Brick textures, mortar 199—202
Brick textures, noise, adding 198
Brick textures, overview 196
Brick textures, patterns 202 204
Brick textures, sizing 202
Brush Stokes commands (Filter menu), Crosshatch 456
Brush Stokes commands (Filter menu), Spatter 211 275
BSP (binary space partitioning) 642
buffers 625
Buildings, texturing 590—592
Bullet hole textures, on cement 344—347
Bullet hole textures, on metal, inward 335—338
Bullet hole textures, on metal, outward 338—343
Bump map 642
Burn Tool 304
Caligari Web site 662
Camouflage textures 413—416
Canvas Size command (Image menu) 222—223 259
Cap Holes modifier 157
CD-ROM 670—671
Cement textures 219—229
central processing unit (CPU) 5
Channel modification, keyboard shortcuts 637
Channels palette 212
Character models, biped objects, attaching 566—569
Character models, biped objects, matching to 561—566
Character models, brainstorming and process planning 17—18
Character models, compound asset example 15
Character models, design pre-considerations 68—69
Character models, pivot points 515—519
Character models, slogre character, ai ms, texturing 502—503
Character models, slogre character, appendages, aligning and combining 89—92
Character models, slogre character, arms, building 82—88
Character models, slogre character, arms, unwrapping 169—175
Character models, slogre character, body, building 70—77
| Character models, slogre character, body, texturing 502—503
Character models, slogre character, body, unwrapping 179
Character models, slogre character, cuffs, texturing 505—506
Character models, slogre character, exporting to DeepUV 159
Character models, slogre character, eyes, texturing 492—495
Character models, slogre character, feet, texturing 504
Character models, slogre character, first draft concept 18—20
Character models, slogre character, hands, texturing 505
Character models, slogre character, harsh angles of, smoothing 158
Character models, slogre character, head, texturing 488—492
Character models, slogre character, head, unwrapping 175—179
Character models, slogre character, legs, building 78—82
Character models, slogre character, legs, texturing 502—503
Character models, slogre character, legs, unwrapping 160—169
Character models, slogre character, map, packing manually 180
Character models, slogre character, mesh, editing 152—154
Character models, slogre character, neck, texturing 500—501
Character models, slogre character, researching information about 477—479
Character models, slogre character, results of, updating and viewing in 3D Studio Max 180—181
Character models, slogre character, skin, adding 513—515
Character models, slogre character, tusks, adding 157
Character models, slogre character, tusks, texturing 497—500
Character models, slogre character, weighting 569—574
Character Studio, biped objects, adding, adjusting and aligning 558—560
Character Studio, biped objects, attaching to character model 566—569
Character Studio, biped objects, matching to character model 561—566
Character Studio, biped objects, overview 556
Character Studio, overview 555
Checkerboard map 440—443
Chisel Hard option 455
Chrome command (Filter menu, Sketch) 339
ClassicGaming Web site 3 666
Claws (slogre character example) 477
Clipping 643
Clone Stamp tool 205 221 228 232
Clothing textures, camouflage 413—416
Clothing textures, wrinkles in 417—419
Clouds command (Filter menu, Render) 198 209 219 230 248 250 256 265
CLUT (color look-up table) 623
CMYK color mode 626—627
Codec (coding/decoding) 643
Cold lava textures 248—249
Color depth, defined 618
Color depth, RGB 621—623
Color Dodge blending mode 302
Color look-up table (CLUT) 623
Color modes, CMYK 626—627
Color modes, grayscale 627
Color modes, Lab 628
Color modification, keyboard shortcuts 637
Color Picker (PhotoShop) 197 199
Color Table command (Image menu, Mode) 218
Color, brick textures 197
Color, indexed color 646
Command Panel, Automatic section 138
Command Panel, Cylinder button 135
Command Panel, Interactive section 140
Command Panel, Last Optimize Status option 152
Command Panel, Modifier tab 152
Command Panel, Pack All button 144
Command Panel, Packing and Type section 122
Command Panel, Relax option 130
Command Panel, Selection button 135
Command Panel, Tools section 127
Command Panel, Unfold option 124
Commander Keen 6
Commands, Add Noise (Filter menu, Noise) 236 254
Commands, Canvas (Image menu) 222—223 259
Commands, Chrome (Filter menu, Sketch) 339
Commands, Clouds (Filter menu, Render) 219 230 248 250 256 265
Commands, Contract (Select menu, Modify) 246 345
Commands, Copy (Edit menu) 467
Commands, Crosshatch (Filter menu, Brush Strokes) 456
Commands, Curves (Edit menu, Adjust) 280
Commands, Define Pattern (Edit menu) 206
Commands, Desaturate (Edit menu, Adjust) 284
Commands, Difference Clouds (Filter menu, Render) 230 234 236 243 250
Commands, Dust & Scratches (Filter menu, Noise) 214
Commands, Emboss (Filter menu, Stylize) 444
Commands, Expand (Select menu, Modify) 258 406
Commands, Fill (Edit menu) 206
Commands, Find Edges (Filter menu, Stylize) 248 422
Commands, Flatten Image (Layer menu) 290
Commands, Flip Horizontal (Edit menu, Transform) 130 240
Commands, Flip Vertically (Edit menu, Transform) 140 164 240
Commands, Front (View menu) 169
Commands, Gaussian blur (Filter menu, Blur) 220 237 246 258
Commands, Grain (Filter menu. Texture) 210
Commands, Graphic Pen (Filter menu, Sketch) 325 356
Commands, Grid (View menu, Show) 241
Commands, Guides and Grid (Edit menu, Preferences) 260
Commands, Image Size (Image menu) 218 238
Commands, Import (File menu) 111
Commands, Inverse (Select menu) 258 467
Commands, Invert (Edit menu, Adjust) 213 250
Commands, Levels (Edit menu, Adjust) 213 251
Commands, Lighting Effects (Filter menu, Render) 213 231 235 241 244 262
Commands, Median (Filter menu, Noise) 256 355
Commands, Merged Linked (Layer menu) 285
Commands, New Image (File menu) 197
Commands, Ocean Ripple (Filter menu, Distort) 426
Commands, Offset (Filter menu, Other) 220 239
Commands, Paint Daubs (Filter menu, Artistic) 266 350
Commands, Pointillize (Filter menu, Pixelate) 233
Commands, Preferences (File menu) 78
Commands, Radial Blur (Filter menu, Blur) 349
Commands, Right Hemisphere (Utilities Panel) 145—147
Commands, Rotate (Edit menu, Transform) 260 294
Commands, Scale (Edit menu, Transform) 300
Commands, Send lTV Update (File menu, Export) 164 180
Commands, Show Rulers (View menu) 199
Commands, Skew (Edit menu, Transform) 333
Commands, Spatter (Filter menu, Brush Strokes) 211 275
Commands, Stained Glass (Filter menu, Texture) 422
Commands, Stereolitho file type (File menu, Import) 151
Commands, Stroke (Edit menu) 257 269 315 376
Commands, Texturizer (Filter menu, Texture) 415
Commands, Variations (Edit menu, Adjust) 390
Commands, Wave (Filter menu, Distort) 426
Commands, Wind (Filter menu, Stylize) 294
Compositing textures 189—190
Compound assets, character model 15
Compound assets, mesh creation 26—27
Concept artist 596
Configuration Library icon 69
Console games versus personal computers 5—6
Content (asset) creation process 15—17
Contract command (Select menu, Modify) 246 345
Control Panel 248
Convert NURBS Patch to Polyhedron tool 71
Copy command (Edit menu) 467
Corel Web site 663
Counter-Strike 9
CPU (central processing unit) 5
Craquelure command (Filter menu, Texture) 199 201
Create New Channel icon 212
Creative/project director 598
Crop tool 204
Crosshatch command (Filter menu, Brush Strokes) 456
Crystal Caves 6
Cube primitives 45
Cuffs (slogre character example), researching information about 477
Cuffs (slogre character example), texturing 505—506
Culling 643
Curves command (Edit menu, Adjust) 280
Curves, Add Curve tool 79
Curves, function 645
Curves, isocurves 72
Cut button (Mapping panel) 106
Cylinder button, Command Panel 135
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