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Franson D. — 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artist |
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Interlacing 646
Inverse command (Select menu) 258 467
Inverse kinematics 647
Invert command (Edit menu, Adjust) 213 250
Isocurves 72
Jagged textures 328—329
Jasc Web site 663
jobs see “Employment finding”
Join button 172
JPEG file format 629
Kerning 647
Keyboard shortcuts, blending modes 638
Keyboard shortcuts, channel modification 637
Keyboard shortcuts, color modification 637
Keyboard shortcuts, File menu 633
Keyboard shortcuts, layer modification 637
Keyboard shortcuts, most frequently used 632
Keyboard shortcuts, my editing 635
Keyboard shortcuts, palette display 636
Keyboard shortcuts, selection modification 636
Keyboard shortcuts, toolbox 634—635
Keyboard shortcuts, views 633
Keyframes 647
Lab artist 597
Lab color mode 628
Lakes, dry lake bed texture 422—424
Lasso tool 120 176 292 303
Last Optimize Status option (Command Panel) 152
Lathing 647
Lava textures, cold lava 248—249
Lava textures, hot lava 243—247
Layer menu commands, Flatten Image 201 290
Layer menu commands, Merge Linked 285
Layer modification, keyboard shortcuts 637
Layer Styles dialog box 223
Layers palette 232
Lead animator 597
Lead designers 598
Lead level designers 598
Lead modeler 597
Leading 647
Legs (slogre character model), building 78—82
Legs (slogre character model), researching information about 477
Legs (slogre character model), texturing 502—503
Legs (slogre character model), unwrapping 160—L69
Level designers 598
Level of detail (LOD) 35 114 529—532
Levels command (Edit menu, Adjust) 207 213 232 243 245 251
Levels dialog box 228
Lighting Effects command (Filter menu, Render) 213 231 235 241 244 262
Lightwave file format 101
LightWave Object (LWO) 648
Lizard skin textures 397—399
LOD (level of detail) 35 114 529—532
LWO (Light Wave Object) 648
Magic Ring 38
Magic Wand tool 326 400
Mane (slogre character example) 477
Manipulation Res variable 71
Manual U-V mapping 104—109
Manufacturers, electronics 3
Mapping see “U-V mapping”
Mapping panel (DeepUV), Cut button 106
Mapping panel (DeepUV), Cylinder button 106
Mapping panel (DeepUV), Selection button 107
Mapping panel (DeepUV), Sphere button 109
Mapping, checkerboard map 440—443
Mapping, MIP map 649
Marble textures 249—255
Marching ants 648
Material screen (DeepUV) 102
Maxforums Web site 660
Median command (Filter menu, Noise) 256 355
Medieval brick texture 265—277 367
Medieval castle textures, house gate, bindings 370—373
Medieval castle textures, house gate, drop handle 374—378
Medieval castle textures, house gate, overview 365—366
Medieval castle textures, house gate, vertical boards 367—369
Memory, ROM (read-only memory) 3
memory, video memory 625—626
Merge Linked command (Layer menu) 285
Mesh creation, compound asset creation 16
Mesh creation, Edit Mesh modifier 153
Mesh creation, high polygon 31—33
Mesh creation, low-resolution 16
Mesh creation, mirroring and attaching 155—157
Mesh creation, RF-9 plasma gun example 26—27
Metal textures 287—291
Metal textures from images 281—286
Metal textures, basic 278—279
Metal textures, diamond-plated 298—301
Metal textures, panels 306—311
Metal textures, peeling paint on 302—305
Metal textures, pipes 311—317
Metal textures, rivets and screws 320—324
Metal textures, rusted, basic 287—291
Metal textures, rusted, dripping rust 292—295
Metal textures, rusted, rusted catwalk 296—297
Metal textures, shiny 279—281
Metal textures, wires 318—319
Midtones and Highlights markers 232
Mineral rock textures 229—233
MIP map 649
Mirror Options dialog box 155
Mode command (Image menu) 218
Modeling programs, misconceptions about 16
Modifier tab (Command Panel) 152
Modify commands (Select menu), Border 252
Modify commands (Select menu), Contract 246 345
Modify commands (Select menu), Expand 258 406
Modpages Web site 661
Monochrome 649
Monster.com Web site 594
Mortar, brick textures 199—202
Motion blur 649
Move tool 36 106
MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) 649
Muzzle (RF-9 plasma gun), building 44—48
Muzzle (RF-9 plasma gun), researching information about 432
Muzzle (RF-9 plasma gun), texturing 469—471
Muzzle (RF-9 plasma gun), unwrapping 140—143
My Editing keyboard shortcuts 635
Nails (slogre character example) 477
NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) 4
New Image command (File menu) 197
Newtek Web site 663
Nintendo 4
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) 4
Nintendo64 7
Node points, adding 522—526
Noise command (Filter menu), Add Noise 198 201 209 236 254
Noise command (Filter menu), Dust & Scratches 214
Noise command (Filter menu), Median 256 355
Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) 35 69 611
Normals 612
NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline) 35 69 611
NURBS isocurves 72
NURBS Patch to Polyhedron tool 89
NURBS Sphere icon 70
nVidia Web site 665
OBJ property (trueSpace) 650
Object geometry 606—608
Object Info panel (trueSpace) 28—30
Object origin 607
Object Properties dialog box 113
Object Rotate tool 36
Object Subtraction tool 42—44
Object tool 36
Object Union tool 43 47
Ocean Ripple command (Filter menu, Distort) 426
| Offset command (Filter menu, Other) 220 228 239
Open Schematic View icon 522
Open-ended games 9
OpenGL 650
Opposing Force 9
Organic textures 187—188 195—196
Organic-style packing 144
Orthogonal view 650
Other commands (Filter menu) 220 228 239
Overlay planes 650
Pack All button (Command Panel) 144
Pack Selection button 123
Packing and Type section (Command Panel) 122
Paint Daubs command (Filter menu, Artistic) 266 350
Palette display, keyboard shortcuts 636
Palletizing images 217—218
Pan tool 153
Particle system 650
Patch 72 650
Patch Edit: Points tool 73
PCX file format 630
PDF (Portable Document Format) 650
Peeling paint on metal textures 302—305
Per-pixel shading 650
Personal computers versus game consoles 5—6
Perspective view (DeepUV) 102
Phantasy Star 4
Phong 651
Photo-based textures 188—189
Photoshop, Actions palette 255
Photoshop, Airbrush tool 347
Photoshop, Blending mode, Color Dodge 302
Photoshop, Blending mode, Hard Light 389
Photoshop, Blending mode, Soft Light 306
Photoshop, Burn tool 304
Photoshop, Channels palette 212
Photoshop, Clone Stamp tool 205 221 228 232
Photoshop, Color Picker 197 199
Photoshop, Crop tool 204
Photoshop, Dodge tool 205 304
Photoshop, Edit menu commands, Define Pattern 202 204 206
Photoshop, Edit menu commands, Fill 204 206
Photoshop, Edit menu commands, Preferences, Guides and Grid 260
Photoshop, Edit menu commands, Stroke 257 269 315 376
Photoshop, Edit menu commands, Transform, Flip Horizontal 240
Photoshop, Edit menu commands, Transform, Flip Vertical 240
Photoshop, Edit menu commands, Transform, Rotate 260 294
Photoshop, Edit menu commands, Transform, Scale 300
Photoshop, Edit menu commands, Transform, Skew 333
Photoshop, Elliptical Marquee tool 321
Photoshop, File menu commands, New Image 197
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Artistic, Paint Daubs 266 350
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Artistic, Sponge 220
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Blur, Gaussian blur 220 237 246 258 273
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Blur, Radial Blur 349
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Brush Strokes, Spatter 211 275
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Distort, Ocean Ripple 426
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Distort, Wave 426
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Noise, Add Noise 198 201 209 236 254
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Noise, Dust & Scratches 214
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Noise, Median 256 355
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Other, Offset 220 228 239
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Pixelate, Pointillize 233
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Render, Clouds 198 209 219 230 248 250 256 265
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Render, Difference Clouds 230 234 236 243 250
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Render, Lighting Effects 213 231 235 241 244 262
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Sketch, Chrome 339
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Sketch, Graphic Pen 325 356
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Stylize, Find Edges 248 422
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Stylize, Wind 294
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Texture, Craquelure 199 201
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Texture, Grain 210
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Texture, Stained Glass 400 422
Photoshop, Filter menu commands, Texture, Texturizer 415
Photoshop, Gradient tool 284
Photoshop, Image menu commands, Adjust, Curves 280
Photoshop, Image menu commands, Adjust, Desaturate 284
Photoshop, Image menu commands, Adjust, Hue/Saturation 208
Photoshop, Image menu commands, Adjust, Invert 213 250
Photoshop, Image menu commands, Adjust, Levels 207 213 232 243 245 251
Photoshop, Image menu commands, Adjust, Variations 390
Photoshop, Image menu commands, Canvas Size 222—223 259
Photoshop, Image menu commands, Image Size 202 218 238
Photoshop, Image menu commands, Mode, Color Table 218
Photoshop, Image menu commands, Rotate Canvas, Arbitrary 203
Photoshop, Lasso tool 292 303
Photoshop, Layer menu, Flatten Image 201 290
Photoshop, Layer menu, Merge Linked 285
Photoshop, Layer Styles dialog box 223
Photoshop, Layers palette 232
Photoshop, Magic Wand tool 326 400
Photoshop, Pillow Emboss styles 252
Photoshop, Polygonal Lasso tool 298 315
Photoshop, Quick Mask mode 211
Photoshop, Radial Gradient tool 321
Photoshop, Rectangular Marquee tool 227 239 269 271
Photoshop, Reflected Gradient tool 314
Photoshop, RGB channel, Stop Playing/Recording button 267
Photoshop, Select menu commands, Inverse 258
Photoshop, Select menu commands, Modify, Border 252
Photoshop, Select menu commands, Modify, Contract 246 345
Photoshop, Select menu commands, Modify, Expand 258 406
Photoshop, Snap and Grids feature 267—268 296
Photoshop, View menu commands, Show Rulers 199
Photoshop, View menu commands, Show, Grid 241
Pillow Emboss styles 252
Pipe textures, metal, basic 311—314
Pipe textures, metal, bent pipes 314—317
Pivot points, character and weapon models 515—519
Pixelate commands (Filter menu) 233
pixels 618
Planar unwrapping technique 101
Planet Half-Life Web site 661
Planet Quake Web site 661
Planet Unreal Web site 661
Planetary textures, dry lake bed 422—424
Planetary textures, earth 419—421
Planetary textures, water 425—427
PNG file format 630
Point editing 31
Point of view (POV) 651
Pointillize command (Filter menu, Pixelate) 233
Polygonal Lasso tool 298 315
Polygons, basic form of 609
Polygons, checks, running 113—114
Polygons, high polygon meshes 31—33
Polygons, polygon count 34—35
Polyhedron 651
Portable Document Format (PDF) 650
portfolios 594—595
POV (point of view) 651
Preferences command (File menu) 78 260
Premier Press Books Web site 668
Primitives panel 38
Processing speeds 5
Programmers, working with 600—602
Project directors 598
PSD file format 629
Quad divide 651
Quad Divide tools 63
Quake 8—9
Quake II 8
Quartz-like textures 233—235
Quick Mask mode 211
Quick Weld option (Import STL File dialog box) 151
Radial Blur command (Filter menu, Blur) 349
Radial Gradient tool 321
Radiosity 652
RAMDOC (random access memory digital to analog converter) 652
Read-only memory (ROM) 3
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