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Franson D. — 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artist |
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Cylinder button, Mapping panel 106
Cylinder, eight-sided 44
Cylinder, six-sided 52
Cylinder, ten-sided 48
Cylindrical unwrapping technique 101
Decal textures, blast marks 347—349
Decal textures, blood splats 350—352
Decal textures, bullet holes, on cement 344—347
Decal textures, bullet holes, on metal, inward 335—338
Decal textures, bullet holes, on metal, outward 338—343
Decal textures, overview 334
Decimation 644
Deep Paint 3D 109
DeepUV, Automatic Mapping feature 102—103
DeepUV, Command Panel, Automatic section 138
DeepUV, Command Panel, Cylinder button 135
DeepUV, Command Panel, Interactive section 140
DeepUV, Command Panel, Pack All button 144
DeepUV, Command Panel, Packing and Type section 122
DeepUV, Command Panel, Relax option 130
DeepUV, Command Panel, Selection button 135
DeepUV, Command Panel, Tools section 127
DeepUV, Command Panel, Unfold option 124
DeepUV, default interface 101
DeepUV, exporting to 159
DeepUV, Free Transform tool 106
DeepUV, installing 99
DeepUV, Lasso tool 120
DeepUV, Mapping panel, Cut button 106
DeepUV, Mapping panel, Cylinder button 106
DeepUV, Mapping panel, Selection button 107
DeepUV, Mapping panel, Sphere button 109
DeepUV, Material screen 102
DeepUV, Move tool 106
DeepUV, overview 100
DeepUV, Perspective view 102
DeepUV, Rectangular Selection tool 104
DeepUV, Rotate tool 117
DeepUV, View menu 104
DeepUV, widget 102
DeepUV, Zoom tools 117
Define Pattern command (Edit menu) 202 204 206
Delete Face tool 92
Delete Row of Points tool 81
Desaturate command (Edit menu, Adjust) 284
Design (gaming), history of 3—4
Design (gaming), sketch art 14—15
Design (gaming), U-V mapping 99
Designers 598
Developers, finding employment as 594—604
Development teams, working on 598
Diablo 9
Dialog boxes, Hide Objects 556
Dialog boxes, Import STL File 111 151
Dialog boxes, Layer Styles 223
Dialog boxes, Levels 228
Dialog boxes, Mirror Options 155
Dialog boxes, Object Properties 113
Diamond-plated metal textures 298—301
Difference Clouds command (Filter menu, Render) 230 234 236 243 250
DigitalFlux Web site 659
DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Module) 644
Dinosaur skin textures 397—399
DirectX, SDK (Software Development Kit) 8
Discreet Web site 663
Distort commands (Filter menu), Ocean Ripple 426
Distort commands (Filter menu), Wave 426
Dodge tool 205 304
Dot pitch 644
Draw Objects tool 31
Drawing Exchange Format (DXF) 644
Drilling 44
Dry lake bed textures 422—424
Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM) 644
Dummies, adding and manipulating 575—577
Dungeons and Dragons 18
Dust 8c Scratches command (Filter menu, Noise) 214
DXF (Drawing Exchange Format) 644
Dynamic B-spline deformations 69
Dynamic rendering modes 30—31
Earth textures 419—421
Edges, Add Edges tool 57
Edges, defined 607
Edges, hiding 62—63
Edit menu commands, Copy 467
Edit menu commands, Define Pattern 202 204 206
Edit menu commands, Fill 204 206
Edit menu commands, Preferences, Guides and Grid 260
Edit menu commands, Stroke 257 269 315 376
Edit menu commands, Transform 106
Edit menu commands, Transform, Flip Horizontal 130 240
Edit menu commands, Transform, Flip Vertical 140 164 240
Edit menu commands, Transform, Rotate 260 294
Edit menu commands, Transform, Scale 300
Edit menu commands, Transform, Skew 333
Edit Mesh modifier 153
Egg-shaped sphere 37
Electronics manufacturers 3
Elliptical Marquee tool 321
Elsa Inc. Web site 664
Emboss command (Filter menu, Stylize) 444
emboss effect 201
Employment, finding, development teams, working on 598
Employment, finding, knowledge levels 600
Employment, finding, portfolio 594—595
Employment, finding, positions, types of 596—598
Employment, finding, programmers, working with 600—602
Employment, finding, resumes 594
Employment, finding, salaries 596—598
Envelopes 561
Environment map 645
Erase Vertices tool 39
Errors in object substraction 43
Errors in object union 43
Expand command (Select menu, Modify) 258 406
Export command (File menu) 164 180
Export, compound asset creation 16
Exporting to DeepUV 159
Exporting, RF-9 plasma gun example 63—64
Extended Graphics Array (XGA) 6 656
Extrude tool 80
Eye Move tool 31
Eye Rotate tool 31 73
Eyeball Design Web site 659
Eyes (slogre character example), researching information about 477
Eyes (slogre character example), texturing 492—495
Face (slogre character example) 477
Faces tool 40
Faceting 645
Feathering effects 336—337
Feet (slogre character example) 504
field of view (FoV) 645
File formats, 3D Studio Max 101
File formats, BMP 629
file formats, JPEG 629
File formats, Lightwave 101
File formats, PCX 630
File formats, PNG 630
File formats, PSD 629
File formats, TGA 630
File formats, TIFF 630
File formats, Wavefront 101
File menu commands, Export, Send UV Update 164 180
File menu commands, Import 111 151
File menu commands, keyboard shortcuts for 633
File menu commands, New Image 197
File menu commands, Preferences 78
Fill command (Edit menu) 204 206
Fillet 645
| Filter menu commands, Artistic, Paint Daubs 266 350
Filter menu commands, Artistic, Sponge 220
Filter menu commands, Blur, Gaussian blur 220 237 246 258 273
Filter menu commands, Blur, Radial Blur 349
Filter menu commands, Brush Strokes, Crosshatch 456
Filter menu commands, Brush Strokes, Spatter 211 275
Filter menu commands, Distort, Ocean Ripple 426
Filter menu commands, Distort, Wave 426
Filter menu commands, Noise, Add Noise 198 201 209 236 254
Filter menu commands, Noise, Dust & Scratches 214
Filter menu commands, Noise, Median 256 355
Filter menu commands, Other, Offset 220 228 239
Filter menu commands, Pixelate, Pointillize 233
Filter menu commands, Render, Clouds 198 209 219 230 248 250 256 265
Filter menu commands, Render, Difference Clouds 230 234 236 243 250
Filter menu commands, Render, Lighting Effects 213 231 235 241 244 262
Filter menu commands, Sketch, Chrome 339
Filter menu commands, Sketch, Graphic Pen 325 356
Filter menu commands, Stylize, Emboss 444
Filter menu commands, Stylize, Find Edges 248 422
Filter menu commands, Stylize, Wind 294
Filter menu commands, Texture, Craquelure 199 201
Filter menu commands, Texture, Grain 210
Filter menu commands, Texture, Stained Glass 400 422
Filter menu commands, Texture, Texturizer 415
Final Fantasy 4
Find Edges command (Filter menu, Stylize) 248 422
First-person shooters 8
Flatten Image command (Layer menu) 201 290
Flip Horizontal command (Edit menu, Transform) 130 240
Flip Vertical command (Edit menu, Transform) 140 164 240
FoV (field of view) 645
fps (frames per second) 645
Frag 645
frames per second (FPS) 645
Free Transform tool 106
Front command (View menu) 169
Function curve 645
Fuzziness 251
G-LoK.tsc file 28
Gamasutra Web site 666
Game artists see “Developers”
Game consoles versus personal computers 5—6
Game Developer Magazine 667
Game Development Search Engine 667
GameDev.Net Web site 666
Games, Age of Empires 9
Games, Black Stone 7
Games, Commander Keen 6—7
Games, Counter-Strike 9
Games, Crystal Caves 6
Games, design, history of 3—4
Games, design, sketch art 14—15
Games, design, U-V mapping 99
Games, Diablo 9
Games, DOOM II 7
Games, Dungeons and Dragons 18
Games, Final Fantasy 4
Games, future of 10
Games, Half Life 9
Games, open-ended 9
Games, Opposing Farce 9
Games, Phantasy Star 4
Games, Quake 7 9
Games, Quake II 7
Games, Sonic Hedgehog 4
Games, Super Mario Brothers 4
Games, textures, animated 191
Games, textures, compositing 189—190
Games, textures, hand-drawn 187—188
Games, textures, photo-based 188—189
Games, textures, seamless 190—191
Games, textures, types of 186
Games, Tomb Raider 9
Games, Tron 3
Games, Wolfenstein 3D 7
Games, Worms Armageddon 8
Gamma 646
Gamut 646
GarageGames Web site 596 667
Gaussian blur command (Filter menu, Blur) 220 237 246 258 273
Gearbox Software 10
Glass textures 332—334
Gourad 646
GPU (graphics processing unit) 625
GR Site’s Web site 659
Gradient tool 284
Grain command (Filter menu, Texture) 210
Granite textures 233—235
Granularity 620
Graphic Pen command (Filter menu, Sketch) 325 356
Graphics processing unit (GPU) 625
Graphics, EGA (extended graphics array) 6
Graphics, revolution and progress of 7—8
Graphics, teams 8
Graphics, VGA (video graphics array) 6
Grayscale color mode 627
Grid command (View menu, Show) 241
Grid Snap tool 36 44
Grip (RF-9 plasma gun), building 48—52
Grip (RF-9 plasma gun), researching information about 433
Grip (RF-9 plasma gun), texturing 453—458
Guides and Grid command (Edit menu, Preferences) 260
Half-life 9—10
Hand-draw textures 187—188
Hands (slogre character example), texturing 505
Hard Light blending mode 389
Head (slogre character model), texturing 488—492
Head (slogre character model), unwrapping 175—179
Hewlett-Packard Web site 665
Hide Objects dialog box 556
High polygon meshes 31—33
Hoops (RF-9 plasma gun), researching information about 433
Hoops (RF-9 plasma gun), texturing 443—449
Hose (RF-9 plasma gun), researching information about 433
Hose (RF-9 plasma gun), texturing 450—453
Hot lava textures 243—247
Hue 646
Hue/Saturation command (Edit menu, Adjust) 208
Icons, Configuration Library 69
Icons, Create New Channel 212
Icons, NURBS Sphere 70
Icons, Open Schematic View 522
Image menu commands, Adjust, Curves 280
Image menu commands, Adjust, Desaturate 284
Image menu commands, Adjust, Hue/Saturation 208
Image menu commands, Adjust, Invert 213 250
Image menu commands, Adjust, Levels 207 213 232 243 245 251
Image menu commands, Adjust, Variations 390
Image menu commands, Canvas Size 222—223 259
Image menu commands, Image Size 202 218 238
Image menu commands, Mode, Color Table 218
Image menu commands, Rotate Canvas, Arbitrary 203
Image Size command (Image menu) 202 218 238
Images, flattening 201
Images, palletizing 217—218
images, resizing 217—218
Import command (File menu) 111 151
Import STL File dialog box 111 151
Import UV’s button 145—147
Indexed color 646
Infinite light 646
Inorganic textures 187—188
Installing, DeepUV 99
Installing, trueSpace 28
Intellvision 2
Interactive section (Command Panel) 140
Interactive: Cylinder mapping 133
Interactive: Planar wrapping 128
Interactive: Sphere mapping 176
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