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Franson D. — 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artist
Franson D. — 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artist

Îáñóäèòå êíèãó íà íàó÷íîì ôîðóìå

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Íàçâàíèå: 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artist

Àâòîð: Franson D.


Take your games to the next level! 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists is the perfect stepping stone for beginning or intermediate game artists entering the gaming industry. This book will show you how to create models, arrange U-Vs, generate textures, then finalize your models for use with a video game engine. By the time you're finished, you'll have added your work to a live video game. Use this book to develop your skills as a game artist, then let your imagination run wild and see where it takes you!

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/Îáðàáîòêà èçîáðàæåíèé/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2003

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 693

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 17.11.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
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Rectangle button      123
Rectangle selection tool      172—173
Rectangle-style packing      144
Rectangular Marquee tool      227 239 269 271
Rectangular Selection tool      53 104
Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC)      10
Reference plane      35—36
references      556
Refine Patch tool      74 81
Reflected Gradient tool      314
Reflection      652
Refraction      652
Relax option (Command Panel)      130
Render command (Filter menu), Clouds      198 209 219 230 248 250 256 265
Render command (Filter menu), Difference Clouds      230 234 236 243 250
Render command (Filter menu), Lighting Effects      213 231 235 241 244 262
Rendering      614—615
Resolution      618
Resumes      594—595
Return to Castle Wolfenstein      10
RF-9 plasma gun, barrel, building      44—48
RF-9 plasma gun, barrel, texturing      459—468
RF-9 plasma gun, barrel, unwrapping      133—137
RF-9 plasma gun, exporting      63—64
RF-9 plasma gun, grip, building      48—52
RF-9 plasma gun, grip, texturing      453—458
RF-9 plasma gun, grip, unwrapping      117—127
RF-9 plasma gun, hoops, building      53—58
RF-9 plasma gun, hoops, texturing      443—449
RF-9 plasma gun, hoops, unwrapping      138—140
RF-9 plasma gun, hose, texturing      450—453
RF-9 plasma gun, map, retrieving manually      145—147
RF-9 plasma gun, mesh creation      26—27
RF-9 plasma gun, modeling process and planning      33
RF-9 plasma gun, muzzle, building      37—42 433
RF-9 plasma gun, muzzle, texturing      469—471
RF-9 plasma gun, muzzle, unwrapping      140—143
RF-9 plasma gun, optimize and triangulate      58—63
RF-9 plasma gun, painting      58
RF-9 plasma gun, rear hoop, unwrapping      127—132
RF-9 plasma gun, reference plane, setting up      35—36
RF-9 plasma gun, researching information about      432
RF-9 plasma gun, sketch art concepts      20—23
RF-9 plasma gun, target polygon count      34—35
RF-9 plasma gun, trigger, texturing      453—458
RF-9 plasma gun, unfolded pieces, arranging      143—L45
RGB channel, Stop Playing/Recording button      267
RGB color channels      623
RGB color depth      621—623
Rhinoceros skin textures      400—402
Ricaldi, Lars      19
Right Hemisphere command (Utilities Panel)      145—147
Right Hemisphere Web site      664
RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing)      10
Rock and stone textures, asphalt      256—264
Rock and stone textures, granite      233—235
Rock and stone textures, hot lava      243—247
Rock and stone textures, marble      249—255
Rock and stone textures, mineral rock      229—233
Rock and stone textures, sandstone      236—242
Rock and stone textures, stone wall set      264—277
Role-playing game (RPG)      8
ROM (read-only memory)      3
Rotate canvas command (Image menu)      203
Rotate command (Edit menu, Transform)      260 294
Rotate tool      117
RPG (role-playing game)      8
Rusted metal textures, basic      287—291
Rusted metal textures, dripping rust      292—295
Rusted metal textures, rusted catwalk      296—297
Salaries      596—598
Sandstone textures      236—242
Scale By command (Edit menu, Transform)      106
Scale command (Edit menu, Transform)      300
Scale tool      38
SDK (Software Development Kit)      8
SDRAM (synchronous dynamic random access memory)      653
Seamless textures      190—191
Seams, alignment, suggestions for      168
Seams, defined      133
Sega      4
Sega Saturn      7
segments      653
Select menu commands, Inverse      258 467
Select menu commands, Modify, Border      252
Select menu commands, Modify, Contract      246 345
Select menu commands, Modify, Expand      258 406
Select Using Rectangle tool      38
Selection button, Command Panel      135
Selection button, Mapping panel      107
Selection modification, keyboard shortcuts      636
Send UV Update command (Edit menu, Export)      164 180
shaders      653
Shadows and Highlights markers      253
Shadows marker      243
Shared points      138
Sharing U-V space      126
Shiny metal textures      279—281
shortcuts      see “Keyboard shortcuts”
Show command (View menu), Grid      241
Show Rulers command (View menu)      199
sites      see “Web sites”
Six-sided cylinder      52
Sketch art, compound asset creation      16
Sketch art, importance of      14—15
Sketch art, slogre character, first draft concept      18—20
Sketch commands (Filter menu), Chrome      339
Sketch commands (Filter menu), Graphic Pen      325 356
Skew      653
Skew command (Edit menu, Transform)      333
Skin textures, adding, slogre character example      513—515
Skin textures, lizard/dinosaur skin      397—399
Skin textures, overview      396
Skin textures, rhinoceros skin      400—402
Skin textures, torn flesh      406—412
Slogre character, appendages, aligning and combining      89—92
Slogre character, arms, building      82—88
Slogre character, arms, texturing      502—503
Slogre character, arms, unwrapping      169—175
Slogre character, body, building      70—77
Slogre character, body, texturing      502—503
Slogre character, body, unwrapping      179
Slogre character, brainstorming and process planning      17—18
Slogre character, cuffs, texturing      505—506
Slogre character, exporting to DeepUV      159
Slogre character, eyes, texturing      492—495
Slogre character, feet, texturing      504
Slogre character, first draft concept      18—20
Slogre character, hands, texturing      505
Slogre character, harsh angles of, smoothing      158
Slogre character, head, texturing      488—492
Slogre character, head, unwrapping      175—179
Slogre character, legs, building      78—82
Slogre character, legs, texturing      502—503
Slogre character, legs, unwrapping      160—169
Slogre character, map, packing manually      180
Slogre character, mesh, editing      152—154
Slogre character, neck, texturing      500—501
Slogre character, researching information about      477—479
Slogre character, results of, updating and viewing in 3D Studio Max      180—181
Slogre character, skin, adding      513—515
Slogre character, tusks, adding      157
Slogre character, tusks, texturing      497—500
Slogre character, weighting      569—574
Smooth modifier      158
Snap and Grid feature      267—268 296
Soft Light blending mode      306
Software development kit (SDK)      8
Sonic hedgehog      4
Spatter command (Filter menu, Brush Stroke)      211 275
Sphere button (Mapping panel)      109
Spheres, copying and positioning      40
Spheres, deleting      40
Spheres, egg-shaped      37
Spheres, elongating      38
Spheres, scaling and moving      42
Spheres, segments of, selecting      39
Spheres, twelve-segment      38
Spherical unwrapping technique      101
Splines      610
Sponge command (Filter menu, Artistic)      220
Spot lights      49
sprites      653
Stained Glass command (Filter menu, Texture)      400 422
Static Res number      71
Stencil buffering      653
Stereolitho file type      151
STL (stereolithography)      63
STL (stereolithography), Check modifier      112
STL (stereolithography), file, importing      111
Stone textures      see “Rock and stone textures”
Stop/Playing Recording button (RGB channel)      267
storyboarding      see “Sketch art”
Stroke command (Edit menu)      257 269 315 376
Studio LOGICBit Web site      660
Stylize command (Filter menu), Emboss      444
Stylize command (Filter menu), Find Edges      248 422
Stylize command (Filter menu), Wind      294
Subdivision Surface      654
Super Extended Graphics Array (SXGA)      654
Super Mario Brothers      4
SVGA (Super Video Graphics Array)      654
Sweep tool      41 45
SXGA (Super Extended Graphics Array)      654
Teams, development teams      598
Teams, graphics development      8
Tearing      654
Terrain Editor      588—590
Tessellate      654
Texture command (Filter menu), Craquelure      199 201
Texture command (Filter menu), Grain      210
Texture command (Filter menu), Stained Glass      400 422
Texture command (Filter menu), Texturizer      415
Texture coordinates      16
Texture resolution (trueSpace)      31
Texture World Web site      660
Texture/environment artist      597
Textures, bone      402—406
Textures, brick textures      see “Brick textures”
Textures, cement      see “Cement”
Textures, clothing, camouflage      413—416
Textures, clothing, wrinkles in      417—419
Textures, creation guidelines      195—196
Textures, decals      see “Decal textures”
Textures, defined      613
Textures, game textures, animated      191
Textures, game textures, compositing      189—190
Textures, game textures, hand-drawn      187—188
Textures, game textures, photo-based      188—189
Textures, game textures, seamless      190—191
Textures, game textures, types of      186
Textures, glass      332—334
Textures, inorganic      187—188
Textures, medieval castle      see “Medieval castle textures house
Textures, metal      see “Metal textures”
Textures, organic      187—188
Textures, planetary, dry lake bed      422—424
Textures, planetary, earth      419—421
Textures, planetary, water      425—427
Textures, rock      see “Rock and stone textures”
Textures, stone      see “Rock and stone textures”
Textures, water      425—427
Textures, wood      see “Wood textures”
Textures, work-to-time ratio      393
Texturing, buildings      590—592
Texturing, compound asset creation      16
Texturing, RF-9 plasma gun example, barrel      459—468
Texturing, RF-9 plasma gun example, grip      453—458
Texturing, RF-9 plasma gun example, hoops      443—453
Texturing, RF-9 plasma gun example, hose      450—453
Texturing, RF-9 plasma gun example, muzzle      469—471
Texturing, RF-9 plasma gun example, trigger      453—458
Texturing, slogre example, arms      502—503
Texturing, slogre example, body      502—503
Texturing, slogre example, cuffs      505—506
Texturing, slogre example, eyes      492—495
Texturing, slogre example, feet      504
Texturing, slogre example, hands      505
Texturing, slogre example, head      488—492
Texturing, slogre example, legs      502—503
Texturing, slogre example, neck      500—501
Texturing, slogre example, researching information about      477—479
Texturing, slogre example, tusks      497—500
Texturing, techniques for      434
Texturizer command (Filter menu, Texture)      415
TGA file format      630
TIFF file format      630
Tiling textures      see “Brick textures”
Tiling textures, cement, creating from images      226—229
Tiling textures, design considerations      206
Tiling textures, random      225—226
Tip tool      51
Toggle displays, keyboard shortcuts      636
Tolerance      654
Tomb Raider      9
Toolbox keyboard shortcuts      634—635
Tools section (Command Panel)      127
Torn flesh textures      106—412
Torque engine      586—590 592—593
Torus      654
Trajectory      654
Transform command (Edit menu)      106
Transform command (Edit menu), Flip Horizontal      130 240
Transform command (Edit menu), Flip Vertical      140 164 240
Transform command (Edit menu), Rotate      260 294
Transform command (Edit menu), Scale      300
Transform command (Edit menu), Skew      333
Transformation, defined      609
Transparent Wireframe mode      30—31
Triangulate tool      63
Triangulation      62—63 113
Trigger (RF-9 plasma gun example)      453—458
Trinity 3D Web site      660
Tron      3
TrueSpace, Add Curve tool      79
TrueSpace, Add Edges tool      57
TrueSpace, Add Vertex tool      86
TrueSpace, Bevel tool      46
TrueSpace, Convert NURBS Patch to Polyhedron tool      71
TrueSpace, default configuration      71
TrueSpace, Delete Face tool      92
TrueSpace, Delete Row of Points tool      81
TrueSpace, Draw Objects tool      31
TrueSpace, dynamic rendering modes, setting      30—31
TrueSpace, Erase Vertices tool      39
TrueSpace, Extrude tool      80
TrueSpace, Eye Move tool      31
TrueSpace, Eye Rotate tool      31 73
TrueSpace, Faces tool      40
TrueSpace, Grid Snap tool      36 44
TrueSpace, installing      28
TrueSpace, Magic Ring      38
TrueSpace, Move tool      36
TrueSpace, NURBS Patch to Polyhedron tool      89
TrueSpace, OBJ property      650
TrueSpace, Object Info panel      28—30
TrueSpace, Object Rotate tool      36
TrueSpace, Object Substraction tool      42 44
TrueSpace, Object tool      36
TrueSpace, Object Union tool      47
1 2 3 4 5
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