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Grimaldi R.P. — Discrete and combinatorial mathematics. An introduction |
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Finite state machine, output 328
Finite state machine, output alphabet 328 329
Finite state machine, output function 329
Finite state machine, pigeonhole principle 338
Finite state machine, reachability 350
Finite state machine, reachable state 340
Finite state machine, redundant state 388
Finite state machine, reset 330
Finite state machine, second level of reachability 350
Finite state machine, sequence recognizer 335 343
Finite state machine, serial binary adder 332
Finite state machine, sink (state) 341
Finite state machine, starting state 329
Finite state machine, state diagram 329 330
Finite state machine, state table 329
Finite state machine, strongly connected machine 341
Finite state machine, submachine 341
Finite state machine, transfer sequence 341
Finite state machine, transient state 340 341
Finite state machine, transition sequence 341
Finite state machine, transition table 329
Finite state machine, two-unit delay machine 339 340
Finite strings 317
Finizio, Norman 522 523
First level of infinity A-35
First level of reachability 350
First-in first-out structure 626
First-order linear recurrence relations 461—467
Fisher, R.A. 872
Fissionable material 498
Five-times repetition code 798 (see also “Algebraic coding theory”)
Fixed (invariant) 817
Fixed point (of a function) 419
Floor function ([x]) 252 253 629
Flow in a transport network 672 679
flowchart 194 195 363
Folding method (for hashing) 721
Ford, Lester Randolph, Jr. 679 695 696
Forest 607
Formal Logic; or, the Calculus of Inference, Necessary and Probable 138
Formulario Mathematico 240
FORTRAN 145 384 385
FORTRAN compiler 252
Foulds, L.R. 585 600 601
Foundations of mathematics 139 343
Four-byte address 5
Four-color problem 589 598—600
Fourier, Joseph Baptiste Joseph 309
Free variable 100 123
Frege, Gottlieb 138
Friedman, Arthur D. 773
Fulkerson, D.R. 599 601 679 695 696
Full binary tree 640
Full m-ary tree 644
full-adder 746 747
Function 113 202 245 251—257 259—265 267—269 271 272 280—290 294—296 304 308 309 315 317 409—411 418 419 516 701 720—722 732 735—743 745 754 758 772 795 796 799 801 804 A-1 A-4—A-6 A-8 A-10 A-30
Function 280
Function associative binary operation 268
Function codomain 252
Function complexity 245
Function composition see “Composite function”
Function decoding 796 804
Function domain 252
Function dominance 294—296 353 513
Function INT 253
Function inverse see “Inverse of a function”
Function logarithmic A-1 A-8
Function mapping 251
Function notation 251 252
Function one-to-one correspondence 280 309 505 684
Function order (of a function) 294
Function output function 329
Function pred (predecessor) 314
Function preimage of a set 287—290
Function preimage of an element 251
Function projection 271—273
Function range 252
Function restriction 257
Function sequence 254
Function succ (successor) 314
Function trunc(ation) 253
Function unary operation 267
Function, 285
Function, access function 253 259
Function, Ackermann’s function 259 260
Function, Big-Oh notation 294—296
Function, bijective function 280
Function, binary operation 267
Function, Boolean function 736—743 745—754
Function, ceiling function 253 254
Function, characteristic function 313
Function, closed binary operation 267 269—271
Function, commutative binary operation 268
Function, composite function 281
Function, composition of functions 281—285 287 A-10
Function, constant function 261
Function, delta function 606
Function, distance function 799
Function, dominance 294
Function, encoding 795 801 804
Function, equality 281
Function, Euler’s phi function 409—411
Function, exponential 418 A-1 A-4—A-6
Function, extension 257
Function, finite function 245 254 255 262 290 308
Function, finite sequence of n terms A-30
Function, fixed point 419
Function, floor function 252 253
Function, function complexity 245
Function, function dominance 294—296
Function, greatest integer function 252 253
Function, hashing function 701 720 721 732
Function, identity function 280
Function, image of a set 256
Function, image of an element 251
Function, incompletely specified Boolean function 758
Function, increasing function 313
Function, infinite sequence A-30
Function, injective function 255
Function, inverse function 285 A-10
Function, invertible function 284—286 290
Function, monary operation 267
Function, monotone increasing function 516
Function, next state function 329
Function, one-to-one function 255 282 285 290 684
Function, onto function 260 262—265 271 272 282 285 290 355 384 403 407 408 428 453 526
Function, phi function 409—411
Function, powers of a function 284
Function, recursive function 469
Function, scattering function 720 732
Function, self-dual Boolean function 774
Function, space complexity function 294
Function, surjective function 260
Function, switching function 735—743 745 772
Function, symmetric Boolean function 774
Function, time complexity function 294 304
Fundamental conjunction 740
Fundamental disjunction 741
Fundamental theorem of algebra 371
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic 183 232—234 236 241 254 265 276 321 354 355 409 728 A-33
G - e (e an edge) 540
g dominates f 294
g dominates f on S 513
Gaffian, Joseph A. 731 732 831 832
Galileo 309
Galois field 851 872
Galois theory 731 831
Galois, Evariste 731 830 831 851 871 872
Gambler’s ruin 525
Gardiner, Anthony 831 832
| Gardner, Martin 523 831 832
Garland, Trudi Hammel 522 524
Gating network 315 745 773
Gauss, Carl Friedrich 395 730 732
gcd (greatest common divisor), for integers 226 235
gcd (greatest common divisor), for polynomials 845
General solution (of a recurrence relation) 462
Generalizations of the principle of inclusion and exclusion 413—417
Generalized associative law for 204
Generalized associative law for 203
Generalized associative law for a group 778
Generalized associative law of addition of real numbers 206
Generalized associative laws in a ring 702
Generalized Binomial Theorem 439
Generalized DeMorgan’s laws 167
Generalized distributive laws (for set theory) 169
Generalized distributive laws in a ring 702
Generalized intersection of sets 166
Generalized union of sets 166
Generating function 310 433—443 446—450 454—458 466 493—499 501 522 817 820 821 824 825
Generating function, calculational techniques 436—443
Generating function, convolution of sequences 443
Generating function, exponential generating function 449—453
Generating function, in solving recurrence relations 493—499
Generating function, moment generating function 457 458
Generating function, nonlinear recurrence relation 501 502
Generating function, ordinary generating function 449
Generating function, partitions of integers 445—448
Generating function, summation operator 454 455
Generating function, table of identities 440
Generator matrix 801 806 807
Generator of a cyclic group 787
Geometric progression 461 462
Geometric series 437 440 487
Geometrie die Lage 650
Geometry 831
Germain, Sophie 730
Gersting, Judith L. 343 344
gib (greatest lower bound) 378 379
Gilbert bound 806 (see also “Algebraic coding theory”)
Gill, Arthur 343 344
Giomale di Matematiche 859
Godel’s proof 178
Goel, Kurt 177
Golay, Marcel J.E. 793 831 832
Goldberg, Samuel 523 524
Golden ratio 481
Gorenstein, Daniel 831 832
Graceful (labeling of a tree) 654
Graham, Ronald Lewis 311 312 522 524 670 694 696
Graph coloring 588—595
Graph isomorphism 540 544—546 723 724
Graph planarity 366 645
Graph theor, labeled directed graph 333
Graph theory 207 248 330 333 362—368 372—376 394—397 411 412 428 529—535 537—546 549—556 558—573 576—595 598—607 613 645—647 653—655 657 658 683 684 689 692 694 757 832 “Transport “Trees”)
Graph theory 550
Graph theory ( a vertex) 540
Graph theory 554
Graph theory 366 540
Graph theory 561 562
Graph theory 561
Graph theory 590
Graph theory 537
Graph theory , the independence number of G 587
Graph theory , the chromatic number of G 588—591
Graph theory , the domination number of G 603
Graph theory , the clique number of G 605
Graph theory 541
Graph theory 689
Graph theory adjacency list 397
Graph theory adjacency list representation 395 397
Graph theory adjacency matrix 367 559
Graph theory adjacent vertices 363 530
Graph theory algorithm for articulation points 647 651
Graph theory arc 330 363
Graph theory articulation point 577 645—647 651
Graph theory associated undirected graph 364 533
Graph theory biconnected component 645—647 651
Graph theory biconnected graph 645
Graph theory binary tree 499 500
Graph theory bipartite graph 561 580 683 684 689
Graph theory bridge 570
Graph theory chromatic number 588—591
Graph theory chromatic polynomial 589—595 600
Graph theory circuit 532 571
Graph theory clique 604
Graph theory clique number 605
Graph theory closed path 365
Graph theory closed walk 531 566 569
Graph theory cocycle 586
Graph theory color-critical graph 598 650
Graph theory comb graph 604 605
Graph theory complement of a graph 540 541
Graph theory complement of a subgraph in a graph 613
Graph theory complete bipartite graph 561
Graph theory complete directed graph 581
Graph theory complete graph 366 368 540 580 581
Graph theory complete n-partite graph 606
Graph theory components 366 368 533
Graph theory connected graph 364 533
Graph theory covering number 603
Graph theory covering of a graph 603
Graph theory cut-set 569 571—573
Graph theory cut-vertex 577
Graph theory cycle 365 532 571—573 578
Graph theory d(a, b) 658
Graph theory Decomposition Theorem for Chromatic Polynomials 592
Graph theory deficiency 689
Graph theory deficiency of a graph 689
Graph theory deg(R) 566
Graph theory degree of a region 566
Graph theory degree of a vertex 550
Graph theory Dijkstra’s Shortest-Path Algorithm 657 665
Graph theory directed cycle 365 373 532
Graph theory directed edge 330 363
Graph theory directed Euler circuit 554 555
Graph theory directed graph 363 364 372 373 394 395 530
Graph theory directed path 532
Graph theory directed walk 532
Graph theory distance 535 653
Graph theory dominating set 603 757
Graph theory domination number 603
Graph theory dual graph 568 569 571
Graph theory edges 363 530
Graph theory electrical networks 598 600
Graph theory elementary subdivision 562
Graph theory embedding 560
Graph theory Euler circuit 552 578 579
Graph theory Euler trail 552 553 578 579
Graph theory Euler, Leonard 396
Graph theory Euler’s Theorem for Connected Planar Graphs 564 598
Graph theory Four-color problem 589 598—600
Graph theory G - e (e an edge) 540
Graph theory graceful labeling of a tree 654
Graph theory graph coloring 588—595
Graph theory graph isomorphism 540 544—546
Graph theory Hamilton cycle 578 599 600
Graph theory Hamilton path 578 599
Graph theory Hasse diagram 373—376
Graph theory Herschel graph 587 590
Graph theory historical development 600
Graph theory homeomorphic graphs 562
Graph theory in degree (of a vertex) 554
Graph theory incidence matrix 559
Graph theory incident 530
Graph theory incoming degree (of a vertex) 554
Graph theory independence number 587
Graph theory independent set of vertices 587 655
Graph theory index list 397
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