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Grimaldi R.P. — Discrete and combinatorial mathematics. An introduction |
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Tree height 629
Tree inorder (traversal) 622
Tree internal vertices 614
Tree Kruskal’s algorithm 666—668
Tree leaf 614
Tree left child 617
Tree left subtree 617
Tree level 615
Tree level number 615
Tree lexicographic order 617
Tree merge sort algorithm 637
Tree order for the vertices of a tree 616 617 620—623
Tree ordered binary tree 500
Tree ordered rooted tree 616
Tree parent 615
Tree pendant vertex 609
Tree postorder (traversal) 620 651
Tree prefix code 640 641 643 651
Tree preorder (traversal) 620 624 651
Tree Prim’s algorithm 669 670 695
Tree quick sort 638
Tree right child 617
Tree root 614
Tree sibling 615
Tree sorting 634—638 651
Tree spanning forest 607
Tree spine (of a caterpillar) 655
Tree subtrees 609 615
Tree terminal vertex 614
Tree universal address system 616
Tree, algorithm for articulation points 647 651
Tree, algorithm for constructing a Huffman tree 642 643
Tree, algorithm for counting labeled trees 613 614
Tree, algorithm for the universal address system 616
Tree, biconnected component 645—648
Tree, binary rooted tree 617
Tree, binary tree 628
Tree, branch nodes 614
Tree, branches 616
Tree, breadth-first search 625—627 651
Tree, breadth-first search algorithm 626
Tree, characteristic sequence 652
Tree, complete binary tree 617 628
Tree, complete binary tree for a set of weights 641
Tree, complete m-ary tree 628
Tree, decision tree 630 631
Tree, depth-first search algorithm 624
Tree, depth-first spanning tree 645—647
Tree, directed tree 614
Tree, Fibonacci tree 653
Tree, full binary tree 640
Tree, full m-ary tree 644
Tree, graceful tree 654
Tree, Huffman tree 642 643
Tree, labeled complete binary tree 639
Tree, labeled tree 613
Tree, m-ary tree 628
Tree, minimal spanning tree 665—670 694 695
Tree, null child 622
Tree, optimal spanning tree 665 666 669 670
Tree, optimal tree 641 642
Tree, right subtree 617
Tree, rooted Fibonacci tree 653
Tree, rooted tree 614 619 628 629
Tree, spanning tree 607 624 657 665
Tree, weight of a tree 641
Tree, weights for an optimal tree 641
Tremblay, Jean-Paul 728 732
Triangle inequality 799
Triangular number 493
Triangulation (of a convex polygon) 505 507
Triple 246
Triple indirect block 17
Triple repetition code 797 (see also “Algebraic coding theory”)
Triple system 870
Trivial subgroup 780
Trivial walk 531
Trotter, H.F. 523 524
Trunc (truncation) function 253
Truth tables 53 56 57 61—65 77 78 80 94 163
Truth value 53
Tucker, Alan 45 46 428 429 458 694 696 833
Tune complexity function 294 464 466 488 512 513 515 517—519 663 664 668 670
Tune complexity function for the bubble sort 464 466
Turing machine 344
Turing, Alan Mathison 344
Tutte, W.T. 599
Two-byte address 5
Two-state device 735
Two-unit delay machine 339 340
Two’s complement method 220—223
Tymoczko, Thomas 600 602
U.S. Navy 372 394
Ulhnan, Jeffrey David 343 344 395 396 523 600 601 651 652 670 694 695 732
Unary operation 158 267 762
Uncountable set 310 A-27 A-32 A-33
Undirected edge 363
Undirected graph 364 411 412 531 724
Union of graphs 594
| Union of sets 157 159 250 260 289 290 A-34
Unique existential quantifier 120
Uniqueness of inverses for a Boolean algebra 764
Uniqueness of inverses for a group 779
Uniqueness of inverses for a ring 709 711
Unit delay 774
Unit delay machine see “One-unit delay machine”
Unit in a ring 706
Unity in a ring 703
Unity of a Boolean algebra 762
Universal address system 616
Universal generalization 128
Universal quantifier 100 145
Universal set 540
Universal specification 124
Universe 99 102 103 143 144
Universe of discourse 99 143 144
UNIX operating system 17 18
UNIX Software Laboratory 17
Unsaturated edge 673
Unspecified outputs 758
Upper bound 378
Upper limit in product notation 235
Upper limit of a summation 22
Uranium 497
Utility graph 561
Vajda, S. 522 524
Valid argument 51 58 77 80 81 88 127 129
Validity of an argument 87
Value of a flow 673
Van Slyke, R. 670 695 696
Variable 98—100
Variable bound 100
Variable free 100
Varieties 866
Veblen, O. 872
Vectors 720
Veitch, E.W. 773
Venn diagram 162—165 169 170 174 178 403 408 41 4 428
Venn, John 178
Vertex degree 550
Vertices of a graph 363 374 530
Vertices of a graph origin 363 530
Vertices of a graph source 363 530
Vertices of a graph terminus 363 530
Vertices of a graph, adjacent vertices 363 530
Vertices of a graph, isolated vertex 363 530
Vertices of a graph, terminating vertex 363 530
Von Ettinghausen, Andreas 45
von Koch, Helge 486
Von Staudt, Karl 650
Vorlesungen uber die Algebra der Logik 138
W(T) 641
Walk 531 532
Walker, Elbert A. 732
Wallis, W.D. 831 833 873
Wand, Mitchell 241
Weaver, W. 833
Weight of a string 23
Weight of a tree 641
Weight of an edge 657
Weight of x (in coding theory) 798 (see also “Algebraic coding theory”)
Weighted graph 657
Weights (for an optimal tree) 641
Well-defined binary operation 718
Well-formed formulae 212
Well-ordered poset 382
Well-ordered set 184
Well-ordering 382
Well-ordering principle 184 215 225
Weston, J. Harley 429
What the Tortoise Said to Achilles 139
Wheel graph 537
Whitehead, Alfred North 138 177
Whitney, Hassler 599
Whitworth, William Allen 45 46 428 429
Wilder, Raymond L. 139 140 311 312
Wilf, Herberts 458
Wilson, L.B. 523 524
Wilson, Robin J. 599—601
Wood, Derick 343 345
Words 317
Worst-case complexity 300 301
Wright, Charles R.B. 139 140
Wright, Edward Maitland 241 429
wt(e) (for an edge e) 665
wt(x) (for a string x) 23
wt(x) (in coding theory) 798 (see also “Algebraic coding theory”)
Wyman, M. 508 524
Xenocrates (of Chalcedon) 44
Youse, Bevan K. 241
Zariski, Oscar 731 732 872 873
Zero divisors 838
Zero element A-15
Zero element of a Boolean algebra 762
Zero element of a ring 702
Zero polynomial 836
Zero-one matrix 245 357; 395
Zuckerman, Herbert Samuel 240 241 458 732
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