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Accetta J.S. (ed.), Shumaker D.L. (ed.), Rogatto W.D. (ed.) — The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. Volume 3: Electro-Optical Components
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Название: The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. Volume 3: Electro-Optical Components
Авторы: Accetta J.S. (ed.), Shumaker D.L. (ed.), Rogatto W.D. (ed.)
Аннотация: The Infrared and Electro-Optical Systems Handbook is a joint product of the Infrared Information Analysis Center (IRIA) and the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE). Sponsored by the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), this work is an outgrowth of its predecessor, The Infrared Handbook, published in 1978. The circulation of nearly 20,000 copies is adequate testimony to its wide acceptance in the electro-optics and infrared communities. The Infrared Handbook was itself preceded by The Handbook of Military Infrared Technology. Since its original inception, new topics and technologies have emerged for which little or no reference material exists. This work is intended to update and complement the current Infrared Handbook by revision, addition of new materials, and reformatting to increase its utility. Of necessity, some material from the current book was reproduced as is, having been adjudged as being current and adequate. The 45 chapters represent most subject areas of current activity in the military, aerospace, and civilian communities and contain material that has rarely appeared so extensively in the open literature.
Volume 3, edited by William Rogatto of Santa Barbara Research Center, treats traditional system components and devices and includes recent material on focal plane array read-out electronics.
Рубрика: Технология /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1993
Количество страниц: 671
Добавлена в каталог: 29.11.2010
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Heat capacitance 7
heat capacity 7 354—357 see
Heat exchange see "Radiation exchange"
Heat map 373—374
Heat sink, low temperature 377—404
Helicopters, vibration effects on displayed information 445—450
Helium 377—381
Helium, helium-4, thermophysical properties of 381—383
Helium, normal boiling point helium 378 380
Helium, supercritical helium 377—378
Helium, superfluid helium 377—378
Hemispherical reflectivity 66 71
Hermite polynomials 624
Hermite — Gaussian intensity patterns 621
Heterodyne detectors 217 219—220
Heterodyne receivers 259—260
Hole burning 594—595
Homogeneous broadening 592—596
Hydrogen, (PARA), properties of 381
Hydrogen, hydrogen ice 384
III-V, IV-VI, II-VI semiconductor alloys 248 249
Image brightness 440—441 443 470
Image contrast 113 437 439
Image contrast, minimum resolvable contrast 456
Image quality 111—112 119—121 440 see "Image
image resolution 110—111 437 442 456 493 see resolution"
Image sampling see "Sampling"
Imaging sensors see "Detectors" "Detectors photon" "Detectors thermal"
Impurity band conduction devices 249 250 268—270
Index of refraction (of optical materials) 4—6 20—46
Index of refraction (of optical materials), alkali halides 20—32
Index of refraction (of optical materials), alkali halides, cesium bromide 29—31
Index of refraction (of optical materials), alkali halides, cesium chloride 29
Index of refraction (of optical materials), alkali halides, cesium fluoride 29
Index of refraction (of optical materials), alkali halides, cesium iodide 30 32
Index of refraction (of optical materials), alkali halides, lithium bromide 22
Index of refraction (of optical materials), alkali halides, lithium chloride 24
Index of refraction (of optical materials), alkali halides, lithium fluoride 20 22—24
Index of refraction (of optical materials), alkali halides, lithium iodide 24
Index of refraction (of optical materials), alkali halides, potassium bromide 27—28
Index of refraction (of optical materials), alkali halides, potassium chloride 27—29
Index of refraction (of optical materials), alkali halides, potassium fluoride 25
Index of refraction (of optical materials), alkali halides, potassium iodide 29
Index of refraction (of optical materials), alkali halides, rubidium halides 29
Index of refraction (of optical materials), alkali halides, sodium bromide 25
Index of refraction (of optical materials), alkali halides, sodium chloride 24—26
Index of refraction (of optical materials), alkali halides, sodium fluoride 24
Index of refraction (of optical materials), glass 39—46
Index of refraction (of optical materials), glass, AMTIR-1 40—42
Index of refraction (of optical materials), glass, AMTIR-3 40 42
Index of refraction (of optical materials), glass, arsenic modified selenium 41 43
Index of refraction (of optical materials), glass, arsenic trisulfide 40
Index of refraction (of optical materials), glass, fused silica 40 42
Index of refraction (of optical materials), glass, Irtran glasses 41 43
Index of refraction (of optical materials), Miscellaneous materials 4—46
Index of refraction (of optical materials), Miscellaneous materials, barium fluoride 45—46
Index of refraction (of optical materials), Miscellaneous materials, calcium carbonate 44
Index of refraction (of optical materials), Miscellaneous materials, calcium fluoride 44—45
Index of refraction (of optical materials), Miscellaneous materials, diamond 45—46
Index of refraction (of optical materials), Miscellaneous materials, magnesium oxide 44—45
Index of refraction (of optical materials), Miscellaneous materials, sapphire 44—45
Index of refraction (of optical materials), semiconductors 30—40
Index of refraction (of optical materials), semiconductors, cadmium sulfide 38—39
Index of refraction (of optical materials), semiconductors, gallium antimonide 38 40
Index of refraction (of optical materials), semiconductors, gallium arsenide 38 40
Index of refraction (of optical materials), semiconductors, germanium 30 32—34
Index of refraction (of optical materials), semiconductors, silicon 33 35
Index of refraction (of optical materials), semiconductors, zinc selenide 35—39
Index of refraction (of optical materials), semiconductors, zinc sulfide 33 35
Indium antimonide 15
Indium antimonide (InSb) detectors 248 250 253 258 265—267
Indium arsenide 15
Indium bump interconnects 288
Indium phosphide 15
Infrared detectors see "Detectors infrared"
Infrared imaging/mapping 127—128
Infrared imaging/mapping, disk scanners 135
Infrared imaging/mapping, polygon-galvo scanners 149—152
Infrared imaging/mapping, two-axis FLIRs 131
Infrared scanning see "Scanning optomechanical"
Infrared sensors see "Detectors" "Detectors photon" "Detectors thermal"
Inhomogeneous broadening 592—596
Injection efficiency 320—321 324
Input bias current 305
Integration capacitors 290 297—299 300 313 320 322
Integration time 296 300
Interference fringes 579—580
Iridium silicide (IrSi) detectors 264
Irradiance 178
Irradiation 360 362
Irtran glasses 17—19 41 43 see
JFETs see "Transistors"
Jitter 127 141 163 169—171 172
Johnson noise 190 196 199 202—203 226 240
Jones 251
Kerr cell 621
Kevlar 346
KRS-5 21
Lagrange invariant 81 92
Lamb dip 595—596
Lamps, xenon arc 495—496 498
LANDSAT 259 267
Laser beam characteristics, bandwidth 578—579
Laser beam characteristics, coherence 578—580
Laser beam characteristics, coherence length 580
Laser beam characteristics, coherence time 580
Laser beam characteristics, diffraction-limited 578
Laser beam characteristics, directionality 577—578
Laser beam characteristics, linewidth 580
Laser beam characteristics, monochromaticity 578—580
Laser beam characteristics, partial spatial coherence 578
Laser beam characteristics, spatial coherence 578—579
Laser beam characteristics, spectral purity 579
Laser beam characteristics, temporal coherence 579
Laser oscillation 582—583 597—621
Laser oscillation, axial modes 598—599
Laser oscillation, buildup time 600—601
Laser oscillation, gain coefficient 600—601
Laser oscillation, laser rate equations 605—607
Laser oscillation, mirror reflectivities and 598
Laser oscillation, output power 609—611 612
Laser oscillation, photon lifetime 601 606
Laser oscillation, photon population 600—602 606—607
Laser oscillation, pumping 602—605
Laser oscillation, Q-switching 618—621
Laser oscillation, relaxation oscillations 617
Laser oscillation, single/multifrequency oscillation 598—600
Laser oscillation, spiking 616—618
Laser oscillation, steady-state operation 607—609
Laser oscillation, threshold conditions for 597—598
Laser oscillation, threshold conditions for, threshold gain coefficient 597
Laser oscillation, threshold conditions for, threshold population inversion 597
Laser oscillation, threshold conditions for, total distributed loss coefficient 597
Laser oscillation, waste energy removal 611—613
Laser radar imaging detectors (HgCdTe) 260—261 263
Laser rate equations 605—607
Laser rate equations, photon lifetime 606
Laser rate equations, photon rate equation 606—607 618—619
Laser rate equations, stimulated emission coupling coefficient 606
Lasers 575—650 see "Laser "Pumping" "Resonators optical"
Lasers, beam characteristics 577—581
Lasers, essential elements 581—584
Lasers, gain (amplifying) medium 584—600
Lasers, gas 580 581 636—642
Lasers, gas, argon 580
Lasers, gas, argon ion 638 640
Lasers, gas, carbon dioxide 639
Lasers, gas, carbon dioxide, gas-dynamic 639
Lasers, gas, carbon dioxide, linewidth 580
Lasers, gas, carbon dioxide, peak output power 621
Lasers, gas, carbon dioxide, performance characteristics 641
Lasers, gas, carbon dioxide, transverse-flow 639
Lasers, gas, carbon dioxide, transversely excited atmospheric pressure 639
Lasers, gas, carbon dioxide, waveguide 639
Lasers, gas, chemical 639 642
Lasers, gas, chemical, atomic iodine 642
Lasers, gas, chemical, DF 639 641
Lasers, gas, chemical, HF 639 641
Lasers, gas, collision processes 611
Lasers, gas, electric discharge 611—612
Lasers, gas, excimer 639
Lasers, gas, excimer, ArF 639 640
Lasers, gas, excimer, KrF 639 640
Lasers, gas, excimer, XeCl 639 641
Lasers, gas, excimer, XeF 639 641
Lasers, gas, gas-dynamic lasers 611 639
Lasers, gas, HeCd 640
Lasers, gas, helium-neon, Fresnel number 629
Lasers, gas, helium-neon, lineshape 596
Lasers, gas, helium-neon, linewidth 580
Lasers, gas, helium-neon, performance characteristics 640
Lasers, gas, helium-neon, pumping 581—582
Lasers, gas, helium-neon, spectral bandwidth 577
Lasers, gas, index of refraction 598
Lasers, gas, krypton 640
Lasers, gas, metal vapor 638
Lasers, gas, neutral noble gas lasers 638
Lasers, gas, pumping 603 610—611 638 639
Lasers, gas, resonator requirements 636 638 639
Lasers, gas, waste energy removal 612—612
Lasers, gas, waste energy removal, diffusion-cooled 613
Lasers, gas, waste energy removal, transverse flow-cooled 613
Lasers, Gaussian beams 621—635
Lasers, high-energy 610
Lasers, laser oscillation dynamics 597—621
Lasers, laser rate equations 605—607
Lasers, lineshape/broadening 587—596
Lasers, liquid 642—644
Lasers, liquid, organic-dye laser 642
Lasers, liquid, organic-dye laser, coumarin dyes 643
Lasers, liquid, organic-dye laser, polymethine dyes 643
Lasers, liquid, organic-dye laser, tuning element 643
Lasers, liquid, organic-dye laser, xanthene dyes 643
Lasers, liquid, pumping 602 643
Lasers, output coupling 613—615
Lasers, output power 609—612
Lasers, pumping 602—605
Lasers, Q-switching 618—621
Lasers, resonators, optical 621—635
Lasers, semiconductor 219 644—648
Lasers, semiconductor, acceptors 645
Lasers, semiconductor, AlGaAs devices 647
Lasers, semiconductor, carrier injection 645
Lasers, semiconductor, conduction band 644
Lasers, semiconductor, diode laser arrays 647—648
Lasers, semiconductor, donors 644
Lasers, semiconductor, electron holes 644
Lasers, semiconductor, forbidden energy band 644
Lasers, semiconductor, gallium arsenide 645—647
Lasers, semiconductor, heterojunction 646
Lasers, semiconductor, homojunction 646
Lasers, semiconductor, III-V alloys 647
Lasers, semiconductor, indium phosphide 647
Lasers, semiconductor, injection (diode) laser 645
Lasers, semiconductor, n-type semiconductor 645
Lasers, semiconductor, p-n junction 645
Lasers, semiconductor, p-type semiconductor 615
Lasers, semiconductor, performance characteristics 647—648
Lasers, semiconductor, quantum wells 647
Lasers, semiconductor, recombination radiation 644
Lasers, semiconductor, stripe geometry double-heterojunction laser 646
Lasers, semiconductor, valence band 644
Lasers, solid-state 580 635—637
Lasers, solid-state, 637
Lasers, solid-state, alexandrite 637
Lasers, solid-state, energy levels of 602
Lasers, solid-state, Er:glass 637
Lasers, solid-state, Er:YAG 637
Lasers, solid-state, F-center 637
Lasers, solid-state, Ho:YAG 637
Lasers, solid-state, Nd:glass, Fresnel number 629
Lasers, solid-state, Nd:glass, linewidth 580
Lasers, solid-state, Nd:glass, output power 616
Lasers, solid-state, Nd:glass, performance characteristics 637
Lasers, solid-state, Nd:glass, spiking 617—618
Lasers, solid-state, Nd:YAG 581
Lasers, solid-state, Nd:YAG, linewidth 580
Lasers, solid-state, Nd:YAG, performance characteristics 637
Lasers, solid-state, Nd:YAG, pumping 605
Lasers, solid-state, Nd:YLF 637
Lasers, solid-state, ruby lasers 577 582
Lasers, solid-state, ruby lasers, Fresnel number 629
Lasers, solid-state, ruby lasers, linewidth 580
Lasers, solid-state, ruby lasers, peak output power 621
Lasers, solid-state, ruby lasers, performance characteristics 637
Lasers, solid-state, ruby lasers, pumping 582 603 605
Lasers, solid-state, ruby lasers, Ti:sapphire 637
Lasers, solid-state, ruby lasers, waste energy removal 612
Lasers, types of lasers 635—648
Lasers, waste energy removal 611—613
Latent heat of fusion 384
Latent heat of sublimation 384
Latent heat of vaporization 384
LCD/LED displays, comparison of 481—492
LCD/LED displays, comparison of, circuit compatibility 488—489
LCD/LED displays, comparison of, contrast ratio 482
LCD/LED displays, comparison of, economic factors 491
LCD/LED displays, comparison of, luminance 482
LCD/LED displays, comparison of, packaging 489—491
LCD/LED displays, comparison of, power dissipation 487
LCD/LED displays, comparison of, reliability 491
LCD/LED displays, comparison of, response times 487—488
LCD/LED displays, comparison of, screen size 482
LCD/LED displays, comparison of, summary 491—492
LCD/LED displays, comparison of, temperature dependence 488
Lead fluoride 16
Lead selenide (PbSe) detectors 242—245 250 253 258 269—272
Lead sulfide 15
Lead sulfide (PbS) detectors 248 250 253 258 269—272
Lead telluride 15
Lead telluride (PbTe) detectors 248
Lead tin telluride (PbSnTe) detectors 249
Lenses see also "Optical design"
Lenses and Gaussian beams 634
Lenses, field flattening 155
Light-emitting diode displays 465 469 481—492
Light-emitting diode displays, circuit compatibility 488—489 492
Light-emitting diode displays, comparison to LCDs 481—492
Light-emitting diode displays, contrast ratio 482 489
Light-emitting diode displays, cost 491 492
Light-emitting diode displays, electro-optical transfer function 488—489
Light-emitting diode displays, luminance 482
Light-emitting diode displays, packaging 489—490 492
Light-emitting diode displays, packaging, hybrid (silver) 489—490
Light-emitting diode displays, packaging, light-pipe 489—190
Light-emitting diode displays, packaging, monolithic 489—190
Light-emitting diode displays, power dissipation 487 492
Light-emitting diode displays, reliability 491 492
Light-emitting diode displays, response time 487—488 492
Light-emitting diode displays, temperature dependence 488 492
Light-emitting diode displays, types/performance characteristics 484
light-emitting diodes 235—236
Line scan 149
Lineshape, laser, collision broadening 589—590 592
Lineshape, laser, collision frequency 590
Lineshape, laser, Doppler broadening 590—592 593 595
Lineshape, laser, Doppler shift 591 593 594
Lineshape, laser, full width at half height 588 589
Lineshape, laser, Gaussian lineshape 588 592
Lineshape, laser, hole burning 594—595