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Nash J.C., Nash M.M. — Scientific Computing with PCs |
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Problem size 12.2 19.2
Problem solving 12.0
Problem solving environment 16.4
Problem Statement, data fitting 15.1
Problem Statement, hiring problem 17.1
Problem Statement, IRR 14.1
Problem Statement, spacecraft trajectories 16.1
Problem type 3.2 12.2
Problem, mathematical 13.2
Problem, real-world 13.2
Problem, representation 13.2
Problem, size 7.0
Problems, data storage 7.1
Problems, disk 9.7
Problems, input/output 9.7
Problems, memory 7.1
Problems, restructuring of programs 7.4
Procedures manual 5.7
Processor, architecture 7.1
Processor, comparisons 18.1
Processor, effect on execution time 18.7
Production runs 12.8
Profile of a program 8.1
Program analysis 8.1
Program builder 15.4
Program catalogs 10.5
Program development 2.9
Program directories 10.5
Program editors 10.1
Program efficiency 18.0
Program execution time 19.2
Program flow 9.2
Program improvement 12.9
Program interruption 10.6
Program language differences 18.1
Program language substitution 8.2
Program launching 6.5
Program modifications 12.9
Program modularity 6.4
Program monitoring 8.1
Program organization 18.1
Program performance 18.0
Program profile 8.1
Program resources 5.0
Program size 18.3 18.4
Program storage requirements 18.0
Program structure 6.4 7.3
Program testing 9.0 18.1
Program timing 18.0
Program variable names 6.2
Program verification 18.1
Program, formatting 9.3
Program, restructuring 7.4
Programmer practices 6.6
Programming 2.9 12.3
Programming aids 6.0
Programming effectively 4.7
Programming environments 6.1 10.1
Programming errors 5.7
Programming language 6.1 12.3
Programming language translators 4.2
Programming modularity 6.4
Programming structure 6.4
Programming style 6.0
Programming style, effect on program performance 18.1
Programming tools 6.1
Programming tricks-avoid 12.3
Programs, data fitting 15.4
Programs, hiring problem 17.4
Programs, IRR problem 14.4
Programs, spacecraft trajectories 16.4
Proof of correctness 9.3
Proof-reading 12.3
Proportionally-spaced fonts 2.6
Pseudo code 6.3 12.4
Pseudo-random number see “Random number”
Public-domain software 4.2
Purpose of book Preface
Purpose of study of the Cholesky decomposition 18.1
Purpose, minimization methods 19.1
QBASIC interpreter (Microsoft) 2.9
QR decomposition 3.3 12.2
Quadratic Programming (QP) 3.3
Quadrature 3.3 13.6
Quantitative methods 1.3
Quattro (Borland) 19.3 19.4
Radio frequency radiation 11.6
RAM (Random Access Memory) see “Memory”
RAM disk (pseudo-disk, virtual disk) 4.1 5.6 7.1 8.1 8.4 9.1 11.8
RAM disk (pseudo-disk, virtual disk), used in timing programs 18.3
random number generation 3.3 17.3
Random variate transformation 17.3
Raster display 4.4
Raster graphic devices 2.7
Ratio-to-best graph 19.6
Readable files 5.1
Real numbers 3.0
Real-time communications 2.2
Real-time programs 8.0
Recurrence relations 8.1
Redirection of command output 5.3
Redirection of input/output 9.6
Relative measurements 19.3
Relative measures 19.6
Relative odds 17.2
Removable storage media 5.7
Reorganization of calculations 7.2
Repair programs 10.6
Report writers 2.8
Reprogramming 7.5
Research administration 2.1
Research grants 2.10
Research planning 2.10
Reset, system 9.7
Residuals 13.6 15.2
Resilience to disk problems 9.7
Resilience to I/O failure 9.7
Resources, mouse 4.2
Resources, network adapter 4.2
Resources, printer 4.2
Resources, scanner 4.2
Resources, video adapter 4.2
Restructuring of programs 7.4
Result (of computations) 13.1
Results, verification 13.6
Reuse of data structures 7.2
Risk/benefit analysis, for file backup 5.4
Robust estimation 15.2
Robustness to bad data 12.5
Robustness, of program to input errors 9.5
ROM (read-only-memory) 4.1
Root-finding 3.3 14.1 14.3
Roots of equations 3.2
Roots of quadratic equation 9.1
Roots, polynomial 14.2
Rotating coordinate system 16.2
Runge — Kutta — Fehlberg (RKF) method 3.3 16.3
Scaling, logarithmic 19.5
Scaling, ODE solution 16.5
Scanner 4.4
Scatter plots see “XY plots”
Scientific computation, aspects 1.0
Scientific method 1.3
Scientific text processing 2.5
Screen blanker 4.1 18.3
Screen capture 19.7
Screen editor 10.1
Screen saver see “Screen blanker”
Script (stored instructions) 2.9 6.1 9.6 12.5 12.8
Script (stored instructions) for editing 2.4
| Script (stored instructions), test 12.7
Search, for methods 13.3
Security 2.2
Seek time 8.4
Selection boxes, program control 9.5
Self-extracting archives 5.5
Service Contracts 11.7
Servicing and spare parts 11.7
SharpPC1211 (historical) 1.1
Simplicity of problem statement 13.1
Simulation 3.2 13.6 17.0 17.1 17.3
Single statement execution 9.2
Singular value decomposition 3.3 12.2
Singularity in ODE solution 16.5
Size difficulties 4.11 7.0
Smallness, tests of 9.8
SnoopGuard security device 4.1 5.7
Social sciences 1.3
Software 4.2
Software for use with numeric co-processors 8.3
Software, configuration 4.5
Software, development environment 4.8
Software, files 5.2
software, installation 4.5
Software, sources 13.5
Software, upgrade 4.5
Solution, inadmissible 13.2
Solution, methods 13.1
Solutions, data fitting 15.5
Solutions, equations 3.2
Solutions, hiring problem 17.5
Solutions, IRR problem 14.5
Solutions, spacecraft trajectories 16.5
Solver software 15.4
Sorting of data 10.7
Sorting of data for graphs 19.4
source code 12.3
Source code, length 18.4
Sources of software 13.5
Spare parts 11.7
Sparse matrix 3.3
special characters 10.1 12.5
Special characters in file names 5.1
Special functions 3.3 9.8
Special hardware 8.3
Special hardware for speed-up 8.2
SpinRite 8.4 10.6 11.7
Spreadsheet software 2.4 2.6 15.4
Spreadsheet software for graph preparation 19.6
Spreadsheet software, IRR function 14.4
Spreadsheet software, NPV function 14.4
Stacker 5.5
Standard solution methods 17.1
Star plots 19.7
Start-from-file facility 7.6
Start-up time 8.4
Stata 19.4
Static electricity 11.1
statistical functions 3.3
Statistical packages 15.4
Stem-and-Leaf diagram 19.3
Step-and-description 12.4
Steps in solution 12.0
Stepwise regression 12.2
Stiff equations 3.3
Stochastic trial 17.2
Stopwatch 8.6
Storage media 11.4
Strategy 4.6
Strategy, use of PCs 20.0
Stress inducing factors 11.6
String size limitations 9.8
Structure and modularity 6.4
Structure of programs 6.4
Sub-programs 6.5 12.7
Sub-programs to replace in-line code 7.4
Sub-programs, data flow 6.5
Sub-programs, structure 12.6
Sub-tests 9.4
Subdirectory 5.1 5.3
Subdirectory, archiving 5.5
Subroutine call timings 8.1
Subroutine library 6.1 15.4 16.4
Substitution of program code 8.2
Summation 3.3
SUN computers 1.1
Supercomputer 2.1
Support files 5.2
Surge protection 11.5
Symbol display, for program monitoring 8.1
Symbolic computing 3.4
System files 5.2
t-distribution 3.3
Tabular data 2.4
Tactics, use of PCs 20.0
Tag and go control 10.2
Tape 4.1 11.4
Tape backup 4.4
Tape cartridges 4.4
Tape label 5.3
Tape, 0.5 inch 4.4
Target machine 12.3
Technical papers 2.5
Terminate-&-stay-resident (TSR) programs 4.1
Termination, of iterative algorithms 9.8
Test of solutions 13.6
Test to generate error messages 9.5
Test, complete 12.7
Test, complete programs 12.7
Test, control path check 9.5
Test, data 9.5 12.7
Test, data entry 12.5
Test, extreme input 9.5
Test, full 9.5 9.6
Test, incorrect input 9.5
Test, language translators 9.8
Test, normal input 9.5
Test, programs 9.0
Test, scripts 12.7
Test, special functions 9.8
Test, sub 9.4
Test, subprogram 12.6
Test, user memory size 7.1
TEX (Knuth) 2.5 2.6
Text editor 10.1
Text form for data 10.3
Text form, output 2.6
Text form, transmission 2.2
Text spacing 2.5
text wrapping 2.6
Themes of book, choosing tools Preface
Themes of book, learning and finding software Preface
Themes of book, what to attempt Preface
Three-dimensional plot 19.7 (see also “3D plot”)
Tidiness 11.1
Time differences, Cholesky, decomposition variants 18.5
Time of day clock 8.6
Time sensitive copy 10.2
Time steps in ODE solution 16.5
Time-shared programs 18.3
Time/accuracy trade-off 8.1 8.5
Time/date stamp 9.1
Timer “tick” 8.6
TIMER, Pascal program 8.6
Timing 8.6
Timing, clock tick 18.5
Timing, difficulty of suppressing, co-processors 18.7
Timing, issues 18.3
Timing, programs 8.0
Timing, tools 8.6
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