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Nash J.C., Nash M.M. — Scientific Computing with PCs |
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115V AC power 11.5
16-bit processor 4.1
20-bit memory address 4.1
240V AC power 11.5
32-bit processor 4.1
3D plot 19.7
3D plot, perspective 19.7
640K limit 4.1 7.1
64K limit 7.1
8-bit processor 4.1
80x87 3.3 3.1
Accented characters 9.8
Access control 5.7
Acquiring the right computing environments 20.2
Adaptation to new systems 12.9
adapters 4.3
Add-ons, extras and flexibility 20.4
address space 3.1 4.1 7.1
Addressing of memory 7.1
Adjustment of data structures 7.2
Administration of research 2.10
Algebraic eigenvalue problem 13.6
Algorithm, choice 12.2
Algorithm, data fitting 15.3
Algorithm, description 6.3
Algorithm, hiring problem 17.3
Algorithm, implementation 12.3
Algorithm, organization 18.1
Algorithm, performance 18.0
Algorithm, robustness 12.2
Algorithms, data fitting 15.3
Algorithms, finding 13.3
Algorithms, general vs. specific 13.1
Algorithms, IRR problem 14.3
Algorithms, problem solution 17.3
Algorithms, spacecraft trajectories 16.3
Analytic solution 17.1
Angular velocity, earth-moon system 16.2
Answers, correct 13.1
Antivirus programs 10.6
APL (programming language) 6.3
Apple II computer 4.1
Apple Macintosh 1.1
Application problems 3.2
Application programs 4.2
Application software 3.1
Approach, standard 13.3
Approximation of functions 13.6
Archiving of files 5.0 5.5 5.6 10.2
Area plot 19.6
Arithmetic libraries 18.1
Arithmetic, effect on execution time 18.6
Array dimension checking 9.2
Array entry, timing 8.1
Array size limitations 9.8
Array, data 15.2
Array, storage ordering 7.8
ASCII character set (ISO Standard 646, 1973) 5.1 9.8
Assembly language program code 8.2
Assessment, data fitting solutions 15.6
Assessment, IRR solutions 14.6
Assessment, solutions to hiring problem 17.6
Assessment, spacecraft trajectories 16.6
Atari computer 1.1 4.1
Audience for book Preface 1.3
Automated data collection 2.3
Automatic differentiation 15.3
Background operations, effects on timings 18.3
Backup 5.0 5.4
Backup, devices 5.4
Backup, full 5.4
Backup, importance in virus control 10.6
Backup, operations 5.4
Backup, selective 5.4
Backup, software 5.4 10.2
Bank switching 7.1
BASIC 2.9 7.6
BASIC, historical 1.1
BASIC, Turbo 2.9
BATch command file (MS-DOS ) for timing 18.3
BATch command file (MS-DOS) 2.9 7.6 9.6
Battery management 11.5
Bessel functions 3.3
Binary data 5.1
Binary display 10.3
Binary mode transmission 2.2
Binary-coded decimal data 10.3
BinHex 2.2
BIOS (Basic Input Output System) 4.1
BIOS (Basic Input Output System), settings 11.8
Blank character (in file names) 5.1
Blank removal 10.6
BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) 8.2
Boundary value problems 3.3
Bounds constraints 15.4
Box-and-Whisker plot see “Boxplot”
Boxplot 19.3 19.5
Boxplot, use in program performance 18.5
Breakpoints, in algorithms 7.6
Brownout 11.5
Buffer, printer 7.1
bugs, finding 9.1
Built-in debugging tools 9.2
C (programming language) 2.9
C. Abaci Inc. 13.5
Cables 4.3 11.7
Cache, disk 7.1
CALGO (Collected Algorithms of the ACM) 13.5
CALLing sub-programs 6.5
Camera, digital, still image 2.3
Camera, digital, video image 2.3
Capabilities of computers 1.2
Case sensitivity (in file names) 5.1
Cash flows 14.1
Castle plots 19.7
Catalog, file 5.3 10.5
CD (Compact disk) 11.4
Ceiling, floating-point 9.8
Centrifugal force 16.2
Certified results 12.7
Chaining of programs 7.4 7.6 7.6
Change of Method 7.7
Character set(s) 9.8
Characters, display 9.8
Characters, printing 9.8
Checks, on solutions 13.6 16.6
Chernoff’s face plots 19.7
Chi-square distribution 3.3
Choice of data structures 7.2
Choice of file names 5.1
Choice of graphical tools 19.4
Cholesky decomposition 12.2 18.0 18.1
Cholesky decomposition, programs 18.2
Cholesky decomposition, structure 18.2
Cholesky decomposition, systems 18.2
Cholesky decomposition, variants 18.2
Circuit boards 11.7
Classical mechanics 16.2
Cleanliness 11.1
Click and drag interface 10.2
clock 11.7
Clock access, from programs 8.6
Clock resolution 8.6
CMOS memory 11.8
Code substitution, for speed-up 8.2
Collating sequence 9.8
Colleagues, help of 13.4
Color, in graphs 19.3
| Column, variable 15.2
COM filename extension 5.1
Comments, program 12.4
Commodore computer 1.1 4.1
COMMON variables in FORTRAN programs 6.5 7.2
communications 4.3 2.2
Companion matrix 14.3
comparison function 9.8
Comparison of methods, IRR 14.6
Comparison, fuzzy 9.8
Compiler 2.9 3.1 4.2 9.8
Compiler, differences 18.1
Compiler, effect on execution time 18.6
Compiler, options, for program performance 18.4
Compiler, program language 8.2
Compiler, versions 18.6
Complex matrix 3.3
Component computational problems 3.3
Component symbolic problems 3.4
Compressed program files 18.4
Computability flag 15.4
Computational complexity 12.2
Computer algebra 3.4
Computer configurations 1.4
Computer failure 9.7
Computer file 5.1
Computer hardware 4.1
Computer messaging 2.10
Computer servicing 11.7
Computer virus 5.7 10.6
Computer, clock/calendar 5.3
Computing environment 4.0 6.1
Computing precision 4.0
Computing speed 4.0
Computing styles 1.5
Computist (definition) 1.1
CON filename extension 5.1
Conditional probability 17.2
Conditions, on problem solution 13.1
Conference, electronic 2.2
Conferences, scientific 13.5
Configuration 1.4 4.5
Configuration files 11.8
Configuration maintenance 11.8
Configuration Management 4.2
Configuration record 11.8
Configuration, effect on execution time 18.7
Connectivity 2.2
Connectors 4.3
Console image file 9.6
Constraints, on solution 13.1
Contents of book Preface
Contiguous file storage 8.4
Control characters 9.8
control flow 6.5
Control variables 9.1
Control, automated 2.3
Convergence tests 9.8
Cooling, of computers 11.1
Copy, diskettes 10.2
Copy, time sensitive 10.2
Corel Draw (software product) 2.6 2.7
Corel PhotoPaint (software product) 2.6
Coriolis force 16.2
Costs of computing 1.2
Cramer’s Rule 13.1
CRLF, line reformatting 10.6
Cross-reference listing 6.2
Cycle time 4.1
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) 9.7
Data adjustment 15.1
Data analysis 1.3 19.0
Data communication 7.6
Data dictionary 6.2 12.4
Data edit 2.4
Data entry (general program) 2.4
Data entry programs 2.4
Data entry, testing 12.5
data files 5.2
Data files, documentation within 9.6
Data fitting 15.0
Data flow (in programs) 6.5
Data formatting 2.6
Data input 2.4
Data manipulation 19.4
Data output 2.4
Data processing capabilities of PCs 2.0
Data processing, communications 2.2
Data processing, editing 2.4
Data processing, input 2.4
Data processing, output 2.4
Data processing, selection 2.4
Data refinement 15.1
Data resources 5.0
Data segmentation 7.7
Data selection 2.4
Data sharing 4.3
Data storage formats 2.2
Data storage mechanisms for matrices 7.8
Data structures 6.2 7.2 7.3
Data structures, limitations 9.8
Data transfer 7.6
Data transfer errors 9.7
Data transmission formats 2.2
Data usage 7.3
Data, documentationof 7.3
Data, text form 10.3
Database management programs 2.4
Databases, public services 13.5
DataDesk 19.7
DBMS COPY, file converter (software product) 2.6 10.3
DCOPY program 10.2
De Smet ASM88 2.9
Debug switch 9.1
Debug, program language option 9.2
Debuggers 4.1
Debugging 4.9 9.0
Decomposition,ofproblem 13.1
Default values, for program variables 9.5
Defragmentation, of disk storage 8.4 10.6
Dense matrix 3.3
Derivative checks, rootfinding problem 14.2
derivatives 13.6
DERIVE (software product) 3.3 3.4 14.4
DeSmetC 2.9
Determining data storage limits 7.1
Determining memory limits 7.1
device drivers 4.1
Device, non-existent 6.5
Diagnostic software 11.7
Diary systems 2.10
DIET (program compression utility) 18.4
Differential equations 13.6
Direct search 15.3
directories 5.1
Directories and catalogs 10.5
Directory checking 10.6
Directory, working 5.6
Discount rate 14.1
Discriminationinhiring 17.1
Disk access times 8.4
Disk activity 18.3
Disk buffering 8.4
Disk cache 3.1 8.4
Disk compression hardware 8.3
Disk controller 3.1 4.1 5.7 8.3
Disk doubling 5.5
Disk drive, replacement 8.4
Disk label 5.3
Disk Problems 9.7
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