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Nash J.C., Nash M.M. — Scientific Computing with PCs |
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Interrupt ReQuest (IRQ) lines 4.1
Investments, valueof 14.1
Ionizing radiation (ultra-violet or X-rays); 11.6
IRR see “Internal Rate of Return”
IRR problem, solutions 14.5
ISO 6373/1984 Minimal BASIC 2.9
ISO ANSI X3.9-1978, American National Standard, Programming Language FORTRAN 2.9
ISO Standard 646, ASCII character set 9.8
Isolation transformers 11.5
Iterations, number to solve problem 19.2
Iterative matrix calculation 3.3
Jacobi method 12.2
Keyboard buffer 4.1
Keyboard emulations 4.1
Labelling,ofgraphs 19.3
Lahey FORTRAN compilers 2.9 6.2
LAN (local area network) 2.2 4.3 5.6
LANCELOT (software product) 3.3
Land surveying 15.1
Language translators, testsof 9.8
Laplink, file transfer program (software product) 4.3 10.2
laser printers 2.7
Latency time 8.4
Leacock, Stephen 13.1
Learning cost 2.5 4.2
Least squares approximation 3.3 12.2 13.2 13.6
LHA (compression program) 5.5
Light-pen 4.4 (see also “Pointing device”)
Limitations of computers 1.2
Limited memory Broyden — Fletcher — Goldfarb — Shanno method (LBFGS) 19.2
Line editor 10.1
Line end markers 10.6
Line length, limitations 9.1
Linear equations 3.3 12.1 12.2 13.6
Linear least squares 12.1
Linear model 12.1 15.1
Linear programming (LP) 2.8 3.3
Linkage editor 2.9
Listing tools, for programs 9.3
Listings,ofprograms 9.3
Local Area Network see “LAN”
Local data structures 7.2
Location, statistical 19.5
Log file 9.6 (see also “Console image file”)
Logarithmic functions 3.3 9.8
Logistic function 15.2
Loop control, verification 9.8
Loop reorganization 8.1
Loop variables 9.1
Loss functions 15.2
Lotus 1-2-3 2.6 19.4
LU decomposition 3.3
Machine code 8.2
Machine language 6.5
Machine precision 9.8 14.5
Machine-readable documentation 12.4
Machine-to-machine linkages 2.2
Macintosh desktop 2.7
Macintosh FINDER 4.2 5.1 5.3
Macintosh, Apple Computer 1.1 2.6
MacLink 2.6
Macro-editor 2.6 2.9
Magnetic disks and their care 11.3
Main program 12.7
Mainframes 4.1
MAKE (Unix program development tool) 2.9
makefile 2.9
Manuals 11.8
Maple (symbolic algebra system) 3.3
Marquardt method 15.3
Matching co-processor to system 8.3
Mathematica (software product) 3.4
Mathematical problems 3.2 13.2
Mathematical Programming (MP) 3.3
Mathematical series 3.3
Mathematical statement of problem 13.1
Mathematical versus real-world problems 13.2
MATLAB (software product) 3.3 6.1 8.1 14.4 19.4
Matrix, band 7.8
Matrix, calculations 3.3
Matrix, data 15.2
Matrix, data storage 7.2
Matrix, decompositions 3.3
Matrix, eigen problem, generalized 7.7
Matrix, hermitian 7.8
Matrix, implicit storage 7.2
Matrix, properties 3.3
Matrix, shape 3.3
Matrix, size 3.3
Matrix, sparse 7.8
Matrix, storage mechanisms 7.8
Matrix, storage organization by columns 18.2
Matrix, storage organization by rows 18.2
Matrix, sum of squares and cross-products 12.2
Matrix, symmetric 7.8
Matrix, symmetric, non-negative definite 12.2
Matrix, symmetry test 12.6
Matrix, triangular 7.8
Matrix, vector storage of 7.8
Matrix, zero elements 3.3
Maximum likelihood 15.2
Maximum memory 7.1
Measurement of program performance 18.3
Measurement, automated 2.3
Measures of location 19.3
Measuring the differences 18.3
MEM, MS-DOS utility 7.1
Memory 3.1 4.1
Memory, address space 7.1
Memory, available to user programs 7.0
memory, cache 3.1
Memory, integrity 7.1
Memory, limits 7.1
Memory, managers 3.1
Memory, mapped input/output 4.1
Memory, space requirement 7.7
Memory, testing 7.1
Memory, user 7.1
Menus, program control 9.5
Method, change of 7.7
Methods, data fitting 15.3
Methods, finding 13.3
Methods, general vs. specific 13.1
Methods, IRR problem 14.3
Methods, problem solution 17.3
Methods, spacecraft trajectories 16.3
Microsoft Basic 2.9 3.3
Microsoft FORTRAN 2.9
Microsoft Macro Assembler 2.9
Microsoft QuickC 2.9
Microsoft Visual BASIC 2.9
Microsoft Windows 4.2 7.1
MIDI (Music Interface) 2.3
Milestones in program 7.3
Minimal BASIC 2.9
Minimization of sum of squares 15.2
MINITAB (JOURNAL command) 6.1
Missing data 2.4
Missing values 19.6
Modelling 15.0
Models 1.3
Modem settings 2.2
modems 4.3
Modifications and improvements 12.9
Modularity of programs 6.4
Monospaced font 2.6
Monotonicity of results 13.1
Monroe calculator (historical) 1.1
Monte-Carlo method 3.3
| Mostek 6502 processor 4.1
Motorola 6800 processor 4.1
Motorola 68000 processor 4.1
Motorola 680x0 processors 7.1
Mouse 4.4 (see also “Pointing device”)
Mouse-based interfaces 1.5
MS-DOS (Microsoft) 1.1 2.5 2.6 2.9 5.3 7.1
MS-DOS 5.0 2.6
MS-DOS BATch command file 6.1
MS-DOS file system 5.1
MS-DOS versions, effect on timing 18.3
Multiple integrals 3.3
Multiple integration 3.3
Multiple operating systems 5.3
MuMath (symbolic algebra system) 3.4
NAG (Numerical Algorithms Group Inc.) 6.2 13.5
NANET Newsletter 13.5
Nash’s Axiom 13.1
Natural sciences 1.3
NED (the Nash EDitor) 2.6
Nelder — Mead minimization 15.4
Net present value (NPV) 14.1
NETLIB 13.5 14.4
network adapters 4.1
Network operating software, effect on timing 18.3
networks 2.2
Newton method 9.3 13.1 15.3
Newton second law of motion 16.2
NeXT computers 1.1
Non-goals of book 1.2
Non-mathematical data processing related to calculation 2.1
Nonlinear estimation 15.4
Nonlinear function minimization 19.0 19.2
Nonlinear least squares 3.3 15.3
Nonlinear model 15.1
Nonlinear regression 15.3
Norm of a matrix 3.3
Normal equations 12.1 12.2
North Star Computer 1.1
North Star DOS 5.3
Notation, data fitting 15.2
NUL, MS-DOS dummy output device 9.6
Null modem 4.3
Numeric co-processor 3.1 18.1
Numeric co-processor, effect on execution time 18.7
Numeric co-processor, manufacturer variation 18.7
Numerical differentiation 3.3
Numerical integration 3.3
Numerical linear algebra 3.3
Numerical linear algebra, first order 16.2
Numerical linear algebra, ODEs 3.3
ODEs, first order 16.2
ODEs, system of 16.3
Off-line communication 2.2
One-off problems 12.8
One-way plot 19.5
Operating practice 11.0
Operating System 4.1 4.2
Operating system directory facilities 10.5
Operational choices, effect on program performance 18.1
Operational considerations 4.5
Optical character recognition (OCR) 2.3 2.7
Optical scanners 2.3 2.7 4.1
Optimization 3.3
Oral communications 2.2
Orbits, spacecraft 16.1
Ordinary differential equations 3.3
Organizing files 5.3
Orthogonalization 3.3
OS/2 (IBM) 1.1 4.2
Outcomes of simulation 17.3
Outliers 19.3 19.7
Output, intermediate 9.1
Output, use of 9.1
p-code 8.2
Packages, use for data fitting 15.4
Packages, use for hiring problem 17.4
Packages, use for IRR problem 14.4
Packages, use for problem solution 17.4
Packages, use for spacecraft trajectories 16.4
Parallelism 4.1
PARANOIA (test program) 9.8
Parity checks 9.7
Partial differential equations 3.3 (see also “PDEs”)
Pascal 2.9
Pascal-SC 2.9
Pattern detection 19.3 19.7
PC (personal computer), communications options 1.4
PC (personal computer), configuration options 1.4
PC (personal computer), configurations of interest 1.4
PC (personal computer), definition Preface 1.1
PC (personal computer), graphical output 1.4
PC (personal computer), historical 1.4
PC (personal computer), lifetime 1.1
PC (personal computer), pdate.pas time&date program 5.3
PC (personal computer), peripherals 1.4
PC (personal computer), printer options 1.4
PDEs 3.3
Peer pressure 1.1
Performance ratios 18.5
Peripheral devices 4.4 9.7
Personal choice 20.6
Personal Computer see “PC”
Personal satisfaction 20.6
PFORT verifier 6.2
photographs 2.7
Physical connectors 4.1
Physical environment for PCs 11.2
Physical environment, computer 11.1
Physical security 5.4
Physical separation of backup copies 5.4
Plotter, pen-type 4.4
Point cloud rotation or spinning 19.7
Pointers 12.3
Pointing device 2.7 4.4
Polak — Ribiere Conjugate Gradient method (CG) 19.2
Polynomial, roots or zeros 13.1 14.2
Positive definite matrix 3.3
Positivity of results 13.1
PostScript (Adobe) 2.6 2.7
Power bar 11.5
Power considerations 11.5
Power function 9.8
Practicalities in use of PCs 3.5
Practice of computation 1.1
Pre-processing of data (for graphs) 19.7
Precision of calculations 3.3
Precision of functions 3.3
Precision problems 4.1
Present value 14.1
Presentation graphics 19.3
Principal components 12.2
Print to file 2.6
Printer buffer 3.1
Printer, daisy-wheel 4.4
Printer, dot-matrix 4.4
Printer, ink jet 4.4
printer, laser 4.4
Printing graphs 19.7
Problem assumptions 17.2
Problem documentation 12.4
Problem features, unusual 13.1
Problem formulation 12.1 13.0
Problem formulation, data fitting 15.2
Problem formulation, hiring problem 17.2
Problem formulation, importance 13.1
Problem formulation, IRR 14.2
Problem formulation, spacecraft trajectories 16.2
Problem notation 17.2
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