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Nash J.C., Nash M.M. — Scientific Computing with PCs |
Предметный указатель |
Disk reformatting 5.7 10.6
Disk repair 10.6
Disk sector interleave 8.4
Disk storage 11.3
Disk, outofspace 9.7
Diskette drive, doors 11.3
Diskette handling 5.7
Diskette, copying 10.2
Diskettes, backup 5.4
dispersion 19.3 19.5
Display characteristics 19.3
Displaying level 19.5
Displaying patterns and outliers 19.7
Displaying relative measurements 19.6
Displaying variability 19.5
Distributionsoffiles 5.2
Divide-and-conquer, program debug strategy 9.3
DMA (Direct Memory Access) 8.3
Documentation 9.6 12.4
Dot-matrix printers 2.7
Dotplot 19.3
drawings 2.7
Dribble file 9.6 (see also “Console image file”)
Driver program, dummy 12.6
Dummy test programs 12.7
Duplicate files 5.2
Duplicate names 5.0
Dust filters 11.1
Dynamic programming 3.3
Easeofuse 19.4
EcoC 2.9
Econometric modelling 13.2
EDIT (Quick BASIC) 2.6
Edit (statistical) 2.4
editors 10.1
EDLIN (Microsoft) 2.6
Efficiency 12.2
Eigenproblem, generalized symmetric matrices 7.7
Eigenvalue problem 3.3 13.1
Eigenvalues, for rootfinding problem 14.3
Elapsed time 8.6 18.3
electronic components 4.1
Electronic mail see “Email”
ELEFUNT, special function tests 9.8
Elliptic integrals 3.3
Email (electronic mail) 2.2 2.10 4.3
End-of-file markers 10.4
Engineering 1.3
Equationofmotion 16.2
Equations, solution 3.2
Error exit, for bad data 9.3
error messages 9.2
error reporting 9.2
Errors, finding causeof 9.1
Etiquette,inseeking help 13.4
Event counters 8.1
Example data 9.5 9.7 19.2
Exchangeable media 10.5
EXE filename extension 5.1
EXECUSTAT (software product) 19.4
Executable files 5.1
Execution time profile 8.1
Execution trace 8.1
Experiment, simulation 17.3
Exponential functions 3.3 9.8
extrema 3.2
F-distribution 3.3
Failure flags 6.5
Fax 2.2 18.3
Features, unusualinproblem 13.1
Features,ofsolution 16.6
File for data communication 7.6
File for data transfertosub-program 6.5
File, access mechanisms 5.1
File, accidental erasure 8.4
File, alignment 5.6
File, append 8.4
File, archiving 5.5 5.6 10.2
File, backup 5.4 5.7 10.2
File, backup copy 5.3
File, catalog 5.3 10.5
File, comparison 10.3 10.4
File, compression 5.5 10.2
File, configuration 11.8
File, contents 5.3
File, control token 5.6
File, conversion 10.3
File, copy 8.4 10.2
File, creation 5.1
File, data 10.3
File, deletion 5.6
File, directories 10.5
File, directory 5.3
File, display 10.3
File, distribution 5.2
File, duplicate 5.3 5.6
File, fixup 10.6
File, format 5.3 10.3
File, fragmentationofstorage 8.4
File, graphic 10.3
File, large 10.1
File, length 5.3
File, listing 5.6
File, listoffor program user 9.5
File, location 5.0 5.3
File, loss 5.4 5.7
File, maintenance 4.5
File, management 5.0
File, move 10.2
File, multiple versions 5.4
File, name 5.3
File, naming 5.0 5.1
File, network 5.6
File, organization 5.6
File, organizing 5.3
File, out-of-space 9.7
File, output (insteadofprinter) 9.7
File, primary copy 5.3
File, print 10.3
File, program 10.3
File, repair 10.6
File, security 5.0 5.4 5.7
File, segmentation 10.5
File, shared 5.6
File, sorting 10.7
File, structure 5.3
File, temporary 5.6
File, time/dateofcreation 5.3
File, time/dateofmodification 5.3
File, transfer (for graphs) 19.4
File, transfer facilities 4.3
File, translation 2.6
File, type 5.3
File, types 5.2
File, version control 5.6
File, viewing 10.1 10.2
File, “extent” 8.4
Filename extension 5.1
Filename length (Macintosh) 5.1
Filters, dust 11.1
Find and Replace 2.4
FINDER Macintosh 5.1
Finding methods 13.3
First order ODEs 16.2
Fix-up programs 10.6
Fixed disk 3.1 4.4
Fixed disk, reformatting 11.7
Fixup programs 10.6
Flag variables 9.1
Flexible disks 4.4
| Floating-point arithmetic 9.8
Floating-point co-processors 4.1 8.3
Floating-point number storage 4.1
floating-point numbers 3.1
Floating-point processors 4.1 8.3
Floor, floating-point 9.8
Floppy disk density 4.4
Floppy disk formats 4.4
flowchart 6.3
Fonts, downloadingtoprinter 4.3
Format,offiles 10.3
Formulas, chemical 2.5
Formulas, mathematical 2.5
Formulation, data fitting 15.2
Formulation, data fitting problems 15.2
Formulation, hiring problem 17.2
Formulation, IRR 14.2
Formulation, IRR problem 14.2
Formulation, problem 13.1 13.4
Formulation, spacecraft trajectories 16.2
freeware 4.2
Full tests, robustness of code to bad input 9.5
Full tests, sample and test data 9.6
Function evaluations 19.2
Function minimization 3.3 12.1 12.2 13.6 15.3
Fuses, electrical 11.5
GAMS (software product) 3.3 6.1
gateways 2.2
GAUSS (software product) 3.3
Gauss — Jordan method 12.2
Gauss — Newton method 15.3
Gender changers 4.3
Geodesy 15.4
GEORGE operating system (ICL) 5.3
Glare 11.6
Global data structures 7.2
Global variables 6.5
Goalsofbook 1.2
Good news 3.1
GOTO commands 6.4
Gradient evaluations 19.2
Gradient methods 15.3
Gram — Schmidt orthogonalization 12.2
Graph, annotation 19.4
Graph, automatic defaults 19.4
Graph, axis ticks 19.4
Graph, choiceofelements 19.1
Graph, contents 19.1
Graph, data pre-processing 19.7
Graph, file export 19.4
Graph, grid lines 19.7
Graph, perspective 19.7
Graph, placementofelements 19.1
Graph, point brushing 19.7
Graph, point identification 19.4 19.7
Graph, point labelling 19.7
Graph, point symbol size 19.7
Graph, printingoroutput 19.7
Graph, ratio-to-best 19.6
Graph, reciprocal scaling 19.6
Graph, scale 19.1 19.5
Graph, scale transformation 19.5
Graph, shadingorhatching 19.4
Graph, tools for creation 19.1
Graph, useofcolor 19.7
GraphiC (software product) 19.4
Graphical display adapters 8.3
Graphical input 2.3
Graphical output 15.4
Graphical output,ofODE solutions 16.5
Graphical solution of rootfinding problem 14.2
Graphical tools, choiceof 19.4
Graphical tools, features 19.4
Graphical User Interface see “GUI”
Graphics 2.7
Graphics Workshop (software product) 2.6
GraphPak (software product) 19.4
Grapical tools 19.0
GREP (Unix string search) 2.6
Growth curve 15.1
GUI 1.5 2.7
GWBASIC (Microsoft) 2.9
Halting program 12.5
Hand worked execution 9.3
Hard copy, program 9.3
hard disk 4.4 (see also “Fixed disk”)
Hardware, computer 4.1 11.0
Help from others 13.4
Hewlett Packard computers 1.1
Hexadecimal display 10.3
High-performance computer 2.1
Hiring process 17.0 17.1
histogram 19.3
Householder decomposition 12.2
housekeeping 4.2 4.5
HPGL (Hewlett Packard Graphics Language) 2.7
Human error 5.7
Human factors (for graphs) 19.6 19.7
Human factors, program response 8.0
Humidity control 11.1
Hypergeometric functions 3.3
Hypertext 2.7 2.9 7.6 9.6 10.2 15.4
I/O channels see “Input/Output”
IBM OS/2 4.2 7.1
IBM RS6000 1.1
IEEE 754 binary floating-point standard 3.1 8.3 18.7
Image draw programs 2.7
Image paint programs 2.7
Implicit matrix 3.3
Implicit matrix storage 7.7
Import/Export facilities 10.3
Importanceofcorrect formulation 13.1
Imputation (statistical) 2.4
IMSL (now partofVisual Numerics) 13.5
Indeterminacy, in least squares problem 15.2
Indirect communication 2.2
Initial values 16.3
Input routines 9.8
Input routines, to handle likely errors 9.5
Input/Output channels 4.1
Input/Output examples 12.7
Input/output problems 4.8
Inputs, acceptable 9.3
Integer Programming (IP) 3.3
Integer results 13.1
Integral equations 3.3
Integrated circuits, pins 11.7
Integrated program development environments 4.1
Integro-differential equations 3.3
Intel 8080 processor 4.1
Intel 8086 processor 4.1
Intel 8088 processor 4.1 7.1
Intel 80x86 processors 4.1 7.1
Intel 80x87 numeric co-processors 3.1 8.3
Intel numeric co-processors 3.3
Interaction, between components 11.8
Interface connectors 2.2
Interface ports 2.2
Interface,toprogram 9.7
Interfacing 4.3
Interference (radio frequency) 11.6
Intermediate program code 8.2
Internal RateofReturn (IRR) 14.0
Internet 2.2 13.5
Interpolation 3.3
Interpolation of ODE solutions 16.5
Interpreter, effect on timing of GOTOs 18.5
Interpreter, program language 4.2 8.2 9.8 18.4
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