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Enns R.H., Mc Guire G.C. — Nonlinear physics with mathematica for scientists and engineers |
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Negative resistance 73 557 641
Neon glow lamp 591 639
Neon tube 75
Nerve cell 253
Nerve fiber, solitary wave 449
Neumann boundary condition 479
Newell, Alan 493 505
Newton, Isaac 81
Newton’s law of resistance 48
Newton’s Second Law 40 46 53 126 252 538 605 646
Nine iron 50
Non-autonomous 126
Non-ergodic 51
Non-invertible map 383
Nonconservative map 396
Nonlinear damping 48
Nonlinear diffusion 414
Nonlinear diode circuit 176 196 219
Nonlinear inductor 68
Nonlinear integral equation 503
Nonlinear lattice dynamics 51
Nonlinear LRC circuit 69
Nonlinear mechanics 39
Nonlinear resonance curves, slope and stability 303
Nonlinear response curves 298 609 617
Nonlinear response curves, second order 298
Nonlinear superposition 429 432
Nonlinear systems, 3-d 159
Normal mode 51
Noyes, R. M. 76
Numerical instability 236 256
Numerical method, 3rd order RK 241
Numerical method, 4th order RK 242
Numerical method, adaptive step size 247
Numerical method, backward Euler 258
Numerical method, characteristics 479
Numerical method, Crank — Nicolson 477
Numerical method, Euler 228 236
Numerical method, explicit 457
Numerical method, explicit, diffusion equation 473
Numerical method, Heun’s 241 245
Numerical method, implicit 258 476
Numerical method, implicit Euler 258
Numerical method, modified Euler 232 241
Numerical method, RKF 45 250
Numerical method, Runge — Kutta 238
Numerical method, semi-implicit 261
Numerical method, step doubling app. 249
Numerical method, Zabusky — Kruskal 470 476
Numerical Recipes 224 250 316
Numerical stability 472
Nyquist frequency 318 320 322
Nyquist, H. 318
Olsen, M. 101
One-out-of-eight rule, cellular automata 93
Op-amp 571 580
Operator, adjoint of 493
Operator, identity 497
Operator, self-adjoint 493 495 498
Operator, time evolution 497 499
Operator, unitary 498
Optical logic gate 109
Optical switching 307
Orbital motion 246
Oregonator model 79
Orthogonal 218
Oscillation, forced 308
Oscillation, free 308
Oscillation, harmonic 308
Oscillation, subharmonic 308
Oscillation, torsional 70
Oscillation, ultraharmonic 308
Oscillation, ultrasubharmonic 309
Oscillator, chemical 79
Oscillator, chemical, BZ 76 387
Oscillator, chemical, ZZ 82
Oscillator, Duffing 293
Oscillator, Duffing, hard spring 294
Oscillator, Duffing, inverted 294 314 321 333
Oscillator, Duffing, nonharmonic 294 310 320
Oscillator, Duffing, soft spring 294
Oscillator, electronic 69
Oscillator, electronic, VdP 265
Oscillator, forced 112
Oscillator, glycolytic 288
Oscillator, glycolytic, forced 334
Oscillator, harmonic 4 51
Oscillator, harmonic, overdamped 254
Oscillator, harmonic, stiff 259
Oscillator, mechanical 609
Oscillator, relaxation 597
Oscillator, relaxation, beating heart 80
Oscillator, relaxation, teeter-totter 80
Oscillator, relaxation, VdP 274
Oscillator, self-excited 70 601
Oscillator, soft spring 614
Oscillator, tunnel diode 70 559
Oscillator, Wien bridge 270 579 587
Oscilloscope 545
Oscilloscope, digital storage 561 647
Oscilloscope, dual trace 596
Pacemaker 335
Paola, C 92
Parabolic PDE 457 483
Parametric excitation 41 252
Parasitic inductance 603
Parker, T. S. 83
Parseval’s theorem 317 319
Pascal, Blaise 223
Pasta, J. 51
Pattern, snowflake 83
Pattern, target 82
Peitgen, Heinz-Otto 123
Pendulum 4
Pendulum, ball bearing 46
Pendulum, compound 575
Pendulum, damped 133 183
Pendulum, double 45 343
Pendulum, inverted 563
Pendulum, nonlinearly damped 151
Pendulum, rotating 45 222
Pendulum, simple 3 40 127 130 343
Pendulum, simple, separatrix 191
Pendulum, spherical 44 343 627
Pendulum, spin toy 526
Period doubling 314 324 621 623
Period doubling, Lorenz system 341
Period doubling, observed 370
Period eight solution 314
Period five solution 333
Period four solution 314 362
Period one solution 294 310
Period three solution 311 312
Period three solution, power spectrum 320
Period two solution 118 358
Period two solution, power spectrum 322
Period, anharmonic potential 184
Period, compound pendulum 183
Period, hard spring 206
Period, meter stick 183
Period, simple pendulum 182 184
Periodic windows 368
Periodicity condition 208
Periodogram spectral estimate 319
Phase locking 382
Phase plane 128 343
Phase plane circuit 596
Phase plane portrait 596
Phase plane, analysis 125 433
Phase plane, portrait 127 149
| Phase plane, portrait, higher order sing, pt. 148
Phase plane, portrait, pendulum 139
Phase plane, portrait, quasiperiodicity 337
Phase plane, portrait, reduced NLSE 436
Phase plane, portrait, strange attractor 326
Phase plane, portrait, VdP 158
Phase plane, rabbit-foxes 55
Phase plane, trajectory 127
Phase point 127
Phase space 343
Phase space, chemical oscillator 79
Phase trajectory 55
phase velocity 127
Piecewise linear 547 613 641
Pitchfork bifurcation 365
Planetary motion, general relativity 192
Poincare section 118 333 347
Poincare — Bendixson theorem 281 286 289
Poincare, indices 289
Poincare, method 138
Poincare, section 118 295 311 314 325 328
Poincare, theorem 137 142 434
Point, 3-d nodal 160
Point, attractor 130
Point, bifurcation 159 358
Point, bifurcation, flip 365
Point, bifurcation, pitchfork 365
Point, bifurcation, tangent 368
Point, bifurcation, transcritical 365
Point, fixed 360
Point, fixed, 2-d map 390
Point, fixed, stability 364 390
Point, focal 150 392
Point, focal or spiral 130 136
Point, higher order singular 136 148
Point, mesh 451 468
Point, nodal 132 136 391
Point, ordinary 128 133
Point, saddle 129 137 139 143 230 391 434 436
Point, simple singular 133
Point, stable equilibrium 128
Point, stable focal 130
Point, stable nodal 133 136
Point, stationary or singular 127 133 138 142 149 285
Point, stationary or singular, index of 290
Point, unstable equilibrium 128
Point, unstable focal 132
Point, unstable nodal 133
Point, vortex 139 150 231 434 436
Point, vortex or center 129 137
Poisson method 196
Polarity 602 624
PolyLog 10
Pomraning, G. C. 424
Pope, Alexander 491
Positive feedback 580
Potential, anharmonic 53
Potential, double well 152 565
Potential, FPU 51
Potential, Lennard — Jones 192
Potential, refiectionless 501
Potential, Toda 52
Power series, Maclaurin 533
Power spectrum 316 320 633
Power spectrum, aliased 321
Power spectrum, measurement 323
Power spectrum, period three solution 320
Power spectrum, period two solution 322
Power spectrum, strange attractor 326
Prandtl number 90
Precision, machine 244
Precision, setting the numerical 244
Predator-prey map 121 393
Prigogine, I. 285
Prime notation, spatial derivative 224
Projectile motion 31
Protein, energy transfer 111
Pure function 49
Pursuit, Hathaway’s 272
Pursuit, linear 173
Quality (Q) factor 526 587 616
Quantum mechanical tunneling 496 557
quantum mechanics 494
Quasi-soliton 433
Quasi-species 62 177 252
Quasiperiodicity 337 349 637 639
Quotes for all men 125
Quotes for he being dead 293
Quotes in all chaos 355
Quotes in the beginning 3
Quotes, but you will ask 81
Quotes, chaos often breeds 167
Quotes, excellent wretch 265
Quotes, his style is chaos 39
Quotes, humor is 413
Quotes, lo the dread 491
Quotes, the test of all 513
Quotes, there is nothing 451
Quotes, what a chimera 223
Quotes, what’s in a name? 513
Rabies 59
Raindrop 49
Random noise 383
Rangnekar, Sada 63 123 307
Rapoport, A. 67
Rayleigh number 90 370
Rayleigh — Benard convection 89
Rayleigh, Lord 89 216
Reactance 580
Reflection coefficient 494 496 504
Reflectionless potential 501
Refractory time 82
Relaxation oscillation 273 591 597 601
Relaxation oscillation, bobbing bird 277
Relaxation oscillation, fast and slow time scales 275
Relaxation oscillation, neon bulb 277
Relaxation oscillation, Old Faithful 277
Relaxation oscillation, Rayleigh’s equation 277
Relaxation oscillation, teeter totter 80
Relaxation oscillation, tunnel diode 277
Relaxation oscillation, variable damping oscillator 278
Relaxation oscillator 639
Relaxation time 584
Renormalization 371
Residual 217 218
Resonance curve 297
Reverse bias 556 624
Reverse saturation current 529
Richardson, L. F. 66
Richter, Peter H. 123
Ritz condition 218
Ritz method 216 218 220
RKF method 250
RNA chemistry 62
Robbins, K. A. 291
Rolls, cylindrical 370
Rolls, cylindrical and hexagonal 89
Roots 32
Rossler attractor 340
Rossler system 116 164 339 371
Rossler, O. E. 164
Runge — Kutta method 238
Safety factor 250
Saltzman, B. 89
Sampling frequency 318 320
Sampling theorem 318
Sansone, G. 288
Saperstein, A. M. 67
Saturable Kerr materials 307
Scattering data 494 499 504
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