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Enns R.H., Mc Guire G.C. — Nonlinear physics with mathematica for scientists and engineers |
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Epidemic, SIR model 61
Epidemiology 59
Equation of state, adiabatic 252
Equation, 3-wave 445
Equation, autonomous 126
Equation, baleen whale 247
Equation, Bernoulli 65 66 175 196
Equation, Bessel 178
Equation, biased VdP 156
Equation, Boussinesq 99 449
Equation, Brusselator 285
Equation, Burgers 414 425 474
Equation, chemical reaction 245
Equation, coupled reaction-diffusion 487
Equation, damped pendulum 150 526
Equation, driven tuning fork 216
Equation, Duffing 112 293 296 311 563 610
Equation, Duffing, hard spring 296
Equation, Duffing, inverted 113 326
Equation, Duffing, nonharmonic 112
Equation, Duffing, variable damping 281
Equation, eardrum 47 210
Equation, eigenvalue 494
Equation, Emden’s 253
Equation, equidimensional 179
Equation, Euler — Lagrange 174
Equation, Field and Noyes 77
Equation, fish harvesting 246
Equation, Fisher’s 483
Equation, Fitzhugh — Nagumo 253
Equation, forced glycolytic 334
Equation, fox rabies 60 260
Equation, Gelfand — Levitan 500
Equation, glycolytic oscillator 288
Equation, Gompertz 246
Equation, Hamilton’s 342
Equation, hard spring 149 179 200 203 206 213 221 544
Equation, Hathaway pursuit 272
Equation, Henon — Heiles 346
Equation, hyperchaos 164
Equation, integral, Fredholm 502
Equation, integral, G-L 501
Equation, integral, nonlinear 503
Equation, Kadomtsev — Petviashvili 101 450
Equation, KB first approx. 212
Equation, KdV 99 102 413 437 470 492 495
Equation, KdV, modified 510
Equation, Klein — Gordon 103 470
Equation, Klein — Gordon, nonlinear 467
Equation, Krylov — Bogoliubov 210
Equation, Lagrange 41
Equation, Laplace’s 483
Equation, laser beam competition 64 141 175 280 479
Equation, Lennard — Jones 192
Equation, linear diffusion 423 457
Equation, linear pursuit 173
Equation, logistic 176
Equation, Lorenz 90 159 291 340
Equation, magnetic basin 316
Equation, magnetic field reversal 163
Equation, Marchenko 500
Equation, modified KdV 510
Equation, modified VdP 210
Equation, multiple limit cycle 271
Equation, nerve fiber equation 449
Equation, NLSE 107 435 473 509
Equation, NLSE, 3-d 489
Equation, nonlinear damping 210
Equation, nonlinear diffusion 424 475
Equation, nonlinear diffusion, Fisher 466 475
Equation, nonlinear diode 196 219
Equation, nonlinear response 298
Equation, nonlinear spring 221
Equation, nonlinear wave 486
Equation, Oregonator 77 163
Equation, owl 165
Equation, PDE, general 2nd order 482
Equation, planetary motion, general relativity 192
Equation, Poisson’s 252
Equation, predator-prey 54
Equation, predator-prey, 3 species 164
Equation, rabbits-foxes 56 150 228
Equation, Rayleigh’s 75 277
Equation, Riccati 64 177
Equation, Rossler 116 164 339
Equation, same food supply 246
Equation, Schrodinger 494
Equation, semistable limit cycle 270
Equation, simple pendulum 3 40 138 179 180
Equation, sine-Gordon 103 426 429 433 482—484 510
Equation, sine-Gordon, reduced 434
Equation, soft spring 149
Equation, stable limit cycle 266
Equation, stiff 253
Equation, Sturm — Louiville 219
Equation, Thomas — Fermi 237
Equation, Toda 53 448
Equation, transcendental 497
Equation, tumor growth 246
Equation, unstable limit cycle 271
Equation, Van der Pol 69 149 157 196 207 237 274 559 589
Equation, Van der Pol, forced 335
Equation, variable damping 278
Equation, variable star 273
Equation, Verhulst 150
Equation, Volterra — Lotka 54
Equation, white dwarf 237
Equipartition of energy 51
Equipotential diagram 628
Error, cumulative 231
Error, measure of 250
Error, truncation 231 251 465 468 479
Euler method 228 236
Euler strut 564
Excitable medium 82
Excitable medium, forest fires 82
Excitation, parametric 41 252
Experimental Activity, 01: Magnetic Force 36 517
Experimental Activity, 02: Magnetic Tower 36 521
Experimental Activity, 03: Spin Toy Pendulum 43 525
Experimental Activity, 04: Driven Eardrum 47 529
Experimental Activity, 05: Nonlinear Damping 48 533
Experimental Activity, 06: Anharmonic Pot. 53 537
Experimental Activity, 07: Iron Core Inductor 69 543
Experimental Activity, 08: Nonlin. LRC Circuit 69 547
Experimental Activity, 09: Tunnel Diode Curve 73 553
Experimental Activity, 10: Tunnel Diode Osc 74 559
Experimental Activity, 11: Forced Duffing Eq. 114 563
Experimental Activity, 12: Focal Pt. Instab. 132 569
Experimental Activity, 13: Compound Pend. 183 575
Experimental Activity, 14: Damped Pendulum 183 577
Experimental Activity, 15: Stable Limit Cycle 270 579
Experimental Activity, 16: VdP Limit Cycle 270 587
Experimental Activity, 17: Neon Bulb 277 591
Experimental Activity, 18: Drinking Bird 277 597
Experimental Activity, 19: Tunnel Diode 277 601
Experimental Activity, 20: Hard Spring 295 605
Experimental Activity, 21: Mech. Res. Curve 305 609
Experimental Activity, 22: Elec. Res. Curve 305 613
Experimental Activity, 23: Mag. Res. Curve 305 617
Experimental Activity, 24: SubharmonicResp. 314 621
Experimental Activity, 25: Period Doubling 314 623
Experimental Activity, 26: 5-Well Potential 314 627
Experimental Activity, 27: Power Spectrum 323 633
Experimental Activity, 28: Entrainment 337 637
Experimental Activity, 29: Quasiperiodicity 338 639
Experimental Activity, 30: Chua’s Butterfly 341 641
Experimental Activity, 31: Route to Chaos 368 645
Experimental Activity, 32: Driven Spin Toy 368 649
Experimental Activity, 33: Mapping 388 651
| Experimental activity, symbol for 35
Exponent, Lyapunov 332
Extinction voltage 593
f substitutions 241 251
Fast Fourier transform(FFT) 319 532 633 648
Fast Fourier transform(FFT), 3d 490
Feedback 270
Feigenbaum number 367 368 370
Feigenbaum, M. J. 367
Fermi, Enrico 51 237
Fern, Barnsley’s 85
Fern, Black Spleenwort 87
Fern, cyclosorus 334
Fern, fishbone 334
Fern, fractal 85
Fern, fractal dimension 329
Field, R J. 76
Finite difference approximation 224
Firing voltage 594
Fish harvesting 246
Fitzhugh — Nagumo model 253
Fixed points, 1-d map, stability 364
Fixed points, 1-d map, stability condition 364
Fixed points, 1-d map, stable 360
Fixed points, 1-d map, unstable 360
Fixed points, 2-d map, classification 390
Fixed points, 2-d map,stability 390
Fixed points, attractive 362
Flip bifurcation 365 369
Focal point instability 132 569
Focal point, trajectory source 270
Focal point, unstable 570 580
Force meter 607
Forced oscillation 308
forward bias 556 624
Four pulse 431
Fourier analysis 473
Fourier series 211
Fourier sum 97
Fourier transform 317 420 424 500
Fourth-order RK method 242
Fox rabies 59 260
FPU anomaly 51 52
Fractal dimension, Barnsley’s fern 329
Fractal dimension, box counting approach 328
Fractal dimension, capacity 83
Fractal dimension, cellular automata 335
Fractal dimension, coastline 335
Fractal dimension, Cyclosorus fern 334
Fractal dimension, fishbone fern 334
Fractal dimension, Koch curve 334
Fractal dimension, Rossler attractor 340
Fractal dimension, strange attractor 332
Fractal, dimension 83 326 328
Fractal, fern 85
Fractal, pictures 123
Fractal, self-similar 85
Fractal, snowflake 83
Fractal, tree 335
Fredholm integral equation 502
Free oscillation 308
Frequency, demultiplication 308
Frequency, Nyquist 318 320 322
Frequency, sampling 318 320
Frequency, subharmonic 320
Fresnel lens 599
Frommer’s theorem 290
Function, Dirac delta 420 505
Function, elliptic cosine 186 191
Function, elliptic sine 183
Function, elliptic, properties 191
Function, Gamma 184
Function, pure 49
Fundamental theorem of Cauchy 128
Fur catches 54
Gain 583
Galerkin condition 218
Galerkin method 218
Game of life 91
Gamma function 184
Gardner, C. S. 491
Gas percolation 424
Gear method 264
Generalized momentum 342
Generating solution 198 202
Genesis 1 3
Geometric representation 358
Geometry, cylindrical 90
Glass, L. 80 92 379
Glycolysis 288
Goel, N. S. 57
Goldenfeld, N. 85
Golf ball 50
Golf ball dynamics 49
Golf problems 50
Gompertz law 246
Greene, J. M. 491
Grossman, Siegfried 67
Hahn, E. 107
Half-trajectory 281 282
Hall probe 567 622 631 634 647
Hamiltonian, chaos 342
Hamiltonian, function 342
Hamiltonian, Henon — Heiles 343
Hamiltonian, Toda 353
Hamilton’s equations 342
Handbook of Differential Equations 425
Handbook of Mathematical Functions 168
Hard spring 187 200 294 544 605 610 613 618
Harmonic 308
Harmonic oscillator, overdamped 133
Harmonic oscillator, undamped 137
Harmonic solution 294 296
Hasegawa, A. 108
Hathaway, A. S. 272
Heisenberg uncertainty principle 97
Helmholtz coil 618 621
Helmholtz, H 46 308
Henon map 376
Henon map, stretching and folding 377
Henon quadratic map 397
Henon strange attractor 376
Henon — Heiles potential 344
Henon, Michel 376
Heteroclinic orbit 434
Heun’s method 241 245
Higher dimensions 488
Hirota’s direct method 450
Holes 553
Homoclinic orbit 436
Hooke’s law 46 147 605
Hopf — Cole transform 423
Hudsons Bay Company 54
Huygens 335
Hydrogen atom 31
Hyperbolic PDE 467 483
Hyperchaos 164
Hypersurface 347
Hysteresis 305 306 610 613 618
Identity operator 497
Impedance 33
Implicit method 258
Implicit method, Euler 258
Ingersoll, A. P. 111
Initial value problem 457
Instability, focal point 569
instantons 450
Intermittency 368 372 646
InterpolatingFunction 264
Inverse Fourier transform 317
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