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Enns R.H., Mc Guire G.C. — Nonlinear physics with mathematica for scientists and engineers
Enns R.H., Mc Guire G.C. — Nonlinear physics with mathematica for scientists and engineers

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Название: Nonlinear physics with mathematica for scientists and engineers

Авторы: Enns R.H., Mc Guire G.C.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Численные методы/Моделирование физических процессов/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 726

Добавлена в каталог: 21.02.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Mathematica Command, Method->Gear      263
Mathematica Command, Method->RungeKutta      18 56 61 256 371
Mathematica Command, Module      123 394
Mathematica Command, N      43 49 187 379 408 467 469 487 527 531
Mathematica Command, NDSolve      18 24 49 56 61 68 79 112 116 118 144 160 215 256 270 271 273 275 288 320 325 326 347 371 387 414 527 539 546 551 568 590 608 628
Mathematica Command, Nest      120 359 361
Mathematica Command, NestList      359 361 368 374 379 381
Mathematica Command, NIntegrate      11
Mathematica Command, Normal      11 104 193 226 531
Mathematica Command, NSolve      32 49 161 219 261 399
Mathematica Command, ParametricPlot      18 49 56 112 116 144 215 270 271 273 275 288 628
Mathematica Command, ParametricPlot3D      24 56 61 68 79 116 160 347 628
Mathematica Command, Part      519 531 575 628
Mathematica Command, Partition      359 361 371 379
Mathematica Command, Pi      8 11 20 184 215 442 460 462 469 496 523 527 575
Mathematica Command, Play      20 531
Mathematica Command, PlayRange->All      20
Mathematica Command, Plot      15 18 20 49 56 79 101 128 143 168 176 182 184 187 200 209 215 219 242 248 256 273 275 300 326 329 359 361 371 374 379 416 420 438 460 472 519 528 531 536 539 546 551 559 568 578 590 607 608
Mathematica Command, Plot3D      344 394 414 418 420 628
Mathematica Command, PlotJoined->True      182 184 236 320 356 359 361 379 386 459 462 467 469 472 482 485 531 635
Mathematica Command, PlotLabel      49 61 79 112 116 118 215 219 248 270 271 273 312 320 325 326 359 374 379 381 485 527 531 539 551 568 590 607 608 635
Mathematica Command, PlotPoints      18 20 24 56 61 68 79 101 116 128 140 144 148 160 187 215 254 256 270 271 273 288 300 326 344 347 371 394 414 416 418 420 438 442 527 546 551 559 568 590
Mathematica Command, PlotRange      15 18 56 68 79 85 101 116 118 120 140 143 144 168 182 184 187 215 219 248 256 261 273 275 298 300 325 329 344 347 356 361 371 374 379 402 416 438 442 459 460 462 467 469 472 482 485 519 528 531 536 539 551 653
Mathematica Command, PlotRange->All      254 320 359 368 381 414 420 635
Mathematica Command, PlotStyle      15 18 49 56 85 101 104 118 120 121 144 168 176 182 184 187 200 209 219 228 233 242 248 254 256 261 267 270 271 275 288 298 300 320 325 326 329 368 371 374 379 381 386 399 402 408 416 420 438 442 459 460 462 467 472 482 485 519 527 528 531 539 546 551 559 568 590 607 635
Mathematica Command, PlotVectorField      140 144 148 270 271 288
Mathematica Command, PlotVectorField3D      160
Mathematica Command, Plus      374
Mathematica Command, Point      61 68 79 118 128 140 143 144 148 399
Mathematica Command, PointSize      15 61 68 79 85 118 120 121 128 140 143 144 148 242 248 325 329 344 399 402 528 536 551 607
Mathematica Command, PointStyle      519
Mathematica Command, PolarPlot      267 270
Mathematica Command, Polygon      347
Mathematica Command, Precision      242
Mathematica Command, PrecisionGoal      61
Mathematica Command, Print      523
Mathematica Command, Random      85 329
Mathematica Command, Re      128
Mathematica Command, Rectangle      325
Mathematica Command, ReleaseHold      215 527 578
Mathematica Command, ReplacePart      93 320
Mathematica Command, RGBColor      49 61 79 85 116 118 128 140 143 182 184 187 200 209 219 228 233 242 248 261 270 271 288 325 329 344 356 399 408 528 531 539 551 607
Mathematica Command, RotateLeft      487
Mathematica Command, RotateRight      487
Mathematica Command, ScaleFactor      140 160 270 271 288
Mathematica Command, ScaleFunction      140 144 160 270 271 288
Mathematica Command, ScatterPlot      402
Mathematica Command, ScatterPlot3D      228 236 261 387
Mathematica Command, Sech      20 438 472
Mathematica Command, semi-colon      8
Mathematica Command, Series      11 104 182 187 193 226 531
Mathematica Command, SetCoordinates      628
Mathematica Command, SetPrecision      12 14 242
Mathematica Command, Show      15 49 140 144 148 182 184 187 200 209 215 219 242 248 270 271 288 300 325 329 347 359 361 379 408 414 416 420 459 467 469 482 487 519 528 531 536 551 607
Mathematica Command, Sign      371
Mathematica Command, Simplify      13 41 70 96 143 168 187 203 267 418 426 430 438 441 442 492 496
Mathematica Command, Sin      12 18 20 41 49 104 187 193 209 215 267 379 381 408 418 426 459 462 467 469 485 487 527 531 575 578
Mathematica Command, Sinh      442 496
Mathematica Command, Solve      12 14 24 43 128 143 144 203 209 226 267 300 344 347 438 442 460 496 628
Mathematica Command, Sqrt      8 24 49 70 104 143 182 184 267 438 442 472 485 496 575 590 628
Mathematica Command, StyleForm      61 160 184 200 209 325 374 379 607 608
Mathematica Command, Sum      20 197 200 203 209 460 628
Mathematica Command, Switch      462 467 469
Mathematica Command, Table      49 85 93 118 121 128 144 184 197 200 203 209 228 233 242 248 261 270 271 273 275 320 326 329 356 359 361 368 371 379 381 386 387 399 402 408 416 420 459 462 467 469 472 482 485 487 507 531 578 628 653
Mathematica Command, TableForm      197 200 203 209 507
Mathematica Command, Take      635
Mathematica Command, Tan      8
Mathematica Command, Tanh      10 438
Mathematica Command, Text      56 61 68 118 128 143 184 200 275 298 300 361 399 416 528
Mathematica Command, TextStyle      15 18 24 49 56 61 79 85 101 116 121 143 144 168 182 184 187 219 228 233 242 248 254 256 261 267 270 271 298 312 325 326 329 344 347 359 361 368 371 374 379 381 386 394 399 402 408 414 416 418 420 438 442 459 460 462 467 472 482 485 519 527 531 539 546 551 559 568 590 607 608 635 653
Mathematica Command, Thickness      176 184 200 273 472 482 485 559
Mathematica Command, Ticks      15 24 56 61 68 79 101 116 120 121 182 184 200 215 219 228 233 242 248 254 256 275 298 300 326 344 347 356 359 371 374 379 381 394 399 402 414 416 418 420 438 442 459 467 469 482 485 531 551 559 568 590 608 635
Mathematica Command, TimeUsed[]      228 233
Mathematica Command, Transpose      15 320 329 386 459 462 467 469 472 482 485 528 536 551 607
Mathematica Command, TrigExpand      12 430
Mathematica Command, TrigReduce      12 102 203 209 531
Mathematica Command, Union      368
Mathematica Command, UnitStep      551 628
Mathematica Command, VectorHeads      160
Mathematica Command, ViewPoint      56 61 68 79 160 228 344 347 402 414 418 420
Mathematica Command, Which      85 248 329
Mathematica Command, While      123 394
Mathematica Command, With      374
Mathematica Example, 01-1: Diff. and Integ.      7
Mathematica Example, 01-2: Taylor Expansion      11
Mathematica Example, 01-3: Mathematica Algebra      12
Mathematica Example, 01-4: Plotting      15
Mathematica Example, 01-5: Numerical ODE Sol.      17
Mathematica Example, 01-6: Animation and Sound      20
Mathematica Example, 01-7: Classical Mechanics      23
Mathematica Example, 02-1: Parametric Excitation      41
Mathematica Example, 02-2: Phase Plane Traj.      56
Mathematica Example, 02-3: Tunnel Diode      70
Mathematica Example, 03-1: Barnsley’s Fern      85
Mathematica Example, 03-2: 1 Out of 8 Rule      93
Mathematica Example, 03-3: sine-Gordon equation      104
Mathematica Example, 03-4: Logistic Map      120
Mathematica Example, 03-5: Predator-prey Map      121
Mathematica Example, 04-1: Damped SHO      130
Mathematica Example, 04-2: Roots      135
Mathematica Example, 04-3: Tangent Field      140
Mathematica Example, 04-4: Competing Armies      144
Mathematica Example, 04-5: Stability Analysis      161
Mathematica Example, 05-1: Nonlinear drag      168
Mathematica Example, 05-2: Solving for V      171
Mathematica Example, 05-3: Riccati Example      178
Mathematica Example, 05-4: Hard Spring Sol      187
Mathematica Example, 05-5: Series Solution      193
Mathematica Example, 05-6: Perturbation Eqs.      197
Mathematica Example, 05-7: Hard Spring Pert.      203
Mathematica Example, 06-1: Alternate Approx.      226
Mathematica Example, 06-2: Euler Algorithm      228
Mathematica Example, 06-3: Modified Euler Code      233
Mathematica Example, 06-4: RK4 Algorithm      242
Mathematica Example, 06-5: Stiff Equation      254
Mathematica Example, 06-6: RKF-Stiff equation      256
Mathematica Example, 07-1: Stable Limit Cycle      267
Mathematica Example, 07-2: Relaxation Osc      275
Mathematica Example, 08-1: Nonlinear Response      298
Mathematica Example, 08-2: A versus $\omega$      300
Mathematica Example, 08-3: Basins of Attraction      312
Mathematica Example, 08-4: Fractal Dimension      329
Mathematica Example, 08-5: Henon — Heiles Potential      344
Mathematica Example, 08-6: HH Poincare Sections      347
Mathematica Example, 09-1: Logistic Map 2      356
Mathematica Example, 09-2: Geometric Picture      361
Mathematica Example, 09-3: Douady’s Rabbit      394
Mathematica Example, 09-4: Fixed Points      399
Mathematica Example, 09-5: Chaos Control      402
Mathematica Example, 09-6: Saturn’s Rings      408
Mathematica Example, 10-1: Burgers’ Eq.      414
Mathematica Example, 10-2: Nonlinear Term      416
Mathematica Example, 10-3: Laplace Transform      418
Mathematica Example, 10-4: Fourier Transform      420
Mathematica Example, 10-5: SG Transformation      426
Mathematica Example, 10-6: KdV Solitary Wave      438
Mathematica Example, 10-7: 2-Soliton Solution      441
Mathematica Example, 10-8: sine-Gordon soliton      442
Mathematica Example, 11-1: Representation of $\psi_{xt}$      453
Mathematica Example, 11-2: Variable Separation      460
Mathematica Example, 11-3: Explicit Method      462
Mathematica Example, 12-1: Lax Formulation      492
Mathematica Example, 12-2: Z-S/AKNS Eqs.      507
Mathematica File, 01: Simple Pendulum      43
Mathematica File, 02: Air Drag on a Sphere      48
Mathematica File, 03: Golf Ball Drag/Lift      49
Mathematica File, 04: Rabbits — Foxes Eq.      56
Mathematica File, 05: Fox Rabies Model      61
Mathematica File, 06: Arms Race      68
Mathematica File, 07: Oregonator Model      79
Mathematica File, 08: Two Soliton Solution      101
Mathematica File, 09: Duffing’s Eq.      112
Mathematica File, 10: Lorenz System      116
Mathematica File, 11: Poincare Section      118
Mathematica File, 12: Mandelbrot Set      123
Mathematica File, 13: Undamped Pendulum      128
Mathematica File, 14: Phase Plane Analysis      143
Mathematica File, 15: Higher Ord. Sing. Pt.      148
Mathematica File, 16: Three-D Vector Field      160
Mathematica File, 17: Laser Beam Compet.      176
Mathematica File, 18: Period of Simp. Pend.      182
Mathematica File, 19: Anharmonic Period      184
Mathematica File, 20: Elliptic Integrals      184
Mathematica File, 21: Jacobian Elliptic Func      187
Mathematica File, 22: Poisson Method      200
Mathematica File, 23: Lindstedt Method      209
Mathematica File, 24: Krylov — Bogoliubov      215
Mathematica File, 25: Ritz Method      219
Mathematica File, 26: Adaptive Step Sizing      248
Mathematica File, 27: Semi-Implicit Scheme      261
Mathematica File, 28: Semistable Limit Cycle      270
Mathematica File, 29: Multiple Limit Cycles      271
Mathematica File, 30: Relaxation Oscillations      273
Mathematica File, 31: Brusselator Limit Cycle      288
Mathematica File, 32: Power Spectrum      320
Mathematica File, 33: Poincare Section      325
Mathematica File, 34: Sensitivity-Initial Cond.      326
Mathematica File, 35: Geo. Rep. Log. Map      359
Mathematica File, 36: Bifurcation Diagram      368
Mathematica File, 37: Lorenz Map      371
Mathematica File, 38: Lyapunov Exponent      374
Mathematica File, 39: Circle Map      379
Mathematica File, 40: Devil’s Staircase      381
Mathematica File, 41: Noise vs Chaos      386
Mathematica File, 42: Reconst. Lor. Attr.      387
Mathematica File, 43: Mandelbrot Set      394
Mathematica File, 44: Explicit Method      459
Mathematica File, 45: Explicit Scheme — Fisher      467
Mathematica File, 46: Klein — Gordon Eq.      469
Mathematica File, 47: KdV Sol. Wave Coll.      472
Mathematica File, 48: Colliding Laser Beams      482
Mathematica File, 49: Kink — Antikink Collision      485
Mathematica File, 50: Reaction-Diffusion Eqs.      487
Mathematica File, 51: QM Tunneling      496
Mathematica File: Experiments, X01: Magnetic Force Law      519
Mathematica File: Experiments, X02: Magnetic Tower      523
Mathematica File: Experiments, X03A: Spin Toy Pendulum      527
Mathematica File: Experiments, X03B: Spin Toy Best Fit      528
Mathematica File: Experiments, X04: Eardrum      531
Mathematica File: Experiments, X05: Nonlinear Damping      536
Mathematica File: Experiments, X06: Anharmonic Potential      539
Mathematica File: Experiments, X07: Iron Core Inductor      546
Mathematica File: Experiments, X08A: LRC Best Fit      551
Mathematica File: Experiments, X08B: Nonlin. LRC Circuit      551
Mathematica File: Experiments, X08C: LRC Piecewise      551
Mathematica File: Experiments, X10: Tunnel Diode OscilL      559
Mathematica File: Experiments, X11: Forced Duffing Eq.      568
Mathematica File: Experiments, X13: Compound Pendulum      575
Mathematica File: Experiments, X14: Damped Pendulum      578
Mathematica File: Experiments, X16: VdP Oscillator      590
Mathematica File: Experiments, X20A: Hard Spring Fit      607
Mathematica File: Experiments, X20B: Hard Spring      608
Mathematica File: Experiments, X26: 5-Well Potential      628
Mathematica File: Experiments, X27: Power Spectrum      635
Mathematica File: Experiments, X33: Mapping      653
Mathematica files, how to use      28
Mathematica files, symbol for      28
Mathematica Help      26
Mathematica Help, Help Browser      26
Mathematica random number generator      384
Mathematica system      6
Mathematica, capital letters      8
Mathematica, case sensitivity      8
Mathematica, cell      8
Mathematica, curly brackets      8
Mathematica, double square brackets      8
Mathematica, lists      8
Mathematica, multiplication      8
Mathematica, operations      7
Mathematica, square brackets      8
Mathematica, Standard Form      8
Mathematica, tags      8
Mathematica, TraditionalForm      8
Matrix, inverse      476
Matrix, Jacobian      397
Matrix, multiplication      458
Matrix, representation      458
Matrix, tridiagonal      458 469
May, Robert      60 119 356
Mayer-Kress, Gottfried      67
McAvity, David      123
McCall, S.      107
McLaughlin, D. W.      500
Measles outbreaks      387
Mechanics, nonlinear      39
Melting      52
Mesh point      451 468
Method of characteristics      483
Method of least squares      217
Metropolis, N.      372
MICRO-CAP program      616
Miura, Robert      491
Mixer circuit      529
Model, arms race      66
Model, arms race, Rapoport’s      150 263
Model, baleen whale      247
Model, beating heart      80
Model, big fish-little fish      54 59
Model, biochemical switch      238
Model, Brusselator      285
Model, competing armies      144
Model, competition, quasi-species      62
Model, disk dynamo      163
Model, eardrum      46
Model, epidemic      61
Model, fish harvesting      246
Model, Fitzhugh — Nagumo      253
Model, fox rabies      59 60
Model, game of life      90
Model, genetic control      156
Model, human population growth      176
Model, logistic      119
Model, Lorenz      90 291
Model, nonlinear spring      147
Model, Oregonator      79
Model, owl      165
Model, predator prey, 3 species      164
Model, Prigogine — Lefever      286
Model, quasi-species      252
Model, rabbits and sheep      59
Model, rabbits-foxes      54
Model, Rossler      116
Model, saturable Volterra      58
Model, SIR      61 165
Model, spruce budworm infestation      237
Model, squid-herring      153
Model, tenure      153
Modified Euler method      232 241
Modulation frequency      586
Modulator      529
monopole      518
Montroll, Elliot      57
Multi-soliton solution      501
Murray, A. B.      92
Murray, J. D.      59
Muskat, M.      424
Mutation coefficients      252
Neff, R. B.      54
Negative damping      570
Negative feedback      580
1 2 3 4 5 6
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