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Enns R.H., Mc Guire G.C. — Nonlinear physics with mathematica for scientists and engineers
Enns R.H., Mc Guire G.C. — Nonlinear physics with mathematica for scientists and engineers

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Название: Nonlinear physics with mathematica for scientists and engineers

Авторы: Enns R.H., Mc Guire G.C.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Численные методы/Моделирование физических процессов/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 726

Добавлена в каталог: 21.02.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Inverse problem      494 500 505
Inverse scattering method      433 491
Inverse scattering method, adjoint relations      495
Inverse scattering method, direct problem      494
Inverse scattering method, eigenvalue problem      493
Inverse scattering method, general input shape      503
Inverse scattering method, identity operator      497
Inverse scattering method, inverse problem      494 500
Inverse scattering method, Lax formulation      492
Inverse scattering method, scattering data, time evolution      494
Inverse scattering method, time evolution operator      497
Inverse scattering method, unitary operator      498
Inverse scattering method, Z-S/AKNS approach      505
Inverted pendulum      563
Invertible map, Henon      383
Iron core inductor      69
Island map      398
Isoclines, method of      157
Iteration      296 302 486
Jackson, E. A.      389
Jackson, H. C      60
Jacobian matrix      135 397
Jensen, M. H.      378
Jones, Billy      63
Josephson junction      106
Julia set      394
Julia, Gaston      394
Jump phenomena      305 307
Jung, Carl      355
Jupiter, great red spot      110
Kam theorem      352
KAM torus      349
Kaplan, D.      92
Kaup, David      448 493 505
Keats, John      451
Kernel, degenerate      501
Kernel, G-L      505
Kernel, integral equation      500
Kerr nonlinearity      108
Kink solitons      103
Kink-antikink      106
Kink-kink      106
Kirchhoff’s law      571
Kirchhoff’s rules      33 68
Kislukha, N. I.      111
Klein bottle condom      638
Koch curve      88
Koros, E.      76
Korteweg, D.J.      99
Kot, M.      387
Krogdahl, W. S.      273
Kruskal, Martin      100 470 491
Krylov — Bogoliubov method      210
Lagrangian      342
Lagrangian, inverted pendulum      565
Lagrangian, rotating pendulum      44
Lagrangian, simple pendulum      40
Langer, J. S.      85
Lapidus, L.      238
Laplace transform      418
Larsen, E. W.      424
Laser beam competition      176
Lauwerier, H. A.      121
Lax formulation      492
Lax, Peter      491
Lefever, R.      285
Legendre transformation      342
Leibovich, S.      100
Lennard — Jones potential      192
Lenz’s law      612
Leo Esaki      557
Libchaber, A.      370
Light bullets      109 488
Light bullets, coalescence      110
Light bullets, repulsion      110
Limit cycle, 3-d      79
Limit cycle, Brusselator      288
Limit cycle, glycolytic oscillator      289
Limit cycle, heart      69
Limit cycle, Lorenz      291
Limit cycle, multiple      271
Limit cycle, nested      271
Limit cycle, nonexistence of      278
Limit cycle, Oregonator      76
Limit cycle, semistable      265 270
Limit cycle, stable      265 270 282 285 579
Limit cycle, trajectory sink      270
Limit cycle, unstable      265 271 280
Limit cycle, Van der Pol      69 74 159 207 270 273
Lindstedt method      203
Linear diffusion      418
Linear pursuit      173
Linear response curves      297
Linearization      4
Logistic map      119 356 369 375 389
Logistic map, bifurcation diagram      368
Lorentz transformation      107
Lorentzian line shape      317
Lorenz attractor      332 372
Lorenz map      371
Lorenz model      90
Lorenz system, butterfly wings      115 340
Lorenz, Edward      90
Lorenz, weather forecasting      334
Low pass filter      318
Lozi map      398
LRC circuit      547
Lyapunov, dimension      332
Lyapunov, exponent      332 372
Lyapunov, theorem      136
Machine precision      244
Magnetic field reversal      163
Magnetic force      518
magnetic moment      620 646
Magnetic potential      627
Magnetic spin      103
Magnetic tower      522
Maitra, S. C      57
Mandelbrot map      123 389 392
Mandelbrot set      123 394
Mandelbrot, Benoit      83 123 389
MANIAC I      51
Map, 1-d      119
Map, 2-d      119 389 396
Map, 3rd-iterate      363
Map, chaos      111 358 362 377 386
Map, circle      378
Map, conservative      396
Map, cubic      363
Map, fourth-iterate      366
Map, Henon      376 399
Map, Henon, quadratic      397
Map, island      398
Map, kth-iterate      363
Map, logistic      119 124 356 368 369 375
Map, logistic, delayed      389 391
Map, Lorenz      371
Map, Lozi      398
Map, Mandelbrot      123 389 392
Map, noise vs chaos      383
Map, non-invertible      383
Map, nonconservative      396
Map, predator-prey      121 393
Map, second iterate      360
Map, sine      369 375
Map, standard      123 389 397
Map, tent      369 375
Map, unimodal      367 371 387
Martienssen      307
Mathematica      90
Mathematica Command, #      312 374 381
Mathematica Command, $DisplayFunction=Identity      176 182 200 209 215 219 242 248 325 359 361 379 414 459 467 482 528
Mathematica Command, $RecursionLimit=Infinity      472
Mathematica Command, $\&$      312
Mathematica Command, $\&\&$      168 187
Mathematica Command, $^\ast$      8
Mathematica Command, %      10 11 193
Mathematica Command, /.      12 43 49 68 70 203 226
Mathematica Command, //      197
Mathematica Command, //.      135
Mathematica Command, //N      11
Mathematica Command, ;      8
Mathematica Command, << Calculus ‘DSolvelntegrals’      414
Mathematica Command, << Calculus ‘VariationalMethods’      41
Mathematica Command, << Calculus ‘Vector Analysis’      344
Mathematica Command, <<Calculus      418 420
Mathematica Command, <<Graphics      20 101 140 228 254 261 267 270 271 275 288 298 300 416 438 460
Mathematica Command, <<Graphics ‘Graphics3D’      402
Mathematica Command, <<LinearAlgebra      93
Mathematica Command, ?PolyLog      10
Mathematica Command, Abs      123 184 248 300 320 374 394 496 531 578
Mathematica Command, AbsolutePointSize      368 371
Mathematica Command, AccuracyGoal      263
Mathematica Command, Animate      20 101 104 438 442
Mathematica Command, Apply      374
Mathematica Command, ArcTan      104 442 485
Mathematica Command, AspectRatio      85 112 121 143 148 215 228 233 298 329 359 361 371 379 386 399 408 416
Mathematica Command, Automatic      551
Mathematica Command, Axes -> False      85 329 408
Mathematica Command, AxesEdge      61 68 79 116 160 228 261 387 402
Mathematica Command, AxesLabel      24 49 56 61 68 79 116 128 143 160 176 200 209 254 261 320 347 361 368 371 386 459 460 462 467 469 472 482 519 527 531 536 539 551 559 568 590 635
Mathematica Command, AxesOrigin      368 374 381
Mathematica Command, AxesStyle      79 608
Mathematica Command, Background      116 143 160 176 270 271 288
Mathematica Command, Blank(_)      462
Mathematica Command, Block      49 56 160 176 182 184 200 209 215 219 242 248 325 359 361 379 414 459 467 482 487 528 531
Mathematica Command, Boxed->False      79 228 261 387
Mathematica Command, BoxRatios      24 56 61 68 79 228 261 344 347 387 394 402 628
Mathematica Command, BoxStyle      61 68 116
Mathematica Command, Cartesian      344
Mathematica Command, Cases      371
Mathematica Command, Chop      43 168 442 472 607 635
Mathematica Command, Clear      11 24
Mathematica Command, Clear [“Global, $\ast$”]      11 18
Mathematica Command, Coefficient      203 209 329 519
Mathematica Command, CoefficientList      197 200 203 209 507
Mathematica Command, Collect      11 41 70 161 197 200 203 209 219 442 559
Mathematica Command, ColorFunction      123 312 344
Mathematica Command, ColorFunction->Hue      394
Mathematica Command, Compile      368 374 381
Mathematica Command, Compiled->False      144 270 271 273 288
Mathematica Command, CompleteIntegral      414
Mathematica Command, ContourPlot      300 344 416
Mathematica Command, Contours      300 344 416
Mathematica Command, ContourShading->False      300 416
Mathematica Command, Cos      11 12 41 49 182 203 209 215 267 320 326 408 487 628
Mathematica Command, Cosh      15 101 441 442
Mathematica Command, D      8 24 41 49 70 96 104 143 161 187 193 219 267 347 414 418 420 426 438 441 442 472 485 507 539 546 559 590
Mathematica Command, Dashing      56 275 361
Mathematica Command, DensityPlot      123 394
Mathematica Command, Det      161
Mathematica Command, Dimensions      371 386
Mathematica Command, DiracDelta      420
Mathematica Command, Disk      408
Mathematica Command, DisplayFunction      49 56
Mathematica Command, DisplayFunction->$Identity      329
Mathematica Command, DisplayFunction->Identity      15 140 148 187 270 271 275 300 329 347 408 416 420 519
Mathematica Command, DisplayFunction—>$DisplayFunction      15 187 270 271 275 300 347 408 416 420
Mathematica Command, Do      93 118 184 261 300 416 420 459 460 462 467 469 472 482 485 487 507 628
Mathematica Command, Dot(.)      459 469
Mathematica Command, DotProduct      523
Mathematica Command, Drop      359 361 368 379 381
Mathematica Command, DSolve      43 49 96 98 130 168 176 178 200 203 209 215 242 254 267 414 418 420 438 442 460 496
Mathematica Command, E      8
Mathematica Command, Eigenvalues      135 161
Mathematica Command, EllipticF      181 184
Mathematica Command, EllipticK      181 182 184 527
Mathematica Command, Epilog      56 61 68 79 118 128 140 143 144 148 168 187 200 273 275 325 329 344 359 361 399 408 416 528 531 551
Mathematica Command, EulerEquations      41
Mathematica Command, Evaluate      18 24 49 56 61 68 79 112 116 118 128 144 160 176 184 187 215 256 270 271 273 275 288 300 320 325 326 347 371 387 414 418 420 460 527 546 551 559 568 578 590 608 628
Mathematica Command, Exp      11 20 104 219 248 416 485 487 519 531
Mathematica Command, Expand      10 41 70 104 171 197 200 203 209 219 254 531 559
Mathematica Command, ExpandAll      135
Mathematica Command, ExpToTrig      130
Mathematica Command, Factor      12 14 143
Mathematica Command, FindRoot      32 523 539
Mathematica Command, First      487
Mathematica Command, Fit      329 519 528 536 551 607
Mathematica Command, Flatten      118 320 325 359 368 371 379 381 387
Mathematica Command, FontFamily      143 182 187 200 551 559 568 608
Mathematica Command, FontSize      61 68 120 182 187 551 559 568 607 608
Mathematica Command, FontSlant->Italic      607 608
Mathematica Command, FontWeight      590 608
Mathematica Command, FontWeight->Bold      559 607
Mathematica Command, For      248
Mathematica Command, Fourier      320 531 635
Mathematica Command, FourierParameters      320
Mathematica Command, FourierTransform      420
Mathematica Command, FractionalPart      379
Mathematica Command, Frame      118
Mathematica Command, Frame->True      18 85 140 144 148 215 270 271 273 288 325 329 607 608
Mathematica Command, FrameLabel      18
Mathematica Command, Frames      20 101 104 438 442
Mathematica Command, FrameStyle      607 608
Mathematica Command, FrameTicks      18 85 118 123 140 144 215 270 271 273 288 312 325 329 344 394 551 608
Mathematica Command, Frame—>False      551
Mathematica Command, FullSimplify      24 49 104 130 171 187 267 438
Mathematica Command, Gamma      184
Mathematica Command, Grad      344 523 628
Mathematica Command, Graphics      160 325 408
Mathematica Command, Graphics3D      347
Mathematica Command, GraphicsArray      414 487
Mathematica Command, GridLines      329
Mathematica Command, HeadLength      140 270 271 288
Mathematica Command, HoldForm      10 12 215 527 575 578
Mathematica Command, Hue      15 18 49 56 79 101 104 116 128 143 148 168 184 187 200 215 256 267 270 271 273 275 288 298 300 312 320 325 326 329 344 359 361 368 371 374 379 386 399 402 408 416 420 442 459 460 462 467 469 472 482 485 519 527 528 531 539 551 590 607 635
Mathematica Command, I      492 507
Mathematica Command, Identity-Matrix      161
Mathematica Command, If      93 394 402
Mathematica Command, ImageSize      15 68 79 85 93 104 116 120 128 140 143 144 148 168 176 182 184 187 200 209 215 219 228 233 242 248 256 261 267 270 271 275 288 298 312 320 325 326 344 347 356 359 361 368 371 374 379 381 386 394 399 402 408 414 416 418 420 438 459 467 469 472 482 485 519 527 536 539 551 559 568 590 607 608 635 653
Mathematica Command, ImplicitPlot      148 298 628
Mathematica Command, Import      386
Mathematica Command, InputForm      11
Mathematica Command, Integer      374 381
Mathematica Command, IntegerPart      487
Mathematica Command, Integrate      10 43 171 182 187 215 219 438 442 460 527 575 578
Mathematica Command, InverseFourierTransform      420
Mathematica Command, InverseLaplaceTransform      418
Mathematica Command, JacobiSN      187
Mathematica Command, Join      459 462 469
Mathematica Command, LaplaceTransform      418
Mathematica Command, Length      487 507 635 653
Mathematica Command, Limit      168 182
Mathematica Command, ListDensityPlot      93 312
Mathematica Command, ListPlot      15 85 118 121 182 184 228 233 242 248 320 325 329 356 359 361 368 371 379 381 386 387 399 408 459 462 467 469 472 482 485 519 528 531 536 551 607 635 653
Mathematica Command, ListPlot3D      95 487
Mathematica Command, Log      8 15 374 519
Mathematica Command, LogicalExpand      193
Mathematica Command, LogLogPlot      254
Mathematica Command, Map      368 381
Mathematica Command, MatrixPower      459 462
Mathematica Command, Max      320
Mathematica Command, MaxSteps      18 49 61 79 116 118 256 273 326 347 371 551 568 590 608 628
Mathematica Command, MaxSteps->Infinity      320 325
Mathematica Command, MaxStepSize      263
Mathematica Command, Mesh      123
Mathematica Command, Mesh->False      344 394
Mathematica Command, MeshRange      312
Mathematica Command, Method->Adams      263
Mathematica Command, Method->Automatic      263
1 2 3 4 5 6
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