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Reichl L.E. — Modern Course in Statistical Physics |
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Tricritical point 123 127 151—153
Tricritical point in - mixture 127 153
Triple point 103 127
Triple point, classical fluid 103 109
Triple point, water 28
Turing structures 761—764
Turing, A.M. 760 766
Turner, J.S. 765
Turner, J.W. 765
Two-fluid model see "Superfluids"
Uhlenbeck, G.E. 278 335 423 526 649 711 717 718
Ulam, S. 326
Ultrafiltration see "Transport coefficients"
Ultrasonic acoustic attenuation 417
Uniform function 645
Union of events 176
Universality 443
Ursell functions see "Cluster functions"
Ursell, H.D. 488 526
van den Broeck, C. 225
Van der Waals constants 19
Van der Waals equation 18 67—68 70—71 115—116 139—141
Van der Waals gas 18
Van der Waals J.D. 115
Van Hove L. 593 649
van Kampen N.G. 278 335
van Leeuwen J.M.J. 485 718
van't Hoff's law 77
vapor pressure 142
Vapor pressure, equilibrium with droplets 142—146
Vaporization curve see "Coexistence curve"
Variance 180
Variance, binomial distribution 190
Variance, Brownian particle 628—631
Variance, density fluctuations 353
Variance, energy fluctuations 356
Variance, particle number fluctuations, Bose — Einstein gas 392
Variance, particle number fluctuations, Fermi — Dirac gas 399—400
Variance, temperature fluctuations 353
Vector potential 162 595
Velarde, M.G. 766
Velocity autocorrelation function, Brownian particle 252—254 256—257
Velocity autocorrelation function, hard sphere gas 620—621
Velocity autocorrelation function, long time tails 620—631
Velocity autocorrelation function, virial expansion 712—716
Verlet, L. 512 526
Virial coefficients 499
Virial coefficients, Bose — Einstein gas 17 520—526
Virial coefficients, classical interacting gas 17 499—505 513—517
Virial coefficients, cluster integrals 499
Virial coefficients, Fermi — Dirac gas 17 519—526
Virial coefficients, hard-sphere gas 505—507
Virial coefficients, molecular dynamics 506—507
Virial coefficients, quantum gas 17 517—526
Virial coefficients, second virial coefficient (classical) 17 500—505
Virial coefficients, second virial coefficient (classical), experimental values 504
Virial coefficients, second virial coefficient (classical), hard sphere gas 505
Virial coefficients, second virial coefficient (classical), Lennard-Jones potential 501—505
Virial coefficients, second virial coefficient (classical), square-well potential 501 504
Virial coefficients, second virial coefficient (quantum), Bose — Einstein hard sphere gas 525—526
Virial coefficients, second virial coefficient (quantum), ideal Fermi gas 519—520
Virial coefficients, star function expansion 500
Virial coefficients, third virial coefficient 17 513—517
| Virial coefficients, third virial coefficient, argon 516
Virial coefficients, third virial coefficient, hard sphere gas 516—517
Virial coefficients, third virial coefficient, Lennard-Jones potential 515
Virial coefficients, third virial coefficient, square-well potential 514
Virial coefficients, three-body forces 514—515
Virial expansion, divergences 716
Virial expansion, equation of state 488 519
Virial expansion, velocity autocorrelation function 715
viscosity see "Transport coefficients"
Volume flow (across membranes) 606—611
von Oertze A. 766
Vorticity 621
Wainwright, T.E. 620 650 710 716 718
Walgraef, D. 766
Walker, C.H. 331 333 336
Walters, G.K. 127 166
Warner, M. 650
Waser, J. 90
Washburn, E.W. 89
Water (phases) 99
Watson, G.N. 225
Watts, R.O. 512 526
Weierstrass function 215
Weierstrass probability density 220
Weierstrass random walk 214—217
Weinstock, B. 126 166
Weiss, G.H. 279
Weiss, P. 372 423
Wenzel, R.G. 526
Wergeland, H. 89 166 336
Wertheim, M.S. 512 526
West, B.J. 225
Weyl correspondence 317
Wheatley, J. 166
White noise 251 571
White noise, spectral density 257
Wicks theorem 187
Wicks theorem, model 454
Widom scaling exponents (p, q) 434 447 444
Widom, B. 427 485 650
Wiener — Khintchine theorem 532 557—558
Wiener, N. 649
Wigner functions 286 315—319
Wigner, E. 314 335
Wilks, J. 166
Wilson theory of critical exponents 428 440—462
Wilson theory of critical exponents, model 448—462
Wilson theory of critical exponents, triangular planar lattice 444—448
Wilson, K. 440 454 485
Winfree, A.T. 735 766
Wolfke, M. 124 166
Work 23
X-ray scattering experiments 488
Yang — Lee theory of phase transitions 418—422
Yang, C.N. 418 420 421 423
Yarnell, J.L. 491 511 526
Yevick, G.J. 511 526
Yvon, J. 336
Zaitsev, V.M. 766
Zemansky, M.W. 89 166 650
Zemicke, F. 510 511
Zeroth law of thermodynamics see "Laws of thermodynamics"
Zhabotinski, A.M. 766
Zwanzig, R.W. 336 620 630 631 640 650 718
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