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Reichl L.E. — Modern Course in Statistical Physics
Reichl L.E. — Modern Course in Statistical Physics

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Íàçâàíèå: Modern Course in Statistical Physics

Àâòîð: Reichl L.E.


A Modern Course in Statistical Physics goes beyond traditional textbook topics and incorporates contemporary research into a basic course on statistical mechanics. From the universal nature of matter to the latest results in the spectral properties of decay processes, this book emphasizes the theoretical foundations derived from thermodynamics and probability theory that underlie all concepts in statistical physics. Each chapter focuses on a core topic and includes extensive illustrations, exercises, and experimental data as well as a section with more advanced topics and applications. Comprehensive coverage of numerous core topics and special applications gives professors flexibility to individualize course design. And the inclusion of advanced topics and extensive references makes this an invaluable resource for researchers as well as students - a textbook that will be retained on the shelf long after the course is completed.

ßçûê: en

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 2nd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 822

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 27.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Reduced variables      111 116
Ree, F.H.      526
Refrigerator      26
Regression of fluctuations      555
Reichl, L.E.      279 335 649 650
Reif, F.      225
Relative coordinates      672
Relative thermoelectric power      604—605
Relevant eigenvalues      444
Renormalization theory      377 440—462
Renormalization transformation      441—444
Renormalization transformation, $S^{4}$-model      458
Renormalization transformation, eigenvalues      442—443 458
Renormalization transformation, fixed points      442—444 458
Renormalization transformation, relevant eigenvalues      444 458
Renormalization transformation, triangular planar lattice      447
Representations of operators      775
Resibois, P.      657 688 717
Resistance of mercury      118
Resonances      327—334
Response (to external fields), constant field      567—568
Response (to external fields), general definition      562
Response (to external fields), microscopic      591
Response function-matrix (dynamic), Brownian particle      571—574
Response function-matrix (dynamic), causality      562—567
Response function-matrix (dynamic), dynamic susceptibility      563—567
Response function-matrix (dynamic), general definition      562—563
Response function-matrix (dynamic), microscopic      591
Response function-matrix (static)      10 12 50—55
Response function-matrix (static), Einstein fluctuation theory      350—354 553—557 568—569
Response function-matrix (static), fluids      353
Response function-matrix (static), ideal gas      54—55
Response function-matrix (static), mechanical      53—54
Response function-matrix (static), thermal      50—53
Retarded solution      595
Reversible change      22
Richardson, R.C.      126 166
Richter-Dyn, N.      279
Riemann zeta function      386
Risken, H.      279
Riste, T.      766
Robb, D.      486
Robertson, H.S.      485
Rogers, T.M.      766
Roland, C.      766
Rosenfeld, L.      650
Ross, J.      336
Rotating systems      586
Rotation invariance (of tensors)      619
Rotational symmetry      see "Symmetry"
Rotermund, H.H.      766
Rourke, R.E.K.      225
Rowlinson, J.S.      167
Rudovics, B.      766
Rushbrook inequality      139
Russell, M.E.      279
Ryzhik, I.M.      225 423
Saarty, T.      798
Sackur — Tetrode equation      35 348 361
Sample space      175
Saphir, W.C.      336
Sattinger, D.H.      798
Saturated vapor pressure      106
Scaling      427 433—440
Scaling, Kadanoff scaling      428 437—440
Scaling, Widom scaling      427 434—437
Scattering angle      674
Scattering phase shift      524—525
Scattering theory      523—526 671—679
Scheerer, A.      279
Schieve, W.C.      765
Schlogl chemical model      722 732—734
Schlogl, F.      765
Schrieffer, J.R.      408 417 423
Schrodinger equation      522—523
Schrodinger picture      295 305
Schultz, S.G.      90
Schwartz inequality      646
Second law of thermodynamics      see "Laws of thermodynamics"
Second sound      see "Sound"
Second virial coefficient      see "Virial coefficients"
Seebeck effect      603—604
Seebeck, T.J.      600
Self-diffusion coefficient      see "Diffusion coefficient"
Shear viscosity $(\eta)$      see "Transport coefficients"
Sherwood, A.E.      526
Shlesinger, M.F.      225
Shliomis, M.I.      766
Shockley, W.      485
Sinai, Ya.G.      336
Slater determinant      779
Sneddon, I.N.      279
Solids, Debye theory      364—368 406
Solids, Einstein theory      345—346 362—364
Solids, equation of state      19
Solution (of particles)      75—78
Sonine polynomials      702
Soret coefficient      583
Sound, classical fluid (hydrodynamic)      546 560
Sound, dispersion relation      364
Sound, first sound (superfluid)      637—638
Sound, fourth sound (superfluid)      654
Sound, light scattering from      593—600
Sound, second sound (superfluid)      638
Sound, solids      364—365
Sound, speed      546
Sparling, L.C.      650
Spectral density function-matrix, broken symmetry      644—647
Spectral density function-matrix, Brownian motion      254—257
Spectral density function-matrix, conserved quantities      642—643
Spectral density function-matrix, density fluctuations      561
Spectral density function-matrix, dynamic correlation function      558
Spectral density function-matrix, dynamic structure factor density fluctuations      559—561 598
Spectral density function-matrix, fluctuation theory      558—559
Spectral density function-matrix, hydrodynamic poles      647
Spectral density function-matrix, memory function      642
Spectral density function-matrix, microscopic theory      592 639—647
Spectral density function-matrix, projection operators      640—642
Spectral density function-matrix, scattered light      598—599
Spectral density function-matrix, transport coefficients      643
Spectral density function-matrix, Weiner — Khintchine theorem      558
Spectral density function-matrix, white noise      257
Spectral density matrix      see "Spectral density function-matrix"
Spherical harmonics      523
Spiegel, M.R.      486
Spontaneous process      22
Square-well potential      501
Stability, binary mixtures      62 154—155
Stability, chemical      61
Stability, classical fluid      104 11
Stability, Gibbs free energy      63
Stability, global      130
Stability, Helmholtz free energy      64
Stability, linear stability theory      791—795
Stability, magnetic system      65
Stability, mechanical      61
Stability, nonequilibrium steady states      722
Stability, nonequilibrium steady states near equilibrium      723—726
Stability, nonequilibrium steady states, far from equilibrium      726—732
Stability, nonlinear chemical reactions      728—732
Stability, thermodynamic      57—65 154—155
Stability, thermodynamic stability theory      723—732
Standard deviation      180
Standard deviation, binomial distribution      190 194
Standard deviation, random walk      197
Stanley, H.E.      90 167 485
state variables      11
State vector      287
Stationary state      322
Stationary state, Liouville equation      292 306
Stationary stochastic process      232 255
Statistically independent fluctuation      353
Stedman, R.      368 422
Stefan — Boltzmann constant      380
Stirling's approximation      360
Stochastic hydrodynamics      612—620
Stochastic variables      177
Stochastic variables, jointly distributed      183
Stoichiometric coefficients      78
Stoke's friction      253 620 624
Stosszahl — Ansatz      680
Streaming current (membrane)      611
Strelcyn, J.M.      336
Stress tensor      536 541
Stress tensor, random      612 619
Structure factor (static), argon      491
Structure factor (static), classical interacting gas      490—492 511
Structure factor (static), magnetic system      430—432
Structure function (compressibility equation)      510
Structure function (phase space)      299 341 346
Structure function (phase space), classical gas      299—300
Sublimation curve      see "Coexistence curves"
Superconductor      118—122 162—166 408—417
Superconductor, experimental properties      118—122
Superconductor, Ginzburg — Landau theory      162—166
Superconductor, microscopic theory (BCS)      408—417
Supercurrent      119 164
Superfluid      146—149
Superfluid, $He^{3}$      123—125
Superfluid, $He^{3}$, A-phase      126
Superfluid, $He^{3}$, B-phase      126
Superfluid, $He^{4}$      124 146—149
Superfluid, fountain effect      149
Superfluid, hydrodynamic equations      631—639
Superfluid, two-fluid model      631—639
Surface tension      20 142—146
Surface tension, table of      143
Susceptibility (dynamic)      563—567 568
Susceptibility (dynamic), Brownian particle      572—574
Susceptibility (dynamic), causality      563—567
Susceptibility (dynamic), microscopic      592
Susceptibility (dynamic), power absorption      570—571
Susceptibility (static)      430—432
Susceptibility (static) near critical point      151 431—432
Susceptibility (static), adiabatic      53
Susceptibility (static), Ginzberg — Landau      133
Susceptibility (static), Ising model (mean field approximation)      376
Susceptibility (static), isothermal      53
Susceptibility (static), magnetic      151 429—430
Suzuki, M.      377 423
Swift, J.      766
Swinney, H.L.      761 766
Sydoriack, S.G.      125 166
Symmetries, gauge      128
Symmetries, rotation      128
Symmetries, translation      128
Symmetrized states      357 359 520—521
Takabayasi, T.      336
Tanaka, M.      484 486
Tasaki, S.      336
Tchebycheff inequality      198—199
Temperature fluctuations      353
Temperature scale, Kelvin scale      28
Temperature scale, Thomson scale      27
Tension      19—20
Tensors, mathematical properties      542
Tensors, unit tensor      536
ter Haar D.      89 166
Thermal conductivity (K)      see "Transport coefficients"
Thermal expansivity      53—54 614
Thermal stability      61
Thermal wavelength      358 360—361 385 394
Thermocouple      600 653—654
Thermodynamic branch      721
Thermodynamic equilibrium      31 40 42 44 46 50 55—57 341
Thermodynamic equilibrium, binary mixture      155—158
Thermodynamic equilibrium, chemical      80 143
Thermodynamic equilibrium, entropy      350
Thermodynamic equilibrium, liquid droplets and vapor      142—146
Thermodynamic forces      see "Generalized forces"
Thermodynamic limit      347—348 356 481
Thermodynamic potentials      36—50 see "Enthalpy" "Helmholtz "Gibbs "Grand
Thermodynamic stability      see "Stability"
Thermoelectricity      600—612
Thermomechanical effect      146—149
Thiele, E.      512 526
Third law of thermodynamics      see "Laws of thermodynamics"
Thirring, W.      336
Thomas, G.B.      225
Thomson heat      605 654
Thomson temperature scale      27
Thomson, W.      27 28 601
Three-body polarization forces      514—515
Throttling process      68—71
Time average      298
Time-reversal invariance, detailed balance      555
Time-reversal invariance, hydrodynamics      553—555
Tinkham, M.      166 423
Tralli, N.      650
Transient random walk      207 216
Transition matrix      235—236
Transition matrix, eigenvalues      235—237
Transition matrix, eigenvectors      235—237
Transition matrix, Master equation      243
Transition matrix, spectral properties      235—237 243
Transition probability      233—234
Transition probability rate      242
Translational symmetry      128
Transport coefficients      531 534
Transport coefficients, bulk viscosity $\zeta$      543
Transport coefficients, diffusion coefficient (D), Brownian particle      253
Transport coefficients, diffusion coefficient (D), Einstein diffusion coefficient      250 581 628
Transport coefficients, diffusion coefficient (D), experimental values      581—582 584
Transport coefficients, diffusion coefficient (D), hard sphere gas      704
Transport coefficients, diffusion coefficient (D), Lorentz — Boltzmann      704
Transport coefficients, diffusion coefficient (D), mean free path theory      663
Transport coefficients, diffusion coefficient (D), random walk      196
Transport coefficients, diffusion coefficient (D), solvent-solute      581
Transport coefficients, diffusion coefficient (electrolyte) ($D_{s}$)      586
Transport coefficients, diffusional mobility $(L_{DD})$      609
Transport coefficients, electric conductivity $(\kappa)$      584
Transport coefficients, electroosmotic pressure-EOP $(-L_{PE}/L_{PP})$      611
Transport coefficients, electroosmotic pressure-EOP $(-L_{PE}/L_{PP})$, experimental value      612
Transport coefficients, equivilent conductance ($\lambda$)      584
Transport coefficients, equivilent conductance ($\lambda$), experimental values      584
Transport coefficients, hydraulic conductance $(L_{PP})$      609
Transport coefficients, kinetic viscosity, longitudinal $(\nu_{l})$      549 560
Transport coefficients, kinetic viscosity, transverse $(\nu_{l})$      549
Transport coefficients, osmotic flow $(L_{PD})$      609
Transport coefficients, rotational      629
Transport coefficients, shear viscosity $(\eta)$      250 253 593
Transport coefficients, shear viscosity $(\eta)$, Boltzmann equation      700
Transport coefficients, shear viscosity $(\eta)$, experimental values      706
Transport coefficients, shear viscosity $(\eta)$, hard sphere gas      709
Transport coefficients, shear viscosity $(\eta)$, mean free path theory      665 666
Transport coefficients, shear viscosity $(\eta)$, superfluid      635
Transport coefficients, shear viscosity $(\eta)$, water      581
Transport coefficients, streaming current-SC $(L_{EP}/L_{PP})$      611
Transport coefficients, streaming current-SC $(L_{EP}/L_{PP})$, experimental values      612
Transport coefficients, superfluid viscosities $(\zeta_{1}, \zeta_{2}, \zeta_{3}, \zeta_{4})$      635
Transport coefficients, thermal conductivity (K), Boltzmann equation      700
Transport coefficients, thermal conductivity (K), classical fluid      543
Transport coefficients, thermal conductivity (K), experimental values      706
Transport coefficients, thermal conductivity (K), hard sphere gas      705—708
Transport coefficients, thermal conductivity (K), superfluid      635
Transport coefficients, thermal diffusion coefficient $(D^{T})$      583
Transport coefficients, thermal dififusivity $(\chi)$      549 560
Transport coefficients, ultrafiltration $(L_{DP})$      690
Transport theory      656
Triangular lattice      see "Ising model"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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