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Reichl L.E. — Modern Course in Statistical Physics
Reichl L.E. — Modern Course in Statistical Physics

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Íàçâàíèå: Modern Course in Statistical Physics

Àâòîð: Reichl L.E.


A Modern Course in Statistical Physics goes beyond traditional textbook topics and incorporates contemporary research into a basic course on statistical mechanics. From the universal nature of matter to the latest results in the spectral properties of decay processes, this book emphasizes the theoretical foundations derived from thermodynamics and probability theory that underlie all concepts in statistical physics. Each chapter focuses on a core topic and includes extensive illustrations, exercises, and experimental data as well as a section with more advanced topics and applications. Comprehensive coverage of numerous core topics and special applications gives professors flexibility to individualize course design. And the inclusion of advanced topics and extensive references makes this an invaluable resource for researchers as well as students - a textbook that will be retained on the shelf long after the course is completed.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Òåðìîäèíàìèêà, ñòàòèñòè÷åñêàÿ ôèçèêà/

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 2nd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 822

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 27.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
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Fermi momentum      393
Fermi sea      394
Fermi surface      400
Fermi — Dirac fluid      343
Fermi — Dirac fluid, ideal gas      382 392—401
Fermi — Dirac fluid, superconductor      407—417
Fermi — Dirac statistics      123 381—382
Fermi, E.      326 336
fermions      357
Feshbach, H.      279
Fick's law      580—581 663
Field operators      788
Field, R.J.      735 766
First law of thermodynamics      see "Laws of thermodynamics"
First passage time      see "Mean first passage time"
First sound      see "Sound"
First-order phase transition      96 101
First-order phase transition, $He^{3}$      126
First-order phase transition, $He^{3}$-$He^{4}$ mixture      127
First-order phase transition, $He^{4}$      124
First-order phase transition, classical fluids      103—110
First-order phase transition, superconductor      121
Fisher, I.Z.      649
Fisher, M.E.      167 428 469 470 485 486
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem      532 562 568 651
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem, microscopic theory      589—592
Fluctuations near critical points      427
Fluctuations, conditional probability      553—555
Fluctuations, correlation matrix (dynamic)      553 557
Fluctuations, density fluctuations      353 491—492 599
Fluctuations, Einstein fluctuation theory      349—354
Fluctuations, energy fluctuations      356
Fluctuations, entropy of      56 554
Fluctuations, light scattering      559
Fluctuations, magnetization density      430
Fluctuations, particle number      380
Fluctuations, probability distribution      350 432 553
Fluctuations, regression of fluctuations      555—556
Fluctuations, temperature      353
Fluids in equilibrium      618—620
Flux      see "Current"
Fock, J.D.      649 718
Fokker — Planck equation      230 266—278
Fokker — Planck equation, derivation      266—270
Fokker — Planck equation, spectral properties      272—275
Fokker — Planck equation, strong friction limit      270—271
Ford, G.W.      423 526 649 717 718
Ford, J.      331 333 336
Forster, D.      485 640 650
Fountain effect      149
Fourth sound      see "Sound"
Fractional deviation      191 356 380
Frames of reference, center of mass      672
Frames of reference, laboratory      632—633
Frames of reference, superflud, rest frame      632—633
Free energy      see "Thermodynamic potential"
Free energy, Ginzburg — Landau      129 431—432
Free expansion      66
Friedman, B.      279
Friedman, H.L.      526
Friedman, M.D.      486
Frisch, H.L.      526
Frisch, U.      766
Frobenius — Peron operator      324
Frohlich, H.      407 423
Fugacity      383 388 393
Fundamental distribution law      301
Fundamental equation      33—34
Fundamental equation for ideal gas      36
Fundamental equation, enthalpy      40
Fundamental equation, entropy      34
Fundamental equation, Gibbs free energy      45
Fundamental equation, Grand potential      48 378
Fundamental equation, Helmholtz free energy      42 355
Fundamental equation, internal energy      37 537
Fusion curve      see "Coexistence curve"
Galgani, L.      336
Galilean transformation      633
Gamma distribution function      228
Gamma function      218
Gamma function, gas constant (R)      16
Gap function      409—417
Gap function, tin      417
Garcia, A.L.      766
Gardiner, C.W.      279
Gaspard, P.      336
Gauge symmetry      128
Gauge symmetry, superconductors      409
Gauge symmetry, superfluids      648—649
Gauge transformation      648
Gauss's theorem      267 535
Gauss's theorem, Gegenbauer polynomials      266
Gaussian model (Ising system)      451
Gaussian model (Ising system), fixed points      458
Gaussian probability density      191—192 208
Gaussian probability density, Brownian motion      272 275
Gaussian probability density, central limit theorem      198 213
Gaussian probability density, Fokker — Planck equation      272
Gaussian probability density, Kolmogorov formula      224
Gaussian probability density, multivariant      187 351 553
Gaussian probability density, random walk      196 241
Gaussian probability density, white noise      252 268 571
Gaussian probability density, Wick's theorem      187
Gay-Lussac      66
Generalized currents      554
Generalized displacement      23 344 356 378
Generalized forces (hydrodynamic)      541—554
Generalized forces (thermodynamic)      23 344 356 378
Generating function for Master equation      262—265
Generating function for random walk      202
George, Cl.      650
Gibbs counting factor      348
Gibbs entropy      342 377
Gibbs entropy, microcanonial ensemble      344
Gibbs free energy      45—48
Gibbs free energy, binary mixture      95 153—159 169
Gibbs free energy, chemical reactions      80—83
Gibbs free energy, classification of phase transitions      100—103
Gibbs free energy, Ising model      371
Gibbs free energy, Ising model, exact (1-dim)      371
Gibbs free energy, Ising model, mean field approximation      372
Gibbs free energy, magnetic system      65
Gibbs free energy, mixtures      62—63 73—78 170
Gibbs free energy, stability      65 106 117
Gibbs free energy, superconductor      163
Gibbs paradox      72 74 347—348 359
Gibbs phase rule      98—100
Gibbs — Duhem equation      35 154 352
Gibbs — Duhem equation, superfluid      633
Gibbs, J.W.      74 296 301 342 422
Ginzburg — Landau theory, continuous phase transitions      128—134
Ginzburg — Landau theory, free energy      129
Ginzburg — Landau theory, Ising lattice      431—433
Ginzburg — Landau theory, magnetic system      133
Ginzburg — Landau theory, superconductor      162—166
Ginzburg — Landau theory, superfluid      131
Ginzburg — Landau theory, time-dependent      722 764—765
Ginzburg, V.I.      128 167 722 764—765
Glansdorff, P.      90 726 765
Glauber, R.      600 649
Global stability      130
Gnedenko, B.V.      225
Goel, N.S.      279
Goldstein, H.      335 717
Goldstone bosons      645—646
Graben, H.W.      526
Gradshteyn, I.S.      225 423
Graham, R.      766
grand canonical ensemble      342 377—401
Grand canonical ensemble, particle number fluctuations      380
Grand canonical ensemble, reduced distribution function      509
Grand canonical ensemble, relation to canonical ensemble      380
Grand partition function      378
Grand partition function, black-body radiation      418
Grand partition function, Bose — Einstein gas      381—383
Grand partition function, cluster (Ursell) functions      493—495
Grand partition function, cumulent expansion, classical      493—495
Grand partition function, cumulent expansion, quantum      518
Grand partition function, Fermi — Dirac gas      381—382 393
Grand partition function, hard sphere gas      418
Grand partition function, roots of      420—422
Grand potential      48
Grand potential, black-body radiation      379
Grand potential, Bose — Einstein gas      383 385
Grand potential, cluster expansion      498
Grand potential, cumulent expansion, classical      48 498
Grand potential, cumulent expansion, quantum      518
Grand potential, Fermi — Dirac gas      393—394
Grand potential, interacting gas classical      498
Grand potential, liquid droplets      143
Grand potential, quantum      518
graphs      464 468 470 472
Gray, M.      485
Green, H.S.      335
Griffiths, R.K.      65 90 127 153 167
Grigolini, P.      650
Grilly, E.R.      125 166
Grossman, S.      766
Guggenheim, E.A.      111 138 166
H-Theorem      680—682
Haken, H.      279
Halmos, P.R.      335
Hamed, H.S.      90
Hamilton's equations      287 297 673
Hamiltonian      287
Hamiltonian, anharmonic system      326
Hamiltonian, canonical ensemble      354—356
Hamiltonian, classical interacting gas      489
Hamiltonian, Einstein solid      363
Hamiltonian, Fermi-superfluid      408 411
Hamiltonian, harmonic lattice (1-dim)      401—403
Hamiltonian, harmonic oscillator system (quantum)      306
Hamiltonian, Henon — Heiles system      326
Hamiltonian, ideal gas      358
Hamiltonian, internal degrees of freedom      360
Hamiltonian, Ising system      369 371 437 463
Hamiltonian, magnetic system      309 337 429
Hamiltonian, particle in gravitational field      292
Hamiltonian, phonons      364 403
Hamiltonian, spin blocks      437 441
Hamiltonian, two-body interactions      672—673
Hamiltonian, Walker — Ford system      331—334
Hammel, E.F.      125 166
Hard sphere gas      620
Hard-core potential      419—420
Hardy, G.H.      225
Haswgawa, H.H.      336
Hatta, I.      484 486
Hauge, E.M.      650 718
heat capacity      50—53
Heat capacity at critical point, Ising (2-d)      484
Heat capacity at critical point, Ising mean field      373
Heat capacity at critical point, magnetic solid      151
Heat capacity at critical point, PVT system      138
Heat capacity at critical point, van der Waals gas      141
Heat capacity, $He^{4}$      125
Heat capacity, $Rb_{2}CoF_{4}$ (Ising-like)      484
Heat capacity, aluminium      367
Heat capacity, Bose — Einstein ideal gas      390 391
Heat capacity, classical solid      367
Heat capacity, copper      367
Heat capacity, Debye solid      366—367
Heat capacity, Einstein solid      346 367
Heat capacity, Fermi superfluid      415—417
Heat capacity, Fermi — Dirac gas      399
Heat capacity, Helmholtz free energy      42—44
Heat capacity, ideal gas      44
Heat capacity, Ising model, exact (2-d)      483
Heat capacity, Ising model, mean field approximation      375
Heat capacity, lattice vibrations      404—405
Heat capacity, liquid $He^{4}$      125
Heat capacity, liquid-vapor coexistence region      113—114
Heat capacity, magnetic gas      363
Heat capacity, stability of matter      64
Heat current (random)      612
heat engine      see "Carnot engine"
Heat of reaction      83
Heaviside function      178
Heiles, C.      326 327 336
Heisenberg picture      295 305
Helium liquids      123—126
Helium liquids, $He^{3}$      123
Helium liquids, $He^{4}$      123—124 146—149
Helium liquids, He I      124
Helium liquids, He II      124
Heller, P.      167
Helmholtz free energy      42—44
Helmholtz free energy, canonical ensemble      355
Helmholtz free energy, classical ideal gas      361
Helmholtz free energy, Einstein solid      363
Helmholtz free energy, Ising model (2-d)      483
Helmholtz free energy, partition function      355
Helmholtz free energy, superconductor      162
Henin, F.      650
Henon — Heiles system      326—328
Henon, M.      326 327 336
Hermans, J.J.      650
Hermite polynomials      274
Hertz potential      595—596
hessian      329
Hildebrand, J.H.      167
Hill, T.L.      526
Hinch, E.J.      650
Hirschfelder, J.O.      89 526
Hittorf transference number      652
Hodgeman, D.      89
Hohenberg, P.C.      766
homogeneous functions      433—434
Homogeneous functions, entropy      33
Homogeneous functions, free energies      427 434
Homogeneous functions, power law dependence      434
Hook's law      19
Hoover, W.G.      526
Horsthemke, W.      766
Huang, K.      526
Hughes, B.D.      225
Hydraulic conductance      see "Transport coefficients"
Hydrodynamic equations      see also "Balance equation"
Hydrodynamic equations, broken symmetries      644—649
Hydrodynamic equations, conserved quantities      642—644
Hydrodynamic equations, derived from Boltzmann equation      695
Hydrodynamic equations, derived from Lorentz — Boltzmann equation      689
Hydrodynamic equations, diffusion equation      271
Hydrodynamic equations, general definition      534 552 639—649
Hydrodynamic equations, linearized      545—552 613—614 621—624
Hydrodynamic equations, Navier — Stokes equations      543 743
Hydrodynamic equations, stochastic      612—614
Hydrodynamic equations, superfluid      631—639
Hydrodynamic normal modes      549 550—552 552
Hydrodynamic normal modes, broken symmetries      644—647
Hydrodynamic normal modes, conserved quantities      642—644
Hydrodynamic normal modes, dispersion relations (hydrodynamic), first sound (superfluid)      637—638
Hydrodynamic normal modes, dispersion relations (hydrodynamic), fourth sound (superfluid)      638 654
Hydrodynamic normal modes, dispersion relations (hydrodynamic), longitudinal modes      551
Hydrodynamic normal modes, dispersion relations (hydrodynamic), second sound (superfluid)      638
Hydrodynamic normal modes, dispersion relations (hydrodynamic), sound modes      546
Hydrodynamic normal modes, dispersion relations (hydrodynamic), transverse modes      549
Hydrodynamic normal modes, dispersion relations (microscopic), diffusion      690—691
Hydrodynamic normal modes, dispersion relations (microscopic), entropy modes      700
Hydrodynamic normal modes, dispersion relations (microscopic), shear modes      700
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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