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Reichl L.E. — Modern Course in Statistical Physics |
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Hydrodynamic normal modes, general definition 639—649
Hydrodynamic normal modes, lifetime 549 551 646
Hydrodynamic normal modes, light scattering experiments 599—600
Hydrodynamic normal modes, superfluid 635—636
Hydrostatic pressure 536
Hyperbolic fixed point 443
Hysteresis in chemical systems 734
Ice point of water 28
Ideal fluid (hydrodynamic), classical 535—536 539 546
Ideal fluid (hydrodynamic), superfluid 635—639
Ideal gas, classical, Carnot engine 28
Ideal gas, classical, enthalpy 41
Ideal gas, classical, equation of state 16 391
Ideal gas, classical, Helmholtz free energy 44
Ideal gas, classical, microcanonical ensemble 348
Ideal gas, classical, thermodynamic properties 28—29 35 41 44 54—55 348—349 360—361
Ideal gas, quantum 381—401
Ideal gas, quantum, Bose — Einstein 382—392
Ideal gas, quantum, Fermi — Dirac 381 392—401
Ideal mixture 581
Ikeda, H. 484 486
Incompressible fluid, hydrodynamic 622
Incompressible fluid, phase space 289 291
Independent events 177 185
Independent stochastic variables 233
Indistinguishable particles 347—348 356—362 381
Infinitely divisible distribution 207—211 221—224
Infinitely divisible distribution, Cauchy 209
Infinitely divisible distribution, Gaussian 208
Infinitely divisible distribution, Levy 210
Infinitely divisible distribution, Poisson 209
Inflection point 115
Insulating wall 21
Integrals of motion 297
Intensive variables 12
Internal energy 37—40
Internal energy, classical interacting fluid 490
Internal energy, Einstein solid 346
Internal energy, Fermi — Dirac gas 399
Internal energy, ideal gas 36
Internal energy, Ising model (2-d) 483—484
Internal energy, magnetic gas 362
Internal energy, phonons 365 404
Intersection of events 176
Irreversibility 334
Irving, J.H. 336
Ising system 369 377
Ising system, model 448—462
Ising system, critical exponents 461
Ising system, exact solution, 1- dimension 370—372
Ising system, exact solution, 2- dimensions 478 462—485
Ising system, Gaussian model 451
Ising system, mean field approximation 372—377
Ising system, Yang — Lee theory 421
Ising, E. 423
Isolated system 22 342
Isothermal compressibility see "Compressibility"
Isothermal process 24 104
Isothermal process, van der Waals gas 116
Isothermal process, vapor-liquid transition 104 111
Isothermal susceptibility 53
Isotropic fluid 534 543
Jachimowski, C.J. 279
Jackson, J.D. 650
Jacobian of transformation 289—290
Jakubith, S. 766
Jefimenko, O.D. 89
Johanson, C. 485
Joint probability density 184 231—232
Jona-Lasinio, G. 225
Joule coefficient 67
Joule coefficient, Dieterici equation 94
Joule coefficient, ideal gas 67
Joule coefficient, van der Waals gas 67—68
Joule effect 10 66—68
Joule heating 533 539 554
Joule — Kelvin coefficient 70
Joule — Kelvin coefficient, ideal gas 70
Joule — Kelvin coefficient, van der Waals gas 70
Joule — Kelvin effect 68—72
Joule — Kelvin effect, inversion curve 71
Joule, J.P. 66
Kadanoff scaling exponents 427—428
Kadanoff, L.P. 428 437 485
Kam theorem 326—331
Kapral, R. 766
Kasteleyn, P.W. 428 466 469 470 486
Katchalsky, A. 90 649
Katz, M.J. 526
Kaufman, B. 423
Kawasaki, K. 718
Keesom, W.H. 124 166
Keller, W.E. 166
Kelvin temperature scale 28
Kennard, E.H. 717
Kestement, E. 766
Khalatnikov, I.M. 650
Khintchine, A.I. 221 225 301 335 422 649
Kihara, T. 514 526
Kim Sukkeun 279
Kinetic equation, classical 313
Kinetic equation, quantum 317
Kirkwood, J.G. 167 336
Koenig, S.H. 526
Kogut, J. 454 485
Kolmogorov formula 213 221 223—224
Kolmogorov, A.N. 221 225 330 336
Komarov, K.I. 649
Kondepudi, D. 90
Koschmieder, E.L. 751 752 766
Kramers — Kronig relations 564—565 571 592
Kramers — Moyal expansion 276—278
Kramers, H.A. 279
Kubo, R. 589 592 649
Kustin, K. 766
Laboratory frame of reference 632—633 672—677
Lagrange multipliers 344 346 354—355 377—378
Landau, L.D. 128 166 167 422 593 649 722 764—765
Langevin equation of motion 230 251—254
Langevin equation of motion, Brownian particle with memory 625
Langevin equation of motion, entropy current 612
Langevin equation of motion, harmonically bound Brownian particle 571 651
Langevin equation of motion, momentum current 612
Laplace transform 548 616 626
Lapp, E. 167
Lasota, A. 336
Latent heat 13 106
Latent heat, binary mixture 162
Latent heat, fusion 108
Latent heat, sublimation 108
Latent heat, superconductor 121
Latent heat, vaporization 109
Lattice vibrations 345—346 362—368
Lattice vibrations, 1-dimensional lattice 401—407
Law of corresponding states 111
Law of corresponding states, van der Waals system 116
Law of Large Numbers 198—199
Law of mass action 82
Laws of thermodynamics, first law 9 22—23 34
Laws of thermodynamics, second law 9 23 34
Laws of thermodynamics, third law 31—33
Laws of thermodynamics, third law, Bose — Einstein gas 391
Laws of thermodynamics, third law, Fermi — Dirac gas 399
Laws of thermodynamics, third law, helium 123 125
Laws of thermodynamics, third law, superconductor 122
Laws of thermodynamics, zeroth law 9 20
Le Chatelier's principle 61
Lebowitz, J.L. 225 335 526
Lee, D.M. 126 166
Lee, K.-J. 766
| Lee, T.D. 418 420 421 423
Lefever, R. 722 736 765
Legendre transformation 40
Leggett, A.J. 166
Leiderer, P. 127 166
Lekner, J. 526
Lennard-Jones 6—12
Lennard-Jones, potential 500—505 511
Lever rule 111
Levy distribution 210 214 218
Levy flight 218—221
Levy — Khintchine formula 221—222
Levy, P. 221 225
Liboff, R.L. 335 717
Lide, D.R. 649 718
Lie, G.C. 766
Lifshitz, E.M. 166 167 422 649
Light scattering 532 592—600
Light scattering, experiment 600
Light scattering, intensity 599
Limit cycles 795
Limit theorems 173 207
Limit Theorems, Central Limit Theorem 197—198 211—214
Lindenberg, K. 279
Linear response theory (dynamic) 427 561—561
Linear response theory (dynamic), Brownian particle 571—574
Linear response theory (dynamic), dynamic response function-matrix 562- 571
Linear response theory (dynamic), fluctuation-dissipation theorem 568—571
Linear response theory (dynamic), light scattering 592—600
Linear response theory (dynamic), microscopic theory 589—592
Linearized hydrodynamic equations, flow around Brownian particle 621—624
Linearized hydrodynamic equations, general form 556
Linearized hydrodynamic equations, simple fluid 545—552
Linearized hydrodynamic equations, simple fluid with noise 613—614
Liouville equation 286
Liouville equation, classical 291—292
Liouville equation, quantum 305
Liouville operator, classical 291—292 312
Liouville operator, quantum 305
Lipschitz conditions 791
Lipschutz, S. 225 279
Liquid see "Helium liquids"
Liquid see "Helium liquids"
Liquid crystal 168
Liquid-solid transition 104
Liquid-vapor transition 104
Liquification of gases 66—72
Local equilibrium 537 656
London, F. 166 167
Long range order 431
Long time tails 533 653
Long time tails, experimental observation 629—630
Long time tails, hydrodynamic origin 620—631
Long time tails, molecular dynamics 620—621 710—711
Lorentz — Boltzmann collision operator 686
Lorentz — Boltzmann collision operator, eigenfunctions 690—691
Lorentz — Boltzmann collision operator, eigenvalues 686 690—691
Lorentz — Boltzmann equation 684
Lorentz — Boltzmann equation, derivation of diffusion coefficient 690—691
Lorentz — Boltzmann equation, derivation of diffusion equation 688
Lorentz — Boltzmann equation, dispertion relation of diffusion modes 689
Lorentz — Boltzmann equation, perturbation expansion 690—691
Lorentzian line shape 561
Lukacs, E. 225
Lunsford, G.H. 336
Lyapounov function 730
Ma, S.K. 485 766
Mackey, M. 336
Magnetic field strength 21
Magnetic induction 21
magnetic susceptibility 151 429—431
Magnetic susceptibility, Ising model (mean field approximation) 376
magnetization 133 429
Magnetization, Ising model (mean field approximation) 373—374
Magnetization, magnetic gas 362
Magnetization, magnetization density operator 429
Malek, M. 766
Mareschel, M. 766
Markov chains 229 234—241
Markov chains, random walk 240—241
Markov chains, time periodic 258—259
Markov processes 229 233
Markov processes, discrete variables 234—241
Markov processes, ergodic 238
Markov processes, regular 237
Markov processes, stationary 232
Martin, P.C. 649
Martin-Lof, A. 650
Master equation 229 241—250
Master equation, approximation to 276—278
Master equation, birth-death processes 260—266
Master equation, detailed balance 244—245
Master equation, Kramers — Moyal expansion 276—278
Master equation, mean first passage time 247—250
Maxwell construction 117—118
Maxwell relations, enthalpy 41
Maxwell relations, Gibbs free energy 45
Maxwell relations, Grand potential 49
Maxwell relations, Helmholtz free energy 43
Maxwell relations, internal energy 38
Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution 657—658
Mayer, J.E. 488 526
Mayer, M.G. 526
Mazer, P. 649 650
McCormack, W.D. 766
McLennan, J.A. 717 718
McQuarrie, D.A. 279 526
Mean field approximation, correlation function, fluid system 351—353
Mean field approximation, correlation function, magnetic system 431—432
Mean field approximation, Ising model 372—377
Mean field approximation, superconductor 408—417
Mean field theories 128—135 372—377 408—417 see
Mean first passage time 247—249
Mean free path 658—659 661
Mechanical equilibrium 57 142
Mechanical equilibrium with surface tension 143
Mechanical stability 61 111
Mechanical stability, van der Waals gas 116—117
Median (of probability distribution) 181
Meissner, N. 119 166
Membranes 75—78 88—89 606—612 653
Membranes, ion transport 610—612
Membranes, reflection coefficient (semipermeable membrane) 609
Membranes, volume flow (water and solute) 606—612
Memory function (matrix) 642
Memory function (matrix), transport coefficients 643
Mermin, N.D. 166 422
Merzbacher, E. 717
Messiah, A. 790
Metastable state 61 111 157
Metastable state, binary mixture, - 127
Metastable state, binary mixture, classical 157
Metastable state, van der Waals gas 115—117
Metric transitivity 300
Michels, A. 166
microcanonical ensemble 301 342—354
Microcanonical ensemble, entropy 344
Microcanonical ensemble, thermodynamic relations 344
Microscopic reversibility 553—555
Midzuno, Y. 526
Mihaljan, J.M. 766
Miller, D.G. 650
Milonas, M. 279
Minimum entropy production 721 724
Minorsky, N. 798
Mixing flow 296 303 321—325
Mixtures 62—63 72—77 88—89 95
Mixtures, transport properties 574—586
Mohling, F. 790
Mole fraction 73
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