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Thompson Philip A. — Compressible-fluid dynamics
Thompson Philip A. — Compressible-fluid dynamics

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Название: Compressible-fluid dynamics

Автор: Thompson Philip A.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Механика/

Серия: Сделано в холле

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1988

Количество страниц: 665

Добавлена в каталог: 03.04.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Thermodynamic identity, example      63
Thermodynamic property in the Riemann invariants      378
Thermodynamic property, intensive      53
Thermodynamic state, equilibrium      52
Thermodynamic state, local      52
Thermodynamic state, principle of      53
Thermodynamic state, relaxing      55
Threshold of hearing      180 181
Thrust force      45 291
Tidal bore      524
Tidal bore, photograph      526
Total temperature      250
Toupin, R.      16n.
Trace of a tensor      14
traffic flow      533ff.
Traffic shock      306 536
Traffic-light problem      538
Transition, subsonic/supersonic      279ff. 493
Transmission coefficient      195
Transmission of incident wave      188ff. 192ff.
Transonic flow      245 279ff.
Tricker, R.      524n.
Truesdell, C.A.      16n. 19n. 20n. 97n. 157n. 158 312 313n.
Tsunami      530
Tumlirz equation      103
Turbulent flow, transition to      134
Underexpanded jet      462
UNITS      118ff.
Unsteady derivative      8
Unsteady flow, material wave motion      35ff.
Unsteady flow, one-dimensional homentropic      374ff. 468
Unsteady flow, one-dimensional isentropic      433ff. 468
Unsteady flow, slow      430ff.
Vaeisaelae, V.      66
van Helmont, Jan Baptista      87
van Ness, H.C.      103 119
Vazsonyi, A.      71
Vector identities      579ff.
Vector of a tensor      11
Velocity      5 7
Velocity field      5
Velocity potential and irrotational flow      15n.
Velocity potential, equation of motion      255ff.
Velocity potential, in acoustics      162
Velocity space      88
Velocity, Cartesian components      7
Velocity, molecular      88ff.
Velocity, peculiar      95
Velocity, relation to Mach number      251ff.
Velocity-gradient tensor      10
Venturi tube      281
Vibration, molecular      80
Vieille, P.      424
Vincenti, W.G.      95 558
Viscosity in finite-amplitude waves      437
Viscosity in gases, tables      641 642
Viscosity in water, table      643
Viscosity, approximations for      109 509
Viscosity, bulk, in gases      111
Viscosity, Chapman formula      109
Viscosity, coefficients      19ff.
Viscosity, dimensions of      120
Viscosity, shear, in ideal gas      106ff.
Viscosity, shear, in liquids      109
Viscosity, Sutherland formula      109
Viscosity, table      30
Viscosity, universal law      130
Viscous effects in waves      177 437ff.
Viscous stress tensor      18ff.
Viscous stresses in cylindrical and spherical coordinates      634 636
Volume velocity      547
Volume velocity, conservation      547
Volume, conservation of      16
Von Guericke, Otto      158
von Mises, R.      476
Vortex sheet      339
Vorticity and entropy      70ff.
Vorticity in plane flow      23
Vorticity, analogy with heat transfer      75ff.
Vorticity, defined      11
Vorticity, diffusion of      72
Vorticity, persistence of      72
Vorticity, principal properties      14
Walbridge, N.E.      523
Wallis, G.B.      534
Water hammer      199n.
Water rocket      46ff.
Water table      518
Water, intermodular spacing      2
Water, isentropic compression      104
Water, negative expansion coefficient      66
Water, shock wave in      316
Water, sound speed, figure      168
Waterston, John James      91n.
Wave and compressibility      1
Wave diagram      171 443
Wave equation      159ff.
Wave equation for particle-laden gas      556 559
Wave equation from potential equation      257
Wave equation in linearized supersonic flow      262
Wave equation in spatially-variable medium      203
wave equation, D'Alembert's solution      163
Wave equation, written out      162 163
wave number      204
Wave speed in electrical line      545
Wave speed in mechanical network      543
Wave speed, acoustical      see "Sound speed"
Wave speed, shallow water      522
Wave, acoustical      158ff.
Wave, finite amplitude      374ff.
Wave, longitudinal motion      159
Wave, material      35ff.
Wave, nature of      158ff.
Wave, periodic      159
Wave, reflection and transmission      188ff.
Wave, simple      164 171 383
Wave, speed      158
Wave, viscous effects      177 437
Wavefront      204
Waves of continuity      534
Weak discontinuity      see "Weak shock"
Weak shock      335ff. 569ff.
Weak shock in acoustics      184
Weak shock in perfect gas      573
Weak shock in supersonic flow      477
Weak shock in unsteady flow      402ff.
Weak shock, approximations, example      406
Weak shock, defined      316 570
Weak shock, oblique      336ff.
Weak shock, relations for      569ff.
Weak shock, velocity of propagation      404
Weak solution      330ff. 491
Weber's law      180 181
Welch, J.E.      533
Western Front      339n.
Weynand, E.E.      293
Whitham, G.B.      410 534 540
Wilson cloud chamber      359n.
Wolf, E.      210
Woodward, L.A.      523
Young, Thomas      199n.
Zel'dovich, Y.B.      55n. 104 111 515
Zemansky, M.W.      103 119n.
Zemplen, G.      312 313n.
Zone of silence      242
1 2 3 4 5
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