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Thompson Philip A. — Compressible-fluid dynamics |
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Abel equation of state 101
Ackeret, Jakob 245
Acoustic approximations 177ff.
Acoustic constants, tables 181 186
Acoustic discontinuity 184ff. 321 335 see
Acoustic energy 179ff.
Acoustic energy in geometrical acoustics 210
Acoustic energy, balance of 182ff.
Acoustic energy, flux 179
Acoustic energy, propagation in a duct 201
Acoustic energy, reflection and transmission 196ff.
Acoustic impedance 187 548
Acoustic impedance, table 186
Acoustic motions 156ff.
Acoustic motions of particle-laden gas 551ff.
Acoustic motions, compressibility and 142
Acoustic motions, irrotational 162
Acoustic motions, kinematics and stress 24
Acoustic motions, vorticity 74ff.
Acoustic power 181
Acoustics 156ff.
Acoustics in a duct 198ff.
Acoustics, attenuation in 178 227ff.
Acoustics, defined 156
Acoustics, energy and momentum 179ff.
Acoustics, history 157ff.
Acoustics, one-dimensional 169
Acoustics, smallness condition 161 170 177ff.
Acoustics, spherical 175ff.
Adiabatic flow through reservoir 288
Adiabatic flow with friction 294ff.
Adiabatic flow, energy equation 42ff.
Adiabatic lapse rate 67
Adiabatic process 59ff.
Aerodynamic sound 221
Affine transformation 152 259
Air, properties of 85ff.
Air, sound speed in 168
Air, sound speed in, figure 166
Airfoil, far-field flow, supersonic 478
Airfoil, pressure distribution, supersonic 265
Amsden, A.A. 106
Analog, defined 134 517
Analog, nondimensional equations for 134 517
Analogs for flow with relaxation 551ff.
Analogs, compressible flow 517ff.
Analogs, electroacoustical 540ff.
Analogs, listing of additional 560
Analogs, shallow-water flow 518ff.
Analogs, traffic flow 533ff.
Anechoic chamber 216
Aortic artery 199n.
Archimedes' principle 50p. 64
Area variation, effect of 278ff.
Aris, R. 2 12n.
Aristotle 127 157
Atmosphere, equilibrium of 51p.
Atmosphere, incompressible 114p.
Atmosphere, stability 64ff.
Atmosphere, stratified 64ff. 208
Atmosphere, structure 67ff.
Atmosphere, table (standard atmosphere) 631
Atomic weights, table 639
Attenuation by boundary layer in duct 233ff.
Attenuation coefficient 229
Attenuation in bulk 227ff.
Attenuation in electroacoustical analog 546
Attenuation of shock pulse 407ff.
Attenuation of sound 178 225ff.
Attinger, E.O. 199n.
Avalanche 524n.
Axisymmetric supersonic flow 470
Bairstow number 245
Balance equations 39ff.
Band-stop filter 550
Baroclinic fluid 56n.
Barotropic fluid 56n.
Batchelor, G.K. 2 134
Beat 544n.
Bel 180n.
Bell, Alexander Graham 180n.
Beltrami flow 71
Benard convection 143
Beranek, L.L. 550
Bergmann, L. 198
Bernoulli constant 43 71
Bernoulli's equation and pressure 19n.
Bernoulli's equation for compressible fluid 64 256
Bernoulli's equation for incompressible fluid 39 64
Bernoulli's equation in steady flow 43
Bernoulli's equation, general form 38ff.
Bernoulli's equation, small Mach number 254
Bernoulli, Daniel 19n. 277
Bett, K.E. 103
Biot, Jean Baptiste 234n.
Birkhoff, G. 116 126 495 515
Bismuth 66
Blasius problem 504 510 512
Blast wave 306 495ff.
Blitz, J. 550
Blood 20n.
Body force and compressibility 1
Body force in unsteady flow 379
Body force, described 17
Boltzmann constant 77
Boltzmann equation 2
Bondi, A. 103
Bore 524
Born, Max 133 210
Boundary conditions for nozzle flow 283
Boundary conditions in self-similar problem 149
Boundary conditions in unsteady one-dimensional flow 38Off.
Boundary layer behind a shock 502ff.
Boundary layer in Rayleigh problem 149
Boundary layer in shock tube 426
Boundary layer in streaming flow 73
Boundary layer on flat plate 504
Boundary layer, attenuation of sound due to 233
Boundary-layer equations 503
Boundary-layer thickness behind a shock 506 514
Boundary-layer thickness in Rayleigh problem 150
Boundary-layer thickness in shock tube 426 428n.
Boundary-layer thickness on flat plate 504
Boundary-layer thickness, acoustical 233
Bow shock 306 314
Boyle, Robert 158
Bradley, J.N. 55n.
Breaking of a wave 387
Bridgman, P.W. 117 135
Brillouin, L. 540 544n.
Brunt — Vaeisaelae frequency 66
Bubble chamber 359n.
Bulk attenuation of sound 227ff.
Bulk viscosity in attenuation of sound 231
Bulk viscosity in monatomic gas 21
Bulk viscosity in stress-deformation law 20ff.
Bulk viscosity, relation to rotational relaxation 111
Bulk viscosity, Stokes' hypothesis 21
Bulk viscosity, table 30
Burgers' equation 439
Byrkin, A.P. 515
Caloric equation of state 54
Cannon discharge 393n. 430
Canonical form of equation of state 54 62 see
Capacitance 549
Capillary waves 523
Cartesian coordinates 5
Cartesian leaf 330n.
Cauchy's equation 33 3435
Cauchy, Augustin Louis 19n. 34n.
| Caustic 206 211
Cavitation 171
Centered rarefaction 396 483 539
Champagne-cork popping 393n.
Chapman viscosity law 109 509
Chapman — Jouguet detonation 352ff.
Chapman — Jouguet point 349ff.
Chapman, D.R. 109 509
Chapman, S. 97
Characteristic acoustic impedance 187 548
Characteristic acoustic impedance, table 186
Characteristic dimensions 135 139 484 488 495
Characteristic directions 467
Characteristic in acoustics 172
Characteristic in isentropic flow 435
Characteristic in linearized supersonic flow 262
Characteristic in traffic theory 535
Characteristic in two-dimensional supersonic flow 452
Characteristic in unsteady one-dimensional flow 377
Characteristic, direction 467
Characteristic, general method for finding 464ff.
Characteristic, physical identification 381
Characteristic, reflection of 410
Characteristic, straight, in simple wave 384
Chemical reaction 81
Chimney 51p.
Chirping speech 166
Choking in converging nozzle 285
Choking in frictional flow 296
Choking in unsteady flow 413 421
Circulation 25 26
Clausius equation of state 101 234p.
Clausius inequality 59
Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emmanuel 97n. 167
Coefficient of viscosity see "Viscosity"
Coleman, B.D. 30n. 58n. 439
Coltman, J.W. 222
Combustion engine 430
Comma notation 11 33
Components of tensor 9
components of vector 7
Compressibility in fluid motions, criterion 1 137ff.
Compressibility, isentropic 63
Compressibility, isothermal 63
Compressibility, negligibility, small Mach number 254
Compressible flow, analogy with shallow-water flow 521
Compression shock 317 391 see
Compression wave, acoustic discontinuity 189
Compression wave, shock formation from 385ff.
Compression wave, steepening of 386
Condensation and velocity potential 162
Condensation shock 359ff.
Condensation, acoustic defined 160
Condensation, wave equation for 163
Conductivity, thermal 110
Conductivity, thermal, defined 29
Conductivity, thermal, of gases 110 509
Conductivity, thermal, of liquids 110
Conductivity, thermal, table 30
Confluence example 346 480
Conical flow 487ff.
Consonance 157
Constants (numerical values) 582
Constitutive equations 17ff.
Contact surface 339ff.
Contact surface in acoustics 188
Contact surface in unsteady flow 413
Contact surface of a jet 282
Contact surface, characteristic incident on 413
Contact surface, interaction with shock (photo-graph) 427
Contact surface, inviscid approximation 342
Contact surface, Kelvin's formula 520
Contact surface, matching conditions 341ff.
Contact surface, no-slip conditions 342
Continuity equation for incompressible fluid 34
Continuity equation in a duct 199 278
Continuity equation, general forms 34
Continuum, failure of model 2 178
Continuum, model for equations 2
Continuum, relation to particulate view 4
Continuum, stream of traffic 533
Control volume and Reynolds' theorem 15ff.
Control volume, balance equations for 39ff.
Control volume, defined 15
Convective derivative 8 177
Converging nozzle 284ff.
Conversion factor 119 582
Corresponding states 99ff.
Corresponding states, figure 20
Couette flow 21
Courant, R. 464
Cowling, T.G. 97
Creeping flow 137
Critical-point constants 100
Crocco — Vazsonyi theorem 71 476
Crocco, L. 71 301
Curl in cylindrical and spherical coordinates 634 636
Curl, determinant expansion 580
Cutoff frequency 544
Cylindrical coordinates 633
Cylindrical wave motion 176
D'Alembert, Jean le Rond 162 163
Dam-break problem 531
Darcy friction factor 298
de Laplace, Marquis Pierre Simon 165 178
de Laval, Carl Gustav Patrik 280n.
Decibel scale 180 226n.
Decomposition of a tensor 10 18
Deflagration 351 353 355ff.
Deformation 9ff.
Deformation rate, numerical values 22
Deformation-rate tensor, defined 10
Deformation-rate tensor, principal properties 14
Degree of freedom 79
Derham, William 158
Derivative, along characteristic curve 465
Derivative, discontinuity in, on characteristics 397
Derivative, material 7
Derivative, thermodynamic 60ff. 575ff.
Derivative, wave 377
Detached shock 332 333
Determinism 133n.
Detonation adiabat 349
Detonation velocity 349
Detonation velocity, table 354
Detonation wave 347ff.
Detonation wave, adiabat 348
Detonation wave, Chapman — Jouguet 352ff.
Detonation wave, Chapman — Jouguet point 349
Diagonal form 14
Diaphragm pressure ratio 425
Diaphragm, shock tube 340 397 424
Diatomic gas 80
Diffraction 206
Diffusion and material volume 3 4
Diffusion, equation for 151
Diffusion, time dependence 151
Diffusivity 229
Diffusivity, table 230
Dilute gas 77
Dimensional analysis 116 123ff.
Dimensionless form of physical law 123ff.
Dimensionless quantity 118 125 132
dimensions 118ff.
Dimensions, fundamental 118
Dimensions, increase in number 129 130
Dimensions, independent 126
Dimensions, reduction in number 121
Dipole 218ff.
Dipole, extended 223
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