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Thompson Philip A. — Compressible-fluid dynamics |
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Lenihan, J.M.A. 165
Lenihan, J.M.A., figure 166
Lennard — Jones potential 130
Levi-Civita symbol 12n. 29
Liepmann, H.W. 217 258 259
Lifshitz, E.M. 134 321 349n. 408 417 497 538
Lift coefficient 273p. 482p.
Lift force 266
Lighthill, M.J. 99 221 229 232 368 439 479n. 480 515 534 540
Limit speed 269
Linear equation 159
Liquid, cavitation 171
Liquid, equations of state 102ff.
Liquid, properties (table) 644
Liquid, thermal conductivity 110
Liquid, viscosity 109
List of symbols xiii
Literature cited 561ff.
Litovitz, T.A. 560
Loh, W.H.T. 531
Love, E.S. 464n.
Low-pass filter 544
LRC circuit 550
Maccoll, J.W. 490
Mach angle, defined 243
Mach angle, departure of shock angle 336 477
Mach cone 242 306
Mach line see "Mach wave"
Mach number as function of duct area 279
Mach number in frictional flow 296
Mach number, analogy with Froude number 523
Mach number, defined 241
Mach number, history 243ff.
Mach number, maximum value 269
Mach number, measure of compressibility 141
Mach number, minimum value downstream of shock 339
Mach number, normalized 269
Mach number, relation to velocity 251ff.
Mach wave as characteristic 450 452 486
Mach wave as characteristic line 262
Mach wave as degenerate oblique shock 445
Mach wave in Mach's construction 243
Mach wave in supersonic flow 443
Mach wave, photographs 244
Mach wedge 243
Mach's construction 242
Mach, Ernst 243 312
Mach, Ludwig 243
Magnitude estimates 134ff.
Main diagonal 11
Malavard, L. 560
Malecki, I. 183n. 548
Marble, F.E. 559
Mason, W.P. 234n.
Mass see also "Continuity equation"
Mass as fundamental dimension 119ff.
Mass flux, dependence on Mach number 270
Mass flux, molecular 91
Mass fraction 85
Mass, balance of, for control volume 41
Mass, conservation across shock 309
Mass, conservation of 3 32
Mass, differential equation 34ff.
Material acceleration 8
Material boundary 339
Material derivative in cylindrical coordinates 633
Material derivative in spherical coordinates 635
Material derivative, analogy with wave derivative 377
Material derivative, defined 7ff.
Material derivative, example 35
Material surface 3
Material volume and diffusion 3 4
Material volume and Reynolds' theorem 16
Material volume, defined 3
Matrix 10
Maximum length, frictional flow 296
Maximum speed 269 395
Maxwell distribution 88ff.
Maxwell relations 61 576
Maxwell — Boltzman distribution 88n.
Maxwell, James Clerk 61n. 97n. 108n.
Mean free path 95ff.
Mean free path and continuum model 2
Mean free path, relation to no-slip condition 97ff.
Mean free path, relation to viscosity 106ff.
Mean free path, table 97
Memory of fluid 55
Method of characteristics for isentropic flow 433ff.
Method of characteristics for one-dimensional unsteady flow 374ff.
Method of characteristics in two-dimensional supersonic flow 449ff.
Method of characteristics, general, two independent variables 464ff.
Method of characteristics, numerical example 414
Meyer, C.A. 99
Meyer, Theodor 446n.
Miller, D.C. 158 232
Mirels, H. 502 512 514
Mixture of gases 82ff.
Mixture of liquids 128ff.
Mizel, V. 30n. 58n.
Models, theory of 115ff. 133 see
Moisson number 245
Mole fraction 83
Molecular collision 95
Molecular flux 90ff.
Molecular momentum flux 93ff.
Molecular properties and continuum model 4
Molecular properties of ideal gas 79ff.
Molecular properties, spacing of molecules 2
Molecular speed 91ff. 169 248
Molecular weight and molecular speed 89
Molecular weight and sound speed 166
Molecular weight and specific impulse 292
Molecular weight of mixture 83
Momentum equation in one-dimensional flow 199 278
Momentum equation, general form 36
Momentum flux, acoustical 179
Momentum tensor 49p.
Momentum, balance of 3 32
Momentum, balance of, across shock 309
Momentum, balance of, for control volume 41
Momentum, differential equation 36ff.
Momentum, transport in acoustics 179ff.
Monatomic gas, bulk viscosity 21
Monochord 157
monopole 217ff.
Morse, P.M. 198 222 233
Moving reference frame 31ff. 503
Muntz, E.P. 93n. 368
Murphy, G. 560
Navier — Poisson law 20
Navier — Stokes equations 34
Navier, Claude L.M.H. 34n.
Neumann, John von 540
New Mexico explosion 496 501
Newton's second law 3 119ff.
Newton, Sir Isaac 19n. 20n. 116 158 159 167 540
Newtonian fluid 20n.
No-slip condition 97ff.
No-slip condition and work transfer 294
No-slip condition at contact surface 342
No-slip condition in plane shearing flow 21
No-slip condition in streaming flow 73
Nonlinear wave propagation 374ff.
NonNewtonian fluid 20n.
Nonsimple waves 265
Normal shock 322
Normal shock in perfect gas 323ff.
Normal shock, conditions 315
Normal shock, equivalence 313 314
Normal shock, table (perfect gas, = 1.40) 598ff.
| Normal stress 20
Normal stress, average 20
Normal stress, numerical value 24
Normal stress, tensile 21
Normal vector 15 17
Normalized variable 132
Nozzle in series 288
Nozzle, choking 285
Nozzle, criterion for isentropic flow 146
Nozzle, design by method of characteristics 460
Nozzle, flow into vacuum 268
Nozzle, Laval 280
Nozzle, operation 284ff.
Nozzle, separation of flow 292ff.
Nozzle, supersonic 280 285ff.
Nusselt number 553n.
Objective quantity 13 32
Objectivity 13 32 123 126
Oblique shock 327ff.
Oblique shock, maximum turning angle 373p.
Oblique shock, polar diagram 330
Oblique shock, reflection 333 334
Oblique shock, relations for perfect gas 328ff.
Oblique shock, strong solution 330 491
Oblique shock, table (perfect gas, = 1.40) 610ff.
Oblique shock, weak 336ff.
Oblique shock, weak solution 330 491
Officer, C.E. 181
One-dimensional flow, acoustical 171ff.
One-dimensional flow, acoustical, in a duct 198ff.
One-dimensional flow, steady 276ff.
One-dimensional flow, steady, with friction 294ff.
One-dimensional flow, unsteady 374ff.
Organ pipe 222ff.
Parabolic shock 479
Particle displacement, acoustical 172ff. 181
Particle path 172 398
Particle-laden gas, acoustics 55Iff.
Path line see "Particle path"
Payman, W. 424
Pearson, J.M. 210
Peculiar velocity 95
Perfect fluid 60
Perfect gas, canonical equation of state 62
Perfect gas, defined 79
Perfect gas, distinct from perfect fluid 60
Perfect gas, isentropic flow 267ff.
Perfect gas, normal shock relations 323
Perfect gas, Riemann invariants 380
Perfect gas, shock formation in 385ff.
Perfect gas, specific heats 78ff.
Perturbation 159 170 258
Peterka, A.J. 529
Phase of a wave 205
phase velocity 523 536543
Pi theorem 125ff.
Piercy, J.E. 232
Piston advance 399ff.
Piston problem 374 392ff.
Piston withdrawal 393ff.
Plane laminar shearing 21
Plane shock in duct 503n.
Plane waves, acoustical 169ff.
Plane waves, electrical analogue for 545ff.
Poiseuille flow 137
Potential see also "Velocity potential"
Potential flow, general equation for 255ff.
Potential flow, linearized theory 257ff.
Potential vortex 25ff.
Potential, energy (force potential) 38
Potential, equation of state 54 62
Potential, intermolecular 96 130
Pracht, W.E. 104
Prandtl number as ratio of diffusivities 76
Prandtl number in compressible boundary layer 510
Prandtl number of gases 110
Prandtl number, defined 30
Prandtl number, Eucken's formula 110
Prandtl number, table 30 642 643
Prandtl — Meyer fan 454 457
Prandtl — Meyer fan, photographs 458 483
Prandtl — Meyer function 444ff. 487
Prandtl's relation 329
Prandtl, Ludwig 446n. 484 505
Pressure and molecular momentum 94
Pressure as thermodynamic derivative 61 575 576
Pressure coefficient 132
Pressure in linearized steady flow 258
Pressure, concept 19n.
Pressure, dimensions of 120
Pressure, distribution on airfoil 265
Pressure, level, acoustical 182
Pressure, partial 84
Pressure, reduced 77
Pressure, stress 18ff.
Principal axes 12 20 23
Probstein, R.F. 116 497
Progressive wave 164 see
Purity of sound 232
Pythagoras 157
Quadrupole 221
Quasi-one-dimensional flow 276ff. see
Radiation 4
Radiation fields 216ff.
Radiation pressure 180
Raizer, Y.P. 55n. 104 111 515
Rajaratnam, N. 531
Rankine — Hugoniot equation 317
Rankine, William John Macquorn 312
Rarefaction shock 317 331 391 537 see
Rarefaction wave, acoustic discontinuity 189
Rarefaction wave, centered 396
Rarefaction wave, numerical example 414
Rarefaction wave, spreading of 386 395
Rarefied flow, unsteady one-dimensional 395
Ratio of specific heats of ideal gas 78ff.
Ratio of specific heats of ideal gas mixture 85
Ratio of specific heats of ideal gas, table 640
Ratio of specific heats of liquids 104
Ratio of specific heats, defined 62
Ray 205
Ray tube 210
Rayleigh problem 147ff. 428n. 483 505
Rayleigh, Lord (John William Strutt) 116 151 158 162n. 311ff.
references 561ff.
Reflection at angle 192ff.
Reflection of acoustic waves 188ff.
Reflection of characteristics 410 454
Reflection of oblique shock 333 334
Reflection of shock wave 419
Reflection, coefficient 195
Reflection, total 196
Reflection, zero 196
Refraction of acoustic waves 192ff.
Refraction of light 215ff.
Refraction, refractive constants 215
Refraction, Snell's law of 195 208
Region of influence 381
Reid, R.C. 103
Relaxation process 55 551
Relaxation time and acoustical frequencies 167 231
Relaxation time and bulk viscosity 111
Relaxation time and equilibrium 55
Relaxation time of particle, momentum 552
Relaxation time of particle, thermal 553
Relaxation time, molecular, table 56
Relaxation-flow analog 551ff.
Repeated index 6
Reservoir state 250
Resistance 549
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