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Thompson Philip A. — Compressible-fluid dynamics |
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Discharge conditions, nozzle 282ff. 411
Discontinuity see "Contact surface" "Shock
Discretization error, acoustical analog 544
dispersion 167 523 559
Displacement of fluid particle 172ff. 181
Dissipation function 57 142 178 635 638
Dissociation 81
Distortion of a wave 176 386
Distribution function 88
Divergence in cylindrical and spherical coordinates 634 636
Divergence of the velocity, estimated magnitude 137ff.
Divergence theorem 16579
Doppler effect 243 272p.
Dorodnitsyn — Howarth transformation 508
Drag coefficient 273p.
Drag due to lift 266
Drag force 266 552
Driven gas 423
Driver gas 423
Duct, sound propagation in 198ff.
Dyadic 579
Dynamic similarity 133
Eckart, C. 66
Edwards, D.H. 347
Eikonal 204
Eikonal equation 205ff.
Einstein summation convention 6
Electric-field analogy 560
Electroacoustic analogy 540ff.
Electroacoustic analogy, table 548
Elliptic equation 257
Elongation rate of fluid line 23
Energy equation for perfect gas 267
Energy equation in steady flow 42ff. 249
Energy equation, acoustical 182ff.
Energy equation, general form 37
Energy flux, acoustical 179ff.
Energy in intense explosion 496 500
Energy, balance across shock 310
Energy, balance of 4 32
Energy, balance of, for control volume 41
Energy, balance of, in acoustics 182ff.
Energy, differential equation 37ff.
Energy, transport in acoustics 179ff.
English system of units 119 123 124n.
Enthalpy, defined 38
entropy 33 39 56
Entropy and vorticity 70ff.
Entropy as thermodynamic derivative 61 576
Entropy discontinuity 339 see
Entropy flux 33 42
Entropy of ideal gas 86ff.
Entropy, balance across shock 310
Entropy, balance of, for control volume 41
Entropy, discontinuous across shock 74
Entropy, production and attenuation of sound 227
Entropy, production of 4 33 57ff.
Entropy, production of, minimum principle 352
Entropy, role in frictional flow 295
Equal-area rule 392
Equality signs, hierarchy 135
Equations of motion in cylindrical and spherical coordinates 633ff.
Equations of motion, differential 33ff.
Equations of motion, integral, for control volume 39ff.
Equations of motion, integral, for material volume 32ff.
Equilibrium sound speed 557
Equilibrium, Flow 55 557
Equilibrium, hydrostatic 36 51p. 64
Equilibrium, relaxation from 55
Equilibrium, thermodynamic state 30n. 52
Equipartition of energy 79 184
Error function 149
Escape speed 394
Eucken's formula 110
Euler's equation 36
Euler's formula 16
Euler, Leonhard 2 16 19n. 36 162
Eulerian description 5
Evans, H.L. 512n.
Expanding Universe 28
Expansion fan 396 455 459 480
Expansion into vacuum 268 397 459
Explosive, solid or liquid 354
Falling sphere 123 127ff.
Fanning friction factor 298
Fanno line 295ff.
Fay, J.A. 82 88n. 544n.
Fermat's principle 210
Ferri, A. 490
First law of thermodynamics 4 37 52 121
Fluid dyad 24 27
Fluid dyad, figure 23
Fluid particle, defined 3
Fluid, compressible 137ff.
Fluid, concept of 19
Fluid, incompressible 16 70
Fluid, perfect 60
Fluid, simple 55
Folium of Descartes 330
force 118ff. see "Surface
Fourier conduction law 29
Fourier, Baron Jean Baptiste Joseph 151
Free surface 455 520 see
Frey, A.R. 550
Friction factor 297
Frictional flow 294ff.
Friedlander, F.G. 214
Friedrichs, K.O. 464
Froude number 523
Frozen expansion 302p.
Frozen flow 557
Frozen sound speed 557
Fundamental derivative 252ff.
Fundamental derivative in shock formation 390
Fundamental derivative in subsonic/supersonic transition 279
Fundamental derivative in weak shocks 319
Fundamental derivative, defined 252
Fundamental derivative, identities 577
Fundamental derivative, table 645
Fundamental dimensions 118 121ff. 129
Galilean invariant 32
Galilean reference frame 31
Galilean transformation in streaming flow 133
Galilei, Galileo 116 124 157
Gas bearing 22 99
Gas constant 77
Gas constant of mixture 83
Gas constant, numerical values 77
Gas properties, table 640
Gauss' theorem 579
Gaydon, A.G. 55n.
Geometric affinity 117
Geometric similarity 117
Geometrical acoustics 202ff.
Geometrical acoustics and geometrical optics 215
Geometrical acoustics in moving fluid 214
Geometrical acoustics in stratified atmosphere 208ff.
Geometrical acoustics, eikonal equation 205ff.
Geometrical acoustics, energy propagation 210
Geometrical acoustics, wave equation for 203
Geometrical optics 215
Gibbs equation 58
Gibbs equation, various forms 60 575
Gibbs function 60
Gibbs, Josiah Willard 5n. 58n.
Goddard, Robert H. 44n.
Gradient in cylindrical and spherical coordinates 634 636
Gravity and compressibility 1 141
Gravity wave 522 see
Gravity, distinguished from 119n.
| Gravity, example of body force 17
Grigsby, C.E. 464n.
Group velocity 536n. 544
Grueneisen equation 104
Hadamard's Theorem 73 476
Hadamard, Jacques 313n. 476
Hammer shock (example) 326
Hansen, A.G. 515
Hard-sphere molecule 95
Harlow, F.H. 104—106 533
Harmony of the spheres 157
Harnett, L.N. 368
Harris, C.M. 232
Hayes, W.D. 116 321
Heat 29 33
Heat conduction as self-similar problem 151
Heat conduction, Fourier law 29
Heat equation in wave motion 438
Heat equation, analogy with vorticity equation 75ff.
Heat equation, derivation 49p.
Heat equation, self-similar solution 151
Heat flux 29
Heat of reaction 353
Helmholtz function 60
Helmholtz resonator 549
Herbert, M. 292 293
Herd, R. 292 293
Herzfeld, K.F. 560
Hirschfelder, J.O. 97 101 109 110 131
Hodograph 330 447 474n.
Homenergic flow 249
Homentropic flow 60 375 402
Hudleston's equation 103
Hudleston, L.J. 103
Hugoniot, Pierre Henri 312 313n.
Huntley, R. 180n.
Hurle, I. 55n.
Huygens' construction 207 214
Hydraulic analog 518ff.
Hydraulic diameter 298
Hydraulic jump 524ff.
Hydrostatic stress 18
Hydrostatics 36 51p. 64ff.
Hyperbolic equations 257 467
Hypersonic flow 248
Ideal gas 76ff.
Ideal gas, defined 79
Ideal gas, internal energy dependence 70
Ideal gas, mixture 82ff.
Ideal gas, sound speed 165ff.
Ideal gas, specific heats 78ff.
Ideal gas, thermodynamic identities 578
impact 191ff.
Impedance mismatch 191
Impedance mismatch, figure 189
Impulsive motion at acoustic discontinuity 188ff.
Impulsive motion of flat plate (shear flow) 147ff.
Impulsive motion of piston 395 401
Impulsive piston advance 401
Impulsive piston withdrawal 395ff. 414
Incompressible flow 15n. 131
Incompressible fluid 1
Incompressible fluid of different density 143
Incompressible fluid, barotropic 56n.
Incompressible fluid, Bernoulli equation 39
Incompressible fluid, defined 16 70
Index of refraction 207 216
Indicial notation 6ff.
Inertance 549
Inertia 134
Ingard, K. 198 222 233
Initial-value problem 380 435
Intense explosion 495ff.
Interferometry 216
Intermolecular spacing 2
Internal energy 32
Internal energy, dependence on temperature 69ff.
International System of Units (SI) 122ff.
Intersection of acoustic discontinuities 187
Intersection of shock waves 418 420
Inversion, atmospheric 67 209
Inviscid flow at shock boundaries 308
Inviscid flow, Bernoulli equation 38
Inviscid flow, defined 31
Inviscid flow, validity of 136
Irrotational flow in gasdynamics 15 31
Irrotational flow in vortex 25ff.
Irrotational flow, persistence of 72
Irrotational flow, solution to Crocco equation 71
Irrotational flow, supersonic 449 470
Isentropic atmosphere 67
Isentropic flow in a duct 277ff.
Isentropic flow of perfect gas 267ff. 28Iff.
Isentropic flow, criterion for 143
Isentropic flow, defined 60
Isentropic flow, relation to Bernoulli equation 64
Isentropic flow, table (perfect gas, = 1.40) 585ff.
Isentropic process 59ff.
Isentropic process in perfect gas 87
Isentropic process, criterion for 143
Isothermal atmosphere 67ff.
Isothermal wall 507 514
Isotropic expansion 28
Isotropic tensor 29
Isotropy 19 29
Jet in unsteady flow 423
Jet, from a nozzle 282ff.
Jet, sound from 221
Jet, underexpanded, calculation 462
Joule, James Prescott 97n. 121
Karamcheti, K. 508
Karman — Tsien theory 253
Karman, Theodor von 167
Keenan, J.H. 99
Kelvin system 547
Kelvin, Lord (William Thomson) 520 523
Kinematic waves 534
Kinematics 5ff.
Kinematics of rigid-body motion 13
Kinetic energy, molecular 79 92
Kinetic energy, specific 32
Kinetic theory 87ff.
Kinsler, L.E. 550
Kircher, Athanasius 157
Kirchhoff's law 547
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert 229 230 234 365
Kirkwood, J.G. 102
Klein, M.J. 61n.
Kline, S.J. 117
Knudsen number 142 178
Kopal, Z. 489 490
Krakatoa 232
Kronecker delta 6
Kronecker, Leopold 6n.
Kruger, C. 95 558
Lagrange ballistics problem 430ff.
Lagrangian description 5
Lamb, Sir Horace 176 312
Laminae, wave model 386
Laminar flow 4n. 134 502
Landau, L.D. 134 321 349n. 408 410 417 497 538
Laplace's equation 15n. 151 257
Laplacian in cylindrical and spherical coordinates 634 636
Lass, H. 580n.
Laumbach, D.D. 497
Laval nozzle 280 288ff. 292ff. 524
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent 87
Lawrence, R.A. 293
Lee waves 67 142
Leibniz' formula 16 48p.
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