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Thompson Philip A. — Compressible-fluid dynamics |
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resonant frequency 550
Resonator 549
Reversible process 59
Reversible work 53
Reynolds number for falling sphere 128
Reynolds number, defined 132
Reynolds number, magnitude, in gasdynamics 136
Reynolds number, role in transition 134
Reynolds' transport theorem 15ff.
Reynolds, Osborne 16n. 134
Riccati, Giordano 238p.
Richtmyer, R.D. 436
Riemann invariant 379ff.
Riemann invariant in perfect gas 380
Riemann invariant, jump in, at weak shock 403
Riemann's problem 429
Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard 379 429
Rigid-body motion 13
Rise velocity, bubble 501
Rocket motion 43ff.
Rocket thrust 43ff. 291
Roshko, A. 217 258 259
Rotation see also "Vorticity"
Rotation of fluid 9ff. 14
Rotation, molecular 81
Rotational flow 70ff.
Rotational flow, downstream of shock 74
Rotational flow, plane shearing 23
Rowlinson, J.S. 102
Rubesin, M.W. 109
Scale height of the atmosphere 69
Scattering of sound 226
Schaaffs, W. 167
Schlichting, H. 76 134 334 502
Schlieren method 216
Schmitt-von Schubert, B. 559
Sears, W.R. 222
Second law of thermodynamics 4 52
Sedov, L.I. 117 130 497 501 515
Self-similar motion 483ff.
Self-similar motion in shock tube 424
Self-similar motion in unsteady one-dimensional flow 398
Self-similar motion, boundary layer behind shock 502ff.
Self-similar motion, concept of 149
Self-similar motion, conical flow 487ff.
Self-similar motion, example (Rayleighproblem) 146ff.
Self-similar motion, intense explosion 495ff.
Self-similar motion, list of additional 515
Self-similar motion, Prandtl — Meyer expansion 483ff.
Separation and rounded leading edge 479n.
Separation at nozzle discharge 282
Separation at oblique shock reflection 334
Separation from piston in unsteady flow 394
Separation in supersonic nozzle 292
Separation, role of viscous stress 22
Serrin, J. 73 520
Shadowgraph method 216
Shallow-water approximations 529
Shallow-water equations 520
Shallow-water flow 518ff.
Shapiro, A.H. 259 301 334
Sharman, C.F. 560
Shear stress at stationary wall 297
Shear stress, numerical values 22
Shear viscosity 20 see
Shear viscosity in ideal gas 106ff.
Shear viscosity in liquids 109
Shear viscosity in stress law 20
Shear viscosity, table 30
Shepherd, W.F.C. 424
Sherwood, T.K. 103
Shock adiabat 317ff.
Shock angle for weak shocks 336 477
Shock angle, defined 327
Shock conditions 306ff.
Shock conditions for traffic flow 536
Shock conditions from Navier — Stokes equations 362
Shock conditions, generality 313
Shock conditions, written out 310
Shock formation in general fluid 389ff.
Shock formation in perfect gas 384ff.
Shock formation, time required 388 400
Shock interactions 417ff.
Shock interactions, photograph 427
Shock location rule 391
Shock Mach number 316
Shock polar 330 346
Shock strength 316 328 337 570
Shock structure 361ff.
Shock structure, Navier — Stokes equations 362
Shock structure, Taylor theory for weak shocks 364ff.
Shock structure, thickness 305 361 363ff.
Shock structure, thickness estimate based on entropy 371 p.
Shock tube 340 423ff.
Shock tube, shock Mach number 425
Shock tube, viscous effects 426
Shock tunnel 429
Shock wave 304ff. see "Weak
Shock wave from intense explosion 495
Shock wave, analogy with hydraulic jump 524
Shock wave, entropy jump across 319
Shock wave, formation 384ff.
Shock wave, historical remarks 311ff.
Shock wave, interaction of 417ff.
Shock wave, lambda-shape 503n.
Shock wave, Mach number 316
Shock wave, oblique 327ff.
Shock wave, plane, in duct 503n.
Shock wave, properties 315ff.
Shock wave, reflection from rigid wall 419
Shock wave, stability 537
Shock wave, strength 316
Shock wave, structure 36Iff.
Shock wave, supersonic/subsonic flow across 321 537
Shock wave, thickness 305 36Iff.
Shock wave, velocity of propagation, weak 404
Shock wave, weak 335ff.
Similarity rules 259ff.
Similarity variable 148 398 424 484 488 495 511
Similarity variable, choice of 515
Similarity, affine (coordinate transformation) 151
Similarity, dynamic 133
Similarity, geometric 117
Similarity, rules 259ff.
Similitude 116 see
Simple fluid 55
Simple wave in acoustics 164 171
Simple wave in traffic theory 535
Simple wave in two-dimensional supersonic flow 454
Simple wave in unsteady one-dimensional flow 383
Sivian, L.J. 232
Slender body 257
Slip surface 339
Slip velocity 98
Slow burning 351 353 355
Slow motion, compressible 430ff.
Smog 67
Smoke 552
Snell's law 195 208
SOFAR channel 209
Solid, compressible-flow behavior, figure 105
Solid, equation of state 104
Solid-body motion 13 24
Solid-core vortex 27
Solomon, G.E. 493
Sonar 202
Sonic area 281
Sonic boom, anomalous behavior 202
Sonic boom, attenuation 409
Sonic boom, form 266
| Sonic boom, reflection 236p.
Sonic condition 267 268 270 281 295
Sonic line 491
Sound barrier 271p.
Sound intensity 179 180
Sound pressure level 182
Sound speed 163ff.
Sound speed and compressibility 1 138
Sound speed and molecular motion 169
Sound speed in acoustic discontinuity 186
Sound speed in air and water, figure 168
Sound speed in general substances 167ff.
Sound speed in ideal gas 165ff.
Sound speed, analogy with shallow-water wave speed 522
Sound speed, defined 164
Sound speed, dependence on molecular weight 166
Sound speed, equilibrium 557
Sound speed, frequency dependence 157
Sound speed, frozen 557
Sound speed, Newton's result for 167
Sound speed, relative to moving fluid 241ff.
Sound speed, table 168
Sound speed, thermodynamic identities 577
Source, acoustic 206 217
Specific heats of ideal gas 78ff.
Specific heats of ideal gas mixtures 85
Specific heats, defined 62
Specific heats, relation between 103
Specific heats, variation with pressure 103
Specific impulse 45 47 291
Specific volume 34 61
Speed of sound see "Sound speed"
Spherical coordinates 635
Spherical wave motion 175ff.
Spin tensor 10
Spring constant, fluid 541
Stability of negative-conductivity fluid 58
Stability of negative-viscosity fluid 57
Stability of shock wave 537
Stagnation enthalpy 43 249 310
Stagnation point 250
Stagnation pressure of perfect gas 251 268
Stagnation pressure, decrease across a shock 324ff.
Stagnation property 249ff.
Stagnation property of perfect gas 251 268
Stagnation property, enthalpy 43 249
Stagnation property, perfect gas 267
Stagnation property, temperature 250
Stagnation temperature 249 267 325
Standard atmosphere, table 631
Stanyukovich, K.P. 515
State equation 54
State equation as constitutive equation 31
State equation, caloric 54
State equation, potential 54 62
State equation, thermal 54
State principle 39 53
Static property 250
Steady flow in a duct 276ff.
Steady flow, compressible 24Iff.
Steady flow, defined 35
Steady flow, potential 255ff.
Steady flow, subsonic 259
Steady flow, supersonic 261ff. 443ff.
Steady flow, temporary, in unsteady flow 397
Steady-flow energy equation 42ff. 249
Stewartson, K. 502
Stokes flow 137
Stokes' drag law 552
Stokes' hypothesis 21
Stokes' theorem 580
Stokes, Sir George Gabriel 8 20n. 21 34n. 116 151 230 311
Stokesian fluid 20
Stratified atmosphere 64ff. 208 211
Stream function 508
Stream tube 43 210 270 277
Streaming flow 73 133
streamline 38n. 263 491n. 508
Strength of shock 316 328 337
Strength of vortex 26
Stress tensor and molecular momentum 93ff.
Stress tensor, decomposition 18
Stress tensor, defined 18
Stress tensor, relation to deformation 19ff.
Stress tensor, symmetry of 18
Stress vector 17ff.
Stretched coordinate 151 259 508
Strong shock 338ff.
Strong shock in blast wave 495
Strong shock in perfect gas 339
Strong shock, defined 316
Strong solution 330 491
Strophoid 330
Strouhal number 132
Subandible sound 226n.
Subcritical flow 523 529
Subsonic flow, discharge from a nozzle 283
Subsonic flow, linearized theory 259ff.
Subsonic flow, propagation of disturbances 242
Subsonic flow, range of 245
Subsonic flow, streaming 73
Substantial derivative see "Material derivative"
Superboom 211
Supercritical flow 523 529
Superposition 159 163
Supersonic flow in a nozzle 280 285ff.
Supersonic flow with shocks 475ff.
Supersonic flow, analogy with unsteady flow 443
Supersonic flow, characteristic equations 449ff. 470ff.
Supersonic flow, conical 487ff.
Supersonic flow, discharge from a nozzle 283ff.
Supersonic flow, linearized theory 26Iff.
Supersonic flow, microscopic interpretation 248
Supersonic flow, propagation of disturbances 242ff. 484n.
Supersonic flow, range of 245
Supersonic flow, streaming 74
Supersonic flow, two-dimensional 443ff.
Supersonic nozzle 280 288ff. 292ff. 524
Supersonic turning 447 455
Surface force and work at a boundary 294
Surface force, described 17
Surface tension 17
Surface traction see "Stress vector"
Sutherland viscosity law 109
Tait equation 102 253
Tait, Peter Guthrie 102
Tangential discontinuity 339
Taylor, Sir Geoffrey Ingram 365 484 490 496 501 515 560
Temperature as thermodynamic derivatives 61 575 576
Temperature, critical 100
Temperature, dimensions of 118 122
Temperature, discontinuity in 429
Temperature, reduced 77
Temperature, slip 99
Tensor, antisymmetric 10
Tensor, deformation-rate 10ff.
Tensor, isotropic 29
Tensor, properties 10n.
Tensor, spin 10
Tensor, symmetric 10
Tensor, transformation of 10n.
Tensor, vector of 11
Tensor, velocity-gradient 10
Test time 426
Theophrastus 157
Thermal 67
thermal conductivity see "Conductivity"
Thermal equation of state 54
Thermal expansion 1 66
Thermodynamic identity, catalogue 575ff.
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