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Auletta G. — Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics |
Предметный указатель |
Self-referentiality 219 428 456 532
Selleri, F. 482 501 509 614 653
Semigroup 366
Sen, Siddhartha 716
Separability 42 532—534 583 623 625 633 790
Separability Principle 532 534 583 585 589 622 623 626 627
Separation 659 733
Sequence of linear Measurements 337
Sergienko, Alexander V. 146 608 611—613 615 675 677—680 683
Serva, Maurizio 87 131 226
Set, partially ordered 155
Shannon entropy 709 710 737 770
Shannon, C. E. 709 770
Shapere, A. 209
Shapiro, Jeffrey H. 497
Sharp Localization 76 77
Sharp Observable 295 566
Sharp Property 52 295
Sharp, David H. 584 585
Shaw, R. S. 717
Shea, R. 224 265 267
Shelby, R. 339
Sherry, T. N. 254 255
Shih, Yanhua H. 146 608 609 611—613 675 677— 680 683
Shimizu, F. 26
Shimizu, K. 26
Shimony, Abner 2 6 121 138 150 162 232 317 400 479 480 544 566 591—595 597 598 601—604 609 624 628 630—633 738 796 800
Shor theorem 772
Shor, Peter W. 760 764 772 774 777 778
Shull, C. G. 479—481
Siegel, A. 550
Siegman, A. E. 93
Signal Photon 93 94 609
Signal System 493
Signal velocity 699
Simon, Barry 208
Simonius 344
Singh, L. P. S. 179
Singh, R. P. 417
Singlet state 60
Sinha, Supurna 387
Sipe, J. E. 368
Slater, J. C. 29 509
Sleator, Tycho 764
Slosser, John J. 415
Slusher, R. E. 339 414
Smith, Felix 179
Smith, Peter 3
Smithey, D. 498
Smolin, John A. 737 764
Sneed, Joseph D. 509
Sokolovski, D. 65 186 703
Soliton 110 562
Solombrino, Luigi 170
Sommerfeld, Arnold 20
Song, S. 414
Space-time Entanglement 673 678
Spatial translation width 133
Specker, E. 550 551 553
Spectral density of the Noise 337
Spectral representation 45
Spectral theorem 45 46
Spectrum 38
Speiser, D. 174
Spieker 700—702
Spiller, T. P. 346 412 499
Spin 55 58 60 120
Spin entanglement 678
Spin operator 56
Spin phase 120
Squeezed state 80 81
Squires, Euan 248—250 412 487 563
Srinivas, M. D. 223 394
St vneng, J. A. 699
Stamatescu, I. — O. 412 441
Standard deviation 118 127 129 130 133 513
Standard interpretation 106 220 223 229 230 241 489 491 557
Standard quantum limit 323 328 331
Stapp, Henry P. 230 510 532 555 589 621 623 625 627 628 640 796
State 293
State transformer 237
State, classical 21
Statistical Algorithm 38 40
Statistical interpretation 29 106 107 109 113 257 271 557
Steane, A. 713 778
Steinberg, Aephraim 28 93 145—148 358 459 600 601 609 613 614 622 675 676 699 700 703 704
Stern, Ady 358 382 386
Stern, Otto 55
Steuernagel, Ole 498
Stochastic phase space 571 576
Stochastic Position operator (non-relativistic) 573
Stochastic Position operator (relativistic) 575
Stochastic Probability measure 569
Stoffels, W. W. 523—525
Stoler, David 414 633 690 691
Stone theorem 47
Storey, E. Pippa 142
Strauss, Martin 21 174
Strekalov, D. V. 675 677
Stroboscopic QND Observable 332
Strong Correlation 239 240
Strong Correlation between Observables 239 241
Strong Correlation between states 239 242
Strong Correlation between values 239 242
Strong Formal Interpretation 102 104 117
Strong Objectification 235
Stroud, C. R. 417
Strunz, Walter 411
Stueckelberg, Ernst C. G. 173
Subjective intepretation of Probability 192
Subjectivism 137 138 250 446
Sudarshan, E. C. G. 254 255 339
Summers, Stephen J. 685
Summhammer, Johann 40 58 210 281 356 487 488 517
Sun, Chang — Pu 265 283
Suominen, Kalle — Antti 774
Superdense coding 749 750
Superluminal 482 497 633 694 699
Superposition 361 426 456 477
Superposition principle 39 120 121 139 163 169 171 196 205 443 445 760 788—790
Superselection rule 45 173 175 176 253 255 271 273 302 452 547
Suppes, Patrick 505 507 653
Susskind, L. 176
Svetlichny, G. 553 554 556
Symmetry 60 302
Symmetry of operators 91
Szilard, Leo 226
T rma, P. 498
Tagaki, Shin 196 441—443 445
Takuma, H. 26
Tameshtit, Allan 368
Tamm, I. 129
Tan, Sze 142 687—689
Tapster, Paul R. 675 680 681 745
Tarozzi, Gino 482
Tasaki, S. 342
Tasche 498
Tate, Ranjeet S. 179 180 182—184
Teich, Malvin C. 93 150 675
Teleportation 687 746—748 750
Teleportation Fidelity 750
Teller, P. 552
Terhal, Barbara 778
Tesche, C. D. 426
Theoretical terms 3 531
Thermodynamic approach 257 258 260—262 365
Thomason, Richmond H. 171
Thompson, R. C. 605
Thorne, K. S. 136 150 329—332 339
Three-valued Implication 506
| Three-valued logic 171 505—508
Thruhlar, D. G. 203
Time 119
Time operator 129 177—180 182 184—186
Time parameter 177 178
Time-of-arrival 207 208 339
Time-of-arrival operator 181 182 184
Tiomno, J. 558
Tjoelker, R. 109
Tolman, Richard C. 445 531
Tombesi, Paolo 408 411 414 425 957
Tomography 408 497 498
Tonomura, Akira 26 693—698
Toraldo di Francia, Giuliano 22
Torgeson, J. R. 638
Toschek, P. E. 402
Total angular momentum 56
Total Measurement error 334
Trace 40
Trace-one class operator 40
Trainor, T. A. 109
Trammell, G. 303 495
Transformation theory 47
Transition amplitude 30
Transition probability 182
Transmission Decoherence parameter 388
Transmission Fidelity 767
Transport law 206
Traversal time 186
Treder, Hans — J rgen 123
Triorthogonal decomposition 269 270 427 440 466 792
triplet state 60
Tsirelson inequality 644—646 654
Tsirelson, Boris S. 149 643 645
Tunneling 521 563 698—700 704
Tuppinger, D. 487 488
Turner, Edwin L. 445
Two — Slit — Experiment 26
Two-photon operator 81
Tyapkin, Alexei A. 733
Ueda, Masahito 223 394 463
Uffink, J. 121 129—133 137 712
Uhlmann, A. 714 719 751
Ultraviolet catastrophe 18
Uncertainty 118 124 126—129 131 133 333 567 569 711 713
Uncertainty principle 79 80 117 118 120 121 124—130 137 142 150 166 169 177 178 232 249 328 335 338 509 788 789 791
Uncertainty relations 118
Uncertainty relations, Deutsch Entropic UR 711 789
Uncertainty relations, Error — Perturbation UR between energy and phase 333
Uncertainty relations, Error — Perturbation URla 126
Uncertainty relations, Error — Perturbation URlb 126
Uncertainty relations, Hilgevoord — Uffink UR 133 137 150 477 513 788 791
Uncertainty relations, Kraus Entropic UR 711 789
Uncertainty relations, Maassen — Uffink Entropic UR 712 789
Uncertainty relations, POVM Entropic UR 713
Uncertainty relations, Quadratures UR see Quadrature
Uncertainty relations, Statistical UR 127
Uncertainty relations, UR for continuous linear measurements 337
Uncertainty relations, UR for nonlinear measurements 338
Uncertainty relations, UR1 118 122 124 126 131 133 333 448 568
Uncertainty relations, UR2 119 122 128 129 178 182 450
Uncertainty relations, UR3 119
Uncertainty relations, UR4 119
Uncertainty relations, UR5 120
Uncertainty, classical 22
Unitary operator 47
Unitary time-evolution operator 48
Universal wave function 435 440 445 453 455 456
Unruh — Zurek representation 380
Unruh, W. G. 331 339 379—385 492 625
Unsharp Observable 295 296 566
Unsharp Property 295
Vaccaro, John A. 498
Vacuum state 70
Vaidman, Lev 311—315 354 355 489—491 704 777
Value Objectification 239—241
Values of Observables 137
Van Dyck, R. S. Jr 108 109
van Fraassen, Bas C. 3 171 192 225 553 563 787
Van Hove limit 343
Van Hove Master equation 248
van Hove, L on 258—260 343 365
Varadarajan, V. S. 21 40 156—158 163 165 172 194 196 296
Variance 54 711
Vector potential 74 103 210 694
Vedral, Vlatko 657 693 737—739 741
Vermaas, Pieter E. 564
Vernon, F. L. 269 382
Vigier, Jean — Pierre 55 102 142 149 405 472 487 488 558 561 562
Vindushka, Milan 733
Visibility of fringes 82 205 516 517 520
Vitali, David 425 957
Vogel, K. 497
Vogel, W. 417 498 499
Von Neumann analysis 37
von Neumann chain 226 270
von Neumann entropy 42 222 710 711
von Neumann formula 52
von Neumann, John 1 21 31 32 37 40 44 51 106 126 136 161 162 165 170 173 177 199 213 219—223 225—227 230 232 234 296 544—547 710
von Weizs cker, Carl F. 3 135 139 235 303 445 506 507
Vorontsov, Y. I. 150 323 339
W nsche, Alfred 498
Wagh, Apoorva G. 210
Waiting-time distribution 396 397
Wakita, H. 253
Wallentowitz, S. 498
Walls, Daniel F. 54 79—84 87 142 268 269 323 339 369—375 378 390 393 397 404 414 415 600 687-689
Walther, Herbert 137 140 142 143 445 450 451 459 461
Walther, Thomas 614
Wang, L. J. 146 267 268 502 675
Watanabe, Michael S. 229 232
Watchdog effect 341
Wave mechanics 33 37 99
Wave — Packet Interpretation 101 104 478
Wave — Particle Dualism 26 138 469 505 510
Wave-packet 101
Weak Measurement 311—316 489 493
Weak Objectification 235
Weak Superposition Principle 478
Weak Value 311 704
Weber 234 340 408 410 634
Wehrl, Alfred 710 711 714 716
Weil, Hermann 87 88
Weinberg, Donald L. 93
Weinberg, Steven 481
Weinfurter, Harald 113—115 146 210 355—358 446 502 503 611—613 633 692 693 749 750 760 764 766
Weizel, W. 404
Wells, Ann L. 401
Welsch, D. — G. 417 498 499
Werner State 653 654 751
Werner, Reinhard 53 319 543 653 685
Werner, Samuel A. 26 210 481 697 698
Westmoreland, Michael 779
Weyl group 88 89
Weyl pair 88
Weyl transform 86
Weyl unitary operator 88
Weyl, Hermann 60
Wheeler — DeWitt equation 436
Wheeler, John A. 26 65 89—92 445—450 454 455 567 788 797
Which — Path 519 729
Whitaker, M. A. B. 106 129
White noise 337 338 345
White, Andrew 358
Whitehead, Alfred N. 796
Wich — Path operator 519
Wich-path — Visibility 140—143 146 147 477 514 515 729
Wick, G. C. 175 271
Wickes, W. C. 451
Wiener process 405
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