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Auletta G. — Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics |
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Particle’s Path 131
Partovi, Hossein 129 710 713 714 716
Pascazio, Saverio 225 265 272 279—281 283 339 342—344 388
Pasquini 226
PAST 446 507
path integral 64 104
Paty, Michel 106
Paul trap 419
Paul, Harry 178 498
Pauli exclusion principle 55 70
Pauli Problem 303 494
Pauli spin matrices 57 70
Pauli, Wolfgang 55 57 70 118 177 217 303 476
Paz, Juan P. 80 366 386 387 440 778
Pazzi, G. P. 700
Pearle, Philip 245 411 412 478 482
Pegg, D. 387 401
Peierls, Rudolf 128 149
Peirce, Charles S. 453
Penning trap 108
Percival, Ian C. 411 441
Pereira, S. F. 498
Peres, Asher 35 45 48 52 59—61 67 73 145 186 222 229 232 250 269 301 316 342 554 555 623 635 643 649 650 652 655 684 690 710 714 718 746 747 752—755
Perrie, W. 609 614
Perturbation 126 311 325 326 328 331 333 335 337 493
Peshkin, Murray 693—698
Peslak, J. Jr 133
Petrosky 342
Petruccione, Francesco 390 391 400
Petz, D nes 709—711 714—716
Pfleegor, R. L. 108—110
Phase 80 119 120
Phase operator 190
Phase shift 209
Phase space 9 22 158 570
phase velocity 699
Phase — Momentum Entanglement 680
Phenomenon 142 446
Philippidis, C. 558 562
Phillips, William D. 417
Philosophical Interpretation 3
Phoenix, Simon J. D. 416 461 657 737
Photo-electric effect 25
Photoelectron counting Distribution 396
Photon count 84 393—396
Photon flux operator 397
Photon — Number Entanglement 682 683
Physical interpretation 3 23
Physical Theory 3 21
Pilot wave 403 471 472 558 561
Pilot — Wave equation 475
Piron, Constantin 162 163 172 176 296 507 546 547
Pitowsky, Itamar 40 127 171 194 550—553 659 663 664
Pittman, T. B. 146 608 675 677—680
Pizzi, Claudio 172
Plaga, R. 249
Planck, Max 2 17—20 23 25 29
Platonism 427 796
Plenio, M. B. 657 737—739 741
Podolsky, Boris 5 445 529 531—536 541
Poincar cycle 717
Poincar group 67—69 188 574
Poincar momentum transformation 68
Poincar position transformation 68
Poincar sphere 47 58 203—205 521 523 696
Poincar , Henri 67
Pointer Objectification 238
Pointer Observable 237 238 268 269
Poisson brackets 9 31
Polarisation 58
Polarizer 58
Poliak, H. O. 131
Poly tope 194
Polzik, E. S. 749 750
Pool, James 87 495
Popescu, Sandu 625 652—655 657 704 741 745 747 749—751 771
Popper, Karl 124 127 162 192 509 531
Position operator 50 187—189
Position representation 50
Positive operator valued measure 294 295 301 305— 307 309 310 508 526 570 790 791 793
Positron 71
Positrons’ Scattering 75
Possibility 510
Possibility Principle 511
Postulate of increasing Measurement precision 22
Potasek, M. J. 609
Potential information 710 715—717
Potentiality hypothesis 510
Potocki, K. A. 110 112 687
Power, W. L. 346 499
Pragmatism 103 427 452
Predictability of Path 517 521
Predictable Physical System 22
Prediction 443—445 453
Premeasurement 126 215 216 223 237 239 268 270 304 316
Price, J. F. 133
Prieur, A. 295 521—523 729 731
Prigogine, Ilya 342
Primas, Hans 427
Principle of legist Action 10 63
Prior, A. N. 506
Probabilistic Assumption 38 105 529
Probabilistic Complementarity 297 508
Probabilistic interpretation 104 405 510
Probability interpretation Classical interpretation of Probability 191
Probability measure 199 200 202
Probability reproducibility 237 256
Projection operator 44 45 58 307
Projection postulate 106 232 294 352
Projection valued measure 294 301 308
Propensity interpretation of Probability 509
Proper Lorentz transformation 68
Proper time 446
Proper Wave Function 571
Property 21 453
Proposition 161 162
Prosperi, G. 260 261 367 408
Protective measurement 489—492
Prugove ki, Eduard 3 36 37 44 45 50 61 62 67 77 187 199 291 294 296 302 303 317 567—578
Psychophysical parallelism 226
Pure state 41 51
Puri, R. R. 417
Purification 657 741 771
Putnam, Hilary 508
Pykacz, Jaroslaw 543 659—661
Q-function 85—87
QM Expectation value 51
QM Implication 172 508 789
QM in Phase space 85—91
QM Measurement problem 32
QM Probability 196 197 248
QM relativistic Lagrange equation 71
QND minimal Measurement error 334
Quadrature 54 80 81 88 328
Quadratures CCR 81
Quadratures UR 328
Quadrilateral covariance-distance Bell inequality 734 735 790
Quadrilateral information-distance Bell inequality 733 790
Quadt, Ralf 164 165
Quantization Algorithm 37
Quantum computation 772—775
Quantum computer 760
Quantum cryptography 743—745
Quantum data compression 657 766
Quantum eraser 143—146 446 457 459
Quantum gate 763—765
Quantum gravity 436
Quantum logic 161—165 173 197
Quantum non-demolition measurement 109 295 323 325—327 329 331 334—337 339 340 352 373
Quantum non-demolition Observable 331
| Quantum Postulate 17 23 100 107 129 335 426 565 567 568
Quantum Postulate, QP1 17 19 22 25 28
Quantum Postulate, QP2 17 20 22 30
Quantum potential 477 557 558 561—563 696
Quantum probe 326—328 335 338 339 493
Quantum transmission 766
Quantum Turing machines 762
Quasi-implication 506
Quaternionic Hilbert space 174
Qubit 747 761 766
Question 162
Quine, Willard van Orman 3 102 510
Rabi frequency 83 342
Rabi oscillation 419 538
Raimond, Jean — Michel 387 413 415 416 422—425 461 748 749 764
Raizen, M. G. 113
Rakhecha, Veer C. 210
Raman amplification 379
Raman transition 419
Ramsey fringes 415 423
Ramsey Interferometer 517
Ramsey zone 415
Random variable 51 195
Ranfagni, A. 700
Rankin, Bayard 179
Rarity, John G. 113—115 502 503 675 680 681 745
Rauch, Helmut 25 26 29 40 58 137 281 311 342 487 488 517 687
Rayleigh — Jeans formula 17
Raymer, M. G. 498 499
Rayski, J. 118 129 184
Rayski, J. M. Jr 118 129 184
Reading 215
Reading scale 238 241—243
Real Hilbert space 173
Realism 453 503 526
Recami, Erasmo 179 699
Reck, Michael 762
Redhead, Michael 37 105 453 533 553 554 600 633
Reduction Jump theory 403 440
Reduction of the wave-packet 106 121 220 221 245 325 408 478 489 510
Reductionism 427 435
Reece, Gordon 799
Registration 215
Reichenbach, Hans 104 137 138 505 506 508
Reid, M. D. 339 600 682 683
Relative entropy 714 738
Relative State 229 246 268 269 298 440 534
Relative-state Interpretation 245 247 249
Relativity 67
Relativity theory 117
Relativity, general 124
Relativity, special 67 633
Rempe, Gerhard 461
Renninger, Mauritius 126 261 353 358
Renormalization 76 77
Representation 166 167
Reservoir 366
Resonance 463
Retrocausation 445
Retrodiction 443—445 453 507
Reversibility 492
Revival time 417 462
Revzen 655 656 689 746
Reynaud, Serge 402
Richter, Thomas 498
Riesz — Fischer theorem 37
Riesz, F. 37
Rimini, A. 234 340 408 410 634
Rippin, M. A. 657 737 739
Risken, H. 497
Robb, Daniel 720
Robertson, H. P. 127
Roch, Jean — Frangois 339
Roger, G rard 26 110 111 339 402 501 521 606 608 687
Rohrlich, David 625 652 653 704 741 745
Rolston, S. L. 109
Ron, Amiran 342
Roncadelli, Marco 63
Rosen, Nathan 5 529 531—536 541
Rosenbaum, D. 179
Rosenfeld, L on 137 146 233 452
Rovelli, Carlo 179 180 182—184 352
Roy, Sinha M. N. 521 665
Royer, Antoine 216 367 492 495 496
Rubin, M. H. 146 608 678—680 683
Ruelle, David 264
Ruijsenaars, Simon N. 187
Ruskai, Mary Beth 711
Rutheford atomic model 20
Rutherford of N., Ernest 20
Rydberg atom 415 422
S ensen, J. L. 749 750
Saccheri, Girolamo 800
Saito, S. 323
Saleh, Bahaa E. A. 93 150 675
Samuel, Joseph 209 210
Sanchez — Mondragon, J. J. 461
Sandalescu, Aurel 400
Sandberg, V. D. 136 150 329—332
Sanders, Barry C. 43 684
Sands 26—28 696 795
Sanpera, Anna 649 657 745 771
Santos, Emilio 3 501 543 609 613—615 659—661
Sardelis, D. 55
Sargent 263
Sasaki arrow see QM Implication
Sauter 402
Savage 269 369—372 415
Scalar potential 694
Scattering 73 75
Schawlow, Arthur 417
Scheibe, E. 139
Scheid, Werner 400
Schenzle, Axel 342 401 499
Schieder, R. 295 521—523 729 731
Schiff, Leonard 17 31 33 35 38 40 48—51 54 56 57 60—62 72 125 189 419 535
Schiller, R. 558
Schiller, S. 498
Schiminovich, S. 174
Schleich, Wolfgang P. 89—92 414 417 451 462 498
Schlesinger, George N. 625
Schlienz, J. 739 740
Schmidt decomposition 224
Schmidt, E. 224
Schneider, S. 498
Schonbek, Thomas P. 713
Schr dinger Cat 4 231 361 413—417 419—428 764 792 797 799
Schr dinger equation 20 69 208
Schr dinger Equation, time dependent 33
Schr dinger Equation, time independent 35
Schr dinger picture 48
Schr dinger, Erwin 4 33—37 42 89 99—102 104 107 117 127 177 222 224 267 361—363 404 407 476 583 584 800
Schrade, G. 417
Schrodinger Interpretation 99—101
Schroeck, Franklin E. Jr 21 42 45 47 51 52 55 57—59 82 83 89 91 131 133 165 167 215 232 234 237 294 296 298 302 304 317—319 321 608 665 713 714 795
Schumacher, Benjamin W. 657 710 720 723 732— 735 747 766 767 770 771 779
Schumacher, John A. 797
Schumaker, Bonny L. 93
Schwarz, G. 666
Schweber, Silvan S. 65 67 69 73 76 77
Schweigert, Christoph 31 56 62
Schwinberg, P. B. 108 109
Schwinger, Julian 224 457—459
Scotti, A. 260
Scully, Marian O. 87 88 137 140 142 143 224 263 265 267 457—459 513 538—541
Second Noise operator 298
Second quantization 71 73 101
Segal, Irving E. 166
Selection rule 175
Self-adjoint operator 32 91
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