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Auletta G. — Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics |
Предметный указатель |
Consistent History 433 434
Continuity 23 29
Continuous measurement 337
Continuous Observable 232 324
Continuous QND Observable 332
Continuous spectrum 38
Continuous Superselection Rule 176
Continuum 18 567
contrast 82 520
Convexity 41
Cook, R. J. 341 401 402
Cooper, Jacob L. B. 37
Copenhagen interpretation 3 4 97 103 115 117 121 135 150 220 230 361 428 435 453 476 488 509 556 563 797
Corpuscolar Interpretation 26
Correctness (of a theory) 531 533
Correlation 53
Correlation function 397
Correlation function for electromagnetic fields 82
Correlations, Short range 264
Correspondence principle 29 92
Correspondence rules 3 21
Cost 305
Costantini, D. 55
Counterfactuality 172 453 624 625 630
Coupling operator 519
Covariance 61 572
Covariance distance 734
Covariance of two observables 713
Covering property 163 789
Cr peau, Claude 746 747
Craig, W. 3
Creation operator 71 72 81
Croca, J. R. 482—484
Crutchfield, J. P. 717
Cufaro — Petroni, Nicola 55 561
Cummings, F. W. 83
Current Velocity 405
Cushing, James 3
Cutoff 76
Cycle-averaged Intensity 393
D rr, Detlef 558 561
Dagenais, Mario 402
Dakna 417
Dalembertian 69
Dalibard, Jean 393 399—401 608
Dalla Chiara, Maria — Luisa 219 505
Damping model of Decoherence 375
Daneri, Adriana 260 261
Daniel, D. J. 415
Dark output 486
Davidovich, L. 387 415 416 422 748 749
Davies, E. B. 40 41 46 48 54 60 87 88 129 166 168 223 240 291—295 297 298 301 365 366 394 719
Davisson, C. J. 26 29
de Broglie — Jacobi equation 474
de Broglie — Liouville equation 474
de Broglie, Louis 5 26 33 51 102 220 469 472— 475 478 510 544 557 558 561 562
De La Pena — Aurbach, Luis 407 623
De Maria, Michelangelo 281
De Martini, Francesco 615 638 749
de Matos Filho, R. L. 417
de Muynck, Willem 126 133 296 300 523—525
de Toledo Piza, A. F. R. 386
De Vito, E. 209
Decision see Definition
Decision Strategy 304 306
Decoherence 234 264 265 268 271 273—275 278 279 281 282 289 344 346 365 422 424 425 431 438 439 444 568
Decoherence functional 438 440
Decoherence parameter 387
Decoherence time 774 775
Decoherent histories 436—441 453
Decompression of Information 741
Definition 21 22 32 304
Definition of Measurement 215
Definition Problem, Quantum Mechanical 32
Degrees of Commutativity 297
Dehmelt, Hans 108 109 401 417
Delayed choice 146 177 445 446 448 450 451 461 624 635 717 796 798
Delgado, V. 184—186 703
Density matrix (operator) 40 54 58
Derka, R. 311
Descartes, Ren 798
description 21
Destouches — Fevrier, Paulette 505
Detection 215 304
Detection Operator 305
Detection Risk operator 306
Detector sensitivity 82 84
Determinative measurement 304 316
Determined Value Assumption 105 533 585 639
Determinism 121 543 565
Deutsch, David 657 711 713 745 760—762 764 765 771—772
DeVoe, R. G. 401
Devoret, Michel H. 150 426
Dewdney, C. 487 488 562 563
Dewey, John 149 304 452
DeWitt, Bryce S. 23 247 248 265
Di Giuseppe, G. 615 638
Di si, Lajos 368 411 441
Dicke, Robert H. 263 267 354 355
Dieks, Dennis 3 316 564 635
Diffraction 26 477
Dilworth, Craig 3
Dirac algebra 35
Dirac equation 69 70
Dirac field 73 83
Dirac matrices 70
Dirac picture see Interaction picture
Dirac, Paul 1 30—32 35 37—39 47—49 54 69—71 73 77 109 126
Direct Measurement 326
Discrete energy elements 18
Discrete Measurement 337
Discrete Observable 238
Discrete spectrum 38
Disjoint States 166 264
dispersion 54
Dispersion-free (state or observable) 54
Dispersion-free state 199 544
Dissipation 343
Distance between component states 414 423
Distinguishability 521
Distribution function 51 53
Distributive lattice 156 157
Distributivity 157 158 161 162 196
Disturbance 753 754 756
Ditchburn, Robert W. 127
DiVincenzo, David P. 737 764 771 772 774 778
Doebner, H. D. 569
Domokos, P. 764
Donald, Matthew J. 714
Dorsey, A. 378
Double solution 472
Dowling, J. P. 89—92
Dr hl, K. 457
Dragoman, D. 86
Drell, Sidney D. 65 69 70 73—76 427
Dresden, Max 76
Drever, R. W. P. 136 150 329—332 339
Dreyer, J. 413 422—424
Drieschner, Michael 21 54 124 155 156 161 171 172 192—195 296
Drobn , G. 498
Drummond, P. D. 599 682 683 719 766
Duane, William 26
Dummett, Michael 427 453
Duncan, A. J. 609 614
Dynamic variable 9 21
Dynamical Back-action 337
Dynamical Phase 205
Dynamics 22
D’Ariano, G. Mauro 414 494 722 723
d’Espagnat, Bernard 39 41 233 234 250 255 271 272 401 427 434 453 544 625
| Earman, John 104
Eberhard, Philippe H. 609 613 614 622 623 633 634
Eberly, Joseph H. 179 461 739
Ebit 749
Eder, G. 40
Effect 168 292 293 295 302 324 508 566 572 790 791
Effect Algebra 295
Ehrenfest theorem 31
Eibl, Manfred 749
Eichmann, U. 113
Eigenfrequencies assumption 100
Eigenfrequency 99
Eigenvalues, reality of 38
Einstein, Albert 4 5 25 26 38 67 102 105 106 117 121—124 138 146 188 445 447 469 482 529 531—536 541 557 798-800
Einstein’s experiment 122—124
Ekert, Artur K. 224 311 657 691 728 743—745 755 759 762 764 765 771 772 774 780 781
Ekstrom, P. 109
Elby, Andrew 249 269 270 544
Electron 71
Electrons’ Scattering 74
Elitzur, Avshalom C. 354 355 625
Elliptic Polarisation 58
Emch, G rard 65 79 89 166 167 174 567
Empty Wave 482 485 487 488
Enders, A. 700—702
Endo, Junji 26 698
Energy 18 19 177
energy levels 99 100
Energy operator 184—186
Energy representation 50
Energy velocity 699
Engelmann, F. 178
Englert, Berthold — Georg 137 140 142 143 224 457—459 517—521
Entanglement 42 43 53 169 426 456 476 583 641 789 790
Entanglement swapping 691
entropy 325
Environment 269 271 274—276 279—281 345 427 715 716 774 792
EPR — Correlation 53
erasure 775
Error Box 329
Error in the Measurement 126 325 331 333 335 336
Estebaranz, Jos 554
Estimate of the Wave Function 310
Estimation Risk operator 309
Estimators 308
Ether 561
Event 796
Everett, Hugh III 245—248 250 265 268 537 711
Exclusion Disjunction 171
Exclusion Negation 171
Exclusive Probability 397
Exclusiveness of Complementarity 136 515
expectation value 54 337
Experimental Contextuality, Principle of 28
Extended particle 568 569 571 792
External Time 446
F nyes, Imre 404
F rth, Reinhold 404
Fabeni, P. 700
Face 167
Factorisability 42 43 53 168 224
Faithful Measurement assumption 105 533
Fano, U. 40
Faridani, A. 498
Farmer, J. D. 717
Farnham, D. 109
Fearn, Heidi 142
Fei, X. 109
Fermi — Dirac statistics 54
Fermi, Enrico 54
Fermion 54
Ferrero, Miguel 3 613 614
Fertig, H. A. 703
Feyerabend, Paul 226 507—509
Feynman graphs 73 74
Feynman, Richard P. 26—28 63 64 196 269 382 696 760 795
Fiber 209
Fiber bundle 209
Fick, Eugene 178
Fidelity 728 750 751 753 756
Field intensity 82
Field Lagrangian function 71
Fields, Brian D. 495
Filter of Propositions 162 163 566
Fine, Arthur 171 220 296 552 615 617 618 664
Fine-graining 436
Finkelstein, David R. 1 20 26 149 168 170 174 492 507 796
First Noise operator 298
Fischer 37
Fisher, Matthew P. A. 378
Fleming, Gordon N. 367 368
Fluctuational Back-action 337 341
Fock state 79 84 136
Fock, V. A. 79 129 178 233
Fokker equation 404 405
Fokker — Planck equation 366 404
Folse, Henry 23 138 139 142 452
Fomin, S. V. 32 36 37
Fonseca Romero 367
Formal Interpretation 24
Formalism 3 21
Fortunato, Mauro 120 168 372 414 425 486 568 957
Foster, S. 544
Foulis, D. J. 295
Foundations 2 3 785
Fourier pair 297 477
Fourier series 36
Fourier transform 50
Franck 102
Franck — Condon transition 89 90
Franson, J. D. 93 110 112 673—675 677 678 683 684 687 795
Fraunhofer diffraction 26
Fraunhofer, Joseph 26
Freedman, S. J. 547 604 605
frequency 17 192 193 250
Frerichs, Vera 342
Fresnel diffraction 26
Fresnel, Augustin — Jean 26
Freyberger 498
Friedman, Michael 508
Froissart 661 663
Front velocity 699
Fry, Edward S. 537 600 601 605 614
Fuchs, Christopher A. 720 721 723 749—755
Fuchs, J rgen 31 56 62
Furry, W. H. 51 258 584
Furusawa, A. 749 750
G hler, R. 481
G del, Kurt 169 428 445
Gabrielse, G. 109
Gale, W. 303 495
Galilei group 61 62 67 133 570 572
Galilei, Galileo 798
Galindo, A. 190
Gallavotti, Giovanni 568
Gallis, Michael R. 367 368
Ganga 210
Gao, Shiwu 368 369
GarciarAlcaine, Guillermo 554
Gardiner, Crispin W. 84—86 370 379 380 414 419
Garg, Anupam 378 615 619 666 668—671 684
Garibaldi, U. 55
Garola, Claudio 170 556
Garraway 412
Garrison, J. C. 699
Garuccio, A. 610 614 653
Gausson 478
GearBanacloche, Julio 461 462
Geiger, H. 29
Geisel 101
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