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Auletta G. — Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics |
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Gell — Mann, Murray 248 435—441 443
Generators of the Group symmetry 62
Geodesic line 209
Geometric phase 203 205—207 209 696 790
Gerasimchuk, A. J. 179
Gerlach, Walther 55
Germer, L. H. 26 29
Geroult, Martial 798
Gerry, Christopher C. 625 689 690
Ghirardi, Gian Carlo 234 340 408 410 634
Ghose, Parta 109 146 521 522 687
Ghosh, R. 683
GHSZ State 631 633 640 663
GHZ state 628 633
Gibbs ensemble 405
Gibbs state 366 367
Gilbert, S. L. 481
Gilligan, J. 113
Gisin, Nicolas 234 411 441 482 492 651 652 657 744 745 750 751 755—757
Giulini, D. 176
Glauber, Roy J. 80 82 85 86
Gleason theorem 1 199—202 790
Gleason, Andrew 1 199—202 547 549
Glymour, Clark 508
Gnedenko, B. V. 51 53 54 191 193—196
Godel theorem 428
Goetsch, Peter 411
Goldenberg, Lior 777
Goldstein, Sheldon 558 561 637 640
Gorini, Vittorio 366
Gottesman, Daniel 778
Gould, P. 417
Gr ssing, Gerhard 487
Grabowski, Marian 1 31 41 50 54 61 72 77 81 86—88 118—120 127 131 177 179 189 190 215 216 225 232 234 237 238 241 292—295 297 298 301 303 304 317 496 711
Graham, Neill 250 768
Graham, Robert 411
Grangier, Philippe 26 110 111 339 402 501 521 606 608 609 687
Granik, A. 568
Gravitational lens 445
Gravitational waves 351
Green function 63 65
Green, H. S. 258
Greenberger — Yasin inequality 517
Greenberger, Daniel 40 43 93 459—461 516 517 628—633 729 730
Griffin, James J. 386
Griffiths, Robert B. 433 435 444 452
Grot, Norbert 179 180 182—184
Group 61
Group velocity 699
Grover, Lov K. 779 780
Grunhaus, J. 745
Gudder, Stanley P. 51—53 63 127 158—160 162 165 166 193—196 199 232 296 543 545 547 550
Gueret, P. 561
Guerra, Francesco 408
Guth, E. 303 495
H nsch, Theodor 417
Haag, Rudolf 35 53 60 67 146 166 167 222 291 292 452 455 466 796
Haak, Susan 508
Haake, Fritz 373 411
Habib, Salman 80 366 386 387
Hacyan, S. 691
Hadamard transform 778 780
Hadjisavvas, N. 47
Hafner, Meinrad 356
Hagley, E. 413 422—424
Haji — Hassan 614
Hall, A. Rupert 477
Halliwell, Jonathan J. 179 441
Hamacher, K. 210
Hamilton — Jacobi equation 10 34 557
Hamilton, William R. 9 798
Hamiltonian of the Klein — Gordon field 72 81
Hamming distance 778
Hanson, Norwood R. 138
Hardegree, Gary 155 156 162 170 172 624
Hardy, Lucien 484—487 489 501 555 563 625 635— 639 749
harmonic oscillator 35 72 81
Haroche, Serge 387 413 415 416 422—424 461 748 749 764
Harris, S. E. 93
Hartle, James B. 248 435—441 443
Hass, Klaus 699
Hasse diagram 160
Hauge, E. H. 699
Haunted Measurement 459 461
Haus, H. A. 347 349 351 352
Hausladen, Paul 779
Hawking, Stephen W. 436
Healey, R. 105
Heat bath 365
Heelan, Patrick A. 162
Hegerfeldt, Gerhard C. 187
Heiberg, L. 615
Heidmann, Antoine 402
Heinzen, D. J. 339 341 342 481
Heisenberg Assumption 125
Heisenberg microscope experiment 125 127 448
Heisenberg pair 31
Heisenberg picture 48
Heisenberg, Werner 1 4 29 30 32 37 47 89 101 104 115 117 118 121 125—128 142 187 358 448 509 511
Heisenberg’s first Interpretation 102 103
Heisenberg’s later Interpretation 509—511
Helicity 55
Hellmuth 445 450 451
Hellwig, K. — E. 233
Helmerson, K. 109
Helstrom, Carl W. 41 294 301 304 305 307—309 311
Hempel, Carl G. 507 624
Hepp, Klaus 263—265
Herbert, Nick 635 722
Herkommer, A. 498
Hermite polinomials 35
Hermitian operator 47
Hermiticity 178
Hertz 102
Herzberg, G. 203
Herzog, Thomas 113—115 146 355—357 446 502 503
Hey wood, P. 553
Hiai, Fumio 714
Hibbs, A. R. 63 64
Hidden variable 177 199 529 543
Hidden Variable Theory 196 403 434 469 543—556 589 591 640 751
Hidden Variable, Non-contextuality of HV Theories 550 553
Hilbert space 36 159 160 164—166 171 173—175 180 199—201 789
Hilbert space of a compound system 37
Hilbert, David 37
Hiley, B. J. 22 146 250 405 407 408 557—562
Hilgevoord, J. 121 129—133 137
Hill, R. W. 88 647
Hillery, Mark A. 87 643 645 647—649 724 725 727 728 741
Hioe, F. 739
history 436
Hole theory 70
Holevo, A. S. 38 44 45 47 50 52 54 60 62 80 86 88 119 127—129 162 177 178 195 296 301 302 306 325 718 719 770 779
Holism 561
Holland, Peter R. 475 476 482 487 488 557 558 693
Holmes, C. A. 414
Holt, Richard A. 547 592 593 598 599 604
Home, Dipankar 106 107 109 129 146 521 522 687
Hong, C. K. 146 502 687 693
Hooker, C. A. 585 588
Horne, Michael A. 43 479—481 592 593 595—598 601 602 628—633 691
Horodecki, Michael 650 656 658
Horodecki, Pawel 650 656 658
Horodecki, Ryszard 650 656 658
Horton, G. 563
Horwich, Paul 445
Howard, Don 533
Hradil, Z. 498
Huang, Kerson 11 54 260 566
Huelga, Susana F. 613
| Hughes, R. I. G. 44 61 105
Hulet, Randall G. 402 415
Husemoller, D. 209
Husimi, Kodi 85 161
Husserl, Edmund 149
Huttner, Bruno 492 744 755 757
Hydrodynamical model of QM 403 472 558 561
Hydrogen atom 31
Hypermaximal Operator 37
Hypothesis 304 305
I Bell inequality 591 664
I Statistical UR 127
Idealism 446
Identity operator 45
Idler Photon 93 94 609
Ignorance Interpretation 106 107 113 121 248 403 529
II Bell inequality 593 644
II Statistical UR 127 128
III Bell inequality 594 684 731 744
III Statistical UR 128
Il Kim, Ji 386
Imamo lu, A. 463 492
Imoto, Nobuyuki 223 323 394
Implication 172
Imry, Yoseph 358 382 386
Incoherent Superposition 40
Indetermination 28
Indeterminism (of QM) 104
Indirect measurement 326 327 335
Infinite-valued Implication 508
Infinite-valued Logic 508
Information-theoretic Bell inequality 731 790
Informational completeness 302 304 547 577
Informational distance 733
Integral of motion 328
Intensity 203 205 516
Interaction picture 49
Interaction-free Measurement 126 261 343 353 356 358 486
Interference 26 40 82 89—91 109 131 132 203 514 515
Interference fringes Number of Fringes 131
Interpretation 2 21 103 361 785
Intersubjectivity 232
inversion 462
Irani, K. D. 102
Irreducibility 163 196
Irreversibility 215 714 791
Isar, Aurelian 400
Isolated system 42 433 452 456 791
It , K. 411
Itano, Wayne 113 339 341 342 402 414 417 481 764
IV Bell inequality 596 617 660 664 682
Ivanovic, I. D. 316 495
Jackiw, R. 210
Jacobi equation, classical 474
Jacobi, C. G. J. 10 474
Jacobs, K. 411 425 738
Jacobson, D. L. 210
Jadczyk, A. 254 401
Jaeger, Gregg 317
Jakeman, E. 675
Jakubowicz, O. 451
Jamin Interferometer 112
Jammer, Max 3 18 20 26 29—31 35 37 47 99— 102 105 106 117 121 123 124 127—129 135 136 138 139 142 155 162 166 168 170 173 174 177 178 216 219 220 225 226 231 234 245 257 258 260 261 267 358 403—405 407 445 472 476 505-510 531 532 534 543 544 547 566 583 584 795
Japha, Y. 699
Jarrett, J. 544 634
Jauch — Piron State 660
Jauch, Joseph 21 39 45 51 54 61 62 107 157 162—164 166 172 174 176 194—196 199 215 217 243 261 296 543 546 547 566 588
Javanainen, J. 401
Jaynes — Cummings model 83 538
Jaynes, Edwin 192
Jeffert, S. R. 417
Jensen, Paul 138
Jericha, E. 281 517
Jex, I. 498
Jiao, H. 210
Joint measurability of non-commuting Observ¬ables 296
Jones, R. 615
Joos, E. 224 225 258 261 271 272 277 281 344 367 368 387—390 392 410—412 426 440 456 717 796
Jordan, Pascual 31 32 37 47 138 162 165 166 257
Jordan, Thomas F. 145 634 637
Josephson, Brian D. 150
Jozsa, Richard 657 720 723 745—747 751 759 762 765 770—772 774 779
Judge, D. 119
Jump 23 99 100 393 396 398 400—402 411 567 792
Jump operator 398 463
K rtner, F. X. 347 349 351 352
K bler, O. 263
K hn, H. 498
Kaiser, H. 210 697 698
Kakazu, Kiyotaka 299
Kaminski, Jerzy 18—20
Kant, Immanuel 796
Kar, G. 665
Kasevich, Mark A. 355—357
Kastler, Daniel 53 166 167 291 292
Kawasaki, Takeshi 26 698
Kaye, R. D. 558
Keller, Matthias 285
Kelley, P. L. 394 396
Kemble, Edwin, C. 495
Kempermann inequality 654
Kennard, E. H. 118
Kennedy, T. A. B. 414
Kernaghan, Michael 554
Ketzmerick, R. 101
Khalfin — Tsirelson inequality 645
Khalfin, Leonid A. 149 339 643—645
Khalili, Farid Y. 118 125 126 221 223 295 323— 327 329 331 333 335 336 338 340 341 452
Kiefer, Claus 176 439 454
Kienzler, P. 666
Kiess, T. E. 611 612
Kijowski, J. 184
Kimble, H. Jeffrey 393 401 402 749 750
Kinematic Variable 9 184
King, B. E. 414 417 418 420 421 764
Kischko, U. 40 58
KISS 498
Kitagawa, Masahiro 463
Klein — Gordon equation 69
Klein — Gordon field 71 83
Klein, A. G. 481 697 698
Klein, Norbert 461
Klein, Oscar 37 69
Kleiner, W. H. 394 396
Kleinpoppen, H. 609 614
Kleppner, Daniel 415
Kn ll, L. 417
Knight, Peter L. 224 346 387 401 411 412 414— 416 425 461 499 657 693 737 739 741
Knill, Emanuel 778
Kochen — Specker Theorem 551 552 554—556 790
Kochen, Simon 550 551 553 564
Kogut, J. 76
Kolmogorov, A. N. 32 36 37
Komar, A. 253
Kono, N. 225 272 388
Korn, Arthur 403 472
Kossakowski, Andrzej 366
Koyr , Alexandre 800
Kramers, H. A. 29 509
Kraus, Karl 33 40 41 48 51 52 77 233 257 292 293 295 711
Kraut, S. 101
Krenn, G nter 641
Kruse, K. 101
Kruszy ski, P. 296
Krylov, N. S. 129 178
Kudaka, S. 299
Kuhn, Thomas S. 3 18 24 800
Kurizki, G. 699
Kwiat, Paul G. 28 93 145—148 210 355—358 446 459 502 503 600 601 609 611—614 622 675—677 699 750 764
Kyprianidis, A. 55 487 488
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