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Auletta G. — Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics |
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L vy — Leblond, Jean — Marc 119 128 189 478
L ders, Gerhart 223 225
La Porta, A. 339 414
Laflamme, Raymond 772 774 778
Lagrange operator 306 308 310
Lagrange, Joseph — Louis 10 798
Lagrangian density 71
Lagrangian function 10
Lahti, Pekka J. 1 31 41 45 50 54 61 72 77 81 86—88 107 118—120 127 128 131 136 177 179 189 190 209 215 216 225 231 232 234 235 237—241 243 249 253 255 256 271 272 292—295 297 298 302—304 317 452 496 665 666 711 713
Lamb, Willis E. jr 216 217 263
Lamehi — Rachti 606
Land , Alfred 566
Landau inequality 645
Landau, H. J. 131
Landau, Lawrence J. 607 644—646 684 685
Landau, Lev D. 9 10 32 33 36 37 39 40 47 50 56 57 128
Landauer, Rolf 568 699 760 774
Landsberg, P. 107 130 569
Lanford, O. E. 264
Langevin — Ito equation 411
Lanz, Ludovico 367 408
Larchuk 675
Larmor clock 186
Latent order System 459
Lattice 156
Laudan, Larry 102 220 291
Laurikainen, K. V. 118
Law of Large Numbers 193
Leavens, C. R. 563 699
Lebowitz, Joel L. 263 312
Lefevre, V. 415
Leggett, Anthony J. 367 375 376 378 426 556 684 699
Leibfried, D. 414 764
Leibniz, Gottfried W. 510 798
Leichtle, C. 417 462
Leighton, R. B. 26—28 696 795
Leonhardt, Ulf 498 499
Lepore, V. 653
Levenson, M. D. 339
Levrero, A. 209
Lewenstein, Maciej 649
Lewis, David 172 248 446
Lewis, J. 168 240
Li, Shifang 614
Lichtner, Peter C. 386
Lie algebra 62
Lie group 62
Lieb, Elliot H. 263 365 710 711 716
Lifshitz, Evgenij 9 10 32 33 36 37 39 47 50 56 57
Limiting Assumption 29
Lindblad master equation 366
Lindblad superoperator 366
Lindblad, G ran 365 710 711 714—716
Line bundle 208
Linear Measurement 335—337
Linear operator 32
Linear polarisation 58
Liouville equation 11 22 49 87 366 474
Liouville, Joseph 11 22 49 366 474
Little Measuring device 215
Liu, X. — J. 283
Lloyd, Seth 716 761—763 771
lmer, Klaus 393 399 400
Locality 532 633 694
Localizability 571
localization 426 454 567
Localization requirement 216 217
Lochak, Georges 474
Logic 158
Loinger, A. 260 261
London, Fritz 47 231
Longuet — Higgins, H. C. 203
Lorentz boost transformation 68
Lorentz invariance 561
Lorentz transformation 67 68
Lorentz, Hendrik A. 26 67 101
Lorenzen, Paul 170
loss 775
Loss, Daniel 764
Louisell, W. H. 93 119 120
Lu, C. 88
Ludwig, G nther 20 29 52 160 162 217 234 257 292 293
Luk cz, B. 411
Lukasiewicz, Jan 505
Lyons, Lpuis 427
M 0
M ller 498
M ller, A. 745
Ma tre, X. 413 422—424
Maali, A. 413 422—424
Maassen, H. 712
Mabuchi, H. 463 464
Macchiavello, Chiara 657 728 745 759 771 772 774 780 781
Mach — Zehnder interferometer 97
Machida, Ken 225 388
Machida, Shigeru 215 216 229 232 256 258 260 261 279 281 283
Mackey, George W. 163 168 196
Macroscopical Apparatus 150
Maczynski, Maciej J. 128 161 173 197 663—666 735
Madelung, Erwin 403 472 558
Mahler, G nter 285 739 740
Malus law 52
Mamojka, B. 711
Mancini, Stefano 408 411 425
Mandel photoelectron counting formula 394 682
Mandel, Leonard 94 108—110 146 267 268 393 394 402 501 502 516 608—611 638 675 682 683 687 693
Mandelstam, L. 129
Mandelstamm — Tamm inequality 129
Mann, A. 655 656 684 689 746 749
Many — World Interpretation 245 247 248 251 427 436 440 453 454 760
Man’ko, Vladimir I. 408 411 425
Marchand, Jean — Paul 714
Margenau, Henry 88 216 223 245 509 532 567 647
Margolus, Norman 764
Maricz, A. 55
Markovian process 366 399 715
Marshall, Trevor W. 501 614
Marte 397
Martens, Hans 126 300 523—525
Martienssen, W. 675
Martin 699
Martinis, John 150 426
Master equation 366 369
Matrix mechanics 31 37
Matsuda, Tsuyoshi 26 698
Mattie, Klaus 611—613 749 750
Mattioli, G. 281
Maximal joint Information 713
Maximal operator 37
Maxwell demon 226
Maxwell, James C. 149 798
Mayr, E. 498
McCullen, J. D. 224 265 267
McKinsey, J. C. C. 505 507
McLaren 162
Mead, C. Alden 203
Mean intensity 84
Measure of Correlation 647
Measure of Entanglement 224
Measure of the interference pattern 132
Measurement 21 125 126 791
Measurement of first kind 217 222 224 225 230 232 241 282 323 332
Measurement of second kind 217
Measurement process 220
Measurement scheme 237
Measurement state 307
Measurement statistics 215
Measurement unitary evolution 325 326
Mecozzi, Antonio 414
Meekhof, D. 414 417 418 420 421 764
| Mensky, Michael B. 464
Mermin, N. D. 550 554—556 613 615 619 666 668—671 683 684 690 731 745
Messiah, A. 129
Metatheory of QM 104
Meystre, Pierre 415
Microcanonical equilibrium 258
Migdall, A. 146
Miglietta, F. 234
Milburn, G. J. 54 79—84 87 268 269 323 372—375 378 390 404 414 415 425 426 464 717
Mills, Robert 73 74 76 77
Minimum Bayes Cost 306
Minkowski space 68
Miquel, Cesar 778
Misra, B. 339 546
Mitchell, Jay R. 358
Mittelstaedt, Peter 3 45 107 169 170 172 215 219 227—229 231 232 235—241 243 249 253 255 256 270—272 294 295 303 428 452 455 507 509 510 521—523 666 729 731
Mittig, W. 606
Mixed state 40 41
Mixed State, Degree of Mixtureness 42
Mixed State, Improper Mixture 52 271 281
Mixed State, L ders Mixture 225 239 325
Mixed State, Mixture requirement 225
Mixed State, Proper Mixture 271
Mixture see Mixed State
Mizobuchi, Yutaka 521
Mlynek, J. 498
Modal Interpretation 563 564
Modal logic 248 510 624
Model 3 155 168
Modular lattice 157
Modularity 157 158 162
Mohler, E. 675
moment 54
Momentum operator 50
Momentum representation 50
Monken, C. H. 638
Monroe, C. 414 417 418 420 421 764
Moore, F. 109
Moore, M. A. 345
Mosca 780 781
Moussa, M. H. Y. 748
Moyal, Jose E. 87
MoyarCessa, H. 416 461
Muga, J. G. 184—186 703
Mugibayashi, Nobumichi 342
Mugnai, D. 700
Munro, W. J. 682 683
Murdoch, Dugald 20 23 26 121 123 137 138 149 532 585 799
Mutual information 719 732
Mycielski, Jerzy 478 479 482 711
Nagaoka, Hiroshi 223
Nagel, Ernst 22 507
Nairz, Olaf 358
Nakamura, K. 655
Nakazato, Hiromichi 281 342
Namiki, Mikio 215 216 225 229 232 256 258 260 261 265 272 279 281 283 342 343 388
Narozhny, N. B. 461
Nathel, H. 210
Nauenberg 267
Negative energy 69—71
Negative probability 69 70 564
Negentropy 710 716 718
Nelson, Edward 405—407
Nemes, M. C. 367 386
Neopositivism 3 624
Neuhauser, W. 402
Neumann, H. 160 162
Newton — Wigner Position operator 189 575
Newton, Isaac 10 124 477 798
Newton, R. G. 190
Newton, T. D. 189
Newtonian time 441
Newton’s Second Law 10
Nicholson, A. F. 404
Nielsen, M. A. 465 747 748
Niemann, P. 640
Nieto 189 190
Nimtz, G. 700—702
Noel, Michael W. 417
Noise 337
Non — Markovian process 367
Non-exclusive Probability 397
Non-linear Measurement 335 337 338
Non-linear Schr dinger equation 478 480 482
Non-locality 561 640
Non-orthogonal States 316
Normality 36
Number operator 72 73 79 119 120
objectification 170 235 791
Objectification requirement 238
Objective interpretation of Probability 192
Observable 21 38 293
Observation (see also Measurement) 226 304
Observational Strategy 308
Observed System 215
Observer 215 226 231 232
Occupation number 80
Ochs, Wilhelm 711
Ockham, William of 6 169
Ogawa, Tetsuo 223 394
Ohmic Reservoir 367
Ohtak , Yoshiyuki 521
Ohya, Masanori 709—711 715 716 719
Olkhovsky, Vladislav S. 179 699
Omero, C. 340
Omn s, Roland 435
Ontological commitment 103
Ontological commitment, Principle of theorie’s 117 532
Opat, G. I. 697 698
Opatrn 417 499
Open Logic 2
Open system 291
Operation 237 292 293 791
Operational approach 2 21 103 117 149 193 194 196 452 456 511 793 797
Operational Stochastic QM 291 294 298 302 319 321
Operator Postulate 32
Optical coherence 82
Orbital angular momentum 56 119
Orthocomplemented lattice 157
Orthocomplemented POSet 158 198
Orthogonality 36
Orthogonality of Projectors 45 324
Orthomodular lattice 158 159
Orthomodularity 158 162 198 789
Orthonormality 36
Osakabe, Nobuyuki 698
Oshman, M. K. 93
Osmotic Velocity 406 407
Ou, Z. Y. 146 502 609—611 675 682 683
Overall width 131—133 772
Ozawa, Masanao 232 297 298 719
O’Connell, R. F. 87 269
P-function 86 87
Packard, N. H. 717
Page, Don N. 439 715
Pagonis, Constantine 477 486 556
Pair annihilation 71
Pair production 71
Pais, Abraham 121
Palma Massimo G. 745 755 774
Pan, Jian — Wei 749
Pancharatnam, S. 203—205
Papaliolios, C. 547 604
Parallel transport 206 209
Parametric Down Conversion 93 600
Parisi, Giorgio 71 80 405
Park, David 128
Park, James L. 41—43 495
Partial trace 52
Participation 455 796
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