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Brezinski C. — History of Continued Fractions and Padé Approximants |
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Sokhotski, Jan V. 444
Sommerfeldt, Ernst 257 444 445
Sonine, Nikolaj Jakovlevic 445
Sonnet, Hippolyte Michel Louis Joseph 258 445
Soschino, C. 258 435
Speckmann, Gerhard 445
Spectral theory 230 286
Speiser, Andreas 445
Spencer, Vivian Eberle 445
Spiess, Otto 445
Spitzer, Simon 256 445
Spoglianti, Maria 486
Spottiswoode, William 144 445
Square root 9 12 62 99 181 185
Sratemeyer, Gottfried 445
Srinivasiengar, C.N. 486
Sripati 31
Stahl, Konrad Dietrich Martin 256 445
Steen, Adolf 257 445
Stefanelli, Riccardo 445
Steggall, John Edward Aloysius 446
Stein, A. 446
Steinhaus, Hugo 486
Steinmetz, Charles Proteus 50 310 446
Steinthal, A. 446
Stekloff, Wladimir Andrejewitch 257 446
Stephen, L. 487
Stern, Maritz Abraham 48 143 145 147 174 178 180 183 184 187 189 192 193 225 239 256 258 285 446
Stevin, Simon 27 29 446 467
Stewart, B.M. 487
Stickelberger, Ludwig 297 376
Stieltjes, Thomas Jan 79 100 192 193 206 219 223 224 225 227 234 239 246 268 285 286 287 288 290 291 295 303 310 329 335 337 446 447 467
Stifel, Michel (Stifelius) 58 447
STIRLING, JAMES 130 336 447
Stoermer, Fredrik Carl Muelertz 153 269 447
Stolz, Otto 147 162 187 188 258 284 310 447 448
Stone, Edmund 47 448
Stone, Marshall Harvey 291 448
Stouvenel, V. 152 448
Str. 448
Stranden, G. 448
Strang, J.A. 448
Strehlke, Friedrich 256 448
Streit, Friedrich Wilhelm 448
Stridsberg, Erik 448
Struik, Dirk Jan 487
Strutt, Maximilien Julius Otto 448
Struve, Jacob 256 448
Stuart, George Henry 448
Studnicka, Franz Joseph 184 449
Sturm sequence 165
Sturm, Jacques Charles Francois 164 165 181 205 238 256 293 449
Sulvasutras 18
Sun Tzu 37
Sundman, Karl Frithiof 449
Surd 128
Suryadasa 19
Suzanne, P.H. 257 449
Svesnikov, P. 449
Svetlov, A. 449
Swetz, F.J. 487
Sylvester, James Joseph 50 60 82 104 144 238 293 305 362 449 450 467
Syzygetic relations 238
Szabo, Arpad 256 450 487
Szasz, Otto 270 285 291 353 388 450 451 467
Szegoe, Gabor 311 451 467 487
Szekeres, George 266 451
Szenik 257 451
Ta-yen 37
Tait, Peter Guthrie 170
Takebe, Kenko 91 128
Talkhis 20
Tallo Y Bauza, Juan 451
Tamarkin, Jacob David 486
Tannery, Jules 196 451
Tannery, Paul 7 8 10 15 16 467 487
Tano, Florestano 184 451
Tartler, Alexander 452
Tatarinov, I.V. 452
Taton, Rene 487 488
Taube, Gotthold 452
Tauber, Alfred 310 452
Taylor, Angus Ellis 488
Taylor, Brook 292 298 299 303 345
Tedenat, Pierre 452
Teixeira, Francisco Gomes 206 257 452
Tellkampf, Johann Dietrich Adolf 257 452
Tenner, Gottwalt Wilhelm 105 178 452
Terquem, Olry 258 452 488
Thaarup, Frederik 452
Theaetetus 6
Theon of Alexandria 13 29
Theon of Smyrna 13 16 40 41 452
Theon's method 13
Thiele's expansion formula 302
Thiele, Thorvald Nicolai 162 301 304 452
Thiolier 256 453
Thomae, Johannes Karl 453
Thomas, Ivor 488
Thome, Ludwig Wilhelm 188 194 225 453
Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth 488
Thron, Wolfgang Joseph 479
Thue, Axel 269 453 467
Tietze, Heinrich Franz Friedrich 270 298 310 453 488
Tijdeman, R. 488
Tilling, L. 477
Tits, L. 453
Tobisch, Johann Karl 257 453
Tocchi, Luigi Stefano Antonio 453
Todhunter, Isaac 258 453
Toeplitz, Otto 230 287 288 386 454
Torrance, Charles Chapman 311 359
Transcendence of 208
Transcendence of e 207
Transcendental numbers 159 262
Transfinite numbers 168
Trembley, Jean 100 257 454
Trendelenburg, Adolf 239
Trjitzinsky, Waldemar Joseph 454
Tropfke, Johannes 454 488
Trudi, Nicola 217 454
Tsu Ch'ung-Chih 8 90
Tucker, Robert 256
Tuppy, J. 454
Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques 125
Turkevich, John 488
Turkevich, Ludmilla B. 488
Turnbull, Herbert Westren 154 301 310 454 488
Tweedie, Charles 488
Tzavoukhe, Theodor 23
Udny Yule, G. 488
Ulam, Stanislaw Marcin 479
Ullrich Egon Leopold Maria 311 406
Unger, Ephraim Salomon 257 454
Unitary fractions 54 59
Ursell, Harold Douglas 266 425
Uspensky, James Victor 206 454
Vacca, Giovanni Enrico Eugenio 454
Vaeisaelae, Kalle 270 455
Vahlen, Karl Theodor 149 153 159 270 310 455
Valentiner, E.C. 455
| Valiron, Georges 270 455 488
Vallejo, Jose Mariano 257 258 455
Van Aubel, H. 183
Van Ceulen, Ludolph 81 89 362
van de Vooren, Willem Louis 455
van der Poorten, A. 488
van der Waerden, Bartel Leendert 42 488 see B.L."
van Schooten, Frans 70
van Vleck, Edward Burr 163 188 225 235 250 253 257 284 285 291 306 455
Vaney, Felix 425
Vassilief, Alexander Vassiliewitsch 203 488
Veblen, Oswald 209
Velimin, Volodimir Petrovich 455
Veltmann, Wilhelm 257 456
Venkatesan, K. 469
Venkov, Boris Alexeyevich 488
Verbeeck, Maria 310 456
Verblunsky 290
Verebriusov, Aleksandr Stepanovic 256 456
Vernet, J. 488
Verriest, G. 488
Viete, Francois 22 71 72 314 320 467
Vijayaraghavan, Tirukkannapuram 265 456
Villafane Y Vinals, Jose Maria 258 456
Vincent, Alexandre Joseph Hidulphe 163 456
Vinci, Leonardo of 8
Viola, Tullio 489
Virey, Julien Joseph 489
Viskovatoff, Basilius 190 456
Vitali, Giuseppe 230 456
Vogel, Kurt Otto Hermann 489
Volk, Otto 456
Volpicelli, Paolo 172 456
Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet dit 125
Volwahsen, Andreas 489
von Blumenthal, Ludwig Otto 291 355
von Ettingshausen, Johannes Andreas Jakob 257 373
von Forstner, Alexander Freiherr 257 375
von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang 170
von Koch, Niels Fabian Helge 189 233 285 397
von Lommel, Eugen Cornelius Joseph 196 407
von Mangoldt, Hans Karl Friedrich 310 397 410
von Naegelsbach, Hans 256 419
von Neumann, John 230
von Pidoll, Max Freiherr 310 428
von Seidel, Philipp Ludwig 187 189 192 193 196 284 439
von Soldner, Johann Georg 100 444
von Thielmann, M. 269 452
von Wand, Theodor 256 458
von Weber, Eduard 459
Voronoy, Georgy Fedoseevich 257 457
Vorsselman de Herr, Pieter Otto Coenrad 256 457
Vucinich, Alexander 489
Wafelaar, Petrus Franciscus 256 457
Waldschmidt, Michel 489
Walfisz, Arnold 457
Wall, Hubert Stanley 228 291 405 457 458 489
Wallis, John 33 37 45 51 72 77 83 84 89 94 98 101 102 104 112 113 121 122 126 144 147 458 467
Walsh, Joseph Leonard 458 486
Walton, William 256 458
Wang, L. 489
Wantzel, Pierre Laurent 112 458
Waring, Edward 126 324 458
Warusfel, Andre 489
Watson, George Neville 271 272 458 459
Webb, Robert Rumsey 459
Weber, Heinrich Martin 310 326 459
Weber, K. 459
Weber, Werner 459
Wedderburn, Joseph Henry Maclagan 154 310 459
Wei Chih 9
Weierstrass, Karl Theodor Wilhelm 209 239 459 467
Weil, Andre 106 489
Weis, Friedrich Adam Rudolf 459
Weiss, Adam 256 459
Weissenborn, Hermann 459
Weld, Laenas Gifford 61 258 459
Wells, Webster 258 460
Wellstein, Josef 310 326 459
Wenceslaus, Martin 57 460
Wendlandt, Heinrich 165 460
Wentworth, George Albert 258 460
Werebrusow, A. see "Verebriusoy A.S."
Wertheim, Gustav 257 460
West, Emile 236 489
Weve, Louis 311 460
Weyl, Hermann Klaus Hugo 170 489
Weyr, Eduard 257 460
Weyr, Emil 460
Wezel, J. Ludwig 178 185 460
Whipple, Francis John Welsh 460
Whish, Charles M. 84 489
Whiteside, Derek Thomas 489
Whitford, Edward Everett 40 73 264 460 489
Whitrow, M. 490
Whittaker, Edmund Taylor 305 308 310 460 490
Whittaker, J.M. 490
Whitworth, William Allen 256 263 266 460
Wieleitner, H. 310 460
Wijthoff, Willem Abraham 368
Wilczynski, Stanislas 460
Willers, Friedrich Adolf 434
Willgrod, Heinrich Christoph 257 460
Williams, John D. 258 461
Wilson, Rowland 298 461
Wilton, John Raymond 461
Wincler, Anton 257 461
Winter, E. 491
Wintner, Aurel Friedrich 310 461
Woelffing, Ernst 257 310 490
Woepcke, Franz 19 21 490
Wolstenholme, Joseph 258 461
Wood, James 257 461
Woodward, Robert Simpson 413
Worms de Romilly 461
Woronoi see "Voronoy"
Worpitzky, Julius Daniel Theodor 188 258 285 461
Wright, Chauncey 461
Wright, Edward Maitland 311 385
Wrinch, Dorothy Maud 461
Wussing, Hans 490
Wuytack, Luc 490
Wynn, Peter 490 491
Xylander, Guglielmus (Wilhelm Holzmann) 29
Young, John Radford 258 461
Young, John Wesley A. 462
Young, Laurence Chisholm 491
Young, William Henry 304 462
Youschkevitch, Adolf-Andrej Pavlovic 491
Zampieri, Joseph 257 462
Zdimal, Al. 462
Zeisel, Marie 266 462
Zeller, Christian Julius Johannes 257 462
Zeros of equations 116 131 142 160
Zeuthen, Hieronymus Georg 491
Zimmermann, Wladimir 462
Zinner, Ferdinand 462
Zolotareff, Egor Ivanovich 200 398 462
Zullig, J. 270 310 462
Zurl, Erna 462
Zygmund, Antoni 462
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