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Brezinski C. — History of Continued Fractions and Padé Approximants |
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Предметный указатель |
Ozanam, Jacques 54 122 423
Pacioli, Luca (Luca de Burgo) 65 423
Pade approximation 90 128 191 201 225 233 236 292
Pade table 235
Pade — Hermite approximation 246 300
Pade, Henri Eugene 90 102 124 128 155 191 192 195 201 214 225 231 233 235 236 239 244 249 286 291 292 298 299 301 308 339 344 423 424 425 466
Painleve, Paul 293 339
Painvin, Louis Felix 144
Pais, Abraham 483
Paley, Raymond Edward Alan Christopher 266 425
Palmstroem, Arnfinn 257
Panckoucke, Charles Joseph 125
Pappus 6 319
Paramesvara 31
Parke, N.G. 483
Pascal, Blaise 82
Pascal, Ernesto 49 310 425
Paschoud, Maurice 425
Pasternak, Leon 425
Peano, Giuseppe 49 310 425 466
Pearson, Karl 310 425
Pearson, Margaret Victoria Child 310 425
Peck, William Guy 258 369
Peet, Thomas Eric 483
Peirce, Benjamin 257 425
Pell's equation 39 72 88 104 112 118 122 177 263
Pell, John 39 88 104 106 113 177 178 183 261 264
Pellet, Auguste Eliacin Claude 425
Pepin, Theophile 425
Pepper, Paul Milton 266 425
Perez de Moya, Juan 22 26 426
Periodic continued fraction 48 99 105 127 161
Perkins, George Roberts 258 426
Perna, Alfredo 426
Perron, Oskar 34 47 155 162 203 223 261 264 265 285 291 310 426 427
Perry, John 310 427
Petersen, Julius Peter Christian 258 427
Petersson, Hans 427
Petr, Karel 427
Petruck, M. 480
Petter 256 427
Pezzi, Francesco 177 427
Philipps, Edgar Giraldus 427
Phyllotaxis 170
Pi ( ) 8 10 70 77 89 111 121 134 151 207 208
Picard, Charles Emile 158 186 210 211 246 249 283 292 293 339 483
Picou, G. 256 428
Pieron, D. 258 431
Pilatte 428
Pillai, Sivasankaranarayana S. 365 428
Pincherle, Salvatore 155 189 223 246 247 257 270 310 428 429 466 483
Pipping, Nils Johan 269 429
Pisani, Felix 173 429
Pisot, Charles Jean 362 429 483
Pistor, T.L. 178 429
Plakhowo, N. 429
Plana, Giovanni Antonio Amedeo 173 429
Planude, Maxime 22 429
Plato 13 15 320
Pleskot, Anton 172 429
Plooij, E.B. 483
Poggendorff, Johann Christian 484
Poincare, Jules Henri 146 169 227 231 249 270 292 293 335 339 429 466 484
Poinsot, Louis 146 429
Poivert, Gilles 293 296
Polvani, Giovanni 59 430
Polya, Georg 281 310 430 466
Poole, Edgar Girard Croker 430
Porcelli, Onofrio 430
Portella, A. 480
Porter, Milton Brockett 430
Poselger, Friedrich Theodor 178 430
Posse, Constantin Aleksandrovitch 216 220 329 430
Potel, Francois Andre 489
Prasad, Ganesh 430
Preece, Cristophar Thomas 271 430
Prevost, M. 470
Priester, Hermann 430
Prime, F.Ve. 430
Pringsheim, Alfred 44 61 111 147 162 188 189 190 284 285 291 306 310 430 431 484
Privat-Deschanel, Augustin 258 375 431
probability 148 273
Proclus 13 16 29
Prtudaka 31
Pruvost, E. 431
Prym's function 196
Prym, Friedrich Emil 60 196 197
Ptaszycki, Ivan 269 431
Ptolemy, Claude 13
Puig Adam, Pedro 310 431
Pulverizer 30 32
Pund, Otto Friedrich Martin 258 431
Puzyna, Joseph 60 431
Pythagoras 41
Pythgoras' theorem 12
qd-algorithm 231
Quadratic forms 158
Quadratic irrationals 176
Quadratic surd 128
Quadrature methods 195 214 228
Quadrature of the circle 77
Quesnay, Francois 125
Quetelet, Lambert Adolphe Jacques 256 431 484
Quincke, Georg Herman 239
Rabinovic, Ju.G. 431
Rabuel, Claude 314
Radau, Jean Charles Rodolphe 431
Radford, Ernest Marshall 310 431
Rajagopal, C.T. 482
Ramanujan, Srinivasa Iyengar Ramanuja Iyengar 153 270 385 432 433 466
Ramus, Christian 144 257 432
Ray, Joseph 258 432
Rebiere, Alphonse Michel 484
Reciprocal differences 301
Recurrence relation 15 33 38 69 80 98 143 176 223
Rees, Abraham 258 432
Regiomontanus, (Johannes Mueller) 23 29
Reid, Constance 484
Reinaud, Joseph Toussaint 484
Reineck, Annie 432
Reinhardt, Karl 311 432
Relton, Frederick Ernest 432
Renan D'Elicagaray, Bernard 94 432
Republic 13
Resultant 237
Retali, Virginio 256
Rey Pastor, Julio 310 431 432 484
Rey, Abel 484
Rey, Alain 484
Rhabdas, Nicolaos Artabasdos 22 23
Rheticus, George Joachim 308
Rhind papyrus 13 52
Rhind, Alexander Henry 13 51 52
Riccardi, Pietro 484
Riccati's equation 97 99
Riccati, Jacopo Francesco (Count) 97 98 99 101 102 106 307
Ricci-Curbastro, Gregorio 263 466
Rice, Lepine Hall 432
Richard, Louis Paul Emile 161
Richardson's process 89
Richardson, Archibald Read 432
Richardson, Lewis Fry 90
Richaud, Casimir 180 432
Rider, Robin E. 484
Riemann, Bernhard 195 224 227 432 433 466
Riesz, Frederic (Frigyes) 222 466
Riesz, Marcel 289 433 466
Rigaud, Stephen J. 84 134 484
Risselman, William Charles 433
Ritt, Georges 258 433
| Rivard, M. 111
Roberts, Clinton Avery 184 433
Roberts, Samuel 173 174 182 183 433
Robins, Benjamin 132
Robins, Sylvester 177 433
Robinson 258 433
Robson, Alan 311 371
Rodet, Leon 9 22 24 26 31 484 485
Rodrigues, Olinde 433
Rogers, Leohnard James 48 271 310 433
Rolle, Michel 92 434
Romanus, Adrianus (Adriaan von Roomen) 89
Roots of equations 116 131 142 160
Rose, Paul Lawrence 485
Rose, William Neville 310 434
Rosenthal, Gottfried Erich 50 434
Rossbach 257 434
Rothberger, F. 273 434
Rottok, H.L. 256 434
Rouche, Eugene 206 241 434 485
Rouse Ball, Walter William see "Ball Walter
Rousseau, Jean Jacques 125
Routh, Edward John 165 434
Rudio, Ferdinand 485
Rudis 256
Ruffini, Paolo 117 434
Runge, Carl David Tolme 195 310 434
Russell, W.H.L. 434
Russo, Fransois 485
Rutishauser, Heinze 231
Rychlik, Karel 434
Ryde, Folke 434
Ryll-Nardzevski, Czeslaw 282
Saalschuetz, Louis 188 257 435
Sadaka, Rachid 485
Sadun, E. 258 435
Safford, Frederick Hollister 435
Saidan, A.S. 485
Saigey, Jacques Frederic 90 258 435
Salinas Y Angulo, Ignacio 258 353
Salle, E. 472
Sanchez Perez, Jose Augusto 485
Sanchez Vidal, D. Bernardino 435
Sang, Edward 435
Sanielevici, Simion 435 466
Sardanapalus IV 41
Sarton, Georges Alfred Leon 485
Sass, J.B. 256 435
Satunovskij, S.O. 435
Saunderson, Nicholas 36 93 118 435
Sauri, Abbe Jean 435
Sauveur, Joseph 94 436
Saverien, Alexandre 125 436
Saxer, Walter 485
Schaar, Mathias 256 436
Schafheitlin, Paul 436
Scheffler, August Christian Wilhelm Hermann 258 436
Scheibner, Wilhelm 145 176 436
Schellbach, Karl Heinrich 258 436
Scheller, H. 257 436
Schendel, Leopold 436
Schepel, Dirk 436
Scherk, Heinrich Ferdinand 256 436
Schimkowitsch, W.N. 436
Schimper 171
Schlaefli, Ludwig 436 437 466
Schlechter, Eugen 437
Schlegel, Stanislaus Ferdinand Victor 104 257 437
Schleupner, Christoph 57 437
Schloemilch, Oskar Xavier 146 181 196 225 256 258 437
Schmidt, Hermann 485
Schmidt, W. 181 257 437
Schnee, Walter Wilhelm Reinhold 60 437
Schneider, Theodor 437 485
Schoen, Johann 256 437
Schoenbaum, Emil 437
Scholz, Arnold 266 438
Schroeder, Johannes Carl August 264 438
Schrutka von Rechten-Stamm, Lothar Wolfgang Karl Heinrich Emil 60 438
Schubert, Friedrich Theodor 256 438
Schubert, Hermann Caesar Hannibal 310 438
Schuh, Frederik 438
Schur, Issai 269 272 306 439 466
Schwartz, Eduard 276
Schwarz, Hermann Amandus 225 249 466
Schweins, Franz Ferdinand 256 439
Schwenter, Daniel 70 439
Scott, Joseph Frederick 485
Scott, Walter T. 310 405 458 485
Scriba, C.J. 486
Scubert 191
Sedillot, Louis Pierre Eugene Amelie 486
Seeling, P. 173 178 180 181 256 439
Segal, Bentsion Izrailevich 439
Seilinger, Dmitry Nikolaevich 439
Seki Kowa 90
Selberg, Atle 271 440
Selenius, Clas-Olof 486
Selivanow, Dmitri Fedorovitch 440
Sen, S.N. 9 486
Sen-Gupta, P.C. 486
Sergescu, Pierre Paul 486
Serret, Joseph Alfred 17 46 117 150 163 173 174 258 281 440
Serret, Paul Joseph 257 440
Set theory 272
Sexagecimal system 12
Sforza, Giuseppe 440
Shabde, N.G. 370 440
Shanks, Daniel 486
Sharp, Joseph William Conrad 256
Sheppard, William Fleetwood 90
Sherman, Jacob 440 442
Shibata, Kwan 270 440 441
Shohat, James Alexander (Chokhatte Jacques) 291 311 441 442 486
Shukla, K.S. 486
Siddhanta Sundara 19
Side numbers 13
Siebeck, Herrmann Friedrich 256 442
Siegel, Carl Ludwig 263 442 467
Sierpinski, Waclaw 60 273 310 442 443 467
Sikorski 256 443
Simon, O.E. 256 443
Simonides, Jaroslav 443
Simons, Lao Genevra 486
Simplification of ratios 6 70 86
Simson, Robert 96 443
Simultaneous approximation 154 208 265 300
Singh, Aradhesh Narayam 474
Sir Brewster, David 157
Sir Darwin, Charles Galton 369
Sir Greenhill, George Alfred 381
Sir Hamilton, William Rowan 154 256 383 384 464
Sir Ivory, James 392
Sir Newton, Isaac 10 16 69 82 134 163 301 303 304 322
Sir Niven, William Dawson 421
Sir Schuster, Arthur 439
Sir Scott, Robert Forsyth 310 439
Skolem, Thoralf Albert 443
Sleszynski, Ivan Volodimirovitch 188 257 443 444
Smail, Lloyd Leroy 444
smith 47
Smith, Charles 47 258 444
Smith, David Alexander 486
Smith, David Eugene 444 486
Smith, G.C. 486
Smith, Henry John Stephen 75 145 152 155 172 173 174 182 199 203 444 467 486
Smith, Otto Andreas 444
Smyth, William 444
Soeborg, Peter 128 444
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