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Brezinski C. — History of Continued Fractions and Padé Approximants |
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Krein, Mark Grigorevich 217 290 347 399 479
Krishnaswami Ayyangar, A.A. 399
Kronecker, Leopold 176 209 239 245 297 399 465
Kroukowski, B.V. 399
Krueger, R.L. 257 399
Kuepper, Carl Joseph 399
Kummer, Ernst Eduard 236 239 399 465
Kunze, Alfred 59 256 399
Kurosu, Konosuke 270 399
Kurushima, Yoshita 91 128
Kurwinski 257
Kuschelbauer, Johann 399
Kushyar ibn Labban 19
Kutta, Wilhelm Martin 195
Kuttaka 30 32
Kuzmin, Rodion Osieviz 149 275 277 282 283 399
L'Huiller, Simon Antoine Jean 256 405
Labey, Jean Baptiste 98
Lacroix, Sylvestre Francois 226 257 399
Lagrange's method 116
Lagrange, Charles Henry 400
Lagrange, Joseph Louis 36 58 59 61 73 87 93 97 108 109 112 126 137 147 159 160 161 163 171 173 175 178 182 185 192 227 241 265 267 269 324 400 465
Lagrange, Rene Francois 400 401
Laguerre, Edmond Nicolas 100 197 213 225 239 240 242 244 272 335 401 402 465 479
Laisant, Charles Ange 402
Lakhtine, L. 402
Lalanne, Leon Louis Chretien 258 402
Lambert, Johan Heinrich 58 59 61 96 109 126 136 156 157 171 207 247 402 465
Lame, Gabriel 149 402
Lampe, Emil Karl Otto 402
Lamplugh 84
Landau, Edmund Georg Hermann 265
Landry, Fortune 185 256 403
Landsberg, Georg 162 403
Langer, Rudolph Ernest 480
Lao-Tze 9
Laugel, L. 256
Laurent, Hermann Paul Mathieu 165 256 258 293 296 403
Laurent, Pierre Alphonse 296 345
Le Barbier 166 403
Le Besgue, Victor Andre 161 174 403 480
Le Francois, Edouard 256 403
Le Paige, Constantin Marie Michel Hubert Jerome 257 405
Le Roy, Edouard Louis Emmanuel Julien 405
Least squares 203
Leathem, John Gaston 310 403
Lebedeff, Wera see "Myller-Lebedeff Wera"
Lebesgue, Henri Leon 111 209 259 480
Lebon, Ernest Desire 480
Lecat, Maurice 480
Ledermann, W. 480
Lee, S. 487
Lefebure de Fourcy, Louis Etienne 403
Lefort, Francisque Pierre Alexandre 471
Legendre polynomials 204
Legendre, Adrien Marie 111 142 150 157 171 174 178 179 196 204 211 213 285 308 329 403
Leger, Emile 403
Lehmer, Derrick Henry 404
Lehmer, Derrick Norman 265 269 270 404
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm VI 45 79 81 82 96 102 465
Leigh, J.R. 480
Leighton, Walter 310 394 404 405
Lejeune-Dirichlet see "Dirichlet"
Lely, Peter 83
Lemke, H. 59 256 405
Lemoine, Emile Michel Hyacinthe 405
Lenormant, Francois 12 480
Lerch, Mathias 405
Leslie, John 405
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim 40
Lettenmeyer, Fritz 310 405
LeVeque, William Judson 480
Levere, T.H. 480
Levey, M. 480
Levy, Maurice 339
Levy, Paul Pierre 149 206 274 277 280 281 283 405 480
Lewicki, Wladimir 405
Libbrecht, U. 480
Libri, Guillaume Brutus Icilius Timeleone (Guglielmo) 67 480
Lieber, Heinrich Wilhelm 257 406
Liebetruth, L. 175 406
Liebisch, T. 257 406
Lieblein, Johann 146 256 406
Lilavati 32
Limit periodic continued fraction 163
Lindeloef, Ernst Leonard 311 406
Lindemann, Carl Louis Ferdinand 111 208 209 211 406
Lindhagen, Arvid 406
Lindow, Martin Paul Johannes 406
Lines, E. 406
Lionnet, Francois Joseph Eugene 258 406
Liouville's number 261
Liouville, Joseph 156 157 159 205 211 261 406
Lipschitz, Rudolf Otto Sigismund 258 406
Lista, Alberto 257 407
Littlewood, John Edensor 153 384 385
Lloyd, E.K. 480
Lobies, Jean Pierre 480
Localisation of the roots 163
Lodge, Alfred 362
Loewenstern, S. 407
Loflus 12
Longoni 256 407
Loomis, elias 258 407
Lopez, J.M. 480
Lorey, William 407
Loria, Gino 8 257 407 480 481
Lucas, Francois Edouard Anatole 173 176 184 185 258 407
Luce, J.B. 179 407
Luebeck, Gustav 212 408
Luebsen, Heinrich Borchert 258 408
Lueger, Otto 408
Lueroth, Jakob 408
Lukas 257
Lunz, Paul 408
Lusin, Nikolai Nikolaievich 273 408
M'Arthur, N. 412
Macaulay, Francis Sowerby 408 481
Maccaferri, Eugenio 408
Macdonald, Hector Munro 408
Mackay, Alan Lindsay 481
Mackay, John Sturgeon 258 408
Maclagan-Wedderburn see "Wedderburn"
MacMahon, Percy Alexander 264 266 270 272 408 465
Macmillan, William Duncan 408
MacRobert, Thomas Murray 408 409
Maennchen, Phillipp 409
Maercker 175 256 409
Magnus 239
Magnus, Alphonse P. 481
Mahaviracharya 32
Mahler, Kurt 211 246 373 409
Mahmud of Raznu 33
Mahoney, M.S. 481
Maillet, Edmond Theodore 150 160 256 257 261 270 310 409 410
Mailly, Edouard 257 410
Mairstow, L.S. 481
Majumdar, P.K. 481
Mall, Josef 265 310 410
Mallison, H.V. 410
Malmsten, Carl Johan 256 410
Malurkar, S.L. 410
Mann, Thomas 189
Mansion, Paul 257 410 411
Marie, Maximilien Charles Frangois 7 314 481
Markov, Andrei Andreievich 174 206 213 219 221 223 258 285 290 291 329 411 412 465
Martin, Artemas 177 184 256 412 433
Mascart, Jean Marcel 257 412
Mason, Ruth Glidden 412
Mathews, George Ballard 412
| Mathieu's functions 308
Mathieu, Emile Leonard 308
Matsunaga, Ryohitsu 59 91
Matthaei, Moritz 256 412
Matthiessen, Ludwig Heinrich Friedrich 256 412
Mauduit, Antoine Rene 257 412
Maunsell, Frederick George 266 270 413
Maupin, Georges 28 153 413 481
Maxwell, James Clerk 212 413
May, Kenneth O. 481
Mayas 39
Mayer 258 365
Mayer, Johann Tobias 132
Maziarz, E.A. 481
Mazumdar, N.K. 481
Mc Clenon, R.B. 481
Mc Kinney, Thomas Emery 413
Mehler, Gustav Ferdinand 213 217 258 413
Mehmke, Rudolf 257
Mehta, D.M. 42 481
Meijer, Cornelis Simon 413
Menechme (Menaechmus) 319
Mercator, Gerard 83
Mercator, Nicolaus 77 81 83
Merriman, Mansfield 413
Mersenne, Marin 175 413
Meschkowski, Herbert 481
Metius, Adrien 71 86 112
Meton 7
Meurs, John of 57
Meyer, C.F. 413
Meyer, Eduard 413
Meyer, Friedrich Wilhelm Franz 155 172 184 239 258 270 414
Michaud, Joseph Frangois 481
Michaud, Louis Gabriel 481
Michel, P.H. 481
Michelangeli, N. 257 414
Miel, George 481
Mieli, Aldo 22 481
Mignosi, Gaspare 165 482
Mikami, Yoshio 38 482
Miller, George Abram 414
Milne, Archibald 414
Milne, Robert Moir 90 414
Milne, William Proctor 310 414
Milne-Thomson, Louis Melville 60 266 291 414
Minding, Ernst Ferdinand Adolf 257 414
Minkowski, Hermann 147 186 195 257 265 266 270 277 310 414 465
Minnigerode, Bernhard Ludwig 149 174 181 183 267 414
Mirimanoff, Dmitry 17 415
Mitra, S.C. 415
Mittag-Leffler, Magnus Gustaf (Goesta) 168 209 244
Moebius, August Ferdinand 48 193 415 465
Mohammed of Ghur 33
Mohrmann, Hans 415
Molk, Conrad Frederic Jules 482
Mollame, Vincenzo 415
Mollweide, Karl Brandan 17 415
Moment problem 230 289
Moments 218
Monge, Gaspard 117
Montel, Paul Antoine Aristide 415 482
Montucla, Jean Etienne 78 125 482
Morale, Michele 416
Moret-Blanc, A. 16 186 416
Morimoto, Seigo 270 377 416 417
Moritz, Robert Edouard 257 417 482
Mossotti, Ottaviano Fabrizio 417
Most, Robert 417
Mueller, Felix 482
Mueller, Johann Heinrich Traugott 49 258 417
Mueller, Johannes see "Regiomontanus"
Mueller, John Hughes 310 417
Mueller, R. 417
Mueller, Richard 256
Muesebek, Carl 257 406
Mugler, C. 482
Muir, Thomas 50 105 173 181 183 257 417 418 482
Muirhead, Robert Franklin 418
Mukunda Marar, K. 482
Murent, J. 256 418
Murer, Vittorio 257
Murphy, Robert 204 419
Musical interval 15 169
Musso, Giacinto 419
Myller-Lebedeff, Wera 403 419
Myrberg, Pekka Juhana 270 419
Nachreiner, Vincenz 196 256 419
Napier, John 308
Narayana 43
Nasarow, N. 419
Nash 256
Navarro, V. 480
Navier, Claude Louis Marie Henri 163
Needham, Joseph Noel Terence Montgomery 482
Neesen, Friedrich 256 419
Nehls, Johann Christian 420
Nesselmann, Georg Heinrich Ferdinand 26 482
Netto, Eugen Otto Erwin Johannes 258 310 420
Neuberg, Jean Baptiste Joseph 257 420
Neugebauer, Otto 12 31 432
Neumann, Carl Gottfried 420
Neumann, J. 420
Nevanlinna, Frithiof Edward Henrik 310
Nevanlinna, Rolf Hermann 289 290 420
Neville, Eric Harold 420 481
Newman, James Roy 482
Newton's method 16 303
Nicholson, James William 420
Nicolas, Jean 420
Nicole, Francois 94 420
Nielsen, Niels 93 94 310 421 482 483
Niemoeller, Heinrich Friedrich 421
Niewenglowski, Boleslas Alexandre 258 421
Nijland, Albert Antoine 421
Nikodym, Otton 421
Nilakantha, Somasutvan 39 82 84
Noerlund, Niels Erik 285 303 310 344 421 422
Noether, Emmy Amalie 483
Non commutative continued fraction 154
Nordgaard, Martin Andrew 116 483
Normality 253
notations 44
Novi, Giovanni 256 422
Novikoff, Albert 483
Nusl, Frantisek 422
Nuttall, John 483
Obrastzoff 422
Octave 169
Oettinger, Ludwig 180 256 422
Oglobin, Nicolaus 153 422
Ogura, Kinnosuka 422
Olbricht, Richard 422
Olds, Carl Douglas 483
Oliver, James Edward 422
Olivier, G.F. 257 422
Omar Kayyam see "al-Hayyam"
Onofrio, P. 422
Oppenheim, Alexander 423
Opperman, Ludwig Henrik Ferdinand 188 423
Orcham 12
Ore, Oeystein 483
Orfeur, H. 423
Orlando, Luciano 423
Orloff, G. 423
Orthogonal polynomials 165 204 213 291
Osengo, Giuseppe 256 423
Ostrowski, Alexander Markovich 423 466
Otaka, Yusho 91
Otho, Valentinius 71
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