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Barwise J. (ed.) — Handbook of Mathematical Logic |
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Poincar , J.H. 915
Point 708
Point Projection 710
Point, Arity of 716
Point, Character of 718
Point, Type of 707
Point-Generator 1003
Pointclass 785
Pointclass, Properties of 730
Pointset of Type 728
Polish space 785
Polynomial time 627
Positive formula 72
Posp il, B. 382 385 509
Post Canonical Systems 755
Post Correspondence Problem 580
Post Words 572f
Post, E.L., Post 530 535 551 553 554 558 565 572 573 574 576 577 580 581 583 584 633 645 646 650 651 670 678 735 740 754 781
Post’s Problem 554 645f 661
Post’s theorem 558
Pour — El, M.B. 648
Power set 328
Power set, axiom 326
PR Formula 843
Praag, P. van 171
Prawitz, D. 968 980 981
Pre- -Algebra 1098
Predicate calculus, intuitionistic 980
Predicates on Admissible Sets ( ) 240
Predicativity 949 968
Presburger 67 151 599 603 606 617 625 628
Presburger’s Arithmetic 603 606 617 625
Preservation of Cardinals 422f 425f 443f
Pressing-down Lemma 374
Pretopos 297
Prewellordering 700 796
Prime formulas 23
Prime ideal theorem 356
Prime model 80 145 165 166 167 170 610
Primitive formula 843
Primitive function 831
Primitive Recursion, -Recursive 884
Primitive Recursion, Functional 681 884
Primitive Recursion, Test 145
Primitive recursive 534
Priority Method 554 640 645f 648 661
Productive function 553
Products of PO Sets 438f
Progression rule 879
Projection 686 789
Projective determinacy see “Determinacy”
Projective plane 306
Projective set 790
Projectum 478 666 668
proof 32
Proof-search Procedure 898f 904f
Proofhood, Decidability of 546f
Property 700 730
Property Theorem 700
Proposition al Logic 23
Pseudo-elementary Class 116
Pullback 1057
Putnam, H. 590 642 644 649 668 671 772
Putnam, H., 975
Quantification Operators 935 936
Quantifier 44 694 769 770
Quantifier axioms 30
Quantifier, bounded 200
Quantifier, Dual of a 695 770
Quantifier, existential 695
Quantifier, Game 769
Quantifier, Monotone 770
Quantifier, Suslin 695
Quantifier, universal 695
Quasi-disjoint see “Delta System”
Quine, W. 1059
r.e. see “Recursively Enumerable”
RA see “Recursive Analysis”
Rabin, M.O. 123 168 172 539 565 579 594 595 598 599 612 614 616 617 619
Rabin, M.O., 620 624 625 628
Rado Selection Lemma 357
Rado, R. 183 187 188 357 392 393 396 533 565
Ramified analysis 948
Ramified Analytic Sets 948
Ramified Progressions of Theories 949 968
Ramsey theorem 183 392
Ramsey Theorem, Extension of the Finite 393
Ramsey theorem, finite 392
Ramsey, F. 183 187 390 391 392 399 400 500 643 917 928 953 970 1134 1135
Rasiowa, H. 1024
Real Number Generator 993
Real Numbers, Non-axiomatizability of 11
Real Statements 823
Realizability 987f 1018
Realize a Type 77 266
Realized Type 77
Recursion ( ) 243
Recursion in Set Theory 333
Recursion on Ordinals see “ -Recursion”
Recursion operators 933 936
Recursion theorem 545 690 705 716
Recursive Analogues of Transfinite Number Classes 772
Recursive Analysis, Classical 975 991
Recursive Analysis, Constructive 974 990
Recursive function 529 531 560f 632 649 740 754
Recursive Function, General 534
Recursive function, primitive 534
Recursive Functional 540f
Recursive Functional of Finite Type 709 952
Recursive language 50
Recursive Operator 563f
Recursive ordinals 559 561f
Recursive real numbers 562f
Recursive relation 305 532
Recursive set 532 800 842
Recursively Axiomatizable Theory 50 547f 552
Recursively enumerable 542f 552f 570 800 841
Recursively Saturated Model 69
Redex 1102
Reduced product 109
Reducibility, many-one 544
Reducibility, One-One 544
Reducibility, Turing 550 (see also “Relative Recursiveness and Degrees”)
Reduct of a Structure 30 115
Reduction 276 795
Reflection Principle ( ) 240
Reflection Principle (Proof Theoretic) 892
Reflection Principle (Proof Theoretic, Local 845f
Reflection Principle (Proof Theoretic, Uniform 845f
Reflexive Theory 851
Reflexiveness Theorem 851
Regular cardinal 372
Regular category 295
Regular set 665
Regularity axiom 326
Reid, C. 822 823
Reinhardt, W. 398
Relative Admissibility 242
Relative consistency 404
Relative Consistency Theorem 859
Relative Recursiveness 540 549f 633f
Relatively algebraically closed 144
Relativization 638 639 648f “Recursively “Roger’s “Reducibility”)
Relativization of Notions to Universes 924
Remarkable E.-M. Set 194
Replacement ( , ) 241 658
Representability 751 753f
Representing Function 831
Resolvable Admissible Set 270
| Ressayre, J.P. 82 237 266 267 269 271
Ressayre, J.P., 276 281
Restricted Induction 931 967
Restriction of a functional 691
Reyes, G.E. 159 281 283 295 296 297
Reyes, G.E., 301 302 305 310 313 1065
RFN see “Reflection Principle (Proof Theoretic)”
RFN'( ) 845
Rfn( ) 845
Rham 208
Rice, H.G. 545 562 563 565
Rice’s theorem 545f
Richter, W. 740 772 773 780 781 782
Riemann, G. 198 206 213 214 580 927
Rings of Polynomials 54 97
Rings, Division 110 124
Rings, Local 296
Rings, Prime 123
Rings, Primitive 117 124
Rings, Principal Ideal 14
Rings, Regular 172f
Rings, Regular 173f
Ritt, J. 164
Robertson, E. 624
Robinson Consistency Theorem 71 (see also “Interpolation Theorem”)
Robinson, A. 12 48 49 54 58 62 71 72 89 94 99 100 103 123 124 125 126 130 131 137 140 141 142 144 145 146 147
Robinson, A., 149 151 152 153 154 155 156 158 159 160 161 165 172 174 197 198 199 203 205 206 207 215 222 231 300 301 313 585 586 587 589 590 609 610 629
Robinson, R.W. 639 646 647
Robinson’s Test 144f
Robitaille — Gigu re 305
Rogers, H. 528 529 537 565 638 640 649 651 660 674 677 692 737 781 917 940
Roger’s Conjecture 638
Rolle 607 1046
Rolle’s Theorem 1046
Rosen licht 167
Rosser, J.B. 534 840 841 842 855 1092 1096 1102 1120 1126
Rosser’s Theorem 841
Rosser’s Theorem, Formalized 854
Rotman, J.J. 578
Rowbottom 82 193
Rowland — Hughes, D. 143
Rudin, M.E. 136 307 491 510 514 522
rule set 741
Rule set, deterministic 744
Rule Set, Finitary 742
Rule Set, Recursive (r.e.) 751
Rule Set, Regular Arithmetical 752
Rule Set, Regular Elementary 757
Rules for 99
Rules for First-Order Logic Hilbert-style 31
Rules for First-Order Logic Hilbert-style, Gentzen-style 37 872
Russel, B. 6 322 339 351 363 917
Ryll — Nardzewski, C. 81 163 752 754 781
Sabbagh, G. 117 122 137 141 154 158 171 175 178
Sacerdote, G. 154 176
Sacks, G. 49 85 103 141 148 164 270 528 554 565 632 635 637 640 641 642 645 646 647 651 654 655 656 658 661 663 665 668 669 670 673 674 675 677 678 735 737
Sageev, G. 367
Samuel, P. 127 137
Samuel, P., anin, N.A. 974 979 991
Samuel, P., apirovskii, B.E. 507 509 522
Saracino. D. 141 142 159 163 164 172
Saracino. D., 173 174
Sasso, L. 647
Satisfaction relation 20f
Satisfiable 50 69
Saturated model 76 128 134 147
Saturated Model, 266
Saturated Model, Recursively 69
Sch nfinkel 1092 1094 1095
Sch tte, K. 868 869 871 877 893 946 949 957 968 982
Schemata in Finite Type Theories 932
Schemata in Finite Type Theories, Choice 933 935 938
Schemata in Finite Type Theories, Comprehension 933 938
Schemata in Finite Type Theories, Second-Order 937
Schlipf, J. 266 968
Schoenfield, J.B. 46 148 155 324 398 400 412 414 415 416 452 495 501 528 559 560 565 578 594 632 639 640 645 646
Schoenfield, J.B., 663 677 735 737 811 815 889 951 952
Schreier, O. 148
Schubert, H. 287
Schwichtenberg, H. 867 891
Scott, D. 38 103 149 235 276 282 299 310 327 400 452 649 651 677 861
Scott, D., 1054 1055 1056 1060 1070 1081 1091 1100 1106 1107 1110 1128
Scott, W.R. 168 179
Second Product Theorem 440
Second-Order Arithmetic 168 639f
Second-Order Arithmetic (Intuitionistic) 983
Section 729
Section of Relative Primitive Recursive Functionals 961
Seidenberg, A. 126 127 137 164 165 166
Self-reference 1162
SemCompx 854
Semi-decidable Relation 541
Semi-recursive Relation 542f 693
Semi-recursive Set 542f 693 800
Semi-Thue Processes 571f 581f
Semigroups 576
Sentence, first-order 20
Separation axiom 325
Separation Schema 321f
Separation Schema, 241
Separation Schema, - 239
Separation theorem 272 559 792
seq 834
Sequent 37
Sequentially compact space 509
Serret, J.A. 225
Set 811
Set and Martin’s Axiom 499
Set Mappings 485
Set Theory, Axioms for 15 321f
Set Theory, Consistency of 654
Set Tree 385 472 473
Sgro, J. 101
Sheaf 172f 298
Shelah, S. 82 87 89 103 135 137 140 143 160 161 164 167 190 196 486 494 495
Shore, R.A. 484 653 661 662 663 665 667 668 669 670 674 675 677 678
Sierpi ski, W. 376 401 785 790 794 798 815
Signature of a Functional 683
Sikorski, R. 521 1024
Silver, J. 196 387 398 400 401 431 432 433 441 442 452 480 488 514 515 807
Simple model 122
Simple set 553
Simplified Form of a Point 716
Simpson, S.G. 631 639 640 641 643 644 650 651 661 662 669 670 671 672 675 677
Simultaneous Induction Lemma 687
Sinlmons, H. 142 143 155 161 163 170
Site 298
Skolem expansion 57 164 185
Skolem function 57 185
Skolem paradox 406
Skolem Relation 56
Skolem Term 185
Skolem, Th 6 10 12 23 33 44 45 48 49 56 57 63 64 65 66 67 68 71 81 95 97 100 130 140 163 185 186 187 188 190 193 194 195 236 245 247 255 256 262 374 406 152 466 467 469 477 478 480 487 608
Skolem, Th, y 612 618 620
Skolemization 164
Slomson, A^B. 106 119 122 131 134 135
Smorynski, C. 586 821 981 1024
Smullyan, k.M. 34 37 40 46 754 782
Soare, R.li 632 645 646 648 649 650 651
Sochor, A( 363 367
Solovay, R. 299 365 376 398 400 441 445 446 451 452 494 501 504 641 649 805 806 07 811 813 815
Solvable Term of -Calculus 1117
Sound Theory 827 844
Soundness Lemma 35
Souslin Line see Suslin Line
Space, Metric (Intuitionistic) 1002 1003
Specker, E. 276 636 637 639 652 768 771
Specker, E., 774 782 953 954 968 1030 1038
Spector Class 767 777
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