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Barwise J. (ed.) — Handbook of Mathematical Logic |
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Collection Principles, 239
Collection Principles, 240
Coloring Infinite Maps 28
Combinatorial in L 474 479 483 “E-principle” “Kurepa “Square” “W-principle”)
Combinatorial Principles 423
Combinatory Algebra 1094
Comer, S.D. 174
Compactness Theorem 10 59 118 356
Compactness Theorem for propositional logic 26
Compactness Theorem, Proofs of 33 59 118
Companion of a Spector Class 778
Companion Operator 156f
Compatibility 412
Complete Formula 79
Complete r.e. set 543 553
Complete theory 16 50
Completeness 844
Completeness (of Intuitionistic Logic) 1025f
Completeness (of the Reals) 999
Completeness test 66
Completeness theorem 22f 844
Completeness Theorem for 99
Completeness Theorem for Categories 296
Completeness Theorem for L(Q) 44
Completeness Theorem, Barwise 236
Completeness Theorem, Extended 265
Completeness Theorem, Hilbert — Bernays 860
Completeness Theorem, Proofs of 36f
Completeness Theorem, Significance of 22f
Completeness Theorem, Statements of 35 39
Completeness, 854
Completeness, Demonstrable 21 844
Completeness, semantic 854
Completeness, Syntactic 854
complexity 539 899f
Complexity class 539
Complexity of computation 539
Complexity of Decision Procedures 621f
Computability see Effective Computability
Computation Record 536 540
Computational complexity 539 (see also “Complexity”)
Computers, digital 536
Concentrates 691
Conceptual Completeness Theorem 297
Condensation Lemma 465 (see also “Mostowski Collapsing Lemma”)
Condition for 89
Conjunctive Game Formula 254
Consequence 10 51
Conservation theorem 858
Conservative extension 56 932
Consistency Property see “Hintikka Set”
Consistent theory 16 50
Constructibility 318 359 455 642f 649 654 667f
Constructibility, Axiom of 426 428 465
Constructivism 974
Constructivism, Naive 974
Constructivization, Global 1040
Constructivization, Local 1040
Context-free grammars 583f
Continuity Schema 1006
continuous 1000
Continuous Functionals, Extensional 1029
Continuous Functionals, Intensional 1028
Continuous, uniformly 1000
Continuum Hypothesis 318 344 376 407 420f 424f 454 465 635
Continuum Hypothesis and Martin’s Axiom 493 494
Contradiction, law of 25
Cook, S.A. 600 627
Cooper, S.B. 640 646 647
Corona problem 207
Coste 294 295 305 306 1054
Countable Functionals 1029
Countably compact space 508
Course-of-values 540
Coven, C. 153
CRA 974 990
Craig Interpolation Theorem 72 (see also “Interpolation Theorem”)
Craig, W. 72 102 235 272 273 274
Creative set 553
Critical Functions of Ordinals 945
Cross-section 151 152
CTM see “Transitive Sets and Models”
Curry, H.B. 1092 1093 1095 1101 1105
Cut Rank 873
Cut rule 39 872
Cut-elimination theorem 40 875 882 888 898f
Cut-elimination Theorem for Infinitely Long Formulas 957
D1, D2, D3 see “Derivability Conditions”
Dalen, D. van 1025
Davis 41 528 564 567 585 586 589 590 592 593 594 650 807 808 813 814
de Jongh’s Fix-point Theorem 856f
de Morgan’s laws 25
Decidability in Topology 618
Decidable model 16
Decidable relation 535 (see also “Recursive Relation”)
Decidable theory 16 52 596f
Ded( ) 87
Dedekind Set 362
Dedekind, J. 84 87 362 365 366 378 379 380 385 386 925 926 954
Definability Lemma 416
Definition (in a Structure) 555
Degree Hierarchies 669
Degrees of Theories 647f
Degrees of unsolvability 550f 631f
Degrees, Automorphisms of 638 641 646
Degrees, Homomorphisms of 636f 641
Degrees, Isomorphisms of 638 641 645
Degrees, kinds of, -degrees 633 660
Degrees, kinds of, Constructibility 642
Degrees, kinds of, Cuppable 638f
Degrees, kinds of, Exact Pairs of 637f
Degrees, kinds of, High 646
Degrees, kinds of, Kleene 728
Degrees, kinds of, Low 646
Degrees, kinds of, Minimal 636 638 640 647
Degrees, kinds of, Minimal a 661
Degrees, kinds of, R.E. 551f 634 640 645f 648f 650
Degrees, kinds of, Splitting 638
Degrees, kinds of, Turing see “Degrees of Unsolvability”
Degrees, Sets of Determined Sets of 642f
Degrees, Sets of First-order Definable Sets of 640f
Degrees, Sets of Ideals of 636f 643 644 647
Degrees, Sets of Independent Sets of 635f
Degrees, Sets of Initial Segments see “Ideals of Degrees”
Degrees, Sets of Semilattices 634f 645f
Degrees, Theory of 639 640f 646 647
Deligne, P. 296
Delta System 389
Demazure 293 307
Dense sets 412
Density theorem 645 661
Dependent Choice, Axiom of 358
Derivability conditions 827 839f
Derivation in Gentzen System 37
Derivative 208 212
Descartes, R. 289
Determinacy 642f 808
Determinacy, axiom of 369
Determinacy, Borel 643 651
Determinacy, Projective (PD) 642f 808
Devlin, K. 378 380 400 453 472 477 481 484 488 489 514 517 518 521 522
Diaconescu 310
Diagonalization lemma 827
Diagram 57
Dialectica interpretation 1032f
Diamond ( ) 318 378 510 517
Diamond ( ), Consistency of 438
Differential 221
Differential closure 167
Diller, J. 1040
| Dionne, J. 295 296 305
Diophantine Equations, Number of Solutions of 586f
Diophantine Relations 585f 588f
Direct limit 142 143
Direct Product of PO Sets 438
Directness 899f 904f
Discrete Orderings 603 604 610
Distributivity Conditions see “Closure and Distributivity Conditions”
Doctrine 284 293
Dominating Families 496 497
Double negation, law of 25
Douwen, E. van 498
Dowker space 510
Dowker, C.H. 510 511
Downward Lowenheim — Skolem Theorem 64
Dragalin, A.G. 991
Drake, F. 397 400
Dries, L. van den 173 174 179
Driscoll, G.C. 660
Dyson, V.H. 1025
D’Alembert, J. 198 206
E-Principle of Jensen 474 517
E-Principle of Jensen, Consistency of 435f
E. — M. see “Ehrenfeucht — Mostowski
Eastern Model Theory 48
Easton, W. 387 444
EC see “Elementary Class
ECF 1028
EED 293
Effective computability 525 528 530
Effective procedure 528f
Effectively Enumerable Relation 541 (see also “Recursively Enumerable”)
Effectively Inseparable Sets 842
Ehrenfeucht — Mostowski (E. — M.) Set 184
Ehrenfeucht — Mostowski (E. — M.) Theorems 182
Ehrenfeucht, A. 98 182 184 186 187 189 193 612 628
Ehresmann, C. 292
Eklof, P.C. 97 105 127 136 141 155 158
Eklof, P.C., 494 501
Elementarily equivalent 22 50 641
Elementary Analysis (Intuitionistic) 982
Elementary chain 55
Elementary Chain Theorem 56
Elementary class 22 50 112
Elementary diagram 58
Elementary embedding 53 143 186
Elementary extension 53
Elementary formula 253
Elementary in the Wider Sense see “Axiomatizable and EC class”
Elementary map see “Elementary Embedding”
Elementary Monomorphism see “Elementary Embedding”
Elementary relation 253
Elementary substructure 53 185
Elementary topos 302
Elgot, C.C. 615 617
Elimination Mapping 1015
Elimination of quantifiers 55 146 147 155 600f
Elimination Theorem, First 1016
Elimination Theorem, Second 1016
Embedding theorem 363
Empty Theory 51
Encoding see “Coding”
End-extension 247
Enderton, H.B. 527
Engeler, E. 81
Engelking, R. 1044
Ennis, G. 778
Entity 200
Enumeration Property 701 730
Enumeration theorem 704 715
Enumerative Systems 950
Envelope 728
Epstein, R. 647
Equality Axioms 29
Equalizer 1057
Equation calculus 656 899f
Equinumerous 336
Equivalent theories 50
Erd s — Rado Theorem 183 392
Erd s, P. 75 102 130 136 183 187 188 378 392 393 396 401 484
Ershov, Y. 17 132 136 141 148 149 150
Ershov, Y., 153 620 628
Essential Unboundedness Theorem 850
Euclidean Geometry, Decidability of 596
Euler, L. 206 229
Excluded middle, law of 25
Existence and Minimality Lemma 414
Existence Theorem for Basically Saturated Models 75 76
Existence Theorem for Prime Models 80
Existence Theorem for Recursively Saturated Models 70
Existentially Closed Model 92 121 157f
Existentially Closed Number Theories 172
Existentially Closed Skew Fields 171 172
Existentially Complete see Existentially Closed Complete
Existentially Universal (for a Theory) 162
Expansion of a Structure 30
Extension 305
Extension, Recursive 887
Extensional Structure 246
Extensionality axiom 325
Extensionality in Finite Types 931
Extensionality in Finite, Elimination of 934
External set 204
Fan Theorem 1012 1017
Feferman, S. 42 46 366 367 552 612 628 779 780 781 847 871 913 946 949 953
Feferman, S., 961 962 965 968
Fenstad, J.E. 143 162 169 599 622 625 628
Field 15 69 72f 92f 119f
Field object 306
Field, 150 151
Field, algebraically closed 54 77f 92 93 146 147 608
Field, differential 84 87
Field, Differentially Closed 164f
Field, finite 153
Field, Laurent Series 150f
Field, non-Archimedean 12 199
Field, ordered 54 64f 74f 94
Field, p-adic 149f 611
Field, Pseudofinite 120 611
Field, real closed 130 147f 609
Field, separably closed 153
Field, skew 171 172
Field, Valued 133 149f
Filter 106
Filter, Cofinite 107
Filter, principal 107
Fine Structure of L 476 644
Finite character 61
Finite hyperreal number 202
Finite Hyperreal Vector 215
Finite intersection property 107
Finite Limits 1058
Finite products 1055
Finite Type Structures 919
Finite Type, Maximal 923
Finite Type, Minimal 924
Finite Types 1026
Finitely axiomatizable 22 50 119 647f
Finitely Generated Class of Functionals 703
Finitely Generated Model 52
Finitely satisfiable 58
Finitism 974 978
FIP see “Finite Intersection Property
First Product Theorem 438f
First-Order Arithmetic (Intuitionistic) 982 (see also “Peano Arithmetic”)
Fisher, E. 143 162 169
Fitch, F.B. 34
Fitting, M.C. 980 981 1024
Fixed point 683 684
Fixed point theorems 856f
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