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Barwise J. (ed.) — Handbook of Mathematical Logic |
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Karp, C., 627 628 655 670 671 672
Keane, O. 292
Kechris, A.S. 681 735 736 774 781 784 808
Kegel, O.H. 120
Keisler, H.J. 3 44 45 46 47 49 68 88 89 98 99 100 102 106 132 134 136 141 143 144 159 161 163 196 203 207 231 235 270 274 275 277 280 281 757 780
Kelley, J. 354
Kent, C.F. 855
Kent’s Theorem 855
Kernel 361
KH see “Kurepa Hypothesis
Kiefe, K. 153
Kiehne, U. 154
Kinder, G. de 310
Kino, A. 656
Kirby, L. 1134
Kirousis, L. 736
Kleene Class of Functionals 709
Kleene Recursion in Type 2 Object 692
Kleene Recursive (Higher Types) 711
Kleene Recursive in 728
Kleene, S.C. 235 236 264 265 273 281 528 534 535 537 545 562 565 633 650 681 682 692 693 701 709 711 712 713 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 735 752 753 754 765 771 772 778 780 781 785 788 799 800 801 803 814 870 884 917 921 936 940 944 950 951 952 953 956 1010 1018 1023 1029 1092 1100 1104
Kleinberg, E. 392
Kochen, S. 17 110 132 133 135 136 141
Kochen, S., 148 149 150 151 174 611 627
Kock, A. 283 302 304 306 307 310 312
Kolaitis, P. 736
Kolchin, E. 167
Kolmogorov, A. 986
Kondo 276 368 803 804 814 926 940
KPU 239
Kreider, D.L. 772
Kreisel, G. 236 265 564 654 655 656 657 658 659 673 677 858 859 862 869 870 871 885 889 892 899 900 902 926 943 947 949 950 951 952 954 955 956 959 968 969 973 974 977 982 986 1012 1015 1025 1029 1030 1032 1046
Kripke — Joyal semantics 300
Kripke — Platek Axioms 239
Kripke, S. 234 235 237 238 239 264 281 300 301 306 621 655 656 657 658 668
Kripke, S., 772 980 981 1024
Krivine, J.L. 899 974 1055
Kronecker, L. 822 823
Kueker, D. 277 281
Kunen, K. 134 136 317 371 398 399 484 507 514 521 673 674 697 811 812 813
Kuratowski, K. 235 354 798
Kurepa Hypothesis, Consistency of 428f 437f
Kurepa Hypothesis, Independence of 442
Kurepa Tree 428 488 521
Kurepa, G. 428 431 432 437 442 443 488 520 521
L see “Constructibility”
L vy Absoluteness Theorem 245
L vy, A. 245 247 281 347 364 366 370 400 408 411 441 452 654 656 657 678 850 871 892 959
L uchli, H. 366 612
L b, M.H. 845 846 848 855 856 858
L b’s Theorem 845 848
L b’s Theorem, Formalized 855 858
L wenheim, L. 10 12 23 33 44 45 47 49 63 64 65 66 67 68 71 81 95 97 100 140 165 236 245 247 256 262 374 406 487 505 618 620
L-space 517
L-structures see “Model”
L.U.B. Principle is False in HYP 954
Lachlan, A. 88 89 102 164 632 636 645 646 647 650 675
Lacombe, D. 564 951
Lagrange, J. 206
Lambda calculus 534
Lambda Definability 534f
Lambek, J. 310
Landau, E. 224
Lang, S. 106 133 136 150 153
Langford, C.H. 604
Large Cardinals 342 396f “Mahlo “Weakly “Inaccessible “Measurable
Lattice of -Recursively Enumerable Sets 662
Lattices in Degree Theory 634f 645f
Laurent, P. 150
Lawless Sequences 1019f
Lawlike Operations 1027
Lawvere, F.W. 285 287 289 293 294 295 302 308 312 1054 1055 1071 1086
Lazard 284
Least upper bound 1001
Lebesgue, H. 358 365 369 377 400 498
Lebesgue, H., 785 788 798 815 915 917 927 955
Lebeuf, R. 636
Leggett, A. 662 668
Leibniz, G.W. 6 12 29 49 198 199 200
Leibniz, G.W., 201 203 204 205 206 209 210 211 212 214 215 372
Leibniz’ Principle 198 200
Leonard, J. 612
Lerman 636 650 661 662 668 670 671
Lerman, 675 678
Lesaffre 310
Lewis, H.R. 588
Lie, M.S. 112
Light Face 240
Limit Recursive 634
Lin, S. 533
Lindel f, E. 499 508 517 521
Lindenbaum Doctrine 294
Lindenbaum, A. 294 295 1070
Lindstr m’s Theorem 45
Lindstrom, P. 45 95 97 147 162 164
Linear order 64f 75 82f
Linear Order, Second-order Theory of 617
Linearly Ordered Sets, Decidability of 612
Lipschitz, L. 172 173 174 928
Local system 120
localization 298
Loeb, P. 207
Logic with new Quantifiers 43
Logic, Effectiveness in 546
Logic, first-order 6f 587 588
Logic, infinitary 43 97f 244f
Logic, modal 620
Logic, Non-classical 620
Logic, second-order 7
Logic, Weak Second-Order 43
Logical Category/Morphism 295 296
Logical consequence 10 51
Logical functor 1085
Logical morphism 296
Lopez — Escobar, E. 96 99 102 235 236 272
Lopez — Escobar, E., 274 281
Lopez — Escobar’s Theorem see “Interpolation Theorem”
Lorenzen, P. 926 957
Loullis, G. 174
Loullis, G., o , J. 48 52 62 63 66 82 102 112 136 142 156 157
Lowenheim — Skolem theorem 10 63 64 65 374
Lowenthal, F. 671
Luckhardt, H. 934 969
Lutzer, D.J. 505
Luxemburg, W.A.J. 203 206 207 211
Luzin set 377
Luzin, N. 377 379 401 785 790 798 804 815
Lyndon Homomorphism Theorem 72
Lyndon, R.C. 72 102 578 592 593
L’H pital, G. de 198
M t , A. 396
MA see “Martin’s Axiom
MacDowell, R. 79
Machover 207 231 654 655 656 657 675
Macintyre, A. 93 94 103 139 142 152 159
Macintyre, A., 162 168 169 170 171 172 173 190 196 310 312
MacIntyre, J.M. 661
MacLane, S. 304 312 1055 1087
MacQueen, D. 734
Mahlo cardinal 397
Mahlo, p. 397 398 772 773
Makkai 98 233 235 275 277 278 281
Makkai, 298 302 305 312
Makowsky, J.A. 143
Malitz, J. 99 235 281
Malyhin, V.I. 509 522
Mal’cev, A.I. 10 42 48 61 103 121 137
Manevitz, L. 162
Mann, C.R. 1093
Mansfield, R. 277 281 807
| Many-one reducibility 544
Many-sorted logic 42 49
Marczewski, E. 423
Markov, A.A. 577 579 979 991 995 1009 1021 1023 1036
Markov’s Rule 1036
Markov’s Schema 990 1021f 1025
Martin — L f, P. 779 781 982 992 1102
Martin, D.A. 370 377 403 444 449 484 491 492 494 501 503 504 636 639 642 643 646 647 651 783 807 808 811 812
Martin, D.A., 914 929
Martin’s axiom 318
Martin’s Axiom, Consistency of 444f
Martin’s Axiom, Uses of 491f 504f
Matiiacevi , Yu. V. 557 568 585 587 589 590
Matijasevic’s Theorem 557
Maximal Sets 646
McKenna, K. 149
McKenzie, R. 578
McKinsey, J.C.C. 52
Measurable cardinal 344 400 806
Measurable set 798
Measure and Martin’s Axiom 498
Meschkowski, H. 824
Metrizable space 518
Meyer, A.R. 599 623 624
Mikkelsen, C.J. 302 304 305 310 312 1086
Miller, C.W. 169 170 177 472 639 649 651
Mine, G.E. 973 982 1017 1040
Minimal model 166 167 170
Minimal Pairs 661
Minsky 584
Mitchell, W 306 308 310 312 370 384
Model (Structure, L-Structure) 17 50
Model companion 154f
Model complete theory 54 130 144f
Model completion 141 154 155 165 166
Model of -calculus see “ -algebra”
Model Pair 71
Modules 87
Modulus of continuity 890
Monic 1057
Monk, D. 606
Monoids 66
Monomorphism 1057
Monotone operator 683 731 744
Moore, E.F. 497 548 565 588 593
Morgan, A. de 25
Morley 49 57 69 73 76 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 103 135 141 148 164 166 167 181 193 196
Morley Categoricity Theorem 82
Morley Expansion 57
Morley rank 83 84
Morphism 286
Moschovakis, Y.N. 261 265 281 525 669 671 676 681 682 690 696 697 730 733 734 736 740 753 765 767 768 769 770 773 774 777 778 780 781 784 786 797 798 808 809 810 811 813 1008 1022 1024
Mostowski Collapsing Lemma 201 247 309 465
Mostowski, A. 44 98 100 182 183 184 186 187 189 193 201 247 309 361 362
Mostowski, A., 364 365 367 612 618 628 629 752 754 969
Mu nik, A.A. 554 565 645 651 661 670
Multiply Ordered Theory 88
Mulvey, C. 310 312
Mycielski, J. 807 808 813
Myhill, J. 553
N.N.F. see “Negation Normal Form”
Nagashima 982
Nahm 1040
Natural number object 1086
Natural numbers 330 528
Near-standard 203 216
NEG 826 836
Negation (or Double-negation) Translation 962 985
Negation normal form 249
Negative formula 985
Negative Formula, Almost 988
Neighbourhood Function 1008
Neumann, B.H. 122 159 168 169
Neumann, H. 159 168
Neumann, J. von 372 530 536 806
Neumer 520
Newman, J.R. 205
Newton, I. 198 205 372
Next Admissible Set 245 777
No Counterexample Interpretation 870
Non-principal Ultrafilter 108
Non-standard analysis 231
Norm 700 765
Normal Class of Functionals 697
Normal Form Theorem 537 541
Normal Sequence of Functionals 699
Normalization Theorem of Curry 1105
Normann, D. 735
Normed (Class of Relations) 700
Normed Pointclass 730
Novikov, P.S. 276 368 578 579 593 803 804
Nowhere dense set 496 497
Nullstellensatz 125 146 147 153 167 171
Number Selection Lemma 706
Number Theory in Finite Types 934
Numeralwise Representability 838
Numerate 838
Nyenhuis, N. 209
Object of Higher Type 669f 692 707 740
Omitted Type 77
Omitting types theorem 78
One-One Reducibility 544
One-type 189
Operation 285
Operation Symbol, 241
Operative Functional 684
Oracle 540 633
Ordered pair 329
Ordered Theory 88
Ordinal Notations 562 752 771 968
Ordinals 330f (see also “Admissible Ordinal” “Recursive “Ordinal
Orevkov, V.P. 982 1002
Orey, S. 78
Osius, G. 305 306 308 309 310 312
Ostaszewski Space 510
Ostaszewski, A.J. 510 514
Oullet 305
P ikr , K.L. 387
P.G. see “Point Generator”
PA see “Peano Arithmetic”
Par , R. 1086
Parameter Theorem 544f
Parametrization 763
Paris — Harrington Theorem 1134
Paris, J. 1133 1134 1141
Partial elements 1058f
Partial function 528
Partial isomorphism 97
Partial map 1074
Partially ordered sets 407 412f
Partially Ordered Sets and Martin’s Axiom 496
Partition calculus 390f 484 1134
Paterson, M.S. 584
pd see “Determinacy
Peano arithmetic 79 330 840 851 860f 1134
Peano, G. 6 55 79 330 347 348 548 553 1133 1134
Perfect kernel 85
Perfect set 382 784
Perfect Subset Property 798
Perfect Subset Theorem 277
Permutation Models 361
Persistence Property 239
Phrase Structure Grammars 582
Picard, E. 208 221
Pierce, R.S. 173
Pincus, D. 365 366 367
Platek, R. 233 234 235 237 238 239 264 281 655 657 668 676 682 730 735 737
Plotkin, G. 1099 1107
PO Sets see Partially Ordered Sets
Po naru, V. 580
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