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Ahrens T.J. — Global Earth physics. A handbook of physical constants |
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Aalenian, polarity chrons 255
Absorption band, seismic models 88—90
Accretionary prisms, heat flow 149—150
Achondrites composition 162
Achondrites oxygen isotopes 299
Africa, mean paleomagnetic poles 229—233
Albian, magnetic polarity time scale 253
Alpha particles, samarium-147 decay 275
Anelasticity, mantle 45
Angular momentum, atmosphere 359—360
Angular velocity, plate motions 70—84
Angular velocity, present plate motions 70—73
Anisotropy, Earth 93—94
Anisotropy, seismic models 98—99
Antarctica, mean paleomagnetic poles 229—233
Apparent polar wander, data selection 226—227
Apparent polar wander, observations 225—237
Apparent polar wander, path construction 226
Apparent polar wander, paths for major continents 227 229 232—233
Apparent polar wander, paths for Pacific Plate 233—237
Aptian — Albian reversed-polarity subchrons, magnetic polarity time scale 253
APW see Apparent polar wander
Archean, continental crust 186—187
Argon, atmospheric, contamination 273
Aspherical Earth structure, models 96—99
Asteroid belt, occurrence of asteroid spectral types 162
Asteroid taxonomic types, composition 175—176
Asteroids, near-Earth, properties 21—23 23—24
Asteroids, near-Earth, properties, composition 161—162
Asteroids, near-Earth, properties, mass determinations 24
Astrometric properties, Earth 1—31
Astrometry, Earth orientation 358
Astronomical constants 8 364
Atlantic Ocean, heat flow 147
Atlantic Ocean, oceanic crust 215
Atlantic Ocean, plate angular velocities 71
Atmosphere, terrestrial, carbon isotopes 302
Atmosphere, terrestrial, isotopic composition of noble gases 331
Atmosphere, terrestrial, moments of inertia 360
Atmosphere, terrestrial, properties and composition 320—345
Atomic constants, SI units 352
Australia, mean paleomagnetic poles 229—233
Azimuthal anisotropy, seismic models 98—99
Back-arc spreading, heat flow 149—150
Bajocian, polarity chrons 255
Barremian/Aptian boundary, polarity chrons 254
Basalts, oxygen isotopes 299
Baseline effects, seismic models 88—90
Baseline shift, seismic models 90
Bathonian, polarity chrons 255
Berriasian/Valanginian boundary, polarity chrons 254
Beta decay, potassium-40 273
Beta decay, rhenium-187 277
big bang 159
Biticinella breggiensis foraminifer zone, time scales 253
Bouguer anomalies, oceanic crust 215
Brunhes Chron 251
Bulk silicate Earth, meteorites 161
Bulk silicate Earth, primitive mantle 164
Bull’s eye gravity anomaly 215 217
C-sequence polarity pattern, Late Cretaceous through Miocene 241 245—247
Cambrian, magnetic polarity time scale 261 266
Campanian, magnetic polarity time scale 241—242 245
Campanian/Maestrichtian boundary, magnetic polarity time scale 251 253
Carbon dioxide, components of volcanic gases 313
Carbon isotopes, atomic weight and abundance 293
Carbon isotopes, natural variations 302—304
Carbon monoxide, components of volcanic gases 313
Carbonaceous chondrites see also CI chondrites CK CM CO CV
Carboniferous — Permian interval, magnetic polarity time scale 261
Cassini state, orbits 5—6
Celestial Reference System 357
Cenozoic mountain belts, continental crust 217
Cenozoic — Late Mesozoic time scale, polarity chrons 252
Cenozoic, magnetic polarity time scale 241 245—247 250—252
Chandler wobble damping 7
Chandler wobble free oscillations 361
Chapman cycle, composition 326 328
Charon, physical data 16
Chassignite, SNC parent body 163
Chemical elements see elemental abundances
Chemical equilibria, seawater 323
China, North, mean paleomagnetic poles 232—233
China, paleopoles 235
China, South, mean paleomagnetic poles 232—233
Chondrites see also Carbonaceous chondrites CI EH EL H L LL
Chondrites, composition 174—175
Chondrites, natural radioactivity 284
Chondrites, properties 173
CI carbonaceous chondrites, composition 159 161
CK chondrites, composition 161
Climate correction, heat flow 146
CM chondrites, composition 161
CM chondrites, elemental abundances vs. condensation temperature 161
CO chondrites, composition 161
Cochiti Subchron 251
Collisional tectonics, electrical conductivity 203—204
Colombian 1970 earthquake, linear amplitude vs. frequency 118
Colorado Plateau, electrical conductivity 202
Comets, short-period, properties 25
Condensates, volcanic gases 309
Condensation temperatures, chemical elements 160
Conservative elements, seawater 320
Constants, Earth rotation 363
Continental drift, paleomagnetism 227—229
Continental platforms, continental crust 217
Continental shield, continental crust 217
Conversion factors, physical constants 346—355
Core composition 163—164 182
Core inner boundary, models 93
Core moments of inertia 360
Core seismic models 90
Core, fluid, outer, effects on Earth tides 45
Core, inner, Earth 93
Core, outer Earth 93—94
Core, outer magnetic field 59 62—64
Core-mantle boundary models 94
Core-mantle boundary S-wave residuals 95
Coriolis force, peak shifts 121
Cratons, paleomagnetism 227—229
Cretaceous Long Normal-Polarity Chron 253
Cretaceous, Early, polarity chrons 253—254
Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, magnetic polarity time scale 251
CRS see Celestial Reference System
Crust composition 163—164
Crust electrical conductivity 190—205
Crust natural radioactivity 283—291
Crust structure 214—224
Crust, continental, Archean, composition 186—187
Crust, continental, lower, composition 164 186—187
Crust, continental, upper, composition 186—187
Crust, continental, upper, composition, bulk composition 184—185
Crust, continental, upper, composition, classical division 217
Crust, continental, upper, composition, heat production 289
Crust, continental, upper, composition, hotspots 217
Crust, continental, upper, composition, island arcs 217
Crust, continental, upper, composition, mountain belts in Cenozoic Era 217
Crust, continental, upper, composition, Paleozoic and Mesozoic regions 217
Crust, continental, upper, composition, rifts 219
Crust, continental, upper, composition, shields and platforms 217
Crust, oceanic, age dependence 215
Crust, oceanic, classic subdivision and mean crustal thickness 214—215
Crust, oceanic, structure 214—215 217
Crust, oceanic, thick crust regions 217
Crust, oceanic, thin crust regions 215
Crustal thickness, age dependence 216
Crustal thickness, continental, Cenozoic mountain belts 219
Crustal thickness, continental, Paleozoic and Mesozoic regions 218
Crustal thickness, continental, shields and platforms 218
Crustal thickness, continental, tectonically active regions 219
| Crustal thickness, mean 216
Crustal thickness, oceanic, layers 2 and 3 215
Crustal thickness, oceanic, plume affected regions 216
Crustal thickness, thin crust regions 216
CV chondrites, composition 161
D" region, models 94
Damping rate, rotation 7
Decay constants, isotopes 271
Decay equations, isotopes 271—272
Decay modes, radioactivity 286—288
Deflection of the vertical, geoid 33—36
Deformation belts, plate boundaries 69—74
Degenerate frequencies, free oscillations 107 121 123
Density, vs. radius for PREM model 90
Depth of penetration concept, electromagnetic methods 197—198
Depth sounding methods, principles 197—198
Deuteron constants, SI units 354
Devonian, magnetic polarity time scale 261
Diogenite, composition 162
Discontinuities, seismic models 90
Dislocation, fault plane 207
DSXRG model, seismic model 99
Earth astrometric and geodetic properties 1—31
Earth atmosphere 326
Earth composition 163—164
Earth geodetic parameters 36
Earth geophysical data 12
Earth gravity field 11
Earth heat flow 144—158
Earth heat production 290
Earth isotopes 160
Earth models, seismic models 88—106
Earth models, spherical symmetric, non-rotating, and elastically isotropic 122
Earth models, transversely isotropic 123
Earth natural radioactivity 283—284
Earth orientation, techniques 358
Earth rotation 41 356—368
Earth rotation, perturbing forces 357
Earth, bulk, composition 182—184
Earth, silicate (primitive mantle), bulk composition 182—184
Earth-Moon system, oxygen isotopes 299
Earthquake faulting, size 207
Earthquake magnitude, body-wave magnitude 206
Earthquake magnitude, local magnitude 206
Earthquake magnitude, saturation 207
Earthquake magnitude, surface-wave magnitude 206
Earthquake moment magnitude 207
Earthquake number 207
Earthquake size 207
Earthquakes, large, 1899—1990 219
Earthquakes, large, deep, magnitudes and seismic moments 211—212
Earthquakes, large, shallow, magnitude 208—209
Earthquakes, shallow, seismic moments and source parameters 210—211
Earthquakes, submarine 68
Earthquakes, super-great, tsunamigenic, magnitudes and maximum tsunami heights 212
Earthquakes, super-great, tsunamigenic, magnitudes and maximum tsunami heights, linear amplitude vs. frequency 118
Earthquakes, super-great, tsunamigenic, magnitudes and maximum tsunami heights, magnitude-period dependence 207
Earthquakes, super-great, tsunamigenic, magnitudes and maximum tsunami heights, magnitudes and moments 206—213
Earthquakes, super-great, tsunamigenic, magnitudes and maximum tsunami heights, traveltime 126—143
EH chondrites, composition 161
Eiffellithus turriseiffeli nannoplankton zone, time scales 253
EL chondrites, composition 161
Elastic energy density, modes 124
Elastic moduli, Earth models 123
Electrical conductivity vs. depth, conceptual model 201
Electrical conductivity, crust and mantle 190—205
Electrical impedance, characteristic, electromagnetic propagation 196—197
Electrical quantities, conversion factors 349
Electromagnetic constants, SI units 352
Electromagnetic methods, interpretation 200—204
Electromagnetic methods, principles 197—198
Electron capture, potassium-40 273
Electron constants, SI units 352—353
Elemental abundances, solar/meteoritic ratio vs. atomic number 160
Energy units, conversion factors 350
Eocene, early/middle boundary, magnetic polarity time scale 251
Eocene, middle/late boundary, magnetic polarity time scale 251
Equatorial radius, Earth 8
Equilibrium fractionation, stable isotopes 295—296
Escape velocity, orbits 6
Eucrite parent body, composition 12
Eucrite parent body, composition of silicate portion 176—177
Eucrite, composition 162
Eucrite, oxygen isotopes 299
Europe crustal thickness 219—220
Europe paleomagnetic poles 227—229
Expansion coefficients, gravity field 1—2
Extension, heat flow 152—153
Extensional tectonics, electrical conductivity 201—203
Fault plane, dislocation 207
Field aligned currents, electrical conductivity 191—193
Field aligned currents, magnetosphere 194
Filters, volcanic gases 309—310
Formation waters, oxygen isotopes 298
Fractionation factors, stable isotopes 294—295
Fracture zones, oceanic crust 215
Free oscillations, displacement fields 105
Free oscillations, Earth 361
Free oscillations, frequencies and attenuations 104—125
Free oscillations, frequency vs. angular order 107
Free oscillations, Q mode 93
Frequency units, conversion factors 351
Frictional heating, heat flow 152—153
Fundamental mode, free oscillations 104—106
Gamma radiation, natural radioactivity 286—288
Gamma rays, from major natural nuclides 288
Gases, seawater 323
Gatan zone, magnetic polarity time scale 253
Gauss Chron 251
Geochronology, isotopes 271—282
Geodesy, reference frames 363
Geodetic and geophysical data, Earth 8—9
Geodetic data, Earth 1—31 36
Geodetic data, plate motion 78—80
Geodetic latitude, Earth 3—4
Geoid, marine, mapped by satellite altimetry 35 see
Geoid, marine, mapped by satellite altimetry, landforms 32—39
Geoid, marine, mapped by satellite altimetry, surface computed from GEM-T3 34
Geologic time scale, Phanerozoic 242—244
Geomagnetic deep sounding, potential separation 194—195
Geomagnetic deep sounding, source effect 199
Geomagnetic field at Earth’s surface 50 57 60—61
Geomagnetic field, at core-mantle boundary 59 62—64
Geomagnetic field, at core-mantle boundary, average radial field for 1840—1990 63
Geomagnetic field, at core-mantle boundary, radial component 62
Geomagnetic field, at core-mantle boundary, steady part of fluid flow for 1840—1990 64
Geomagnetic field, comparison of main field models 59
Geomagnetic field, elements 48
Geomagnetic field, historical data 48—49
Geomagnetic field, horizontal and vertical spectral amplitudes 194—195
Geomagnetic field, penetration of unit amplitude signal in homogeneous half space 197
Geomagnetic field, pulsations 194
Geomagnetic field, representative field models 50—57
Geomagnetic field, reversals 240
Geomagnetic field, secular variation 61
Geomagnetic field, spherical harmonics 49—50
Geomagnetic pulsations, Pi 2
Geomagnetic pulsations, Pi, pulsations 194
Geomagnetism, units 346—355
Geopotential model, Earth rotation 364—365
Geopotential model, log plot vs. harmonic degree 35
Geopotential model, spherical harmonic normalized coefficients 33
Geopotential, power spectrum 33
Geotherms, vs. depth 153—154
Giant planets, geophysical data 13
Gilbert Chron 251
Glaciers and icecaps, oxygen isotopes 297—298
Global plate motion models 70—84
Globigerinelliodes algerianus foraminifer zone, time scales 253
Gondwana, mean paleomagnetic poles 229—233
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