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Ahrens T.J. — Global Earth physics. A handbook of physical constants |
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Gondwana, paleopoles for Cambrian through early Carboniferous 234
Gondwana, paleopoles for late Carboniferous through Early Jurassic 233
Gorda deformation zone, plate motion 72
Gravitational potential, Earth 32—33
Gravity anomalies, geoid 33—36
Gravity field see also Planetary gravity field
Gravity field, Earth 1—4
Gravity field, Moon 10
Gravity tides 43—44
Great Basin, plate and site motion 83
Great Valley, plate and site motion 83
Greenhouse gases, composition 326
Greenland, paleomagnetic poles 227—229
H chondrites, composition 161
Half-lives, radioactive isotopes 272
Half-lives, recommended, decay constants 280
Half-space model, marine heat flow 147
Hauterivian/Barremian boundary, polarity chrons 254
Heat equation, Earth 144
Heat flow vs. age of ocean basins 149
Heat flow, climate correction 146
Heat flow, continental 150—153
Heat flow, continental, continental heat flux with age 152
Heat flow, continental, extension 152—153
Heat flow, continental, frictional heating 152—153
Heat flow, continental, hotspots 152—153
Heat flow, continental, radioactive (crustal) heat production 150—152
Heat flow, continental, reduced heat flow as function of age 151
Heat flow, continental, water circulation 152
Heat flow, Earth 144—158
Heat flow, marine 146—150
Heat flow, marine, hotspots 149—150
Heat flow, marine, hydrothermal circulation 147—149
Heat flow, marine, thermal models 146—147
Heat flow, parameters 145
Heat flux, continental, as a function of age 152
Heat flux, marine, uncertainties due to data scatter 151
Heat loss, global 154
Heat production, geotherms 153—154
Heat production, natural radioactivity 288—290
Heat production, past production in bulk Earth 290
Heat-flow provinces, reduced heat flow 150—152
Helium, components of volcanic gases 313
Hettangian, polarity chrons 255
Hotspots, continental crust 217
Hotspots, heat flow 149—150 152—153
Hotspots, plate motion 75—78
Hotspots, volcanoes 308—309
Howardite, composition 162
Hybonoticeras hybonotum ammonite zone 254
Hydrobromic acid, components of volcanic gases 313
Hydrochloric acid, components of volcanic gases 313
Hydrofluoric acid, components of volcanic gases 313
Hydrogen isotopes, atomic weight and abundance 293
Hydrogen isotopes, natural variations 296—302
Hydrogen sulfide, components of volcanic gases 313
Hydrogen, components of volcanic gases 313
Hydrostatic shape, uniformly rotating bodies 3
Hydrothermal circulation, heat flow 152
Hydrothermal circulation, marine heat flow 147—149
Hydrothermal fluids, oxygen isotopes 298—299
Hydroxyl radicals, catalytic cycle 328
IASP91 model, parametrized form 127
IASP91 model, radial velocity model 128
IASP91 model, seismic models 92—93
IASP91 model, slowness as a function of epicentral distance 142—143
IASP91 model, traveltime curves 139—141
IASPEI1991 Seismological Tables 128—129 see
Ice, oxygen isotopes 298
IERS see International Earth Rotation Service
Igneous rocks, oxygen isotopes 299—300
India, mean paleomagnetic poles 229—233
Indian Ocean, plate angular velocities 71—72
Indian Ocean, plate boundaries 72
International Earth Rotation Service 365
International Geomagnetic Reference Field 50—53
International Seismological Centre, P-wave traveltimes 90
Io, tidal acceleration 16
Ionization chambers, radioactive isotopes 272
ISC see International Seismological Centre
ISEA reversal, magnetic polarity time scale 253
Island arcs, continental crust 217
Isochron equation, isotopes 272
Isostasy, topography 36
Isotope abundances, decay rates 271
Isotope decay, branched decay 272
Isotope decay, data 271—282
Isotope decay, radioactive decay 272
Isotopes 292—307
Isotopic composition, solar system 160
Isotopic fractionation, radioactive isotopes 272
Isotopic fractionation, stable isotopes 294—296
Isotropy, transverse, seismic models 88—90
IVEL-1 angular velocities, plate motion 82
Jaramillo Subchron 251
Jovian planet atmospheres, P, T profiles 326
Juan de Fuca Plate, electrical conductivity 203
Juan de Fuca Plate, plate motion 72
Jupiter atmosphere 332—333 335 338
Jupiter, chemical composition of atmosphere 334—335
Jupiter, geophysical data 13
Jupiter, gravity field 11
Jurassic, Early and Middle, polarity chrons 255
Jurassic, Late, polarity chrons 253—255
Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary, polarity chrons 254
K/T boundary see Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary
Kaena Subchron 251
Kaula’s rule, gravity field power spectra 2
Kaula’s rule, log plot vs. harmonic degree 35
Kepler’s third law, orbits 5
Kiaman Long Reversed-Polarity Chron, Pennsylvanian 261
Kimmeridgian/Tithonian boundary, polarity chrons 254
Kinetic fractionation, stable isotopes 296
L chondrites, composition 161
L02.56 model, seismic model 98
Landforms, geodesy 32—39
Lanthanum-138, half-lives 275
Lanthanum-barium system, geochronology 274
Lanthanum-cerium system, geochronology 274
Laplacian plane, orbits 5
Laurentia, paleomagnetism 227—229
Leachates, volcanic gases 310
Lead standards, isotopic composition 279
Legendre polynomials, gravity field shape 1
Length of day 356—357 359—360
Length of day, time series of irregular fluctuations from 1963 to 1988 358
Length of day, time series of seasonal and intraseasonal components 361
Lewisian basement, paleomagnetism 227—229
Lithosphere, oceanic, deformation 72 74
Lithraphidites bollii nannofossil datum 254
LL chondrites, composition 161
Lorentz forces, electromagnetic origin 360
Love numbers, Earth 40
Love numbers, rotational deformation of Earth 360
Love numbers, satellites 6
Love numbers, solid Earth deformation 43—45
Love waves, free oscillations 107
Low-velocity zones, Earth models 95—96
Luminosity, solar 27
LUNAR see also Moon
Lunar and planetary ephemeris, Earth rotation 365
Lutetium-176, half-lives 276
Lutetium-hafnium system, geochronology 276—277
M-sequence polarity pattern, Early Cretaceous through Late Jurassic 247—249
M12.love model, seismic model 100—101
M84a model, seismic model 99
M84c model, seismic model 99
Madagascar, mean paleomagnetic poles 229—233
Maestrichtian/Paleocene boundary, magnetic polarity time scale 251
Magmas, variations in volcanic gases 312
| Magmatic and metamorphic waters, oxygen isotopes 299
Magnetic anomalies, mid-ocean ridges 68
Magnetic anomalies, paleopoles 236
Magnetic declination, difference at Earth’s surface 54
Magnetic events, time series 194
Magnetic field strength, units 347
Magnetic fields, electrical conductivity 191—193
Magnetic fields, global, Earth 47—65
Magnetic gradiometric method, principles 198
Magnetic induction, conductivity vs. depth 196
Magnetic induction, units 347
Magnetic polarity time scale, Jurassic to Permian 260
Magnetic polarity time scale, Paleozoic 265
Magnetic polarity time scale, Phanerozoic 240—270
Magnetic polarization see Magnetization
Magnetic quantities, conversion factors 348
Magnetic reversals 240
Magnetic storms, magnetograms 192
Magnetic susceptibility, units 347
Magnetic variation profiling, horizontal, interpretation 199—200
Magnetic variation profiling, horizontal, interpretation vs. depth 200
Magnetic variation profiling, horizontal, interpretation, synoptic model 201
Magnetization, units 347
Magnetograms, H component from a magnetic storm 192
Magnetosphere, Earth, generalized view 193
Magnetospheric/ionospheric coupling, electrical conductivity 193—194
Magnetostratigraphy, Early Triassic 259
Magnetostratigraphy, Jurassic through Late Permian 256—259
Magnetostratigraphy, Late Permian 259 261
Magnetostratigraphy, Paleozoic 262—264
Magnetostratigraphy, Triassic 255 258—259
Magnetotelluric methods, apparent resistivity 198
Magnetotelluric methods, electrical conductivity 196—197
Magnetotelluric methods, source effect 199
Magnetotelluric methods, synoptic model 201
Mammoth Subchron 251
Mantle, anelasticity, effects on Earth tides 45
Mantle, deep, reference frame for plate motion 82
Mantle, depleted, composition 182—184
Mantle, lower, magnetic field 59 62—64
Mantle, lower, models 94
Mantle, upper, models 95—96
Mantle, upper, models, composition 163—164
Mantle, upper, models, electrical conductivity 190—205
Mantle, upper, models, moments of inertia 360
Mantle, upper, models, natural radioactivity 283—291
Mantle, upper, models, P-wave velocity variations 98
Mantle, upper, models, S-wave models 99—102
Mantle, upper, models, seismic models 90
Mantle, upper, models, shear-energy density vs. radius 117
Mantle, upper, models, three-dimensional velocity models 97
Mars atmosphere 331—332
Mars chemical composition of atmosphere 332
Mars composition 163
Mars elemental abundances of silicate portion 179
Mars geophysical data 12
Mars gravity field 11
Mars isotopic composition of atmosphere 333
Mass of layers, Earth 8
Mass spectrometers, radioactive isotopes 272
Matuyama Chron 251
MDLSH model, seismic model 100
Melt inclusions, volcanic gases 310—311
Mercury, atmosphere 325
Mercury, composition 162—163
Mercury, elemental abundances 177—178
Mercury, geophysical data 12
Mercury, gravity field 11
Mesosphere, plate motion relative to deep mantle 75
Mesozoic regions, continental crust 217
Mesozoic, late, magnetic polarity time scale 241—242 247—258
Mesozoic, paleopoles 229
Metallic elements, components of volcanic gases 313—314
Metamorphic rocks, oxygen isotopes 300—301
Meteoric waters, oxygen isotopes 297
Meteorites, silicate-rich, properties 173 see
Meteorites, silicate-rich, properties, classification 161
Meteorites, silicate-rich, properties, composition 159—189
Meteorites, silicate-rich, properties, isotopes 160
Microplates, plate and site motion 83
Microplates, velocity 80
Mid-Atlantic Ridge, spreading rates 215
Mid-ocean ridges, spreading rates 68
Minimum orbit velocity, satellites 6
Minor planets, properties 21—23
Miocene, early/middle boundary, magnetic polarity time scale 250
Miocene, magnetic polarity time scale 241—242 245
Miocene, middle/late boundary, magnetic polarity time scale 250
Miocene/Pliocene boundary, magnetic polarity time scale 250
Mode coupling, free oscillations 120—121
Mode peak shifts, free oscillations 120—121
Model ages, Earth 272
Moho global depth variations 222
Moho models 96
Moments of inertia, Earth 8—9
Moments of inertia, Earth subsystems 360
Moments of inertia, gravity field 2—3
Moon, composition 163
Moon, elemental abundances of silicate portion 180—181
Moon, isotopes 160
Moon, oxygen isotopes 299
Moon, physical data 9—10
Moon, precession 361—362
Moon, tidal acceleration 16
Mountain belts, continental crust 217
Multiplets modes, free oscillations 107 123—124
Multiplets modes, stripping 120
Muon constants, SI units 353
Nakhlite, SNC parent body 163
Neptune, atmosphere 332—333 336—338
Neptune, chemical composition of atmosphere 336—337
Neptune, geophysical data 13
Neptune, gravity field 11
Neutron constants, SI units 354
Nitrogen oxides, catalytic cycle 328
North America electrical conductivity model 202
North America paleomagnetic poles 227—229
North American Plate, angular velocities and confidence limits 81—82
North American Plate, plate and site motions 83
North American Plate, velocity 80
North pole of rotation, planets and Sun 15
Nuclides, natural, abundance 283—286
Nuclides, natural, abundance, decay rates 271—272
Nuclides, natural, abundance, seawater 323
Nuclides, natural, abundance, solar system 169—172
Nunivak Subchron 251
Nutation 356—357 361—363
Nutation, corrections 363
Nutation, Earth 40
Nutation, models 363—364
NUVEL-1 angular velocities, plate motion 70—73 75—81
Occultation, lunar, Earth orientation 358
Ocean load tides 44—45
Ocean tide model, Earth rotation 365
Ocean-continent distribution, geoid 37—38
Oceans, terrestrial, properties and composition 320—345
Olduvai Subchron 251
Oligocene, early/late boundary, magnetic polarity time scale 250
Oligocene/Eocene boundary, magnetic polarity time scale 251
Oligocene/Miocene boundary, magnetic polarity time scale 250
Orbits, angle arguments, Moon 10
Orbits, Earth 4—6
Orbits, planets 14
Orbits, spatial orientation 4—6
Orbits, truncated models, Moon 11
Ordovician, magnetic polarity time scale 261
Organic matter, carbon isotopes 302—303
Organic matter, temperature, stable isotopes 292—307
Organic-rock interactions, carbon isotopes 304
Outer planets, isotopic ratios in the atmospheres 337
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