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Ahrens T.J. — Global Earth physics. A handbook of physical constants |
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Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian boundary, polarity chrons 254—255
Oxygen isotopes, atomic weight and abundance 293
Oxygen isotopes, fractionation factors between liquid water and calcite, water vapor, or carbon dioxide 296
Oxygen isotopes, glacial ice, Vostock 298
Oxygen isotopes, natural variations 296—302
Oxygen isotopes, natural waters 297
Oxygen isotopes, ratios in feldspars vs. ratios in coexisting quartz or pyroxene in igneous rocks 302
Oxygen isotopes, relationship for Earth, Moon, and meteorites 160
Oxygen isotopes, terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials 299
Oxygen isotopes, water-rock interactions 301—302
Ozone, atmosphere 326 328
Ozone, catalytic destruction 328
P-waves see also Pn-waves
P-waves, mantle velocities 98
P-waves, teleseismic distances 126—127
Pacific Ocean, heat flow 147
Pacific Plate, angular velocities 70—71
Pacific Plate, angular velocities and confidence limits 81—82
Pacific Plate, apparent polar wander 233—237
Pacific Plate, electrical conductivity 203
Pacific Plate, mean paleomagnetic poles 225—239
Pacific Plate, plate and site motions 83
Pacific-North America plate velocity 80
Paleocene, early/late boundary, magnetic polarity time scale 251
Paleocene/Eocene boundary, magnetic polarity time scale 251
Paleomagnetic poles, mean, major continents and Pacific Plate 225—239
Paleopoles, continents 228
Paleopoles, mean overall poles for Gondwana 232
Paleozoic regions, continental crust 217
Paleozoic, magnetic polarity time scale 261—266
Paleozoic, paleopoles 229
Partial melting, oceanic crust 215
Permian, Late, magnetostratigraphy 259 261
Phanerozoic, geologic time scale 242—244
Phanerozoic, magnetic polarity time scale 240—270
Phanerozoic, paleopoles for Gondwana 230—231
Phobos, tidal acceleration 16
Physical constants, fundamental, conversion factors 346—355
Physical data, Moon 9
Physical dispersion, seismic models 88—90
Physicochemical constants, SI units 351—352
Planetary atmospheres, P,T profiles 325
Planetary atmospheres, physical properties 324
Planetary gravity fields 11
Planetary mean orbits 14
Planetary rings, properties 20—21
Planetary satellites see also Satellites
Planetary satellites, orbital data 19—20
Planetary satellites, physical properties 17—18
Planets see also Giant planets Minor Terrestrial
Planets, composition 159—189
Planets, north pole of rotation 15
Plate boundaries, obliquely converging trench 74
Plate boundaries, present 66—87
Plate boundary zones, continental, kinematics 82—84
Plate boundary zones, continental, kinematics, active deformation 69—74
Plate boundary zones, continental, kinematics, convergence 70
Plate boundary zones, continental, kinematics, divergence 70
Plate boundary zones, continental, kinematics, parallel to the boundary 70
Plate models, marine heat flow 147—148
Plate motion model, Earth rotation 365
Plate motion, absolute 75—78
Plate motion, data inversion 69
Plate motion, present 66—87
Plate rigidity 74—75
Plate tectonics, present 66—87
Plate tectonics, present, electrical conductivity 203
Plate tectonics, present, map 67
Plate velocity, NNR-NUVELl model and HS2-NUVEL1 model 77
Pleistocene, magnetic polarity time scale 241—242 245
Pleistocene-Pliocene time scale, polarity chrons and subchrons 251
Pleistocene/Pliocene boundary, magnetic polarity time scale 241—242 245
Pliensbachian, polarity chrons 255
Pliocene, early/late boundary, magnetic polarity time scale 241—242 245
Pliocene, magnetic polarity time scale 241—242 245
Pluto, atmosphere 338
Pluto-Charon system, physical data 16
Pn-wave velocity, variations under the United States 221
Polar motion 356—357 360—361
Polar motion, 1900-1980 359
Polar motion, induced, components 362
Polar wandering, continents and Pacific 225—237
Polarity chrons, M0 through M25 253—254
Polarity chrons, magnetic reversals 240—241
Polarity chrons, nomenclature 240—241
Polarity chrons, pre-M25 magnetic anomaly series 254
Potassium, abundance in Earth 285
Potassium, isotopic abundances 284
Potassium, typical bearing minerals 284
Potassium-40, beta-particle energy 286
Potassium-40, decay 286
Potassium-40, half-lives 273
Potassium-40, radioactivity 283—291
Potassium-argon system, geochronology 273
Potassium-calcium system, geochronology 273
Poynting vector, electromagnetic propagation 196—197
Praediscophaera cretacea nannoplankton zone, time scales 253
Precession 5—6 40 356—357 361—363
Precession constant, Earth 8
PREM model, free oscillations 107
PREM model, seismic models 90 96
Pressure units, conversion factors 350
Proportional counting, radioactive isotopes 272
Proton constants, SI units 353—354
Q quality factor, free oscillations 93 119
Q quality factor, seismic energy 104—106
Q quality factor, seismic models 88—90
Q symmetric tensor, elements 78
Q-structure, models 99
Quiet time magnetic variations, electrical conductivity 193
Radioactive heat production, heat flow 150—152
Radioactive isotopes see also Isotopes
Radioactivity, natural, crust and mantle 283—291
Radiogenic heat production, natural radioactivity 288—290
Ray paths, seismic phases 130
Rayleigh waves 105
Rayleigh waves, free oscillations 117
Reference Earth models, isotropic seismic models 91—92
Reference frames, Earth orientation 358
Reference frames, geodetic systems 363
Reference surfaces, schematic representation 35
Representative field models, geomagnetic field 50—57
Resistivity structure, conceptual model 192
Resistivity, apparent, electromagnetic propagation 196—197
Retroreflector coordinates, Moon 10
Reunion Subchron 251
RG5.5 model, seismic model 99
Rhenium-187, half-life 277
Rhenium-osmium system, geochronology 277
Rifted margins, oceanic crust 215
Rifts, continental crust 219
Rigidity, plate tectonics 74—75
Rio Grande Rift, magnetic variation profiling 200
Roche limit, satellites 6
Rocks, carbon isotopes 303—304
Rocks, hydrogen isotopes 301
Rocks, oxygen isotopes 299—302
Rodriguez triple junction, plate rigidity 74
Rotation reference frame, plate motion 75—78
Rotation, Earth 41
Rubidium-87, half-lives 274
Rubidium-strontium system, geochronology 273—274
S-waves, mantle models 99—102
S-waves, residuals at core-mantle boundary 95
S-waves, teleseismic distances 127
Salinity, seawater 320
Samarium-147, half-lives 276
Samarium-neodymium system, geochronology 275—276
Santonian through Aptian boundaries, magnetic polarity time scale 253
Santonian/Campanian boundary, magnetic polarity time scale 253
| Satellite laser ranging, plate motion 78—80
Satellites see also Planetary satellites
Satellites, orbits 4—7
Saturn, atmosphere 332—333 335—336 338
Saturn, chemical composition of atmosphere 335—336
Saturn, geophysical data 13
Saturn, gravity field 11
Scintillation counting, radioactive isotopes 272
Scotia Sea plate, angular velocities 72
Scriniodinium dictyotum dinoflagellate datum 254
Sea-floor spreading, heat flow 149—150
Sea-floor spreading, rates 68
Seafloor, thermal subsidence 37
Seawater, carbon isotopes 302
Seawater, chemical composition 321—323
Seawater, oxygen isotopes 296—297
Seawater, physical properties 320—324
Seawater, properties and composition 320—345
Secular variations, magnetic field 61
Sedimentary rocks, oxygen isotopes 300—301
Seismic models see also IASP91 model PREM
Seismic models, Earth 88—103
Seismic moment, quantification of earthquakes 207 209
Seismic phases, traveltime 129
Seismic traveltime, tables 126—143
Seismic velocity data, Moon 9
Seismic velocity vs. depth 90
Seismic velocity vs. radius for PREM model 90
Seismic wave energy, earthquakes 207
Seismic waves see also P-waves Pn-waves S-waves
Seismic waves, radiation pattern 68
Seismograms, synthetic, linear amplitude vs. time after event 105
Seismology, free oscillations 104—125
SH10cl7 model, seismic model 100 102
SH425 model, seismic model 100
SH8WM13 model, seismic model 102
Shear-energy density and compressional energy density 118
Shergottite, nakhlite and chassignite meteorites see SNC parent body
SI units, geoelectricity 346—355
Siberia, mean paleomagnetic poles 232
Siberia, mean paleopoles 234
Sidufjall Subchron 251
Sierra Nevada, electrical conductivity 202
Sierra Nevada, plate and site motion 83
Silurian, magnetic polarity time scale 261
Sinemurian, polarity chrons 255
Singlets modes, free oscillations 107 123—124
Skin-depth concept, electromagnetic methods 197—198
Slip, azimuth 68—69
Slowness, tau spline 128
SLR see Satellite laser ranging
SLS see Standard linear solid models
SNC parent body, composition 163
Solar nebula, chemical fractionation 161
Solar photosphere, elemental abundances 167—168
Solar system 1—31
Solar system, composition 159—189
Solar system, elemental abundances based on meteorites and condensation temperatures 165—166
Solar system, nuclide abundance 169—172
Solar wind, electrical conductivity 193—194
Solar-terrestrial interactions, electrical conductivity 191
Solid Earth tide model, Earth rotation 365
Source fields, natural, external, electrical conductivity 191—194
Source parameters, earthquakes 207 209
South America, mean paleomagnetic poles 229—233
Soviet magnetic polarity scale, Paleozoic 261
Space geodesy, Earth orientation 356
Space-geodetic data, plate motion 78—80
Spectral analysis, volcanic gases 310
Spectroscopy units, conversion factors 351
Spherical harmonics, magnetic field 49—50
Spherical models, seismic models 90 92—93
Spheroidal modes, Fourier amplitude spectrum 106
Spheroidal modes, free oscillations 104—106
Spin down, satellites 6—7
Splitting modes, free oscillations 107
Spreading rates, oceanic crust 215
Spreading rates, VLBI plate motion model 80
Stable isotope ratios 271
Stable isotopes, water-rock interactions 292—307
Standard linear solid models, seismic models 88—90
Stokes coefficients, gravity 32—33
Stoneley modes, free oscillations 117
Strain tides 43—44
Stratopause, composition 326
Stratosphere, composition 326
Stripping technique, free oscillations 119
Structure coefficients, free oscillations 120—121
Stuneria platynota ammonite zone 254—255
Subduction zones, electrical conductivity 203—204
Subduction zones, heat flow 149—150
Sublimates, volcanic gases 311
Sulfur dioxide, components of volcanic gases 313
Sumbawa earthquake, linear amplitude vs. frequency 118—119
Sun, composition and origin 159—161
Sun, interior model 27
Sun, luminosity history 27
Sun, north pole of rotation 15
Sun, physical properties 26
Sun, precession 361—362
Surface area, Earth 9
Surface gravity, Earth 3
Surface gravity, tidal effects 43—44
Tau spline, delay time 128
Tectonics, variations in volcanic gases 312
Tectonics, volcanoes 308—309
Temperature gradient, Earth 144
Temperature, stable isotopes 292—307
Terrestrial planets, composition 162—164
Terrestrial planets, geophysical data 12
Terrestrial Reference System 357
Thermal conductivity, Earth 144
Thermal models, marine heat flow 146—147
Thermal subsidence, seafloor 37
Thermocline, seawater 320
Thermosphere, composition 326
Thorium, abundance in Earth 285
Thorium, decay series 287
Thorium, isotopic abundances 284
Thorium- 232
Thorium-, decay 286
Thorium-, half-life 278
Thorium-, radioactivity 283—291
Thorium-lead system, geochronology 277—279
Three-dimensional Earth structure, models 96—99
Thurmanniceras otopeta ammonite zone 254
Thvera Subchron 251
Ticinella primula foraminifer zone, time scales 253
Tidal acceleration see also Tidal potential
Tidal acceleration, satellites 6—7 16
Tidal constituents, Earth 42
Tidal friction, Earth 6—7
Tidal potential, Earth 40—43
Tidal response, Earth 43—44
Tides see also Gravity tides Ocean Strain Tilt
Tides, Earth 6—7 40—46
Tides, Earth rotation 364
Tides, Earth, effects of core and mantle 45
Tilt tides 43—44
time units 8
Titan, atmosphere 333
Titan, chemical composition of atmosphere 337—338
Tithonian/Berriasian boundary, polarity chrons 254
Toarcian, polarity chrons 255
Topography, low order, Moon 10
Topography, low order, Moon, Earth 32—39
Topography, low order, Moon, Earth, power spectrum vs. harmonic degree 38
Topography, low order, Moon, Earth, spherical harmonic normalized coefficients 38
Topography, low order, Moon, seafloor 37
Toroidal mode, free oscillations 104—106
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