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Ahrens T.J. — Global Earth physics. A handbook of physical constants |
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Transform faults, submarine, azimuth 68
Transform faults, submarine, plate motion 75
Transition zone, Earth 94—95
Traveltime, seismic waves 126—143
Triassic, Early, magnetostratigraphy 259
Triassic, Middle and Late, polarity chrons 255
Triton, atmosphere 338
Tropopause, composition 326
Troposphere, composition 326
Troposphere, terrestrial, chemical composition 329—330
Troposphere, terrestrial, vertical concentration profiles for trace gases 330
TRS see Terrestrial Reference System
Tsunamis, magnitude 209 213
Typical bearing minerals 284
United States, crustal thickness 219 221
UNITS see SI units
Universal constants, SI units 351
universal time 356—357 359—360
Uranium, abundance in Earth 285
Uranium, decay series 287
Uranium, isotopic abundances 284
Uranium, typical bearing minerals 284
Uranium- 235
Uranium-, decay 286
Uranium-, half-life 278
Uranium-, radioactivity 283—291
Uranium-lead system, geochronology 277—279
Uranus, atmosphere 332—333 336—338
| Uranus, chemical composition of atmosphere 336—337
Uranus, geophysical data 13
Uranus, gravity field 11
Urey ratio, heat flow 154
V3 model, seismic model 98
Valanginian/Hauterivian boundary, polarity chrons 254
Vapor phase minerals, volcanic gases 311
Venus, atmosphere 325—326
Venus, chemical composition of atmosphere 327
Venus, composition 162—163
Venus, elemental abundances 177—178
Venus, geophysical data 12
Venus, gravity field 11
Venus, isotopic composition of atmosphere 328
Very long baseline interferometry, plate motion 74—75 78—80
VLBI see Very long baseline interferometry
Volcanic activity, variations in volcanic gases 312
Volcanic gases, subaerial gas composition and flux 314—315
Volcanic gases, subaerial volcanoes 308—319
Volcanism, hotspots 75 77—78
Volcanoes, subaerial, gases 308—319
Wallrock alteration, volcanic gases 311
Water, components of volcanic gases 313
Water-rock interactions, isotopes 292—307
WM13 model, seismic model 100 102
Wobble period, Earth 7
X-ray standards, SI units 355
Zero wavenumber approximation, induction parameter 198—199
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