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Leonid V.Azaroff, Buerger M.L. — Powder Method in X-Ray Crystallography |
Предметный указатель |
doublet 251
radiation 34
radiation 33
radiation 33
radiation 33 34
145 153 177
Absolute size of crystallite 256
Absorption 35 36 38 42 211
Absorption edge 35 36 248
Absorption effect 203
Absorption error 236 240
Absorption of diffracted radiation 201
Absorption theory 36
Absorption, specific 35
Accuracy, highest attainable 217
Accuracy, limit of 217
Acid, fatty 87
Additional observed lines 197
Adjusting screw 41
Adjustment 19 20
Adjustment, centering 28
Adjustment, specimen 28
Aggregate, polycrystalline 260
Air scatter 26 28
Air scattering 213 247
Alexander and Klug technique 203
Alexander, L. 203 209 218
Algorithm, reduced cell by 136
Alignment 18—20
Alignment of beam system 253
Alignment of track 253
Allison, S.K. 247
Alum, ribidium aluminum 11
Ambiguity, monoclinic 179
Amorphous carbon 265
Amorphous solid 266
Analysis, quantitative 200 201
Analysis, x-ray fluorescence 183
Analytical determination of the reduced cell 153 155
Analytical method 60
Analytical procedure 60
Anderson, H.C. 45 208
Andrews, K.W. 244
Angle of incidence 8
Angle, Bragg 46 223
Angle, diffraction 58
Angle, glancing 8 10 13
Angle, interaxial 145
Angle, interaxial, character of 129
Angle, interaxial, reciprocal-cell 108
Angular range 43
annealing 38 262 263
Aperture 12 26
Application of reduced-cell theory 145
Aragonite 205
Arc length 58 59
Arc, shaded 17
Arrangement, film 23
Array 8
Array, lattice 6 7 9 11
assembly 20 21
Assembly, entrance-port 26 28 29
Assembly, exit-port 26 28
Assembly, pinhole 41
Assembly, pusher 29
Assignment of indices when crystal system is known 60
Asterisk 94
Asterism 262 265
ASTM Index 183
Asymmetric film-mounting 231
Attachment, specimen 28
Austin, A.E. 79
Axes, crystal 95
Axes, crystal-lattice 97
Axes, hexagonal 76
Axes, homogeneous 160—162 164 165 170
Axes, homogeneous, in three dimensions 163
Axes, reciprocal 94 95 97
Axial character representation 130
Axial representation of a cell 129
Axis, zone 92
Back reflection 23 231
Back scatter 18 26
Back-reflection camera 220
Back-reflection cassette 44
Back-reflection line 26 224 225
Back-reflection method 43
Back-reflection region 26 43 224 225 231
Background 35 36
Background intensity 213 248
Background, nonuniform 213
Background, nonuniformity of 246
Background, uneven 213
Bacon, G.E. 233 244
Ballard, J.W. 209
Band 80 88 89 137
Band, reduction in 153
Barkow, A.G. 45
Barrett, C.S. 212 218
Base 19 20
Base, camera 21
Batelle Memorial Institute 78
Beam catcher 41
Beam system, alignment of 253
Beam, direct 13 18 26 28 35
Beam, incident 36
Beam, transmitted 36
Beam, x-ray 19—21
Beam, x-ray, direct 28
Beam, x-ray, divergence of 216
Beam, x-ray, diverging 212
Beam, x-ray, monochromatic 34
Beam-divergence error 236
Bearing 19 20
Bell, J.C. 79
Bernal, J.D. 105
Beu, K.E. 45
Biaxial crystal 243
Bicek, E.J. 45
Bjurstroem chart 65—67
Bjurstroem chart for hexagonal crystals 72
Bjurstroem chart for tetragonal crystals 66
Bjurstroem fan diagram 67
Bjurstroem, T. 63 72 78
Black, lamp 38 265
Blackening 184 185
Body-centered cubic lattice 224
Body-centered lattice 81
Bolashov, V. 159
Boldyrev, A.K. 183 208
BOND 67 72 77
Bond chart 67
Bond chart for hexagonal crystal 73
Bond chart for rhombohedral crystal 76
Bond chart for tetragonal crystal 69
Bracket 20 21
Bracket, camera 29
Bradley and Jay extrapolation 235
Bradley, A.J. 42 212 216—218 235 245
Bragg angle 46 223
Bragg condition 99
Bragg equation 13 35 59 221 223 224 240
Bragg reflection 248 251
Bragg reflection condition 216
Bragg relation 219
Bragg, W.L. 42
| Bragg’s law 8 9 92 99 107
Brass, cold-worked 265
Bravais lattice type 124
Bravais tetrahedron 166
Bravais, M.A. 125 126 137 158
Breadth, line 255
Broad halo 265
Broadening, instrumental 256
Broadening, line 256 257 265
Broadening, particle-size 254—256
Brown, R.J. 209
Buerger, M.J. 31 44 124 126 159 212 218
Bunn chart 67 78
Bunn chart for tetragonal crystals 68
Bunn, C.W. 67 72 78
Burkardt, L.A. 209
Burr, A.A. 44
Cadmium 248 249
Cadmium sulfide 262
Calcite 205 261
Camera 18—21
Camera base 21
Camera bracket 29
Camera cover 41
Camera cylinder 18
Camera diameter 22
Camera mounting 19
Camera shaft 20
Camera translation 21
Camera, back-reflection 220
Camera, cylindrical 42
Camera, flat-cassette 42
Camera, maladjustment of 252
Camera, oversized 42
Camera, powder 3 18 19
Camera, powder, cylindrical 39
Camera, precision-made 231
Camera, symmetrical back-reflection focusing 220
Capillary 38
Capillary tube 38 231
Capillary, glass 200 252
Carapella method 224
Carapella, L.A. 224 226 244
Carbide, silicon 262
Carbon, amorphous 265
Card file 183
Card, file 187 195 198
Careful experimental technique 231
Casein 38
Cassette 43 44
Cassette, back-reflection 44
Cassette, flat 42 43 220
Catalogue, Hanawalt 183
Catalyst, nickel 257
Catcher, direct-beam 40—42
Cell dimension 46 55
Cell edge 49
Cell geometry 46
Cell representation 141
Cell, axial representation of 129
Cell, direct 50
Cell, fraternal 161 169
Cell, fraternal, in three dimensions 163
Cell, half-reduced 126 169
Cell, hexagonal 72
Cell, nonprimitive 111
Cell, nonprimitive, multiplicity of 111
Cell, orthogonal 46
Cell, primitive 4 108 127 131 136
Cell, quarter-reduced 126 169
Cell, reciprocal 49 50
Cell, reciprocal, nonprimitive 111
Cell, reduced see “Reduced cell”
Cell, reduced plane 136
Cell, representation of 129
Cell, rhombohedral 76
Cell, type I 131
Cell, type II 131
Cell, unit 5 126
Centering 28
Centering adjustment 28
Centering device 28
Centering motion 29
Centering, lattice, type of 142
Centering, operation 29
Character of an interaxial angle 129
Character representation 130
Characteristic radiation 33 35 247
Chart, Bjurstroem 65—67
Chart, Bond 67
Chart, Bunn 67 78
Chart, Harrington 69 79
Chart, Hull — Davey 67 69
Chemical formula 187
Chemical method 183
Chloride, lead 206
Chloride, potassium 206
Cisney, E. 31
Claassen, H.H. 45
Clark, G.L. 201 209
Classification of symmetrical scalar 150
Classification of unsymmetrical scalar 150
Clay 263
Clip, dental film 42
Close packing, cubic 262
Close packing, cubic, hexagonal 262
Close-packed array, cubic 262
Close-packed array, hexagonal 262
Cobalt 262
Cobalt monoxide 197
Coefficient, homogeneous 166
Coefficient, linear absorption 36 37 201 234
Coefficient, mass absorption 36 37
Cohen, M.U. 239 245
Cohen’s method 239
Coherent scattering 250
Coherently scattered radiation 250
Cold working of metals 262
Cold-worked brass 265
Collimating system 12 25
Collimator 12 25 35 40—42
collodion 37—39
Colloids 255
Comparator film 198
Compound, isomorphous 182
Compound, long-chain 87
Compound, long-spacing 87 89
Compton modified scattering 250
Compton, A.H. 247
Computation, shortest translation by 134
Condition, Bragg 99 216
Cone, diffracted-beam 100
Conjugate translation 4 109 126 138
Contamination of sample 252
Contamination of target 252
Conversion factor 22
Coordinates, homogeneous 160
Counter, Geiger 3
Counter, quantum 3
Cover 21
Cover, camera 41
Crystal axes 95
Crystal cell, dimension 46
Crystal lattice 97
Crystal monochromator 213
Crystal pattern 4
Crystal structure 4 6 9—11 201
Crystal system 143 155
Crystal texture 261 265
Crystal, biaxial 243
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