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Leonid V.Azaroff, Buerger M.L. — Powder Method in X-Ray Crystallography |
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Slit 221
Small crystallite 255
Small-angle region 248 255
Small-angle study 255
Smith, H. 45
Soft radiation 34
Solid solution 197
Solid, amorphous 266
Space lattice 4
Space lattice, type 143 172
Space pattern 4
Space, reciprocal 49
Space-group extinction 87
SPACING 46 49 50 55
Spacing, interplanar 8 10 46 92 93
Spacing, interplanar, measurement of 57
Spacing, large 80 87
Spar, Iceland 261
Specific absorption 35
Specimen 17 29 32 37 38 40 41 221
Specimen adjustment 28
Specimen attachment 28
Specimen eccentricity 215
Specimen holder 41
Specimen rotation 28
Specimen support 41
Specimen support, scattering by 213
Specimen thickness 36
Specimen, powder 39
Specimen-eccentricity error 236 240
Specimen-to-film distance 42
Spectroscopy, optical 183
Spectrum 252
Sphere of reflection 100
Spiller, R.C. 208
Spindle 40 41
Spiral shutter 186
Split system 12
Splitting, line 251
Spot, focal 12 21
Spotty line 258
Spurious diffraction effect 252
Spurious line 38 198
Stack of planes 49 93 99
Stacking fault 262 263
Stacking sequence 262 263
Standard diagram 198 199
Standard film 181 182 198
Standard, internal calibration 187
Standard, internal, minimizing errors by 233
Star 94
Starch 234
State, crystalline 4
Static discharge 29
Stepped shutter 186
Stereographic projection 260
Stosick, A.J. 80 91
Strain in crystal 261
Strain in crystal, macro 261
Strain in crystal, micro 262 265
Straumanis film arrangement 25
Straumanis film placement 23
Straumanis method 222
Straumanis, M. 23 26 31 39 40 42 62 212 218 222 231 233 244
Streak, radial 262
Stress gradient 261
Structural formula 187
Structure factor 201
Structure, crystal 4 6 9—11 201
Structure, marcasite 84
Structure, random layer 263
Study, small-angle 255
Subjective error 217
Substance, identification of 181
Substitution, isomorphous 199
Sulfide, cadmium 262
Sulfide, zinc 262
Superlattice reflection 263
Superposition of line 197
Superstructure line 265
Support 19
Support, specimen 41
Symmetrical back-reflection focusing camera 220
Symmetrical scalars 144
Symmetry 56
Symmetry information 56
Symmetry of the lattice 142
Symmetry, orthorhombic 89
Systematic error 211 217 240
Systems, collimating 12 25
Systems, crystal 143 155
Systems, crystal, distribution among, of cell types 143
Systems, crystal, distribution among, of scalar representations 143
Systems, direct-beam 25
Systems, hexagonal 49 50 52 53 56 60 72 82 161 223 225 227
Systems, hexagonal, test for 119
Systems, isometric 49 50 52 56 60 80
Systems, isometric, test for 118
Systems, monoclinic 49 50 53 60 89 90 92
Systems, orthogonal 46 51
Systems, orthorhombic 49 50 52 60 79 80 83 90 122 158
Systems, pinhole 12 13 20 21
Systems, split 12
Systems, temperature-control 233
Systems, tetragonal 49 50 52 56 60 67 72 82 223 225
Systems, tetragonal, test for 119
Systems, triclinic 49 50 53 60 90 92
Talc 259
Talc, plate-shaped crystal of 259
TARGET 12 33
Target contamination 252
Target, tungsten contamination of 252
Taylor extrapolation 238
Taylor, A. 45 78 209 212 218 238 245
Technique, Alexander and Klug 203
Technique, careful experimental 231
Technique, internal-standard 203
Technique, multiple-film 187
Temperature diffuse scattering 250
Temperature-control system 233
Ternary quadratic form 166
Terpstra, P. 77
Test for hexagonal system 119
Test for isometric system 118
Test for tetragonal system 119
Tetragonal crystal 49 62 63 77 78 80 106 117
Tetragonal system 49 50 52 56 60 67 72 82 223 225
Tetragonal unknown 62
tetrahedron 127
| Tetrahedron, Bravais 166
Tetrahedron, elementary 126
Tetrahedron, principal 127 128
Tetraiodide, tin 10
Texture, crystal 261 265
Theory, absorption 36
Theory, reduced-cell, application of 145
Thermal motion 250
Thermostat 233
Thickness, specimen 36
Thomas polarization factor 250
Thomas, D.E. 90 231 244
Threesider 168 169
Threesider, reduced 169
Time exposure 42 184
Time, exposure 185
Tin tetraiodide 10
Tippell, T.L. 44
Titanium dioxide 257
Toeplitz, O. 77
Tornati, M. 234 244
Track 41
Track, alignment of 253
Track, inclination of 253
Track, misalignment of 253
Transformation computation from direct to reciprocal cell 103
Transformation equations for Delaunay foursider 175
Transformation from reduced cell to unit cell 144
Transformation matrices 144 145
Transformation matrices from reduced cell to unit cell 148
Transformation, matrix 144 158
translating 28
Translation 4 20 29
Translation gliding 260
Translation, camera 21
Translation, conjugate 4 109 126 138
Translation, reciprocal-lattice 109
Translation, reduced 138
Transmission method 42
Transmitted beam 36
Transparent scales 77
Triangle, principal 125 127 128
Triangular diagram 154
Triclinic crystal 53 55 56 89 90 106
Triclinic system 49 50 53 60 90 92
Tube target, impurity in 251
Tube, capillary 38 231
Tube, x-ray 12 19 21
Tungsten 252
Tungsten contamination of target 252
Tungsten wire 259
Two-dimensional lattice 125
Two-dimensional pattern 4
Type I cell 131
Type II cell 131
Type of lattice centering 142
Type, Bravais lattice 124
Type, reduced-cell 141 144
Type, space-lattice 143 172
Umbrella effect 217 236
Undesirable reflection 252
Uneven background 213
Unfiltered radiation 224
Uniaxial crystal 242
Unit cell 5 126
Unit cell, dimensions of 35
Unit cell, isometric 11
Unit cell, primitive 107 128
Unit cell, reciprocal 109
Unit cell, reciprocal, edge of 107
Unit cell, reciprocal, verification of 109
Unit parallelepiped 5
Unit-cell size 35
Unknown, hexagonal 72
Unknown, identification of 190
Unknown, isometric 61
Unknown, tetragonal 62
Unsymmetrical scalars 144 155
Values, difference between 84 85
Values, glancing-angle 234
Vand procedure 89
Vand, V. 80 87 90
Vand’s method 87 89
Vector in reciprocal space 106
Vector, noncoplanar 108
Vector, reciprocal-lattice 95 99 102 107
Vector, shortest 126
Verification of reciprocal unit cell 109
Very small crystallite 255
Viewer 40 41
Visual method 185
Volume, fractional 235
Volume, index 189 190 194
Volume, percentage 202
Waite, J.M. 45
Wakelin, R.J. 209
Warga, M.E. 209
Warren, B.E. 78 212 218 256
Wasilewski, R.J. 78
Wave front 6 8
Wavelength, selection of 221
Wax 266
Wax, picein 38
wedge 41
Wedge, neutral 185
Weight percentage 206
Weissberger, A. 77
Weyerer, H. 77
Wilhelm, J.O. 78
Wilson, A.J.C. 25 31 209 217 218
Window 21 35
Wire, tungsten 259
Wooster, W.A. 91
X-radiation 32
X-radiation, characteristic 33
X-radiation, penetrating power of 34
X-ray beam 19—21
X-ray film 29
X-ray fluorescence analysis 183
X-ray intensity 26
X-ray line width 255
X-ray powder-data file 183 184 187 189
X-ray tube 12 19 21
X-ray tube mounting 20 21
X-rays, coherently scattered 250
X-rays, index of refraction for 212
X-rays, scattered 8
Zachariasen, F.W.H. 212
Zannetti, R. 234 244
Zinc sulfide 262
Zone 92
Zone axis 92
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