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Leonid V.Azaroff, Buerger M.L. — Powder Method in X-Ray Crystallography
Leonid V.Azaroff, Buerger M.L. — Powder Method in X-Ray Crystallography

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Название: Powder Method in X-Ray Crystallography

Авторы: Leonid V.Azaroff, Buerger M.L.


The powder method—the analysis of poly< ryslalline or powdered materials by passing x-rays through the sample and recording the resulting diagram— is probably the most widely used application of x-ray diffraction, as well as one of the most modern and accurate means of analysis. This book contains a complete exposition of the principles and utilization of the powder method.
The practice of the powder method is inherently simple, and the results it provides are so valuable that it is used as a routine tool not only in many branches of science but in many industries. But frequently the person making and interpreting powder photographs for this purpose has no specific training in the subject. It is for this person that the book has been written. The authors show him what the powder method is, how it fits into the larger field of x-ray crystallography, and how to interpret the results obtained from its use.
The discussion is kept on a fundamental plane, and no mathematics beyond simple vector algebra is assumed. ЛИ necessary mathematics is included in the simplest and most complete way possible. Detailed examples illustrate virtually all principles, and a complete collection of charts for laboratory use of indexing procedures is included.
A unique feature of this book is the detailed discussion of the indexing of powder photographs for all possible symmetries. This includes mention of all indexing systems deviled to date.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1958

Количество страниц: 342

Добавлена в каталог: 05.08.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Crystal, cubic      231
Crystal, disordered      263
Crystal, hexagonal      62 77 78 80 106 117
Crystal, hexagonal, charts for Bjurstroem      72
Crystal, hexagonal, charts for Bond      73
Crystal, hexagonal, charts for Harrington      74
Crystal, hexagonal, charts for Hull — Davey      71
Crystal, ideal      261
Crystal, imperfect      265
Crystal, imperfection in      262
Crystal, isometric      49 61 62 77 80 106 117 224 233 241 243
Crystal, isometric, indexing chart for      61
Crystal, monoclinic      56 89 93 106
Crystal, nonisometric      242
Crystal, nonorthogonal      49
Crystal, orthogonal      49
Crystal, orthorhombic      49 78 84 118
Crystal, plastically deformed      260
Crystal, rhombohedral      62 83 227 231
Crystal, rhombohedral, charts for Bond      76
Crystal, rhombohedral, charts for Hull — Davey      75
Crystal, single      256
Crystal, strains in      261
Crystal, tetragonal      49 62 63 77 78 80 106 117
Crystal, tetragonal, charts for Bjurstroem      66
Crystal, tetragonal, charts for Bond      69
Crystal, tetragonal, charts for Bunn      68
Crystal, tetragonal, charts for Harrington      70
Crystal, tetragonal, charts for Hull — Davey      64
Crystal, triclinic      53 55 56 89 90 106
Crystal, uniaxial      242
Crystal-lattice axes      97
Crystalline state      4
Crystallite of proper size      256
Crystallite size      254 258
Crystallite, absolute size of      256
Crystallite, small      255
Crystallite, very small      255
Crystallographic data      187
Cubic close-packed array      262
Cubic crystal      231
Cubic lattice      231
Cubic lattice, body-centered      224
Cubic lattice, face-centered      225
Cup, lead      26
Curve, radial-distribution      266
Cutter, film      29
Cylinder, camera      18
Cylindrical camera      39 42
d, increasing accuracy of      220
d, sequence of listing      189
Das Guptai, D.R.      91
Data, crystallographic      187
Data, experimental      187
Data, optical      187
Data, powder      189
Davey, W.P.      62 63 65 72 77 183 244
Debye — Scherrer method      1
Debye, P.      1 3 45 78 250.
Deformation orientation      259 260
Delaunay foursider      166 167 170 172 176 177 179
Delaunay foursider, transformation equation for      175
Delaunay method      152
Delaunay reduction      167 169 170 177
Delaunay reduction procedure      176
Delaunay, B.      160 166 180
Densest net      127
Densitometer      185
density      184
Dental film clip      42
Determination of correct reciprocal lattice      107
Determination of reciprocal-cell edges      107
Determination, particle-size      256
Device, centering      28
Device, film-measuring      57
Device, film-reading      231
Diagram, diffraction      2
Diagram, fan      66
Diagram, fan, Bjurstroem      67
Diagram, pole figure      260
Diagram, rotating-crystal      260
Diagram, standard      198 199
Diagram, triangular      154
Diameter, camera      22
diamond      249
Diaphragm      12
Difference between $\sin^{2}\theta$ values      84 85
Difference, path      8
Diffracted-beam cone      100
Diffraction angle      58
Diffraction diagram      2
Diffraction effect, spurious      252
Diffractometer      3
Diffuse maxima      250
Diluent      234
Dimension, cell      35 46 55
Dimension, direct-cell      103
Dimension, reciprocal-cell      103
Diophantine equation      80
Dioxide, titanium      257
Direct beam      13 18 26 28 35
Direct cell      50
Direct lattice      50 92
Direct x-ray beam      28
Direct-beam catcher      40—42
Direct-beam path      42
Direct-beam system      25
Direct-cell dimension      103
Dirichlet, G.L.      159
Discharge, static      29
Disordered crystal      263
Displacement, shear      260
Distance, specimen-to-film      42
Distribution of cell types among crystal systems      143
Distribution of scalar representations among crystal systems      143
Divergence of x-ray beam      216
Diverging x-ray beam      212
Donnay, J.D.H.      208
Double photometer      185
Double-coated photographic film      184
Doublet      251
Doubling, line      251
Dovetail      20
Drive      29
Dunn, H.W.      45
Durst, G.F.      45
Eastabrook, J.N.      217 218
Ebert, F.      78
Eccentricity errors      29
Eccentricity, specimen      215
Edge of reciprocal unit cell      107
Edge, absorption      35 36 248
Edge, cell      49
Edge, knife      42
Edge, reciprocal-cell      49 50
Effect, absorption      203
Effect, polarization      250
Effect, spurious diffraction      252
Effect, umbrella      217 236
Eisenstein, G.      159
Elastic limit      261 262
Electron      6
Elementary tetrahedron      126
Emulsion, film      248
Entrance port      21 23
Entrance-port assembly      26 28 29
Equation, Bragg      13 35 59 221 223 224 240
Equation, Diophantine      80
Equation, normal      242 243
Equation, Scherrer      255
Error of observation      210
Error, absorption      236 240
Error, absorption, matching      234
Error, beam-divergence      236
Error, eccentricity      29
Error, experimental      210
Error, geometrical      211
Error, physical      211
Error, radius      216 236
error, random      243 244
Error, reading      210 217
Error, specimen-eccentricity      236 240
Error, subjective      217
Error, systematic      211 217 240
Erwin, B.W.      77
Eulitz, W.      62 78
Ewald, P.P.      105
Examination, microscopic      56
Exit port      23
Exit-beam shield      28
Exit-port assembly      26 28
Exit-port hole      28
Experimental data      187
Experimental error      210
Exposure      32
Exposure scale      186
Exposure time      42 184 185
Extinction, lattice      81
Extinction, space-group      87
Extinguished reflection      111
Extra line      197
Extraneous line      198
Extrapolation function      238
Extrapolation procedure      239
Extrapolation, Bradley and Jay      235
Extrapolation, graphical      235
Extrapolation, Kettmann      235
Extrapolation, Nelson      238
Extrapolation, Riley      238
Extrapolation, Sinclair      238
Extrapolation, Taylor      238
Face-centered cubic lattice      225
Face-centered lattice      81
Factor, conversion      22
Factor, Lorentz      250
Factor, Lorentz-polarization      199 201 250
Factor, structure      201
Fan diagram      66
FAT      87
Fatty acid      87
Fault, stacking      262 263
Ferro, R.      91
FILE      189 200
File card      183 187 195 198
File, powder data      200
File, powder data, x-ray      183 184 187 189
File, powder data, x-ray, index to      190
film      23 29 40
Film arrangement      23
Film arrangement, Straumanis      25
Film comparator      198
Film cutter      29
Film emulsion      248
Film holder      41
Film library      181
Film location      18
Film mounting, asymmetric      231
Film placement, Straumanis      23
Film punch      29
Film shrinkage      216
Film, double-coated, line displacement by      214
Film, flat      14
Film, photographic      21 22
Film, photographic, double-coated      184
Film, sheet      30
Film, single-emulsion      214
Film, standard      181 182 198
Film, x-ray      29
Film-measuring device      57
Film-reading device      231
Filter      34 35 248
Filtered radiation      34
Finger, movable      23
Flat cassette      42 43 220
Flat film      14
Flat-cassette camera      42
Flat-cassette method      258
Floyd, R.W.      245
Fluorescence      247 248
Fluorescent radiation      36 247
Fluorescent scattering      247
Fluorescent screen      21 26 28
Focal spot      12 21
Fogged film      26
Fogging      38
Foil      34 35
Foote, F.      245
Forceps      28
Form, reduced      124
Form, ternary quadratic      166
Formula, chemical      187
Formula, structural      187
Forward reflection      23
Foursider representation      176
Foursider, Delaunay      166 167 170 172 176 177 179
Foursider, reduced      170 172 176—180
Fractional volume      235
Fraternal cell      161 169
Fraternal cell in three dimensions      163
Fraternal set      161 162 169
Frevel procedure      182
Frevel, L.K.      45 182 183 208
Fricke, R.      45
Front, wave      8
Front-reflection method      42
Front-reflection region      43 248
Function, extrapolation      238
Fundamental reflection      263
Gas      266
Gauss, C.F.      159 239
Geiger counter      3
General Electric Co.      77
General radiation      34 248
Geometrical error      211
Geometry, cell      46
Ghatti gum      38
Gibons, G.      45
Glancing angle      8 10 13
Glancing-angle value      234
Glass      261 266
Glass capillaries      200 252
Glass, lead      28
Gliding, translation      260
Goldschmidt, V.      208 209
Gordon, S.G.      208
Gouzou, J.      78
Gradient, stress      261
Graphical determination of the reduced cell      131 145
Graphical extrapolation      235
Graphical indexing procedures      77 78
Graphical method      60 79 152 243 244
Graphical method for indexing      62
Graphical representation of lattice      145
graphite      263 265
Grothenhuis, M.      45
Group, Hanawalt      190
Grouping, Hanawalt      189
Guest, P.G.      45
Guinier, A.      44
Gum, ghatti      38
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